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21 Artikel gefunden


Mosekilde, Erich and Lis: Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution. [= NATO ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 270]
 New York - London, Plenum Press, 1991.

Mosekilde, Erich and Lis: Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution. [= NATO ASI Series B:..

48,00 €
Lindenmeyer, Paul H. (Hg.): Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. The 25th Anniversary Conference of The Fiber So Society Held at Boston, Massachusetts, September 21-23, 1966. [= Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 20]
 New York - Londo

Lindenmeyer, Paul H. (Hg.): Supramolecular Structure in Fibers. The 25th Anniversary Conference of..

15,00 €
Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society Symposium Held at Phoenix, Arizona, January 18, 1966. [= Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 18]
 New York - London - Sydney, Interscience Pub

Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society..

15,00 €
Geil, Phillip H. (Hg.): Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B: Physics. Volume B1. [1] Number 1. [2] Number 2. [3] Number 3
 New York, Marcel Dekker, March / August / October 1967.

Geil, Phillip H. (Hg.): Journal of Macromolecular Science. Part B: Physics. Volume B1. [1] Number..

54,00 €
Feagin, James M: Methoden der Quantenmechanik mit Mathematica. Übersetzt von Felix Pahl. Mit einem Geleitwort von S. Brandt und H. D. Dahmen. Mit 80 Abbildungen, zahlreichen Übungen
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer, 1995.

Feagin, James M: Methoden der Quantenmechanik mit Mathematica. Übersetzt von Felix Pahl. Mit einem..

14,00 €
Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media
 Chichester - New York - London - Sydney - Toronto, Ellis Horwood - Halsted Press, 1976.

Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media Chichester New York London Sydney Toronto..

25,00 €
Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes. Aussois, France, June 11-15, 1984]
 Berlin - New York, Walter de Gruyter, 1985.

Rostas, Francois (Hg.): Spectral Line Shapes. Volume 3. [= Proceedings of the Seventh International..

44,00 €
Lévy, Maurice et al. (eds.): Particle physics. NATO ASI series. Series B, Physics 223.

Lévy, Maurice et al. (eds.): Particle physics. NATO ASI series. Series B, Physics 223.

75,00 €
Cremer, Lothar; Heckl, Manfred: Körperschall. Physikalische Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen. Berichtigter Reprint
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer-Verlag, 1982.

Cremer, Lothar; Heckl, Manfred: Körperschall. Physikalische Grundlagen und technische Anwendungen..

40,00 €
Eisenbud, Leonard: The Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Reinhold Momentum Book #24]
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, (1971).

Eisenbud, Leonard: The Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Published for the Commission on..

10,00 €
Trigg, George L: Crucial Experiments in Modern Physics. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Reinhold Momentum Book #23]
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, (1971).

Trigg, George L: Crucial Experiments in Modern Physics. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Hidy, George M: The Waves. The Nature of Sea Motion. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Reinhold Momentum Book #21]
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, (1971).

Hidy, George M: The Waves. The Nature of Sea Motion. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Mann, Wilfrid B.; Garfinkel, S. B: Radioactivity and Ist Measurement. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #10]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1966).

Mann, Wilfrid B.; Garfinkel, S. B: Radioactivity and Ist Measurement. Published for the Commission..

10,00 €
Katz, Robert: An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #9]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Katz, Robert: An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity. Published for the Commission on..

10,00 €
Shurcliff, William A.; Ballard, Stanley S: Polarized Light. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #7]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Shurcliff, William A.; Ballard, Stanley S: Polarized Light. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Waldron, R. A: Waves and Oscillations. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #4]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Waldron, R. A: Waves and Oscillations. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van..

10,00 €
Smith, Alex G.; Carr, Thomas D: Radio Exploration of the Planetary System. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #2]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Smith, Alex G.; Carr, Thomas D: Radio Exploration of the Planetary System. Published for the..

10,00 €
Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of Electricity. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #3]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (

Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of..

14,00 €
Leavenworth, Isabel: A methodological analysis of the physics of Pascal. Dissertation.

Leavenworth, Isabel: A methodological analysis of the physics of Pascal. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Fogiel, M. [Hrsg.]: The electromagnetics Problem Solver. Rev. Print.

Fogiel, M. [Hrsg.]: The electromagnetics Problem Solver. Rev. Print.

40,00 €
Lewellen, John: Understanding Electronics. From Vacuum Tube to Thinking Machine.

Lewellen, John: Understanding Electronics. From Vacuum Tube to Thinking Machine.

18,00 €
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