Naturwissenschaften: Zoologie

8.879 Artikel gefunden


Whatley, R. C.; Dingle, R. V: First record of an extant, sighted, shallow-water species of the genus Poseidonamicus Benson (Ostracoda) from the continental margin of south-western Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 98,11.

Whatley, R. C.; Dingle, R. V: First record of an extant, sighted, shallow water species of the..

14,00 €
Kensley, Brian: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, part 7: Marine Isopoda. Annals of the South African Museum 74,5.

Kensley, Brian: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, part 7: Marine Isopoda. Annals of..

14,00 €
Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae (Osteichthyes, Myctophiformes) from the 1979 - Sargasso Sea Expedition of RV Anton Dohrn..Annals of the South African Museum 96,2.

Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae..

14,00 €
Smit, F. G. A. M: Siphonaptera of New Zealand. Transaction of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 7,1.

Smit, F. G. A. M: Siphonaptera of New Zealand. Transaction of the Royal Society of New Zealand..

14,00 €
Penrith, Mary-Louise: The systematics of the fishes of the family Clinidae in South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 55,1.

Penrith, Mary Louise: The systematics of the fishes of the family Clinidae in South Africa. Annals..

14,00 €
Talbot, Frank Hamilton; Penrith, Mary-Louise: The tunas of the genus Thunnus in South African waters..Annals of the South African Museum 52,1.

Talbot, Frank Hamilton; Penrith, Mary Louise: The tunas of the genus Thunnus in South African..

14,00 €
Kensley, Brian: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, part 15. Marine isopoda of the 1977, 1978, 1979 cruises. Annals of the South African Museum 93.4.

Kensley, Brian: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, part 15. Marine isopoda of the..

14,00 €
Kensley, Brian: Decapod and isopod crustaceans from the west coast of southern Africa, including Seamounts Vema and Tripp. Annals of the South African Museum 83,2.

Kensley, Brian: Decapod and isopod crustaceans from the west coast of southern Africa, including..

14,00 €
Fooden, Jack: Taxonomy and evolution of the sinica group macaques, part 3: Species and subspecies accounts of Macaca assamensis. Fieldiana. Zoology N.S. 10 = Publication 1329.

Fooden, Jack: Taxonomy and evolution of the sinica group macaques, part 3: Species and subspecies..

14,00 €
Balen, Jan Hendrik van: De dierenwereld van Insulinde : in woord en beeld, Deel 1: De zoogdieren.

Balen, Jan Hendrik van: De dierenwereld van Insulinde : in woord en beeld, Deel 1: De zoogdieren.

14,00 €
Fooden, Jack: Taxonomy and evolution of the sinica group macaques, part 2: Species and subspecies accounts of the Indian Bonnet Macaque, Macaca Radiata. Fieldiana. Zoology N.S. 9 = Publication 1325.

Fooden, Jack: Taxonomy and evolution of the sinica group macaques, part 2: Species and subspecies..

14,00 €
Kensley, Brian: A small collection of Decapod Crustacea from Mocambique. Annals of the South African Museum 57,5.

Kensley, Brian: A small collection of Decapod Crustacea from Mocambique. Annals of the South..

14,00 €
Freitas, Antonio J De: A new genus and species of the Penaeoid family : Solenoceridae (Crustacea, Decapoda) from South-East African waters. Annals of the South African Museum 77.7.

Freitas, Antonio J De: A new genus and species of the Penaeoid family : Solenoceridae (Crustacea..

14,00 €
Meyer de Schauensee, Rodolphe: The birds of China.

Meyer de Schauensee, Rodolphe: The birds of China.

14,00 €
Pannekoek, A J: Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K. Martin),  396-435.

Pannekoek, A J: Brachiopoda. Sonderdruck aus. Leidse Geologische Mededelingen 5 (Feestbundel K..

14,00 €
Earlé, R.A: The nest of the South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,2.

Earlé, R.A: The nest of the South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae)..

14,00 €
Earlé, R.A: Predators, parasites and symbionts of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo Spilodera (aves: hirundinidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,1.

Earlé, R.A: Predators, parasites and symbionts of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo..

14,00 €
Earlé, R.A: Reappraisal of variation in the ground Woodpecker Geocolaptes olivaceus (Gmelin) (Aves: Picidae) with notes on its moult. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,7.

Earlé, R.A: Reappraisal of variation in the ground Woodpecker Geocolaptes olivaceus (Gmelin)..

14,00 €
Earlé, R.A: Foraging behaviour and diet of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo Spilodera (aves: hirundinidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,4.

Earlé, R.A: Foraging behaviour and diet of the South African cliff swallow Hirundo Spilodera..

14,00 €
Earlé, R.A: A description of the social, aggressive and maintenance behaviour of the South African Cliff Swallow Hirundo spilodera (Aves: Hirundinidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 5,3.

Earlé, R.A: A description of the social, aggressive and maintenance behaviour of the South African..

14,00 €
Cottrille, W. Powell ; Cottrille, Betty Darling: Great blue heron: behavior at the nest. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 102.

Cottrille, W. Powell ; Cottrille, Betty Darling: Great blue heron: behavior at the nest. Museum of..

14,00 €
Johnson, Phyllis T. ; Traub, Robert: Revision of the flea genus Peromyscopsylla. Smithsonian miscellaneous collections 123,4 = Smithsonian Institution Press publication 4178.

Johnson, Phyllis T. ; Traub, Robert: Revision of the flea genus Peromyscopsylla. Smithsonian..

14,00 €
Belkin, John N: Mosquitoes of the genus Tripteroides in the Solomon Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 100,3262.

Belkin, John N: Mosquitoes of the genus Tripteroides in the Solomon Islands. Proceedings of the..

14,00 €
Bouvier, Eugène Louis: Zoologie : Sur les Gennadas ou Pénéides bathypélagiques. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Musée océanogr. de Monaco 80.

Bouvier, Eugène Louis: Zoologie : Sur les Gennadas ou Pénéides bathypélagiques. Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 43,3/4.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 43,3/4.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 43,1/2.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 43,1/2.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,4.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,4.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,3.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,3.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,2.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,2.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,1.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 42,1.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,4.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,4.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,3.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,3.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,2.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,2.

14,00 €
Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,1.

Vita marina : international magazine on sea and shells 41,1.

14,00 €
Decker, A. H. de ; Kaczmaruk, B. Z. ; Marska, G: A new species of Calanus (Copepoda, Calanoida) from South African waters. Annals of the South African Museum 101,3.

Decker, A. H. de ; Kaczmaruk, B. Z. ; Marska, G: A new species of Calanus (Copepoda, Calanoida)..

14,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L; Walker, Boyd W; Johnson, R.E: Hybridization in nature between species of American Cyprinodont fishes. Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology 23.

Hubbs, Carl L; Walker, Boyd W; Johnson, R.E: Hybridization in nature between species of American..

14,00 €
Aubert, Andre-Joseph-Marius; Dollfus, Adrien: Notice sur les isopodes terrestres de Marseille et de salon avec descriptions et figures d'espèces nouvelles.

Aubert, Andre Joseph Marius; Dollfus, Adrien: Notice sur les isopodes terrestres de Marseille et de..

14,00 €
Flot, Marcelle: Description de deux oiseaux nouveaux du gypse parisien. Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France. Paléontologie 7.

Flot, Marcelle: Description de deux oiseaux nouveaux du gypse parisien. Mémoires de la Société..

14,00 €
Thandar, Ahmed S: The South African Museum's Meiring Naude cruises, 18. Holothuroidea. Annals of the South African Museum 101,7.

Thandar, Ahmed S: The South African Museum's Meiring Naude cruises, 18. Holothuroidea. Annals of..

14,00 €
Cooper, G. Arthur: Brachiopods (recent). Memoirs of the hourglass cruises 3,3.

Cooper, G. Arthur: Brachiopods (recent). Memoirs of the hourglass cruises 3,3.

14,00 €
Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd. 4, Lfg. 1.

Hellmich, Walter (Hrsg.): Khumbu Himal : Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya, Bd..

14,00 €
Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

14,00 €
Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist and the sportsman. 8. print.

Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist..

14,00 €
Varga, Lajos: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes, Archipodiata, Füzet 9. Csillóshasúak - Gastrotricha.

Varga, Lajos: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes - Archipodiata, Füzet 4. Élösködö fonálférgek III. - Nematoda parasitica III.

Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Iharos, Gyula: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes, Archipodiata, Füzet 12. Féreglábúak I.: Medveállatkák - Archipodiata I.: Tardigrada.

Iharos, Gyula: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Hyaenidae from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and their relevance to the phylogeny of the family. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 76, 265-297.

Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Hyaenidae from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and their relevance to the..

14,00 €
Andrássy, István: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes - Archipodiata, Füzet 10. Gyürüsférgek I. - Annelida I.

Andrássy, István: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €