Naturwissenschaften: Zoologie

8.916 Artikel gefunden


Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist and the sportsman. 8. print.

Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist..

14,00 €
Redikorzev, W: Die Ascidien des sibirischen Eismeeres. Zapiski Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk po Fiziko-Matematiceskomu Otdeleniju 8,18,11.

Redikorzev, W: Die Ascidien des sibirischen Eismeeres. Zapiski Imperatorskoj Akademii Nauk po..

26,00 €
Snyder, Lester Lynne: Arctic birds of Canada.

Snyder, Lester Lynne: Arctic birds of Canada.

19,00 €
Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do Instituto de Investigaçao cient??fica de Moçambique : Serie A (Sciencias Biologicas) 10 + 11.

Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do..

34,00 €
Menegaux, A; Guy Babault: Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise et dans l'Ouganda. Etude d'une collection d'oiseaux de l'Afrique orientale anglaise et de l'Ouganda.

Menegaux, A; Guy Babault: Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise et dans..

45,00 €
Maliepaard, Cornelis Henricus J.; Vos, Antoon de: Dieren sterven uit : de fossielen van morgen in de vijf werelddelen.

Maliepaard, Cornelis Henricus J.; Vos, Antoon de: Dieren sterven uit : de fossielen van morgen in..

45,00 €
Horning, D. S.; Schuster, R. O.; Grigarick, A. A: Tardigrada of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of zoology 5, 185-280.

Horning, D. S.; Schuster, R. O.; Grigarick, A. A: Tardigrada of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New..

16,00 €
Gasow, Heinrich (Red.): Aufgaben und Arbeiten in der angewandten Vogelkunde : Festschrift zur Einweihung des Institutsgebäudes der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Vogelschutzwarte Essen-Altenhundem, Institut für Angewandte Vogelkunde.

Gasow, Heinrich (Red.): Aufgaben und Arbeiten in der angewandten Vogelkunde : Festschrift zur..

24,00 €
Lieberkind, Ingvald: Dyrenes verden I-III (complete).

Lieberkind, Ingvald: Dyrenes verden I-III (complete).

45,00 €
Mörzer Bruyns, Willem Frederik Jacob: Field guide of whales and dolphins.

Mörzer Bruyns, Willem Frederik Jacob: Field guide of whales and dolphins.

19,00 €
Réthy, Zsigmond (ed.); Popp, József (red.): Magyar madártani bibliográfia : Bibliographia Ornithologica Hungarica.

Réthy, Zsigmond (ed.); Popp, József (red.): Magyar madártani bibliográfia : Bibliographia..

40,00 €
La Gorce, John Oliver et al: The book of fishes : Game fishes, food fishes, shellfish and curios citizens of American ocean shores, lakes and rivers.

La Gorce, John Oliver et al: The book of fishes : Game fishes, food fishes, shellfish and curios..

90,00 €
Guide to the gallery of birds in the Department of zoology of the British museum (Natural history).

Guide to the gallery of birds in the Department of zoology of the British museum (Natural history).

15,00 €
Forbush, Edward Howe: A history of the game birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and adjacent states... with observations on their...recent decrease in numbers; also the means for conserving those still in existence.

Forbush, Edward Howe: A history of the game birds, wild fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and..

30,00 €
Serventy, D. L.; Whittell, H. M: A handbook of the birds of Western Australia: (with the exception of the Kimberley division). 2. ed.

Serventy, D. L.; Whittell, H. M: A handbook of the birds of Western Australia: (with the exception..

20,00 €
Metcalf, Artie L: Fishes of the Kansas River System in relation to zoogeography of the Great Plains. University of Kansas Publications. Museum of Natural History 17,3.

Metcalf, Artie L: Fishes of the Kansas River System in relation to zoogeography of the Great..

20,00 €
Archer, Geoffrey ; Godman, Eva Mary: The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden : their life histories, breeding habits, and eggs, vol. 3.

Archer, Geoffrey ; Godman, Eva Mary: The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden : their..

60,00 €
Ripley, Sidney Dillon: A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan : together with those of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon.

Ripley, Sidney Dillon: A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan : together with those of..

20,00 €
Wetmore, Alexander; Swales, Bradshaw Hall: The birds of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 155.

Wetmore, Alexander; Swales, Bradshaw Hall: The birds of Haiti and the Dominican Republic..

20,00 €
Rozkosny, R.; Vanhara, J: Czechoslovak Dipterological Literature 1976-1985.

Rozkosny, R.; Vanhara, J: Czechoslovak Dipterological Literature 1976-1985.

25,00 €
Herrick, Francis Hobart: The Home Life of Wild Birds : A new method of the study and photography of birds.

Herrick, Francis Hobart: The Home Life of Wild Birds : A new method of the study and photography of..

45,00 €
Beehler, Bruce McP: Upland birds of northeastern New Guinea : a guide to the hill and mountain birds of Morobe Province. Handbook of the Wau Ecology Institute 4.

Beehler, Bruce McP: Upland birds of northeastern New Guinea : a guide to the hill and mountain..

19,00 €
Archer, Geoffrey ; Godman, Eva Mary: The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden : their life histories, breeding habits, and eggs, vol. 4.

Archer, Geoffrey ; Godman, Eva Mary: The birds of British Somaliland and the Gulf of Aden : their..

60,00 €
Sars, G. O: Cumacea. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 3, part III + IV: Lampropidae (concludes), Platyospidae, Leuconidae.

Sars, G. O: Cumacea. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Griffin, D. J. G: The marine fauna of New Zealand : spider crabs, family Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 35 = New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 172.

Griffin, D. J. G: The marine fauna of New Zealand : spider crabs, family Majidae (Crustacea..

30,00 €
Bradford, Janet M. ; Jones, Normen S: The fauna of the Ross Sea, part 8: Pelagic copepoda (Bradford), Cumacea (Jones). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 59 = New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 206.

Bradford, Janet M. ; Jones, Normen S: The fauna of the Ross Sea, part 8: Pelagic copepoda..

12,00 €
Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2, part XI + XII: Oniscidae (concluded), Bopyridae, Dajidae.

Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Wayre, Philip: A guide to the pheasants of the world.

Wayre, Philip: A guide to the pheasants of the world.

15,00 €
Kornicker, Louis S: The marine fauna of New Zealand : benthic Ostracoda (suborder Myodocopina). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 82.

Kornicker, Louis S: The marine fauna of New Zealand : benthic Ostracoda (suborder Myodocopina). New..

24,00 €
Redeke, H.C. (red.): Het Dier in zijn Wereld - Overzicht der Levensverschijnselen in het Dierenrijk.

Redeke, H.C. (red.): Het Dier in zijn Wereld Overzicht der Levensverschijnselen in het..

50,00 €
Sars, G. O: Cumacea. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 3, part VII + VIII: Pseudocumidae, Nannastacidae, Campylaspidae.

Sars, G. O: Cumacea. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2, part VII + VIII: Desmosomidae, Munnopsidae (part).

Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2, part IX + X: Munnopsidae (concluded), Ligiidae, Trichoniscidae, Oniscidae (part).

Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species 2, part XIII + XIV: Cryptoniscidae, appendix.

Sars, G. O: Isopoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of..

15,00 €
Riley, J. H: Birds from Siam and the Malay Peninsula in the United States National Museum : collected by Drs. Hugh M. Smith and William L. Abbott. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 172.

Riley, J. H: Birds from Siam and the Malay Peninsula in the United States National Museum :..

19,00 €
Herman, R.H.; Cohn, R.M. ; MacNamara, P.D. (eds.): Principles of metabolic control in mammalian systems.

Herman, R.H.; Cohn, R.M. ; MacNamara, P.D. (eds.): Principles of metabolic control in mammalian..

29,00 €
Dell, R. K.; Jones, N. S.; Yaldwyn, J. C: Biological results of the Chatham islands 1954 expedition, part 1 : Decapoda Brachyura (Dell), Cumacea (Jones), Decapoda Natantia (Yaldwyn). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 4 = New Zealand Department o

Dell, R. K.; Jones, N. S.; Yaldwyn, J. C: Biological results of the Chatham islands 1954..

11,00 €
Hurley, Desmont E. ; Jansen, K. P: The marine fauna of New Zealand : family Sphaeromatidae (Crustacea Isopoda: Flabellifera). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 63.

Hurley, Desmont E. ; Jansen, K. P: The marine fauna of New Zealand : family Sphaeromatidae..

29,00 €
Oudemans, Johan Theodor: De Nederlandsche insecten.

Oudemans, Johan Theodor: De Nederlandsche insecten.

35,00 €
Bradford, Janet M: New parasitic Choniostomatidae (Copepoda) mainly from Antarctic and Subantarctic Ostracoda. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 67.

Bradford, Janet M: New parasitic Choniostomatidae (Copepoda) mainly from Antarctic and Subantarctic..

15,00 €
Wear, R. G. ; Fielder, D. R: The marine fauna of New Zealand: larvae of the Brachyura (Crustacea, Decapoda). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 92.

Wear, R. G. ; Fielder, D. R: The marine fauna of New Zealand: larvae of the Brachyura (Crustacea..

15,00 €
Swanson, K. M: The marine fauna of New Zealand : ostracods of the Otago shelf. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 78.

Swanson, K. M: The marine fauna of New Zealand : ostracods of the Otago shelf. New Zealand..

19,00 €
Fransen, Charles H. J. M: Taxonomy, phylogeny, historical biogeography, and historical ecology of the genus Pontonia Latreille (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae). Zoologische verhandelingen 336.

Fransen, Charles H. J. M: Taxonomy, phylogeny, historical biogeography, and historical ecology of..

35,00 €
Jones, N. S: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Crustaceans of the order Cumacea. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 23 = New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 152.

Jones, N. S: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Crustaceans of the order Cumacea. New Zealand..

20,00 €
Bradford, Janet M. ; Jillett, John B: The marine fauna of New Zealand: pelagic calanoid copepods : family Aetideidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 86.

Bradford, Janet M. ; Jillett, John B: The marine fauna of New Zealand: pelagic calanoid copepods :..

20,00 €
Tattersall, Olive S.; Edmonds, S. J: The fauna of the Ross Sea, part 4: Mysidacea (Tattersall), Sipunculoidea (Edmonds). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 27 = New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 167.

Tattersall, Olive S.; Edmonds, S. J: The fauna of the Ross Sea, part 4: Mysidacea (Tattersall)..

20,00 €
Barnard, Jerry Laurens: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Algae living Littoral Gammaridea (Crustacea Amphipoda). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 62 = New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Bulletin 210.

Barnard, Jerry Laurens: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Algae living Littoral Gammaridea..

30,00 €
Bradford, J.M. ; Haakonssen, L. ; Jillett, J.B: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Pelagic calanoid copepods ; families Euchaetidae, Phaennidae, Scolecithricidae, Diaixidae, and Tharybidae. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 90.

Bradford, J.M. ; Haakonssen, L. ; Jillett, J.B: The marine fauna of New Zealand : Pelagic calanoid..

30,00 €
Otterström, C. V: De danske Skallearter (Leuciscus rutilus L., L. Grislagine L., L. idus L. og L. erythrophthalmus L.). Undersögelser over deres Forekomst og Udnyttelse..

Otterström, C. V: De danske Skallearter (Leuciscus rutilus L., L. Grislagine L., L. idus L. og L..

35,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,9.

Journal of Conchology 21,9.

11,00 €
Pellérdy, László: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, I. kötet: Protozoa, Füzet 6. Spórás véglények II. - Sporozoa II.

Pellérdy, László: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, I. kötet: Protozoa, Füzet 6..

11,00 €
Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and relationships of the prochilodontidea, a south american family of characoid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 145,4.

Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and relationships of the prochilodontidea, a south american family of..

16,00 €
Roberts, Tyson R: The glandulocaudine characid fishes of the guayas basin in western Ecuador. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 144,8.

Roberts, Tyson R: The glandulocaudine characid fishes of the guayas basin in western Ecuador..

16,00 €
Mead, Giles W. ; Haedrich, Richard L: The distribution of the oceanic fish Brama brama. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134,2.

Mead, Giles W. ; Haedrich, Richard L: The distribution of the oceanic fish Brama brama. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Edelényi, Béla: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, II. kötet: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Füzet 6. Galandférgek I. - Cestoidea I.

Edelényi, Béla: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, II. kötet: Porifera, Cnidaria..

16,00 €
Mayer, Garry F: A revision of the cardinalfish genus Epigonus (Perciformes, Apogonidae), with descriptions of two new species. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,3.

Mayer, Garry F: A revision of the cardinalfish genus Epigonus (Perciformes, Apogonidae), with..

16,00 €
Szunyoghy, János: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, XXII. kötet: Mammalia, Füzet 1. Emlösök - Mammalia, Általános Bevezetés ; Rovarevök : Insectivora.

Szunyoghy, János: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, XXII. kötet: Mammalia, Füzet 1..

16,00 €
Varga, Lajos: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes, Archipodiata, Füzet 9. Csillóshasúak - Gastrotricha.

Varga, Lajos: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes - Archipodiata, Füzet 4. Élösködö fonálférgek III. - Nematoda parasitica III.

Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Boer, L.E.M. De; Wissen, B. van: Notogaea : een zoögeografisch overzicht van Australie, Nieuw Guinea en Nieuw Zeeland uitg. ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling Notogaea..

Boer, L.E.M. De; Wissen, B. van: Notogaea : een zoögeografisch overzicht van Australie, Nieuw..

16,00 €
Molnár, Kálmán: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, II. kötet: Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Füzet 4. Mételyek I. - Trematodes I. Közvetlen fejlödésü mételyek-monogenea.

Molnár, Kálmán: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, II. kötet: Porifera, Cnidaria..

16,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,7.

Journal of Conchology 21,7.

11,00 €
Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and classification of the neotropical characoid fishes of the families Hemiodontidae (including Anodontinae) and Parodontidae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,9.

Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and classification of the neotropical characoid fishes of the families..

16,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,11.

Journal of Conchology 21,11.

11,00 €
Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes, Archipodiata, Füzet 6. Buzogányfejü férgek - Acanthocephala.

Babos, Sándor: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

11,00 €
Iharos, Gyula: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes, Archipodiata, Füzet 12. Féreglábúak I.: Medveállatkák - Archipodiata I.: Tardigrada.

Iharos, Gyula: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Lieberkühn, Nathanael; Bermann, Isidor: Ueber Resorption der Knochensubstanz. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 11.

Lieberkühn, Nathanael; Bermann, Isidor: Ueber Resorption der Knochensubstanz. Abhandlungen der..

35,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,1.

Journal of Conchology 21,1.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,2.

Journal of Conchology 21,2.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,3.

Journal of Conchology 21,3.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,8.

Journal of Conchology 21,8.

11,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,10.

Journal of Conchology 21,10.

11,00 €
Romer, Alfred Sherwood: The braincase of the paleozoic elasmobranch Tamiobatis. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,4.

Romer, Alfred Sherwood: The braincase of the paleozoic elasmobranch Tamiobatis. Bulletin of the..

16,00 €
Duplaix-Hall, Nicole (ed.): 1974 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 14.

Duplaix-Hall, Nicole (ed.): 1974 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 14.

25,00 €
Oberholser, Harry C: The birds of the Natuna Islands. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 159.

Oberholser, Harry C: The birds of the Natuna Islands. Smithsonian Institution, United States..

11,00 €
Nicoll, Michael J: Handlist of the birds of Egypt. Ministry of Public Works, Egypt, Zoological Service 29.

Nicoll, Michael J: Handlist of the birds of Egypt. Ministry of Public Works, Egypt, Zoological..

29,00 €
Boone, Lee: Galapagos Brachyura. Zoologica 8,4.

Boone, Lee: Galapagos Brachyura. Zoologica 8,4.

31,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Mustelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Langebaanweg, South Africa. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 76, 329-357.

Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Mustelidae (Mammalia, Carnivora) from Langebaanweg, South Africa..

11,00 €
Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Hyaenidae from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and their relevance to the phylogeny of the family. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 76, 265-297.

Hendey, Q. B: Late tertiary Hyaenidae from Langebaanweg, South Africa, and their relevance to the..

14,00 €
Backus, Richard H. et al: The mesopelagic fishes collected during cruise 17 of the R/V Chain, with a method for analyzing faunal transects. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134,5.

Backus, Richard H. et al: The mesopelagic fishes collected during cruise 17 of the R/V Chain, with..

16,00 €
Thomson, Keith Stewart: Revised generic diagnoses of the fossil fishes Megalichthys and Ectosteorhachis (family Osteolepidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,9.

Thomson, Keith Stewart: Revised generic diagnoses of the fossil fishes Megalichthys and..

16,00 €
Etheridge, Robert; Carpenter, Philip Herbert: Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the geological department of the British Museum (Natural History) : with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group and a revision of the genera and specie

Etheridge, Robert; Carpenter, Philip Herbert: Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the geological..

20,00 €
Packard, Alpheus S: A monograph of the bombycine moths of North America, including their transformations and origin of the larval markings and armature, Part 3..

Packard, Alpheus S: A monograph of the bombycine moths of North America, including their..

150,00 €
Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,1.

Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of..

19,00 €
Farkas, Henrik: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, IV. kötet: Crustacea - Chilopoda, Füzet 3. Kagylósrákok - Ostracoda.

Farkas, Henrik: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, IV. kötet: Crustacea Chilopoda..

16,00 €
Wooldridge, T: Two new species of Gastrosaccus [Crustacea, Mysidacea] from sandy beaches in Transkei. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 76, 309-327.

Wooldridge, T: Two new species of Gastrosaccus [Crustacea, Mysidacea] from sandy beaches in..

11,00 €
Mead, Giles W. ; Falla, J E. De: New oceanic cheilodipterid fishes from the Indian ocean. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134,7.

Mead, Giles W. ; Falla, J E. De: New oceanic cheilodipterid fishes from the Indian ocean. Bulletin..

16,00 €
Bade, E: Das Seewasser-Aquarium, seine Einrichtung, seine Bewohner und seine Pflege : mit einem Anhang : Das Brackwasser-Aquarium.

Bade, E: Das Seewasser Aquarium, seine Einrichtung, seine Bewohner und seine Pflege : mit einem..

36,00 €
Andrássy, István: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes - Archipodiata, Füzet 10. Gyürüsférgek I. - Annelida I.

Andrássy, István: Magyarország állatvilága = Fauna Hungariae, III. kötet: Nemathelminthes..

14,00 €
Thomson, Keith Stewart: The comparative anatomy of the snout in rhipidistian fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,10.

Thomson, Keith Stewart: The comparative anatomy of the snout in rhipidistian fishes. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 214.

Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United..

9,00 €
Springer, Victor G: Osteology and classification of the fishes of the family Blenniidae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 284.

Springer, Victor G: Osteology and classification of the fishes of the family Blenniidae..

12,00 €
Fauvel, Pierre: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 2/7: Annélides polychétes. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique : Hors série.

Fauvel, Pierre: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA..

20,00 €
Augener, Hermann: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 2/6: Hirudinea. Memoires du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique : Hors série.

Augener, Hermann: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA..

15,00 €
Jordan, David Starr; Evermann, Barton Warren: The genera of fishes, a contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. Leland Stanford Junior University publications. University series (no. 27. 36, 39 in 1).

Jordan, David Starr; Evermann, Barton Warren: The genera of fishes, a contribution to the stability..

75,00 €
Guida per l'acquario della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Aquarium Neapolitanum. 10. ed.

Guida per l'acquario della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Aquarium Neapolitanum. 10. ed.

20,00 €
Penard, Eugène: Les héliozoaires d'eau douce.

Penard, Eugène: Les héliozoaires d'eau douce.

60,00 €
Bischoff, Th Ludw Wilh: Untersuchung der Eingeweide und des Gehirns des im Winter 1875 in Dresden verstorbenen Chimpansé-Weibchen. Sonderdruck aus: Mittheilungen aus dem K. Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden 2.

Bischoff, Th Ludw Wilh: Untersuchung der Eingeweide und des Gehirns des im Winter 1875 in Dresden..

30,00 €
Palombi, Arturo: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 2/8: Turbellari della..

Palombi, Arturo: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA..

16,00 €
Leloup, Eugène: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA. RR. le Prince et la Princesse Léopold de Belgique 2/3: Coelentérés hydropolypes..

Leloup, Eugène: Résultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises de LL. AA..

22,00 €