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252 Artikel gefunden


Byers, George W., R. H. Hagen, R. W. Brooks (eds.): Entomological contributions in memory of Byron A. Alexander.University of Kansas, Natural History Museum, Special publication 24.

Byers, George W., R. H. Hagen, R. W. Brooks (eds.): Entomological contributions in memory of Byron..

35,00 €
Fisher, W. S: New species of buprestid beetles from Mexico and Central America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 82,2968.

Fisher, W. S: New species of buprestid beetles from Mexico and Central America. Proceedings of the..

14,00 €
Fisher, W. S: New West Indian cerambycid beetles . Proceedings of the United States National Museum 80,2922.

Fisher, W. S: New West Indian cerambycid beetles . Proceedings of the United States National Museum..

14,00 €
McAtee, W. L. ; Malloch, John Russell: Revision of bugs of the family Cryptostemmatidae in the collection of the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 67,2585.

McAtee, W. L. ; Malloch, John Russell: Revision of bugs of the family Cryptostemmatidae in the..

14,00 €
Knight, H. H. ; McAtee, W. L: Bugs of the family Miridae of the district of Columbia and Vicinity. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 75,2784.

Knight, H. H. ; McAtee, W. L: Bugs of the family Miridae of the district of Columbia and Vicinity..

14,00 €
Poole, Robert W.; Mitter, Charles; Huettel, Milton: A revision and cladistic analysis of the Heliothis virescens species group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with a preliminary morphometric analysis of Heliothis virescens. Mississippi Entomological Museum 4. Te

Poole, Robert W.; Mitter, Charles; Huettel, Milton: A revision and cladistic analysis of the..

24,00 €
Loveridge, Arthur; Benson, C. W: Zoological Results of a fifth expedition to East Africa VII: Itinerary and conclusions : with an appendix on the avifauna. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 110,7.

Loveridge, Arthur; Benson, C. W: Zoological Results of a fifth expedition to East Africa VII:..

14,00 €
Gardiner, Linda: Rare, vanishing and lost British birds : compiled from notes by W. H. Hudson.

Gardiner, Linda: Rare, vanishing and lost British birds : compiled from notes by W. H. Hudson.

14,00 €
Hart, Charles W.; Clark, Janice: An interdisciplinary bibliography of freshwater crayfishes (Astacoidea and Parastacoidea) from Aristotle through 1985, updated through 1987.

Hart, Charles W.; Clark, Janice: An interdisciplinary bibliography of freshwater crayfishes..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 21.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

25,00 €
Richards, W. R: The Aphididae of the Canadian Arctic (Homoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Canadian Entomologist 95, 449-464.

Richards, W. R: The Aphididae of the Canadian Arctic (Homoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Canadian..

9,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 25.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 24.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 19.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 23.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 22.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 20.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und angewandten Entomologe wie der Insektenbiologie gewidmet 18.

Stichel, H. u. W. (Hrsg.): Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Entomologie, der allgemeinen und..

30,00 €
Wave, H. E. ; Shands, W. A. ; Simpson, Geddes W: Biology of the foxglove aphid in the northeastern United States. Agricultural Marketing Service technical Bulletin 1338.

Wave, H. E. ; Shands, W. A. ; Simpson, Geddes W: Biology of the foxglove aphid in the northeastern..

14,00 €
Triplehorn, 	Charles A; Kirby W. Brown: A Synopsis of the Species of Asidina in the United States with Description of a New Species from Arizona (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: The Coleopterists Bulletin 25, 73-86.

Triplehorn, Charles A; Kirby W. Brown: A Synopsis of the Species of Asidina in the United States..

9,00 €
Storer, R. W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 70 (4 in 1, complete).

Storer, R. W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology 70 (4 in 1, complete).

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 46, new ser. 38 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 46, new ser. 38 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 45, new ser. 37 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 45, new ser. 37 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 41, new ser. 33 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 41, new ser. 33 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 50, new ser. 42 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 50, new ser. 42 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 52, new ser. 44 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 52, new ser. 44 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 51, new ser. 43 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 51, new ser. 43 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 48, new ser. 40 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 48, new ser. 40 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 42, new ser. 34 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 42, new ser. 34 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 49, new ser. 41 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 49, new ser. 41 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 47, new ser. 39 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 47, new ser. 39 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 44, new ser. 36 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 44, new ser. 36 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 53, new ser. 45 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 53, new ser. 45 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk - A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 43, new ser. 35 (4 in 1, complete).

Stone, W. (ed.): The Auk A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology old ser. 43, new ser. 35 (4 in 1..

40,00 €
Middlekauff, W. W: The horse flies and deer flies of California (Diptera-Tabanidae). Bulletin of the California Insect Survey 1,1.

Middlekauff, W. W: The horse flies and deer flies of California (Diptera Tabanidae). Bulletin of..

16,00 €
McAtee, W. L: Notes on nearctic bibionid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 60,2406.

McAtee, W. L: Notes on nearctic bibionid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum..

14,00 €
Malloch, John Russell; McAtee, W. L: Keys to flies of the families Lonchaeidae, Pallopteridae, and Sapromyzidae of the eastern United States, with a list of the species of the District of Columbia region. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 6

Malloch, John Russell; McAtee, W. L: Keys to flies of the families Lonchaeidae, Pallopteridae, and..

14,00 €
Kulincevic, J.; Rothenbuhler, W.; Rinderer, T: Disappearing disease: iii. a comparison of seven different stocks of the honey bee (Apis mellifera). Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center) 1160.

Kulincevic, J.; Rothenbuhler, W.; Rinderer, T: Disappearing disease: iii. a comparison of seven..

14,00 €
Rocznik Muzeum Górnoslaskiego w Bytomiu = Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom, Entomology 2.

Rocznik Muzeum Górnoslaskiego w Bytomiu = Annals of the Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom, Entomology..

19,00 €
Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Coelidiinae). Part 1. New taxa with a revised key to species. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of African Zoology 105, 393-428.

Nielson, M. W: Afrotropical leafhoppers in the tribe Coelidiini (Homoptera: Cicadellidae:..

12,00 €
Metcalf, C. L.; W. E. Sanderson: Black flies and other biting flies of the Adirondacks + Control of biting flies in the Adirondacks. New York State Museum bulletin no. 289.

Metcalf, C. L.; W. E. Sanderson: Black flies and other biting flies of the Adirondacks + Control of..

16,00 €
Linsley, E G; J W McSwain: The Parasites, Predators, and Inquiline Associates of Anthophora linsleyi. Sonderdruck aus: The American Midland Naturalist 27, 402-417.

Linsley, E G; J W McSwain: The Parasites, Predators, and Inquiline Associates of Anthophora..

9,00 €
Fattig, P W: The Tabanidae or horseflies and deerflies of Georgia. Emory University, Museum bulletin 4.

Fattig, P W: The Tabanidae or horseflies and deerflies of Georgia. Emory University, Museum..

14,00 €
Rohwer, S. A: A report on a collection of Hymenoptera (mostly from California) made by W. M. Giffard. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 53,2202, S. 233 - 249.

Rohwer, S. A: A report on a collection of Hymenoptera (mostly from California) made by W. M..

12,00 €
Linsley, Earle Gorton; MacSwain, John W: Bionomics of the meloid genus Hornia (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: University of California publications in entomology 7,9, 189 - 206.

Linsley, Earle Gorton; MacSwain, John W: Bionomics of the meloid genus Hornia (Coleoptera)..

10,00 €
King, W. V. et al: A handbook of the mosquitos of the Southeastern United States. Agriculture handbook 173.

King, W. V. et al: A handbook of the mosquitos of the Southeastern United States. Agriculture..

19,00 €
Allen, Harry W: North American species of two-winged flies belonging to the tribe Miltogrammini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 68,2610.

Allen, Harry W: North American species of two winged flies belonging to the tribe Miltogrammini..

15,00 €
Gjullin, C M.; Eddy, Gaines W: The mosquitos of the northwestern United States. United States of America.- Department of Agriculture. Technical bulletin 1447.

Gjullin, C M.; Eddy, Gaines W: The mosquitos of the northwestern United States. United States of..

24,00 €
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