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1.252 Artikel gefunden


Okutani, Takashi; McGowan, John A: Systematics, distribution, and abundance of the epiplanktonic squid (Cephalopoda, Decapoda) larvae of the California Current, april, 1954 - march, 1957. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the Universi

Okutani, Takashi; McGowan, John A: Systematics, distribution, and abundance of the epiplanktonic..

16,00 €
Racek, A. A.; Dall, W: Littoral Penaeinae (Crustacea Decapoda) from Northern Australia, New Guinea, and adjacent waters. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 56,3.

Racek, A. A.; Dall, W: Littoral Penaeinae (Crustacea Decapoda) from Northern Australia, New Guinea..

19,00 €
Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne, Indrumator. P. 1-a : Protozoare, Viermi, Arthropode.

Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne, Indrumator. P. 1-a : Protozoare, Viermi, Arthropode.

30,00 €
Forbush, Edward Howe: Useful Birds and their Protection, containing brief descriptions of the more common and useful species of Massachusetts, with accounts of their food habits, and a chapter on the means of attracting and protecting birds. 2. ed.

Forbush, Edward Howe: Useful Birds and their Protection, containing brief descriptions of the more..

25,00 €
Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, part 3: Subject index. Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series 25,3 = Chicago Natural History Museum Publication 581.

Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, part 3: Subject index. Field Museum of Natural..

20,00 €
Bannerman, David A: The birds of West and Equatorial Africa, 2 vol.

Bannerman, David A: The birds of West and Equatorial Africa, 2 vol.

30,00 €
Richardson, Harriet: A monograph on the isopods of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 54. Nachdr. d. Ausg. Washington 1905.

Richardson, Harriet: A monograph on the isopods of North America. Bulletin of the United States..

35,00 €
Widmann, Otto: A preliminary Catalog of the birds of Missouri. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis 17,1.

Widmann, Otto: A preliminary Catalog of the birds of Missouri. Transactions of the Academy of..

19,00 €
David, L. ; Poll, M: Contribution a la faune ichthyologique du Congo Belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924 - 1926) et d'autres récolteurs. Annales du Musée du Congo Belge. C, Zoologie. Série 1, Poissons, reptiles, amphibiens 3,5.

David, L. ; Poll, M: Contribution a la faune ichthyologique du Congo Belge : collections du Dr. H..

50,00 €
Blair, William Frank: A contribution to the ecology and faunal relationships of the mammals of the Davis mountain region, southwestern Texas. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 46.

Blair, William Frank: A contribution to the ecology and faunal relationships of the mammals of the..

26,00 €
Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

Gibson-Hill, C. A: British sea birds.

14,00 €
Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional list.

Todd, Walter Edmond Clyde: Birds of the Labrador Peninsula and adjacent areas : a distributional..

50,00 €
Lobón Cervía, J.; Elvira, B.; Granado Lorencio, C: Fishes and their environment : proceedings of the 8th Congress of Societas Europaea Ichthyologorum (SEI) ; Oviedo..

Lobón Cervía, J.; Elvira, B.; Granado Lorencio, C: Fishes and their environment : proceedings of..

200,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Bailey, Reeve Maclaren: A revision of the black basses (Micropterus and Huro) with descriptions of four new forms. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 48.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Bailey, Reeve Maclaren: A revision of the black basses (Micropterus and Huro) with..

35,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Turner, C. L: Studies of the fishes of the order Cyprinodontes, 16: A revision of the Goodeidae. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 42.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Turner, C. L: Studies of the fishes of the order Cyprinodontes, 16: A revision of..

19,00 €
Coolidge, Harold Jefferson: A revision of the genus gorilla. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College 50,4.

Coolidge, Harold Jefferson: A revision of the genus gorilla. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative..

20,00 €
Singh Pruthi, Hem: Studies on Indian Jassidae (Homoptera), part II: Descriptions of the Genotypes of some of the Genera founded by W. L. Distant, with a revision of the Genus Moonia Distnat. Memoirs of the Indian Museum 11,2.

Singh Pruthi, Hem: Studies on Indian Jassidae (Homoptera), part II: Descriptions of the Genotypes..

19,00 €
Harris, William Pickett: Revision of Sciurus variegatoides, a species of Central American squirrel. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 38.

Harris, William Pickett: Revision of Sciurus variegatoides, a species of Central American squirrel..

19,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Trautman, Milton Bernhard: A revision of the lamprey genus Ichthyomyzon. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 35.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Trautman, Milton Bernhard: A revision of the lamprey genus Ichthyomyzon. Museum of..

19,00 €
Man, Johannes G. de: A contribution to the knowledge of twenty-two species and three varieties of the genus Callianassa Leach. Capita zoologica 2,6.

Man, Johannes G. de: A contribution to the knowledge of twenty two species and three varieties of..

26,00 €
Man, Johannes G. de: A contribution to the knowledge of twenty-one species of the genus Upogebia Leach. Capita zoologica 2,5.

Man, Johannes G. de: A contribution to the knowledge of twenty one species of the genus Upogebia..

26,00 €
Evans, M. E. G: A comparative account of the feeding methods of the beetles Nebria brevicollis (F.) (Carabidae) and Philonthus decorus (Grav.) (Staphylinidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 66,5.

Evans, M. E. G: A comparative account of the feeding methods of the beetles Nebria brevicollis (F.)..

24,00 €
Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist and the sportsman. 8. print.

Kortright, Francis H: The ducks, geese and swans of North America : a vade mecum for the naturalist..

14,00 €
Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do Instituto de Investigaçao cient??fica de Moçambique : Serie A (Sciencias Biologicas) 10 + 11.

Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do..

34,00 €
Menegaux, A; Guy Babault: Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise et dans l'Ouganda. Etude d'une collection d'oiseaux de l'Afrique orientale anglaise et de l'Ouganda.

Menegaux, A; Guy Babault: Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l'Afrique orientale anglaise et dans..

45,00 €
Horning, D. S.; Schuster, R. O.; Grigarick, A. A: Tardigrada of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of zoology 5, 185-280.

Horning, D. S.; Schuster, R. O.; Grigarick, A. A: Tardigrada of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New..

16,00 €
Forbush, Edward Howe: A history of the game birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and adjacent states... with observations on their...recent decrease in numbers; also the means for conserving those still in existence.

Forbush, Edward Howe: A history of the game birds, wild fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and..

30,00 €
Serventy, D. L.; Whittell, H. M: A handbook of the birds of Western Australia: (with the exception of the Kimberley division). 2. ed.

Serventy, D. L.; Whittell, H. M: A handbook of the birds of Western Australia: (with the exception..

20,00 €
Ripley, Sidney Dillon: A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan : together with those of Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon.

Ripley, Sidney Dillon: A synopsis of the birds of India and Pakistan : together with those of..

20,00 €
Herrick, Francis Hobart: The Home Life of Wild Birds : A new method of the study and photography of birds.

Herrick, Francis Hobart: The Home Life of Wild Birds : A new method of the study and photography of..

45,00 €
Beehler, Bruce McP: Upland birds of northeastern New Guinea : a guide to the hill and mountain birds of Morobe Province. Handbook of the Wau Ecology Institute 4.

Beehler, Bruce McP: Upland birds of northeastern New Guinea : a guide to the hill and mountain..

19,00 €
Wayre, Philip: A guide to the pheasants of the world.

Wayre, Philip: A guide to the pheasants of the world.

15,00 €
Journal of Conchology 21,9.

Journal of Conchology 21,9.

11,00 €
Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and relationships of the prochilodontidea, a south american family of characoid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 145,4.

Roberts, Tyson R: Osteology and relationships of the prochilodontidea, a south american family of..

16,00 €
Mayer, Garry F: A revision of the cardinalfish genus Epigonus (Perciformes, Apogonidae), with descriptions of two new species. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,3.

Mayer, Garry F: A revision of the cardinalfish genus Epigonus (Perciformes, Apogonidae), with..

16,00 €
Backus, Richard H. et al: The mesopelagic fishes collected during cruise 17 of the R/V Chain, with a method for analyzing faunal transects. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134,5.

Backus, Richard H. et al: The mesopelagic fishes collected during cruise 17 of the R/V Chain, with..

16,00 €
Etheridge, Robert; Carpenter, Philip Herbert: Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the geological department of the British Museum (Natural History) : with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group and a revision of the genera and specie

Etheridge, Robert; Carpenter, Philip Herbert: Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the geological..

20,00 €
Packard, Alpheus S: A monograph of the bombycine moths of North America, including their transformations and origin of the larval markings and armature, Part 3..

Packard, Alpheus S: A monograph of the bombycine moths of North America, including their..

150,00 €
Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,1.

Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of..

19,00 €
Jordan, David Starr; Evermann, Barton Warren: The genera of fishes, a contribution to the stability of scientific nomenclature. Leland Stanford Junior University publications. University series (no. 27. 36, 39 in 1).

Jordan, David Starr; Evermann, Barton Warren: The genera of fishes, a contribution to the stability..

75,00 €
Brehm, A. E: Het leven der vogels.

Brehm, A. E: Het leven der vogels.

40,00 €
Paillot, A. et al: Le carpocapse - Laspeyresia pomonella - dans les principales régions fruitières de France. Aus: Annales des épiphyties et de phytogénétique 5, 105-256.

Paillot, A. et al: Le carpocapse Laspeyresia pomonella dans les principales régions..

30,00 €
Bowers, George M. (ed.): Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries 31 for 1911, part 1 + 2: A biological survey of the waters of Woods Hole and vicinity (complete).

Bowers, George M. (ed.): Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries 31 for 1911, part 1 + 2: A biological..

50,00 €
Alikhan, M. A. (ed.): Terrestrial isopod biology. Crustacean issues 9.

Alikhan, M. A. (ed.): Terrestrial isopod biology. Crustacean issues 9.

70,00 €
Calman, William Thomas: On a Collection of Brachyura from Torres Straits. Transactions of the Linnean Soc. of London, Ser. 2. Zool. Vol. 8, P. 1.

Calman, William Thomas: On a Collection of Brachyura from Torres Straits. Transactions of the..

25,00 €
Walsingham, Thomas DeGrey: Description of a new genus and species of pyralidae from the Kangra Valley, Punjab. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, ser. 2, v. 5, part 2.

Walsingham, Thomas DeGrey: Description of a new genus and species of pyralidae from the Kangra..

19,00 €
Man, J.G. de: On a Collection of Crustacea, Decapoda and Stomatopoda, chiefly from the Inland Sea of Japan, with Descriptions of New Species. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology, ser. 2, v. 9, part 11.

Man, J.G. de: On a Collection of Crustacea, Decapoda and Stomatopoda, chiefly from the Inland Sea..

29,00 €
Reysenbach de Haan, Frederik Willem: De ceti auditu : over de gehoorzin bij de walvissen, Dissertation.

Reysenbach de Haan, Frederik Willem: De ceti auditu : over de gehoorzin bij de walvissen..

16,00 €
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