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772 Artikel gefunden


Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 146,1.

Boreske, John R: A review of the North American fossil amiid fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of..

19,00 €
Wooldridge, T: Two new species of Gastrosaccus [Crustacea, Mysidacea] from sandy beaches in Transkei. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 76, 309-327.

Wooldridge, T: Two new species of Gastrosaccus [Crustacea, Mysidacea] from sandy beaches in..

11,00 €
Mead, Giles W. ; Falla, J E. De: New oceanic cheilodipterid fishes from the Indian ocean. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134,7.

Mead, Giles W. ; Falla, J E. De: New oceanic cheilodipterid fishes from the Indian ocean. Bulletin..

16,00 €
Thomson, Keith Stewart: The comparative anatomy of the snout in rhipidistian fishes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 131,10.

Thomson, Keith Stewart: The comparative anatomy of the snout in rhipidistian fishes. Bulletin of..

16,00 €
Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 214.

Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United..

9,00 €
Springer, Victor G: Osteology and classification of the fishes of the family Blenniidae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 284.

Springer, Victor G: Osteology and classification of the fishes of the family Blenniidae..

12,00 €
Bischoff, Th Ludw Wilh: Untersuchung der Eingeweide und des Gehirns des im Winter 1875 in Dresden verstorbenen Chimpansé-Weibchen. Sonderdruck aus: Mittheilungen aus dem K. Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden 2.

Bischoff, Th Ludw Wilh: Untersuchung der Eingeweide und des Gehirns des im Winter 1875 in Dresden..

30,00 €
Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, Part 1: Phanerozonia and Spinulosa. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 76,1.

Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, Part 1: Phanerozonia..

45,00 €
Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, part 2: Forcipulata (part) + 3: Forcipulata (concluded). Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 76,2.3 (2 vol.).

Fisher, Walter Kenrick: Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters, part 2: Forcipulata..

70,00 €
Meek, Seth Eugene: An annotated list of fishes known to occur in the fresh waters of Costa Rica. Field Museum of Natural History 174 = Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series ; vol. 10, no. 10.

Meek, Seth Eugene: An annotated list of fishes known to occur in the fresh waters of Costa Rica..

16,00 €
Meek, Seth Eugene; Hildebrand, Samuel F: New Species of fishes from Panama. Field Museum of Natural History 166 = Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series ; vol. 10, no. 8.

Meek, Seth Eugene; Hildebrand, Samuel F: New Species of fishes from Panama. Field Museum of Natural..

14,00 €
Rehn, James A G: Contributions to our knowledge of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Transvaal and Natal, part 1: Dermaptera and Blattidae. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 9.

Rehn, James A G: Contributions to our knowledge of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Transvaal..

24,00 €
Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 22,4.

Annals of the = Annale van die Transvaal Museum 22,4.

24,00 €
Rehn, James A. G: Contributions to our knowledge of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Transvaal and Natal, part 2: Mantidae. Annals of the = Medelingen van hat Transvaal Museum 12,1.

Rehn, James A. G: Contributions to our knowledge of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of the Transvaal..

16,00 €
Janse, A.J. T: On the South African Notodontidae with descriptions of apparently new genera and species. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 7,3.

Janse, A.J. T: On the South African Notodontidae with descriptions of apparently new genera and..

24,00 €
Myers, Philip ; Carleton, Michael D: The species of Oryzomys (Oligoryzomys) in Paraguay and the identity of Azara's "Rat sixième ou Rat à Tarse Noir". Miscellaneous publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 161.

Myers, Philip ; Carleton, Michael D: The species of Oryzomys (Oligoryzomys) in Paraguay and the..

19,00 €
Heaney, Lawrence R: Systematics of oriental pygmy squirrels of the genera Exilisciurus and Nannosciurus (Mammalia: Sciuridae). Miscellaneous publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 170.

Heaney, Lawrence R: Systematics of oriental pygmy squirrels of the genera Exilisciurus and..

19,00 €
Meyrick, E: Descriptions of South African Micro-Lepidoptera. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 8,2, 49-148.

Meyrick, E: Descriptions of South African Micro Lepidoptera. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 8,2, 49..

30,00 €
McKitrick, Mary C: Phylogenetic analysis of avian hindlimb musculature. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 179.

McKitrick, Mary C: Phylogenetic analysis of avian hindlimb musculature. Museum of Zoology..

14,00 €
Sterba, Thomas: Die Süsswasserfische des Karl von Meidinger - mit naturhistorischen Illustrationen aus vier Jahrhunderten - aus der Reihe: Acta Biohistorica Schriften aus dem Museum und Forschungsarchiv - Band: 18.

Sterba, Thomas: Die Süsswasserfische des Karl von Meidinger mit naturhistorischen Illustrationen..

157,40 €
Wilke, Hans-Jörg: Die Geschichte der Tierillustration in Deutschland 1850-1950 - aus der Reihe: Acta Biohistorica Schriften aus dem Museum und Forschungsarchiv - Band: 17.

Wilke, Hans Jörg: Die Geschichte der Tierillustration in Deutschland 1850 1950 aus der Reihe:..

147,40 €
Shaughnessy, Peter D.; Ross, Graham J. B: Records of the subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) from South Africa with notes on its biology and some observations of captive animals. Annals of the South African Museum 82.2, S. 71-89.

Shaughnessy, Peter D.; Ross, Graham J. B: Records of the subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus..

14,00 €
Best, Peter B; Peter D Shaughnessy: First record of the melon-headed whale peponocephala electra from South Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 83.3, S. 33-47.

Best, Peter B; Peter D Shaughnessy: First record of the melon headed whale peponocephala electra..

14,00 €
Hayward, P.J.; P.L. Cook: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, 9: Bryozoa. Annals of the South African Museum 79,4.

Hayward, P.J.; P.L. Cook: The South African Museum's Meiring naude cruises, 9: Bryozoa. Annals of..

30,00 €
Lal Hora, Sunder: An aid to the study of Hamilton Buchanan's "Gangetic fishes". Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Indian Museum 9,4.

Lal Hora, Sunder: An aid to the study of Hamilton Buchanan's "Gangetic fishes". Sonderdruck aus:..

40,00 €
Allen, H W: Types of Tiphiinae (Hymenoptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88, 21-75.

Allen, H W: Types of Tiphiinae (Hymenoptera) in the British Museum (Natural History). Sonderdruck..

11,00 €
Roewer, Carl Friedrich: Alte und neue Assamiidae. Weitere Weberknechte VIII. (8.Ergänzung der "Weberknechte der Erde" 1923). Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 1,1.

Roewer, Carl Friedrich: Alte und neue Assamiidae. Weitere Weberknechte VIII. (8.Ergänzung der..

40,00 €
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 3,1-3 (komplett).

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 3,1-3 (komplett).

60,00 €
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 2,1-3 (komplett).

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 2,1-3 (komplett).

65,00 €
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 1,2.

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 1,2.

16,00 €
Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 1,3.

Veröffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Kolonial- und Uebersee-Museum Bremen 1,3.

16,00 €
Watson, J P: The taxonomic status of the slender Mongoose, Galerella sanguinea (Rüppell, 1836), in southern Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 6,10.

Watson, J P: The taxonomic status of the slender Mongoose, Galerella sanguinea (Rüppell, 1836), in..

21,00 €
Lynch, Carl David; J P Watson: The mammals of Sehlabathebe National Park, Lesotho. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 6,12.

Lynch, Carl David; J P Watson: The mammals of Sehlabathebe National Park, Lesotho. Navorsinge van..

16,00 €
Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, 4: finding index. Field Museum of Natural History  870 = Zoological series 25,4.

Strong, Reuben Myron: A bibliography of birds, 4: finding index. Field Museum of Natural History..

19,00 €
Hildebrand, Samuel F: A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum Bulletin 189.

Hildebrand, Samuel F: A descriptive catalog of the shore fishes of Peru. Smithsonian Institution..

19,00 €
Hellmayr, Charles Edward: The Birds of Chile. Field Museum of Natural History  308 = Zoological series 19.

Hellmayr, Charles Edward: The Birds of Chile. Field Museum of Natural History 308 = Zoological..

40,00 €
Walker, Kenneth: Revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Lasioglassum (Chilalictus) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) (part 1). Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 55,1.

Walker, Kenneth: Revision of the Australian native bee subgenus Lasioglassum (Chilalictus)..

30,00 €
Publications of Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series Vol. XX.

Publications of Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series Vol. XX.

50,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: The monotypic Genera of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria, part II + A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part III. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 5.7.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: The monotypic Genera of cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria, part II + A..

30,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: Towards a phyletic Classification of the 'genus' Haplochromis (Pisces, Cichlidae) and related taxa, part I + part II: The species from Lakes Victoria, Nabugabo, Edward, George and Kivu. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural His

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: Towards a phyletic Classification of the 'genus' Haplochromis (Pisces..

40,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part II: H. Sauvagei (Pfeffer), H. Prodromus Trewavas, H. Granti Blgr., and Xenognathus, SP. N. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology s

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae)..

20,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part I: H. obliquidens Hilgend., H. nigricans (Blgr.), H. nuchisquamulatus (Hilgend) and H. lividus, SP. N. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae)..

20,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part V. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 9,4.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae)..

30,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part VI. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 15,2.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae)..

30,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part IV. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 6,4.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae)..

30,00 €
Forey, Peter L: A revision of the elopiform fishes, fossil and recent. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Geology. Supplement 10.

Forey, Peter L: A revision of the elopiform fishes, fossil and recent. Bulletin of the British..

25,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Barel, C. D. N: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part VIII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 33,2.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Barel, C. D. N: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species..

30,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Gee, J. M: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part VII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 18,1.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Gee, J. M: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces..

30,00 €
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