Naturwissenschaften: Zoologie

8.887 Artikel gefunden


Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 144.

Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 144.

9,00 €
Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 151-152.

Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 151-152.

9,00 €
Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 146.

Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 146.

9,00 €
Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 145.

Psyche - A Journal of Entomology 5, no. 145.

9,00 €
Pate, V. S. L: The Pemphilidine Wasps of the Caribbees (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73,1.

Pate, V. S. L: The Pemphilidine Wasps of the Caribbees (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Green, John Wagener: New Eastern American Species of Podabrus (Coleoptera: Cantharidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73.

Green, John Wagener: New Eastern American Species of Podabrus (Coleoptera: Cantharidae)..

9,00 €
Cresson, Ezra T: A Systematic Annotated Arrangement of the Genera and Species of the Neotropical Ephydridae (Diptera). II. The Subfamily Notiphilinae. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 73,2.

Cresson, Ezra T: A Systematic Annotated Arrangement of the Genera and Species of the Neotropical..

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 14,4.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 14,4.

9,00 €
Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History) Publication 813.

Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History)..

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 13,1.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 13,1.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 14,3.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 14,3.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 15,3.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 15,3.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 15,4.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 15,4.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,3.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,3.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,4.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,4.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,2.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,2.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,3.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29,3.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,2.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,2.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 26,2.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 26,2.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,1.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,1.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,1.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 24,1.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,2.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,2.

9,00 €
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,3.

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 25,3.

9,00 €
Blöte, Hendrik Coenraad: Fauna van Nederland, 13: Homoptera (QXXI), B. Fulgoridae, Tettigometridae, Cercopidae.

Blöte, Hendrik Coenraad: Fauna van Nederland, 13: Homoptera (QXXI), B. Fulgoridae..

9,00 €
Tilley, Stephen G: A new species of Desmognathus (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 695.

Tilley, Stephen G: A new species of Desmognathus (Amphibia: Caudata: Plethodontidae) from the..

9,00 €
Thompson, Fred G: A new mexican gartersnake (genus Thamnophis) with notes on related forms. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 584.

Thompson, Fred G: A new mexican gartersnake (genus Thamnophis) with notes on related forms..

9,00 €
Thorpe, William Homan: Bird-song : the biology of vocal communication and expression in birds. Cambridge monographs in experimental biology 12.

Thorpe, William Homan: Bird song : the biology of vocal communication and expression in birds..

9,00 €
Eisma, D: Shell-characteristics of Cardium edule L. as indicators of salinity. Sonderdruck aus: Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 2, 493-540.

Eisma, D: Shell characteristics of Cardium edule L. as indicators of salinity. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Piechocki, Rudolf: Die Todesursachen der Elbe-Biber (Castor fiber Albicus Matschie 1907) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung funktioneller Wirbelsäulenstörungen. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F., 158 = Bd. 25.

Piechocki, Rudolf: Die Todesursachen der Elbe Biber (Castor fiber Albicus Matschie 1907) unter..

9,00 €
Vári, L: South African Lepidoptera, 7. Descriptions and notes on new taxa of Rhopalocera. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 30, no. 13.

Vári, L: South African Lepidoptera, 7. Descriptions and notes on new taxa of Rhopalocera. Annals..

9,00 €
Hoogmoed; M S; Jean Lescure: An annotated checklist of the lizards of French Guiana, mainly based on two recent collections.  Zoologische mededelingen uitgegeven door het Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden, dl. 49, no. 13.

Hoogmoed; M S; Jean Lescure: An annotated checklist of the lizards of French Guiana, mainly based..

9,00 €
Brongersma, Leo Daniel: Note on Vipera Russelii (Shaw).  Zoologische mededelingen uitgegeven door het Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden, dl. 36, no. 4.

Brongersma, Leo Daniel: Note on Vipera Russelii (Shaw). Zoologische mededelingen uitgegeven door..

9,00 €
Bernhardt, Karl-Georg: Die Wanzen (Heteroptera) des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Teil 1: Die Wanzen des außeralpinen Raumes. Sonderdruck aus: Berichte Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg 19, 295-325.

Bernhardt, Karl Georg: Die Wanzen (Heteroptera) des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. Teil 1: Die Wanzen..

9,00 €
Herre, Wolf: Grundfragen zoologischer Domestikationsforschung. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F. 241 = Bd. 52.

Herre, Wolf: Grundfragen zoologischer Domestikationsforschung. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F. 241 = Bd..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Zoltán: Über die Tenebrioniden einiger japanischen Inseln (II) (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: The entomol. Rev. Japan 17, 1-10.

Kaszab, Zoltán: Über die Tenebrioniden einiger japanischen Inseln (II) (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Claridge, M.F: A contribution to the biology and taxonomy of the British species of the genus Eudecatoma Ashmead (= Decatoma auctt. nec Spinola) (Hym., Eurytomidae) Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Society for British Entomology 13, 149-168.

Claridge, M.F: A contribution to the biology and taxonomy of the British species of the genus..

9,00 €
Claridge, M.F: An advance towards a natural classification of Eurytomid genera (Hym., Chalcidoidea), with particular reference to British forms. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Society for British Entomology 14, 167-185.

Claridge, M.F: An advance towards a natural classification of Eurytomid genera (Hym..

9,00 €
Lühmann, M.; Mann, H: Über die Wanderung der Aale in der Elbe. Sonderdruck aus: Der Fischwirt 12, 3-27.

Lühmann, M.; Mann, H: Über die Wanderung der Aale in der Elbe. Sonderdruck aus: Der Fischwirt 12..

9,00 €
Lehmann, Ulrich: Drift und Populationsdynamik von Gammarus pulex fossarum Koch. Sonderdruck aus: Z. Morph. Ökol.Tiere 60, 227-274.

Lehmann, Ulrich: Drift und Populationsdynamik von Gammarus pulex fossarum Koch. Sonderdruck aus: Z..

9,00 €
Peterson, Paul C. ; Atyeo, Warren T: New genera related to the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 ; (Acarina: Proctophyllodidae). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum 8, 217-236.

Peterson, Paul C. ; Atyeo, Warren T: New genera related to the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 ;..

9,00 €
Seevers, Charles Hamilton: A new subfamily of beetles parasitic on mammals : Staphylinidae, Amblyopininae. Sonderdruck aus: Field Museum of Natural History. Zoological series 28,3, 155 - 172.

Seevers, Charles Hamilton: A new subfamily of beetles parasitic on mammals : Staphylinidae..

9,00 €
Avenant, N. L.; Watson, J. P: Mammals of Sandveld Nature Reserve, Free State Province, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 18,1.

Avenant, N. L.; Watson, J. P: Mammals of Sandveld Nature Reserve, Free State Province, South..

9,00 €
Avenant, N L: Terrestrial small-mammal diversity in Korannaberg Conservancy, Free State, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 16,4.

Avenant, N L: Terrestrial small mammal diversity in Korannaberg Conservancy, Free State, South..

9,00 €
Edwards, Frederick Wallace: Mosquitoes and their relation to disease : their life-history, habits and control. 4. ed.

Edwards, Frederick Wallace: Mosquitoes and their relation to disease : their life history, habits..

9,00 €
Kohl, F. F: Ueber neue u. seltene Antilopen d. k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Sonderdruck aus: Annalen d. k.k. naturhistor. Hofmuseums 1, 77-86.

Kohl, F. F: Ueber neue u. seltene Antilopen d. k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Hatch, Melville H. ; Rueter, William, Jr: Coleoptera of Washington: Silphidae. Sonderdruck aus: University of Washington publications in biology 1, 149 - 162.

Hatch, Melville H. ; Rueter, William, Jr: Coleoptera of Washington: Silphidae. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Hatch, Melville H: Coleoptera of Washington: Carabidae: Cicindelinae. Sonderdruck aus: University of Washington publications in biology 1, 227 - 238.

Hatch, Melville H: Coleoptera of Washington: Carabidae: Cicindelinae. Sonderdruck aus: University..

9,00 €
Osborn, Herbert; Carl J Drake: The Tingitoidea of Ohio. Sonderdruck aus: Ohio State University bulletin, v. 20, no. 35; Ohio State Biological Survey Bulletin 8, 217-251.

Osborn, Herbert; Carl J Drake: The Tingitoidea of Ohio. Sonderdruck aus: Ohio State University..

9,00 €
Hoppe, Gertrude N: Plecoptera of Washington. Sonderdruck aus: University of Washington publications in biology 4, 141-172.

Hoppe, Gertrude N: Plecoptera of Washington. Sonderdruck aus: University of Washington publications..

9,00 €
Gressitt, J. L: Longicorn beetles from the Ryukyu Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Sonderdruck aus: The Philippine Journal of Science 79, 193-235.

Gressitt, J. L: Longicorn beetles from the Ryukyu Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Errico, F. P. d'; A. Furia; G. Mancini: L’Heterodera goettingiana Liebscher in Campania e sua patogenìcità, Sonderdruck aus: Boll. Lab. Entomologia Agraria "Filippo Silvestri", Portici, 32.

Errico, F. P. d'; A. Furia; G. Mancini: L’Heterodera goettingiana Liebscher in Campania e sua..

9,00 €
Toxopeus, L J: On the distribution of Delias crithoe (Boisd.) in Java (Lep., Pieridae). Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia 15.

Toxopeus, L J: On the distribution of Delias crithoe (Boisd.) in Java (Lep., Pieridae)..

9,00 €
Macan, Thomas T: Evolution of aquatic habitats, with special reference to the distribution of Corixidae. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Animal Ecology 7, 1-19.

Macan, Thomas T: Evolution of aquatic habitats, with special reference to the distribution of..

9,00 €
Vester, Hinrich: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Phronimopsis. Dissertation.

Vester, Hinrich: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Phronimopsis. Dissertation.

9,00 €
Okamoto, H.; Takahashi, R: Some Aphididae from Corea. Sonderdruck aus: Citation Insecta matsumurana 1, 130-148.

Okamoto, H.; Takahashi, R: Some Aphididae from Corea. Sonderdruck aus: Citation Insecta matsumurana..

9,00 €
Gahan, Charles Joseph: Furniture Beetles : their life-history and how to check or prevent the damage caused by the worm. Economic series 11. 3. ed.

Gahan, Charles Joseph: Furniture Beetles : their life history and how to check or prevent the..

9,00 €
Hyslop, J. A: Genotypes of the Elaterid beetles of the world. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 58,2353, 621 - 680.

Hyslop, J. A: Genotypes of the Elaterid beetles of the world. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: Notes on the rhinotragine beetles of the family Cerambycidae, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 77,2842.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: Notes on the rhinotragine beetles of the family Cerambycidae, with..

9,00 €
Melanargia - Nachrichten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinisch-Westfälischer Lepidopterologen 1, 4.

Melanargia - Nachrichten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Rheinisch-Westfälischer Lepidopterologen 1, 4.

9,00 €
Jacobi, A: Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913: 47. Rhynchota Homoptera. 1. Fulgoridae und Cercopidae. Arkiv för zoologi 19 A, 28.

Jacobi, A: Results of Dr. E. Mjöberg's Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910 1913: 47..

9,00 €
Bondar, Gregorio: Notas entomologicas da Bahia, V. Sonderdruck aus: Revista de Entomologia 11, 199-214.

Bondar, Gregorio: Notas entomologicas da Bahia, V. Sonderdruck aus: Revista de Entomologia 11, 199..

9,00 €
Bondar, Gregorio: Notas entomologicas da Bahia, VI. Sonderdruck aus: Revista de Entomologia 11, 843-862.

Bondar, Gregorio: Notas entomologicas da Bahia, VI. Sonderdruck aus: Revista de Entomologia 11, 843..

9,00 €
Mahnert, Voker: Spanische Höhlenpseudoskorpione. Sonderdruck aus: Miscelánea Zoologica Barcelona 4, 61-104.

Mahnert, Voker: Spanische Höhlenpseudoskorpione. Sonderdruck aus: Miscelánea Zoologica Barcelona..

9,00 €
Wharton, R. H: The habits of adult mosquitoes in Malaya. I. Observations on anophelines in window-trap huts and at cattle-sheds. Sonderdruck aus: Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 45, 141-154.

Wharton, R. H: The habits of adult mosquitoes in Malaya. I. Observations on anophelines in window..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,4, 72-95.

Brues, Charles T: Studies on the fauna of some thermal springs in the Dutch East Indies..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 73,9, 259-269.

Brues, Charles T: Serphidae in Baltic amber, with the description of a new living genus..

9,00 €
Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 74,5, 69-90.

Brues, Charles T: Fossil parasitic Hymenoptera of the family Scelionidae from Baltic amber..

9,00 €
Bröring, Udo: Die Wanzen der Sammlung F. und R. Struve von Borkum (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Sonderdruck aus: Natur und Heimat 49, 65-79.

Bröring, Udo: Die Wanzen der Sammlung F. und R. Struve von Borkum (Hemiptera: Heteroptera)..

9,00 €
Maréchal, Pierre L.Th.A.; Veenhuizen, Willem D: Vogels in het stedelijke milieu : inventarisatie in Eindhoven. Wetenschappelijke mededeling KNNV 218.

Maréchal, Pierre L.Th.A.; Veenhuizen, Willem D: Vogels in het stedelijke milieu : inventarisatie..

9,00 €
Graham, M.W.R. de V: A revision of the Walker types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chal-cidoidea). Part I + 2 (including descriptions of new genera and species). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 92, 76-98 + 246-263 (2 Publikationen).

Graham, M.W.R. de V: A revision of the Walker types of Pteromalidae (Hym., Chal cidoidea). Part I +..

9,00 €
Bouman, A. E. et al: Meeuwen : opkomst en ondergang van een meeuwenkolonie : een studie in Meiendel. Wetenschappelijke mededeling KNNV 204.

Bouman, A. E. et al: Meeuwen : opkomst en ondergang van een meeuwenkolonie : een studie in..

9,00 €
Schreibers kleiner Atlas der Insekten, Tausendfüßler und Spinnen. Schreibers kleiner Atlas der Insekten 2.

Schreibers kleiner Atlas der Insekten, Tausendfüßler und Spinnen. Schreibers kleiner Atlas der..

9,00 €
Schreibers kleiner Atlas der Käfer und anderer Insekten 1.

Schreibers kleiner Atlas der Käfer und anderer Insekten 1.

9,00 €
Oliver, D R: Life History of the Chironomidae. Sonderdruck aus: Annual Review of Entomology 16, 211-230.

Oliver, D R: Life History of the Chironomidae. Sonderdruck aus: Annual Review of Entomology 16, 211..

9,00 €
Nielson, M.W.; Maes, J.-M: New species of Aceratagallia from Mexico and Central America with a review of species in southwestern US and Mexico (Cicadellidae: Agalliinae). Sonderdruck aus: Revista Nicaragua Entomologica 24, 35 - 50.

Nielson, M.W.; Maes, J. M: New species of Aceratagallia from Mexico and Central America with a..

9,00 €
Triplehorn, 	Charles A; Spilman, T. J: A Review of Strongylium of America North of Mexico, with Descriptions of Two New Species (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 99, 1-27.

Triplehorn, Charles A; Spilman, T. J: A Review of Strongylium of America North of Mexico, with..

9,00 €
Scudder, G. G. E: New genera and species of Heterogastrinae (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae), with a revision of the genus Dinomachus. Sonderdruck aus: Opuscula Entomologica 22: 161-183.

Scudder, G. G. E: New genera and species of Heterogastrinae (Hemiptera, Lygaeidae), with a revision..

9,00 €
Tuatay N,; Remaudiere G: Premiere Contribution au Catalogue des Aphididae (Hom.) de la Turquie. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Path. Vegveale et D'entomologie Agricole de France 43, 243-278.

Tuatay N,; Remaudiere G: Premiere Contribution au Catalogue des Aphididae (Hom.) de la Turquie..

9,00 €
Richards, W. R: The Aphididae of the Canadian Arctic (Homoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Canadian Entomologist 95, 449-464.

Richards, W. R: The Aphididae of the Canadian Arctic (Homoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Canadian..

9,00 €
Moore, Robert: The Birds of Devon.

Moore, Robert: The Birds of Devon.

9,00 €
Triplehorn, 	Charles A; Kirby W. Brown: A Synopsis of the Species of Asidina in the United States with Description of a New Species from Arizona (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: The Coleopterists Bulletin 25, 73-86.

Triplehorn, Charles A; Kirby W. Brown: A Synopsis of the Species of Asidina in the United States..

9,00 €
Leighton, Gerald: Huxley : his life and work.

Leighton, Gerald: Huxley : his life and work.

9,00 €
Roule, Louis: La structure et la biologie des poissons. Bibliothèque générale illustrée 13.

Roule, Louis: La structure et la biologie des poissons. Bibliothèque générale illustrée 13.

9,00 €
Perry, Richard: At the turn of the tide: a book of wild birds.

Perry, Richard: At the turn of the tide: a book of wild birds.

9,00 €
Stanek, V. J: The pictorial encyclopedia of the animal kingdom.

Stanek, V. J: The pictorial encyclopedia of the animal kingdom.

9,00 €
Gemignani, Emilio V: Los tipos de las especies del genero Trypoxylon (Hymenoptera, Sphecoidea) existentes en el Museo Argentino de ciencias naturales. Sonderdruck aus: Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 10, 434-447.

Gemignani, Emilio V: Los tipos de las especies del genero Trypoxylon (Hymenoptera, Sphecoidea)..

9,00 €
Malloch, John Russell: Descriptions of neotropical two-winged flies of the family Drosophilidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 66,2540.

Malloch, John Russell: Descriptions of neotropical two winged flies of the family Drosophilidae..

9,00 €
Matthews, E. G: Classification, relationships and distribution of the genera of Cyphaleini (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Invertebrate Systematics 6, 437-522.

Matthews, E. G: Classification, relationships and distribution of the genera of Cyphaleini..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Z: Die paläarktischen und orientalischen Arten der Gattung Mesomorphus Seidl. (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta zool. hung. 9, 333-354.

Kaszab, Z: Die paläarktischen und orientalischen Arten der Gattung Mesomorphus Seidl. (Coleoptera..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Z: Neue orientalische Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 28, 57-80.

Kaszab, Z: Neue orientalische Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Acta zoologica Academiae..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Z: Über die mit Pigeus Gebien, 1917 und Ho-ploedipus Fairmaire, 1898 verwandten Camariinen aus. der Orientalischen Region (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta Zoologica Academiae Hungarica 30, 353-391.

Kaszab, Z: Über die mit Pigeus Gebien, 1917 und Ho ploedipus Fairmaire, 1898 verwandten Camariinen..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Z: Neue Leptodes-Arten aus Asien, nebst einer Revision der Leptodini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae. Sonderdruck aus: Acta Zoologica Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae 4, 349-368.

Kaszab, Z: Neue Leptodes Arten aus Asien, nebst einer Revision der Leptodini (Coleoptera..

9,00 €
Metcalfe, Margot E: Notes on the Structure and Development of the Female Genital System in Dasyneura leguminicola Lint (Cecidomyidae-Diptera). Sonderdruck aus: Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science 76, 89-105.

Metcalfe, Margot E: Notes on the Structure and Development of the Female Genital System in..

9,00 €
Kaszab, Z: Revision der australischen Uloma-Arten (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 28, 233-291.

Kaszab, Z: Revision der australischen Uloma Arten (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Mickel, Clarence Eugene: Preliminary notes on the Mutillidae of Minnesota with descriptions of three new species. Sonderdruck aus: Rept. State Entomologist. Minnesota 19. 97-113.

Mickel, Clarence Eugene: Preliminary notes on the Mutillidae of Minnesota with descriptions of..

9,00 €
Kulzer, Hans: Bemerkenswerte Tenebrioniden aus der Thar-Wüste. 14. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebnrioniden (Col.). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey 7, 635-653.

Kulzer, Hans: Bemerkenswerte Tenebrioniden aus der Thar Wüste. 14. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der..

9,00 €