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164 Artikel gefunden


Deegener, P: Wesen und Bedeutung der Metamorphose bei Insekten. Eine gemeinverständliche Einführung in die Insektenwelt. (Geschäftsstelle der Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft).

Deegener, P: Wesen und Bedeutung der Metamorphose bei Insekten. Eine gemeinverständliche..

4,50 €
() "Symbiosen". Von Herbert Brandt. 76 Seiten. KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1949

() "Symbiosen". Von Herbert Brandt. 76 Seiten. KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1949

2,00 €
() Bruns "Warn- und Tarntrachten im Tierreich". 76 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1952

() Bruns "Warn- und Tarntrachten im Tierreich". 76 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1952

2,00 €
() Krumbiegel "Von neuen u. unentdeckten Tierarten". 80 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1950

() Krumbiegel "Von neuen u. unentdeckten Tierarten". 80 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1950

1,00 €
() v. Boxberger "Die Welt des Vogels". 80 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1949

() v. Boxberger "Die Welt des Vogels". 80 S., KOSMOS-Baendchen, Stuttgart 1949

1,50 €
() Floericke "Falterleben". Franckh, Stuttgart 1923. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Floericke "Falterleben". Franckh, Stuttgart 1923. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

3,50 €
() Floericke "Heuschrecken und Libellen". Franckh, Stuttgart 1922. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Floericke "Heuschrecken und Libellen". Franckh, Stuttgart 1922. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

2,50 €
() Floericke "Voegel auf der Reise". Franckh, Stuttgart 1928. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Floericke "Voegel auf der Reise". Franckh, Stuttgart 1928. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

2,50 €
() Floericke "Aussterbende Tiere : Biber, Nerz, Luchs, Uhu". Franckh, Stuttgart 1927. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Floericke "Aussterbende Tiere : Biber, Nerz, Luchs, Uhu". Franckh, Stuttgart 1927. Kosmos Band..

2,50 €
() Boelsche "Tierseele und Menschenseele" Franckh, Stuttgart 1924. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Boelsche "Tierseele und Menschenseele" Franckh, Stuttgart 1924. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

3,50 €
() Floericke "Kaefervolk". Franckh, Stuttgart 1924. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

() Floericke "Kaefervolk". Franckh, Stuttgart 1924. Kosmos-Band. nlvkosmos

3,00 €
() "Der Kleine Tierfreund". Naturschutz-Kalender 1957. 64 S., # Zoologie

() "Der Kleine Tierfreund". Naturschutz-Kalender 1957. 64 S., # Zoologie

3,50 €
() "Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt". Meerwarth. Sonderheft : Das Tierbild der Zukunft. 1908 Voigtlaender-Verlag, Leipzig

() "Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt". Meerwarth. Sonderheft : Das Tierbild der Zukunft. 1908..

1,50 €
() "Der Deutsche Schaeferhund" Erziehung, Aufzucht, Haltung. Stephanitz. 96 S., Lehrmeister-Buecherei Nr. 1097

() "Der Deutsche Schaeferhund" Erziehung, Aufzucht, Haltung. Stephanitz. 96 S., Lehrmeister..

1,95 €
() "Alles ueber Katzen" Hausser. BLV Leitfaden fuer Katzenfreunde. 192 S., BLV-Verlag, Muenchen 1974

() "Alles ueber Katzen" Hausser. BLV Leitfaden fuer Katzenfreunde. 192 S., BLV-Verlag, Muenchen 1974

1,50 €
() "Welches Tier ist das ?" Tabellen ... Grossdeutschlands. Stehli. 96 S., 1940 Franckh, Stuttgart

() "Welches Tier ist das ?" Tabellen ... Grossdeutschlands. Stehli. 96 S., 1940 Franckh, Stuttgart

6,50 €
() "Geheimnis Tier" Bildband. Orbis-Buchreihe. 200 S.,  farbige Fotos. Hamburg 1978

() "Geheimnis Tier" Bildband. Orbis-Buchreihe. 200 S., farbige Fotos. Hamburg 1978

2,50 €
() "Kuenstliche Brut und Aufzucht des Gefluegels". Muenter. Lehrmeister-Buecherei. Verlag Philler, Minden

() "Kuenstliche Brut und Aufzucht des Gefluegels". Muenter. Lehrmeister Buecherei. Verlag Philler..

1,50 €
() Pfeifer "Die Voegel unserer Heimat". Senckenberg-Buch 4. 260 S., 1936 Kramer, Frankfurt am Main

() Pfeifer "Die Voegel unserer Heimat". Senckenberg-Buch 4. 260 S., 1936 Kramer, Frankfurt am Main

7,50 €
() Brehm "Das Leben der Tiere" - Die Saeugetiere. 512 S., Textbilder. Halbleder. Berlin 1930-er Jahre

() Brehm "Das Leben der Tiere" Die Saeugetiere. 512 S., Textbilder. Halbleder. Berlin 1930 er..

5,50 €
() Krumbiegel "Von Haustieren und ihrer Geschichte" 100 S., mit Bildtafeln. 1947 Kosmos, Stuttgart

() Krumbiegel "Von Haustieren und ihrer Geschichte" 100 S., mit Bildtafeln. 1947 Kosmos, Stuttgart

1,50 €
() "Die Seele der weissen Ameise" Marais. 220 S., NON STOP-BUECHEREI, Berlin 1953

() "Die Seele der weissen Ameise" Marais. 220 S., NON STOP-BUECHEREI, Berlin 1953

3,50 €
() Heyne-TB 4646 "Mein erster Hund - Viele praktische Tips fuer die Hundehaltung". Ruth Frick. Muenchen 1979

() Heyne TB 4646 "Mein erster Hund Viele praktische Tips fuer die Hundehaltung". Ruth Frick..

1,50 €
() Neumann "Vom Liebesleben der Tiere" 140 Seiten. Verlag Ullstein, Berlin 1926

() Neumann "Vom Liebesleben der Tiere" 140 Seiten. Verlag Ullstein, Berlin 1926

2,50 €
() Boelsche "Stammbaum der Insekten" 92 S.,  Kosmos 1916. Franckh-sche Verlag, Stuttgart

() Boelsche "Stammbaum der Insekten" 92 S., Kosmos 1916. Franckh-sche Verlag, Stuttgart

1,50 €
() Weule "Der Krieg in den Tiefen der Menschheit" 156 S.,  Kosmos 1916. Franckh-sche Verlag, Stuttgart

() Weule "Der Krieg in den Tiefen der Menschheit" 156 S., Kosmos 1916. Franckh sche Verlag..

5,50 €
() Floericke "Plagegeister". Umschlagzeichnung v. Ludwig Hohlwein. Kosmos 1917

() Floericke "Plagegeister". Umschlagzeichnung v. Ludwig Hohlwein. Kosmos 1917

7,50 €
Ng. der Saeugethiere / erster Theil 1827. ()

Ng. der Saeugethiere / erster Theil 1827. ()

85,00 €
Friedberger. Pathol. / Th. Haustiere. 1904 ()

Friedberger. Pathol. / Th. Haustiere. 1904 ()

28,50 €
Der kl. Schmetterlingssammler.  1890 ? ()

Der kl. Schmetterlingssammler. 1890 ? ()

19,50 €
Golden, Jack; Ouellette, Robert P.; Saari, Sharon; Cheremisinoff, Paul N: Environmental Impact Data Book. Second Printing
 Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, 1980.

Golden, Jack; Ouellette, Robert P.; Saari, Sharon; Cheremisinoff, Paul N: Environmental Impact Data..

20,00 €
Kahle, Walther (Alfred Brehm): Brehms Tierleben 1. Band: Die Wirbellosen - Kleine Ausgabe für Volk und Schule.

Kahle, Walther (Alfred Brehm): Brehms Tierleben 1. Band: Die Wirbellosen Kleine Ausgabe für Volk..

12,90 €
Pottinger, R. P. ; LeRoux, Edgar J: The biology and dynamics of Lithocolletis blancardella (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) on apple in Quebec. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada 77.

Pottinger, R. P. ; LeRoux, Edgar J: The biology and dynamics of Lithocolletis blancardella..

29,00 €
Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951, vol. 11.

Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund..

30,00 €
Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951, vol. 13.

Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund..

30,00 €
Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951, vol. 10.

Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund..

30,00 €
Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950 - 1951, vol. 12.

Hanström, B.; Brinck, P.; Rudebeck, G. (eds.): South African animal life : results of the Lund..

30,00 €
Chevey, P: Inventaire de la faune ichtyologique de l' Indochine : deuxième liste. Institut océanographique de l'Indochine 19e Note.

Chevey, P: Inventaire de la faune ichtyologique de l' Indochine : deuxième liste. Institut..

19,00 €
Chevey, P: Capture d'un requin baleine, Rhinéodon typus A. Smith, en Cochinchine : Résumé de connaissances sur ce poisson. Institut océanographique de l'Indochine 28e Note.

Chevey, P: Capture d'un requin baleine, Rhinéodon typus A. Smith, en Cochinchine : Résumé de..

24,00 €
Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 58.

Nova acta Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae Germanicae Naturae Curiosorum 58.

25,00 €
Chevey, P., Lemasson, P: Contribution à l'étude des poissons des eaux douces tonkinoises. Institut océanographique de l'Indochine 33e Note.

Chevey, P., Lemasson, P: Contribution à l'étude des poissons des eaux douces tonkinoises..

150,00 €
Chevey, P: Révision synonymique de l'oeuvre ichtyologique de G. Tirant. Institut océanographique de l'Indochine 7e Note.

Chevey, P: Révision synonymique de l'oeuvre ichtyologique de G. Tirant. Institut océanographique..

75,00 €
Hanzak, Jan; Pospisil, P.; Rada, M: Uova e nidi d'uccello : atlante illustrato.

Hanzak, Jan; Pospisil, P.; Rada, M: Uova e nidi d'uccello : atlante illustrato.

35,00 €
Starks, Edwin Chapin: On a collection of fishes made by P. O. Simons in Ecuador and Peru. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 30,1468.

Starks, Edwin Chapin: On a collection of fishes made by P. O. Simons in Ecuador and Peru..

16,00 €
Alexander, Charles P: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna Boliviens 17: Diptera 2 : the crane-flies (Tipulidae, Diptera). Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München 7,2.

Alexander, Charles P: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna Boliviens 17: Diptera 2 : the crane..

12,00 €
Palm, Eivind: Nordeuropas Snudebiller : De kortsnudede arter (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) - med særligt henblik p°a den danske fauna. Danmarks dyreliv 7.

Palm, Eivind: Nordeuropas Snudebiller : De kortsnudede arter (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) med..

64,00 €
Esben-Petersen, P: Help-notes towards the determination and the classification of the European Myrmeleonidae. Sonderdruck aus: Entomologiske Meddelelser 12, 97-127.

Esben Petersen, P: Help notes towards the determination and the classification of the European..

9,00 €
Gupta, Ayodhya P. (ed.): Hemocytic and humoral immunity in arthropods.

Gupta, Ayodhya P. (ed.): Hemocytic and humoral immunity in arthropods.

50,00 €
Geheimnisvolle Sprachen der Tiere.

Geheimnisvolle Sprachen der Tiere.

4,00 €
Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas: VII. Band: 2. Lief.

Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas: VII. Band: 2. Lief.

4,00 €
Olney, P. J. S.; Ellis, Pat (eds.): 1992 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 32.

Olney, P. J. S.; Ellis, Pat (eds.): 1992 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 32.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S.; Fisken, F. A. (eds.): 1989 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 29.

Olney, P. J. S.; Fisken, F. A. (eds.): 1989 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 29.

25,00 €
Richardson, Frank: The breeding cycles of Hawaiian sea birds. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 218.

Richardson, Frank: The breeding cycles of Hawaiian sea birds. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 218.

16,00 €
Groves, Colin P: Notes on the systematics of Babyrousa (Artiodactyla, Suidae). Zoologische mededelingen 55,3.

Groves, Colin P: Notes on the systematics of Babyrousa (Artiodactyla, Suidae). Zoologische..

9,00 €
Barnard, Jerry Laurens: Gammaridean amphipoda (Crustacea) in the collections of Bishop Museum. Bulletin Bernice P. Bishop Museum 215.

Barnard, Jerry Laurens: Gammaridean amphipoda (Crustacea) in the collections of Bishop Museum..

29,00 €
Lacourt, A. W. ; Huwae, P. H. M: De inktvissen (Caphalopoda) van de Nederlandse Kust (Dieren - Schelpen -Eieren). Wetenschappelijke mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging 145.

Lacourt, A. W. ; Huwae, P. H. M: De inktvissen (Caphalopoda) van de Nederlandse Kust (Dieren..

11,00 €
Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 76. 2. ed.

Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P..

34,00 €
Hulley, P Alexander: A taxonomic review of the lanternfish genus Triphoturus, Fraser-Brunner, 1949 (Myctophidae, Osteichthyes). Annals of the South African Museum 97,4, S. 71-95.

Hulley, P Alexander: A taxonomic review of the lanternfish genus Triphoturus, Fraser Brunner, 1949..

11,00 €
Pietschmann, Victor: Hawaiian shore fishes. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 156.

Pietschmann, Victor: Hawaiian shore fishes. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 156.

16,00 €
Adamson, Alastair Martin: Marquesan insects, environment. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 139 = Pacific Entomological Survey 9.

Adamson, Alastair Martin: Marquesan insects, environment. Bernice P. Bishop Museum 139 = Pacific..

24,00 €
Castle, P. H. J: Ophichthid Leptocephali in Australasian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 7,6.

Castle, P. H. J: Ophichthid Leptocephali in Australasian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society..

9,00 €
Wagenaar Hummelinck, P. (ed.): Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and Other Caribbean Islands 9.

Wagenaar Hummelinck, P. (ed.): Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and Other Caribbean Islands 9.

16,00 €
Schultz, Leonard P: Fishes of the Phoenix and Samoan Islands : collected in 1939 during the expedition of the U.S.S. "Bushnell". Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 180.

Schultz, Leonard P: Fishes of the Phoenix and Samoan Islands : collected in 1939 during the..

11,00 €
Castle, P. H. J: Muraenid Leptocephali in Australasian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 7,3.

Castle, P. H. J: Muraenid Leptocephali in Australasian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of..

9,00 €
Hulley, P Alexander; Lutjeharms, Johann R: Lanternfishes of the southern Benguela region, part 3. The pseudoceanic-oceanic interface..Annals of the South African Museum 98,10.

Hulley, P Alexander; Lutjeharms, Johann R: Lanternfishes of the southern Benguela region, part 3..

11,00 €
Heemstra, P. C.; Kannemeyer, S. X: The families Trachipteridae and Radiicephalidae (Pisces, Lampriformes) and a new species of Zu from South Africa..Annals of the South African Museum 94,2.

Heemstra, P. C.; Kannemeyer, S. X: The families Trachipteridae and Radiicephalidae (Pisces..

11,00 €
Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae (Osteichthyes, Myctophiformes) from the 1979 - Sargasso Sea Expedition of RV Anton Dohrn..Annals of the South African Museum 96,2.

Hulley, P. A. ; Krefft, Gerhard: A zoogeographic analysis of the fishes of the family Myctophidae..

14,00 €
Watters, P. A: Distribution of Amphibola crenata (Pulmonata) in the Dunedin area, with notes on the probable origin of the species. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. zoology 4,4.

Watters, P. A: Distribution of Amphibola crenata (Pulmonata) in the Dunedin area, with notes on the..

9,00 €
Hulley, P. Alexander: A report on the mesopelagic fishes collected during the deep-sea cruises of R. S. Africana II , 1961-1966. Annals of the South African Museum 60,6.

Hulley, P. Alexander: A report on the mesopelagic fishes collected during the deep sea cruises of..

11,00 €
Castle, P. H. J: Leptocephali of the Nemichtlugidae, Serrivomeridae, Synaphobranchidae and Nettastomidae in Australian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 5,11.

Castle, P. H. J: Leptocephali of the Nemichtlugidae, Serrivomeridae, Synaphobranchidae and..

9,00 €
Dale, P. S: Ecology, life history and redescription of Pericoptus Aruncatus (Fabricius). Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Zoology 3,3.

Dale, P. S: Ecology, life history and redescription of Pericoptus Aruncatus (Fabricius)..

9,00 €
Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Special publication 57.

Tomich, Prosper Quentin: Mammals in Hawaii : a synopsis and notational bibliography. Bernice P..

24,00 €
Hulley, P Alexander: Lanternfishes of the southern Benguela region. Part 1, Faunal complexity and distribution..Annals of the South African Museum 97,7.

Hulley, P Alexander: Lanternfishes of the southern Benguela region. Part 1, Faunal complexity and..

11,00 €
Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne, Indrumator. P. 1-a : Protozoare, Viermi, Arthropode.

Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne, Indrumator. P. 1-a : Protozoare, Viermi, Arthropode.

30,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1978 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 18.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1978 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 18.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1980 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 20.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1980 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 20.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1979 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 19.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1979 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 19.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1981 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 21.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1981 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 21.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1976 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 16.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1976 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 16.

25,00 €
Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1977 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 17.

Olney, P. J. S. (ed.): 1977 - International Zoo Yearbook, Volume 17.

25,00 €
Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do Instituto de Investigaçao cient??fica de Moçambique : Serie A (Sciencias Biologicas) 10 + 11.

Clancey, P. A: A handlist of the birds of Southern Moçambique (part I + II in 1). Memórias do..

34,00 €
Hurley, Desmont E. ; Jansen, K. P: The marine fauna of New Zealand : family Sphaeromatidae (Crustacea Isopoda: Flabellifera). New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Memoir 63.

Hurley, Desmont E. ; Jansen, K. P: The marine fauna of New Zealand : family Sphaeromatidae..

29,00 €
Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 214.

Schultz, Leonard P: Review of the parrotfishes family Scaridae. Smithsonian Institution, United..

9,00 €
Calman, William Thomas: On a Collection of Brachyura from Torres Straits. Transactions of the Linnean Soc. of London, Ser. 2. Zool. Vol. 8, P. 1.

Calman, William Thomas: On a Collection of Brachyura from Torres Straits. Transactions of the..

25,00 €
Squires, Donald Fleming: Biological results of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition, P. 6: Scleractinia. New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research 139,6 = New Zealand Oceanographic Institute 29.

Squires, Donald Fleming: Biological results of the Chatham Islands 1954 Expedition, P. 6:..

16,00 €
Kimpe, P. de: Contribution a l'etude hydrobiologique du Luapula-Moero. Annales Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Série in 8°. Sciences zoologiques 128.

Kimpe, P. de: Contribution a l'etude hydrobiologique du Luapula Moero. Annales Musée Royal de..

50,00 €
Kremer, Bruno P. sowie Jürgen Nicolai, Edmund Garnweidner, Gregor Aas und Andres Riedmiller: (Sammlung Bestimmungsbücher) Sträucher in Natur und Garten + Wiesenblumen + Singvögel +..

Kremer, Bruno P. sowie Jürgen Nicolai, Edmund Garnweidner, Gregor Aas und Andres Riedmiller:..

31,00 €
The Emu, Official Organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 46, 1-5 (complete).

The Emu, Official Organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 46, 1-5 (complete).

50,00 €
The Emu, Official Organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 44, 1-4 (complete).

The Emu, Official Organ of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 44, 1-4 (complete).

50,00 €
Whitehead, Peter J. P: FAO Species Catalogue Vol. 7: Clupeoid Fishes of the World (Suborder Clupeoidei): An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of the Herrings, Sardines, Pilchards, Sprats, Shads, Anchovies and Wolf-Herrings Part 1: Chirocentridae Clupeid

Whitehead, Peter J. P: FAO Species Catalogue Vol. 7: Clupeoid Fishes of the World (Suborder..

64,00 €
Kramer, James P: A Taxonomic Study of the Brachypterous North American Leafhoppers of the Genus Lonatura (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 93, 433-462.

Kramer, James P: A Taxonomic Study of the Brachypterous North American Leafhoppers of the Genus..

11,00 €
Alexander, Charles P: New Subgenera and Species of Crane-Flies from California (Ptychopteridae and Tipulidae: Diptera). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 92, 103-132.

Alexander, Charles P: New Subgenera and Species of Crane Flies from California (Ptychopteridae and..

11,00 €
Alexander, Charles P: New or Little-Known Species of Asiatic Tipulidae (Diptera). I. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 90, 205-234.

Alexander, Charles P: New or Little Known Species of Asiatic Tipulidae (Diptera). I. Sonderdruck..

11,00 €
Uvarov, B P: New and Less Known Southern Palaearctic Orthoptera. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 67, 303-361.

Uvarov, B P: New and Less Known Southern Palaearctic Orthoptera. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of..

14,00 €
Darlington, Emlen P: Notes on Blueberry Lepidoptera in New Jersey. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 78, 33-57.

Darlington, Emlen P: Notes on Blueberry Lepidoptera in New Jersey. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of..

9,00 €
Kramer, James P: New World Leafhoppers of the Subfamily Agalliinae: A Key to Genera with Records and Descriptions of Species (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 89, 141-163.

Kramer, James P: New World Leafhoppers of the Subfamily Agalliinae: A Key to Genera with Records..

9,00 €
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