Naturwissenschaften: Zoologie

8.863 Artikel gefunden


Kaszab, Zoltán: Neue orientalische Stenosini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientarum . Hungaricae 27, 273-313.

Kaszab, Zoltán: Neue orientalische Stenosini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Acta..

9,00 €
Van Tyne, Josselyn; Sutton, George Miksch: The Birds of Brewster County, Texas. Miscellaneous publications / Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 37.

Van Tyne, Josselyn; Sutton, George Miksch: The Birds of Brewster County, Texas. Miscellaneous..

24,00 €
Dyar, Harrison G: Descriptions of new Lepidoptera from Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 54,2239, 335 - 372.

Dyar, Harrison G: Descriptions of new Lepidoptera from Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

10,00 €
Metcalf, C. L.; W. E. Sanderson: Black flies and other biting flies of the Adirondacks + Control of biting flies in the Adirondacks. New York State Museum bulletin no. 289.

Metcalf, C. L.; W. E. Sanderson: Black flies and other biting flies of the Adirondacks + Control of..

16,00 €
Linsley, E G; J W McSwain: The Parasites, Predators, and Inquiline Associates of Anthophora linsleyi. Sonderdruck aus: The American Midland Naturalist 27, 402-417.

Linsley, E G; J W McSwain: The Parasites, Predators, and Inquiline Associates of Anthophora..

9,00 €
Bequaert; Joseph C Keizo Yasumatsu: Vespoidea of Micronesia (Hymenoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Shinomiya, Yamashina, Koto. Takeuchi Ent. Lab. Tenthredo. Acta Ent. vol. 2. no. 3, 314-328.

Bequaert; Joseph C Keizo Yasumatsu: Vespoidea of Micronesia (Hymenoptera). Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: New Diptera, or two-winged flies from America, Asia and Java with additional notes. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 81,2932.

Aldrich, J. M: New Diptera, or two winged flies from America, Asia and Java with additional notes..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: Two-winged flies of the genera Dolichopus and Hydrophorus collected in Alaska in 1921, with new species of Dolichopus from North America and Hawaii. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 61,2446.

Aldrich, J. M: Two winged flies of the genera Dolichopus and Hydrophorus collected in Alaska in..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: New Diptera or two-winged flies in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 66,2555.

Aldrich, J. M: New Diptera or two winged flies in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: A revision of the American parasitic flies belonging to the genus Belvosia. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 73,2729.

Aldrich, J. M: A revision of the American parasitic flies belonging to the genus Belvosia..

12,00 €
Reichardt, Axel: Zuki - cernotelki triby opatrini palearkticeskoj oblasti - Revision des opatrines (Coleoptera tenebrionidae) de la région paléarctique.

Reichardt, Axel: Zuki cernotelki triby opatrini palearkticeskoj oblasti Revision des opatrines..

30,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: Further studies of types of American muscoid flies in the collection of the Vienna Natural History Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 74,2764.

Aldrich, J. M: Further studies of types of American muscoid flies in the collection of the Vienna..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: A revision of the two-winged flies of the genus Procecidochares in North America, with an allied new genus Proceedings of the United States National Museum 76,2799.

Aldrich, J. M: A revision of the two winged flies of the genus Procecidochares in North America..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: New genera and species of muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 76,2812.

Aldrich, J. M: New genera and species of muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National..

12,00 €
Fattig, P W: The Tabanidae or horseflies and deerflies of Georgia. Emory University, Museum bulletin 4.

Fattig, P W: The Tabanidae or horseflies and deerflies of Georgia. Emory University, Museum..

14,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: Notes on the types of American two-winged flies of the genus Sarcophaga and a few related forms, described by the early authors. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 78,2855.

Aldrich, J. M: Notes on the types of American two winged flies of the genus Sarcophaga and a few..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: Notes on Francis Walker's types of North American flies of the family Tachinidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 80,2910.

Aldrich, J. M: Notes on Francis Walker's types of North American flies of the family Tachinidae..

12,00 €
Namba, Ryoji: A revision of the flies of the genus Rivellia (Otitidae, Diptera) of America north of México. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 106,3363, 21 - 84.

Namba, Ryoji: A revision of the flies of the genus Rivellia (Otitidae, Diptera) of America north of..

12,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: The neotropical muscoid genus Mesembrinella giglio-tos and other testaceous muscoid flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 62,2457.

Aldrich, J. M: The neotropical muscoid genus Mesembrinella giglio tos and other testaceous muscoid..

12,00 €
Kulzer, Hans: Monographie der Scotobiini. (10. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden) + Neue Tenebrioniden aus Südamerika (11. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische Arbeiten Museum G. Frey 6, 383-485.

Kulzer, Hans: Monographie der Scotobiini. (10. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden) + Neue..

20,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: American two-winged flies of the genus Stylogaster Macquart. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 78,2852.

Aldrich, J. M: American two winged flies of the genus Stylogaster Macquart. Proceedings of the..

12,00 €
Kulzer, Hans: Neue Tenebrioniden aus Südamerika (Col.). 21. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische Arbeiten Museum G. Frey 12, 205-235.

Kulzer, Hans: Neue Tenebrioniden aus Südamerika (Col.). 21. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der..

9,00 €
Kulzer, Hans: Sechster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische Arbeiten Museum G. Frey 3, 63-78.

Kulzer, Hans: Sechster Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden). Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische..

9,00 €
Kulzer, Hans: Siebenter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden) - einige neue Gattungen und Arten der Tribus Cnodalonini aus dem Nachlaß von H. Gebien in coll. G. Frey. Sonderdruck aus: Entomologische Arbeiten Museum G. Frey 3, 719-764.

Kulzer, Hans: Siebenter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Tenebrioniden) einige neue Gattungen und Arten..

9,00 €
Patch, Edith M: Homologies of the Wing Veins of the Aphididae, Psyllidae, Aleurodidae, and Coccidae. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the Entomological Society of America 2, 101-129.

Patch, Edith M: Homologies of the Wing Veins of the Aphididae, Psyllidae, Aleurodidae, and..

9,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: North American two-winged flies of the genus Cylindromyia Meigen (Ocyptera of authors). Proceedings of the United States National Museum 68,2624.

Aldrich, J. M: North American two winged flies of the genus Cylindromyia Meigen (Ocyptera of..

12,00 €
Blackwelder, Richard E: Monograph of the West Indian beetles of the family Staphylinidae. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 182.

Blackwelder, Richard E: Monograph of the West Indian beetles of the family Staphylinidae..

19,00 €
Pierce, William Dwight: A monographic revision of the twisted winged insects comprising the order Strepsiptera Kirby. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 66.

Pierce, William Dwight: A monographic revision of the twisted winged insects comprising the order..

11,00 €
Rohwer, S. A: Descriptions of twenty-six new species of North American Hymenoptera. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 57,2312, S. 209 - 231.

Rohwer, S. A: Descriptions of twenty six new species of North American Hymenoptera. Sonderdruck..

12,00 €
Muir, Frederick: On the Mechanism of the Male Genital Tube in Coleoptera. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 15, 404-414.

Muir, Frederick: On the Mechanism of the Male Genital Tube in Coleoptera. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: A revision of the North American species of buprestid beetles belonging to the genus agrilus. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 145.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: A revision of the North American species of buprestid beetles belonging to..

16,00 €
Osborn, Herbert: Faunistic and ecological notes on Cuban Homoptera. Scientific contributions (Tropical Plant Research Foundation) 2. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the Entomological Society of America 19, 335-366.

Osborn, Herbert: Faunistic and ecological notes on Cuban Homoptera. Scientific contributions..

12,00 €
Sandhouse, Grace Adelbert: New North American species of bees belonging to the genus Halictus (Chloralictus). Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 65,2532.

Sandhouse, Grace Adelbert: New North American species of bees belonging to the genus Halictus..

11,00 €
Rohwer, S. A: Some notes on wasps of the subfamily Nyssoninae, with descriptions of new species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 59,2374, 403 - 413.

Rohwer, S. A: Some notes on wasps of the subfamily Nyssoninae, with descriptions of new species..

12,00 €
Dupont, F. ; Roepke, Walter: Heterocera javanica : fam. Sphingidae, hawk moths. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 40,1.

Dupont, F. ; Roepke, Walter: Heterocera javanica : fam. Sphingidae, hawk moths. Verhandelingen der..

35,00 €
Rohwer, S. A: A report on a collection of Hymenoptera (mostly from California) made by W. M. Giffard. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 53,2202, S. 233 - 249.

Rohwer, S. A: A report on a collection of Hymenoptera (mostly from California) made by W. M..

12,00 €
Rohwer, S. A. ; Fagan, Margaret M: The type-species of the genera of the Cynipoidea, or the gall wasps and parasitic Cynipoids. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 53,2208, 357 - 380.

Rohwer, S. A. ; Fagan, Margaret M: The type species of the genera of the Cynipoidea, or the gall..

12,00 €
Linsley, Earle Gorton; MacSwain, John W: Bionomics of the meloid genus Hornia (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: University of California publications in entomology 7,9, 189 - 206.

Linsley, Earle Gorton; MacSwain, John W: Bionomics of the meloid genus Hornia (Coleoptera)..

10,00 €
Rohwer, S. A: Notes on sawflies, with descriptions of new genera and species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 59,2361, 83 - 109.

Rohwer, S. A: Notes on sawflies, with descriptions of new genera and species. Sonderdruck aus:..

12,00 €
Blackwelder, Richard E: Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America, part 5. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 185.

Blackwelder, Richard E: Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West..

14,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J. ; Payne, K. R: Cicadellidae (Typhlocybinae) with a check list of the British Auchenoryhyncha (Hemiptera, Homoptera). Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,2,c.

Le Quesne, Walter J. ; Payne, K. R: Cicadellidae (Typhlocybinae) with a check list of the British..

20,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha, Deltocephalinae. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,2,b.

Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Cicadomorpha, Deltocephalinae. Handbooks for the identification of..

16,00 €
Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2,3.

Le Quesne, Walter J: Hemiptera : Fulgoromorpha. Handbooks for the identification of British insects..

16,00 €
Girault, A. Arsène: A systematic monograph of the chalcidoid Hymenoptera of the subfamily Signiphorinae. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 45,1977, 189 - 233.

Girault, A. Arsène: A systematic monograph of the chalcidoid Hymenoptera of the subfamily..

12,00 €
Grobler, Johan H: Some Aspects of the biology, ecology and control of the pine brown tail moth, Euproctis terminalis, Walk.

Grobler, Johan H: Some Aspects of the biology, ecology and control of the pine brown tail moth..

24,00 €
Mahnert, Voker: Weitere Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones) aus griechischen Höhlen. Sonderdruck aus: Annales Musei Goulandris 4, 273-298.

Mahnert, Voker: Weitere Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones) aus griechischen Höhlen..

9,00 €
Paramonov, S. J: A review of the Australian mydaidae (Diptera). Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Australia  Bulletin 255.

Paramonov, S. J: A review of the Australian mydaidae (Diptera). Commonwealth Scientific and..

14,00 €
White, Ian M.; Hodkinson, Ian D: Psylloidea (Nymphal Stages) Hemiptera , Homoptera. Handbooks for the identification of British insects 2.5,b.

White, Ian M.; Hodkinson, Ian D: Psylloidea (Nymphal Stages) Hemiptera , Homoptera. Handbooks for..

20,00 €
Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique et Malacologique de Belgique 46.

Annales de la Société Royale Zoologique et Malacologique de Belgique 46.

40,00 €
Linsley, E Gorton: A Revision of the Genus Neopasites (Hymenoptera: Nomadidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 69, 119-140.

Linsley, E Gorton: A Revision of the Genus Neopasites (Hymenoptera: Nomadidae). Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Linsley, Earle Gorton; C D Michener: A Generic Revision of the North American Nomadidae (Hymenoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 65, 265-305.

Linsley, Earle Gorton; C D Michener: A Generic Revision of the North American Nomadidae..

14,00 €
Linsley, E Gorton: Revisions of the Genera Townsendiella, Triopasites and Paranomada (Hymenoptera: Nomadidae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 69, 93-106.

Linsley, E Gorton: Revisions of the Genera Townsendiella, Triopasites and Paranomada (Hymenoptera:..

9,00 €
King, W. V. et al: A handbook of the mosquitos of the Southeastern United States. Agriculture handbook 173.

King, W. V. et al: A handbook of the mosquitos of the Southeastern United States. Agriculture..

19,00 €
Hine, James Stewart: Tabanidae of Ohio : with a catalogue and bibliography of the species from America north of Mexico.Ohio Academy of Science, Special papers 3.

Hine, James Stewart: Tabanidae of Ohio : with a catalogue and bibliography of the species from..

15,00 €
Notman, Howard: A synoptic review of the beetles of the tribe Osoriini from the Western Hemisphere. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 67,2583.

Notman, Howard: A synoptic review of the beetles of the tribe Osoriini from the Western Hemisphere..

12,00 €
Mutchler, Andrew J: Coleoptera. From the Williams Galapagos Expedition. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologica 5, 219-240.

Mutchler, Andrew J: Coleoptera. From the Williams Galapagos Expedition. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologica..

10,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: New species of Buprestid beetles from Costa Rica. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 76,2803.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: New species of Buprestid beetles from Costa Rica. Proceedings of the United..

11,00 €
Linsley, Earle Gorton: Systematics of the meloid genera Hornia and Allendesalazaria (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: University of California publications in entomology 7,8, 169 - 188.

Linsley, Earle Gorton: Systematics of the meloid genera Hornia and Allendesalazaria (Coleoptera)..

9,00 €
Buscalioni, Luigi; Guido Grandi: L'evoluzzione dei ricettacoli del Ficus carica L. in rapporto con l'insetto pronubo [Blastophaga psenes L.] e con la coltivazione. Sonderdruck aus: Memorie della R. Accademia delle Scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna : Class

Buscalioni, Luigi; Guido Grandi: L'evoluzzione dei ricettacoli del Ficus carica L. in rapporto con..

16,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 70, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 70, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 79, H. 1-4 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 79, H. 1-4 (komplett).

15,00 €
Kaszab, Zoltán: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. Tenebrionidae, Col. + Fortsetzung. (Sammelergebnisse von O. Jakes 1963 64, D. Povolný 1965, D. Povolný & Fr..

Kaszab, Zoltán: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. Tenebrionidae, Col. + Fortsetzung..

50,00 €
Aldrich, J. M: New diptera or two-winged flies from South America. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 74,2746.

Aldrich, J. M: New diptera or two winged flies from South America. Proceedings of the United States..

12,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 78, H. 1-4 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 78, H. 1-4 (komplett).

15,00 €
Tillyard, Robin J: The Insects of Macquarie Island. Australasian Antarctic Expedition. Serie C, Zoology and botany 5,8.

Tillyard, Robin J: The Insects of Macquarie Island. Australasian Antarctic Expedition. Serie C..

25,00 €
Baker, C. F: Ichneumonoid parasites of the Philippines. Parts I & II (Braconidae). Sonderdruck aus: Philippines Journal of Science, D, 12: 281-327 + 383-422.

Baker, C. F: Ichneumonoid parasites of the Philippines. Parts I & II (Braconidae). Sonderdruck aus:..

16,00 €
Baker, C. F: Studies in Philippine Jassoidea; 1. Some remarkable Tettigoniellidae. 2. Philippine Jassaria. 3. The Stenocotidae. 4. Idiocerini. Sonderdruck aus: Philippines Journal of Science, D, 9. 409-421. 1915. 10. 49-59, 189-201, 317-343.

Baker, C. F: Studies in Philippine Jassoidea; 1. Some remarkable Tettigoniellidae. 2. Philippine..

25,00 €
Lippert, George; Linda Butler: Taxonomic Study of Collembola of West Virginia. West Virginia Agri. Exp. Station Bulletin 643.

Lippert, George; Linda Butler: Taxonomic Study of Collembola of West Virginia. West Virginia Agri..

16,00 €
Malloch, John Russell: A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidæ, with descriptions of new genera and species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 46,2018, 127 - 154.

Malloch, John Russell: A synopsis of the genera of Agromyzidæ, with descriptions of new genera and..

14,00 €
Feider, Z: Acaromorpha. Suprafamilia Ixodoidea (Capuse). Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne 5/2.

Feider, Z: Acaromorpha. Suprafamilia Ixodoidea (Capuse). Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne 5/2.

15,00 €
Dyar, Harrison G: The mosquitoes of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 62,2447.

Dyar, Harrison G: The mosquitoes of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National..

14,00 €
Grandi, Guido: Contributi alla conoscenza degli imenotteri aculeati. Indice analitico dei contributi I (1925) - XV (1935). Sonderdruck aus: Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia della R. Università di Bologna 8, 122-140.

Grandi, Guido: Contributi alla conoscenza degli imenotteri aculeati. Indice analitico dei..

12,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 56, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 56, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 49, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 49, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 48, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 48, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 21, H. 1-12 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 21, H. 1-12 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 43, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 43, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 47, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 47, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 55, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 55, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 54, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 54, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: New Buprestid beetles from Borneo and the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 61,2428.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: New Buprestid beetles from Borneo and the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of..

12,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 53, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 53, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 52, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 52, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Young, David A: Taxonomic Study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), Pt. 1: Proconiini. Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum 261.

Young, David A: Taxonomic Study of the Cicadellinae (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), Pt. 1: Proconiini..

10,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: Descriptions of new West Indian longicorn beetles of the subfamily Lamiinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 68,2623.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: Descriptions of new West Indian longicorn beetles of the subfamily Lamiinae..

12,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 77, H. 1-4 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 77, H. 1-4 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 62, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 62, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 67, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 67, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Allen, Harry W: North American species of two-winged flies belonging to the tribe Miltogrammini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 68,2610.

Allen, Harry W: North American species of two winged flies belonging to the tribe Miltogrammini..

15,00 €
Fisher, Warren Samuel: A revision of the West Indian Coleoptera of the family Buprestidae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 65,2522.

Fisher, Warren Samuel: A revision of the West Indian Coleoptera of the family Buprestidae..

16,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 74, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 74, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 76, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 76, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 71, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 71, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 68, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 68, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 75, H. 1-6 (komplett).

Der ornithologische Beobachter, Zeitschrift der Ala 75, H. 1-6 (komplett).

15,00 €
Biocosme Mésogéen - Revue d'Histoire Naturelle 20 (3-4).

Biocosme Mésogéen - Revue d'Histoire Naturelle 20 (3-4).

11,00 €