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339 Artikel gefunden


Malloch, J. R: Diptera from the South-Western United States. Paper IV. Anthomyiidae. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 44, 263-319.

Malloch, J. R: Diptera from the South Western United States. Paper IV. Anthomyiidae. Sonderdruck..

16,00 €
Rehn, James A G: The Stanford expedition to Brazil, 1911 (J. C. Branner, Director). Dermaptera and orthoptera 1. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 42, 215-308.

Rehn, James A G: The Stanford expedition to Brazil, 1911 (J. C. Branner, Director). Dermaptera and..

19,00 €
Aldrich, J M: Notes on Muscoid Flies with Retracted Hind Crossvein, with Key and Several New Genera and Species. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 52, 7-28.

Aldrich, J M: Notes on Muscoid Flies with Retracted Hind Crossvein, with Key and Several New Genera..

14,00 €
Bequaert, J: The Genus Ancistrocerus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in North America, with a Partial Key to the Species. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 51, 57-117.

Bequaert, J: The Genus Ancistrocerus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in North America, with a Partial Key..

14,00 €
Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Gee, J. M: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), part VII. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Zoology series 18,1.

Greenwood, Peter Humphry; Gee, J. M: A Revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces..

30,00 €
Malloch, J R: Flies of the Anthomyiid Genus Phaonia Robineau-Desvoidy and Related Genera, Known to Occur in North America. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 48, 227-282.

Malloch, J R: Flies of the Anthomyiid Genus Phaonia Robineau Desvoidy and Related Genera, Known to..

16,00 €
G., M. J. J.; Conrard, M: Nouveau Manuel Complet de l'Oiseleur ou Secrets Anciens et Modernes de la Chasse aux Oiseaux au moyen des pièges..

G., M. J. J.; Conrard, M: Nouveau Manuel Complet de l'Oiseleur ou Secrets Anciens et Modernes de la..

50,00 €
Rehn, James A G: The Stanford expedition to Brazil, 1911 (J. C. Branner, Director). Dermaptera and orthoptera II. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 43, 89-154.

Rehn, James A G: The Stanford expedition to Brazil, 1911 (J. C. Branner, Director). Dermaptera and..

16,00 €
Vecht, J. van der: The Carpenter bees (Xylocopa latr.) of Celebec, with notes on some other Indonesian Xylocopa species. O.S.R.-publication 37.

Vecht, J. van der: The Carpenter bees (Xylocopa latr.) of Celebec, with notes on some other..

16,00 €
Bradley, J Chester: Descriptions, records and notes on North American Nyssonidae. (Hymenoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 46, 113-132.

Bradley, J Chester: Descriptions, records and notes on North American Nyssonidae. (Hymenoptera)..

14,00 €
Malloch, J R: Descriptions of New North American Anthomyiidae (Diptera). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 46, 133-196.

Malloch, J R: Descriptions of New North American Anthomyiidae (Diptera). Sonderdruck aus:..

14,00 €
Heimans, E.; Jaspers, J.; Thijsse, Jac. P. (red.): De levende natuur - Tijdschrift voor Natuurliefhebbers 3.

Heimans, E.; Jaspers, J.; Thijsse, Jac. P. (red.): De levende natuur Tijdschrift voor..

40,00 €
Goldstein, Robert J: Cichlids of the World.

Goldstein, Robert J: Cichlids of the World.

12,00 €
Dippenaar, N J: Variation in Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) in southern Africa, Part 1 (Mammalia: Soricidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 30, no. 16.

Dippenaar, N J: Variation in Crocidura mariquensis (A. Smith, 1844) in southern Africa, Part 1..

16,00 €
Reenen, J A Van: General structure and terminology of the external male amd female genitalia of the Gonocerini (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 30, no. 1.

Reenen, J A Van: General structure and terminology of the external male amd female genitalia of the..

12,00 €
Den Hollander, J. et al: Courtship behaviour as species barrier in the Pardosa pullata group (Araneae, Lycosidae). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 116,1.

Den Hollander, J. et al: Courtship behaviour as species barrier in the Pardosa pullata group..

14,00 €
Lukoschus, F S; J M W Louppen; P Fauran: Parasitic mites of Surinam. XI. Four new species of the genus Psorergatoides Fain, 1959 (Psorergatidae: Trombidiformes). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 116,4.

Lukoschus, F S; J M W Louppen; P Fauran: Parasitic mites of Surinam. XI. Four new species of the..

12,00 €
Lempke, B. J: Catalogus der Nederlandse Macrolepidoptera (Elfde supplement). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 107,8.

Lempke, B. J: Catalogus der Nederlandse Macrolepidoptera (Elfde supplement). Tijdschrift voor..

19,00 €
Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History) Publication 813.

Corbet, Gordon B.; Hill, J. E: A world list of mammalian species. British Museum (Natural History)..

9,00 €
Ashmole, N. P. ; Ashmole, Myrtle J: Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic island. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Bulletin 24.

Ashmole, N. P. ; Ashmole, Myrtle J: Comparative feeding ecology of sea birds of a tropical oceanic..

25,00 €
Zavortink, Thomas J: Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) VIII. A Prodrome of the genus Orthopodomyia. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 3,2.

Zavortink, Thomas J: Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) VIII. A Prodrome of the genus..

29,00 €
Arnell, J. Hal; Nielson, Lewis T: Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidea) XXVII: the varipalpus group of Aedes (Ochlerotatus). Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 8,2.

Arnell, J. Hal; Nielson, Lewis T: Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidea) XXVII: the varipalpus group..

19,00 €
MacDonald, J. F.; Akre, R. D.; Hill, W. B: Comparative biology and behavior of Vespula atropilosa and Vespula pensylvanica (Uymenoptera: Vespdae). Melanderia 18.

MacDonald, J. F.; Akre, R. D.; Hill, W. B: Comparative biology and behavior of Vespula atropilosa..

29,00 €
Linsley, E. G.; MacSwain, J. W. ; Michener, C. D: Nesting biology and associates of Melitoma (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae). University of California publications in entomology 90.

Linsley, E. G.; MacSwain, J. W. ; Michener, C. D: Nesting biology and associates of Melitoma..

16,00 €
McGinley, Ronald J: Systematics of the Colletidae based on mature larvae with phenetic analysis of apoid larvae (Hymenoptera: apoidea). University of California publications in entomology 91.

McGinley, Ronald J: Systematics of the Colletidae based on mature larvae with phenetic analysis of..

30,00 €
Webb, J. L: Some Insects injurious to forests 2: The western pine-destroying barkbeetle. US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 58,2.

Webb, J. L: Some Insects injurious to forests 2: The western pine destroying barkbeetle. US..

14,00 €
Knipscher, R. C.; Davidson, J. A. ; Miller, D. R: Biosystematics of Chionaspis nyssae Comstock (Homoptera, Diaspididae) : with evidence supporting leaf and bark dimorphism of the scale. Melanderia 25.

Knipscher, R. C.; Davidson, J. A. ; Miller, D. R: Biosystematics of Chionaspis nyssae Comstock..

19,00 €
Peachey, J. E: Nematodes of tropical crops.  Commonwealth Bureau of Helminthology, Technical communication 40.

Peachey, J. E: Nematodes of tropical crops. Commonwealth Bureau of Helminthology, Technical..

29,00 €
Phillips, W. J. ; Fox, Henry: The rouge-headed corn stalk-beetle in the Southern States and its control. US Department of Agriculture 1267.

Phillips, W. J. ; Fox, Henry: The rouge headed corn stalk beetle in the Southern States and its..

16,00 €
Webster, Francis Marion; Phillips, W. J: The spring grain-aphis or "green bug". US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 110.

Webster, Francis Marion; Phillips, W. J: The spring grain aphis or "green bug". US Department of..

25,00 €
Hunter, Walter D.; Pratt, F. C. ; Mitchell, J. D: The principal cactus insects of the United States. US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology 113.

Hunter, Walter D.; Pratt, F. C. ; Mitchell, J. D: The principal cactus insects of the United..

19,00 €
Uilenberg, G.; Hoogstraal, Harry; Klein, J.-M: Les tiques (Ixodoidea) de Madagascar et leur role vecteur. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Madagascar 1979.

Uilenberg, G.; Hoogstraal, Harry; Klein, J. M: Les tiques (Ixodoidea) de Madagascar et leur role..

39,00 €
Millard, N. A. H.; Bouillon, J: A Collection of Hydroids from Moçambique, East Africa. Annals of the South African Museum Vol. 65, Pt. 1.

Millard, N. A. H.; Bouillon, J: A Collection of Hydroids from Moçambique, East Africa. Annals of..

10,00 €
Valle, K. J: Die Verbreitungsverhältnisse der ostfennoskandischen Odonaten (zur Kenntnis der Odonatenfauna Finnlands VI). Acta entomologica Fennica 10.

Valle, K. J: Die Verbreitungsverhältnisse der ostfennoskandischen Odonaten (zur Kenntnis der..

25,00 €
Avenant, N. L.; Watson, J. P: Mammals of Sandveld Nature Reserve, Free State Province, South Africa. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 18,1.

Avenant, N. L.; Watson, J. P: Mammals of Sandveld Nature Reserve, Free State Province, South..

9,00 €
Watson, J. P.; Dippenaar, N. J: The species limits of Galerella Sanguinea (R ppell, 1836), G. Pulverulenta (Wagner, 1839) and G. Nigrata (Thomas, 1928) in Southern Africa (Carnivora: Viverridae) : key to the species of Galerella in Southern Africa. Navors

Watson, J. P.; Dippenaar, N. J: The species limits of Galerella Sanguinea (R ppell, 1836), G..

14,00 €
Terblanche, H J; O B Kok: Die voorkoms van wild in die Oranje-Vrystaat. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 11,4.

Terblanche, H J; O B Kok: Die voorkoms van wild in die Oranje Vrystaat. Navorsinge van die..

14,00 €
Lynch, Carl David; J P Watson: The distribution and ecology of Otomys sloggetti (Mammalia: Rodentia) with notes on its taxonomy. Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 8,3.

Lynch, Carl David; J P Watson: The distribution and ecology of Otomys sloggetti (Mammalia:..

11,00 €
Peters, J.; Brink, J.S: Comparative postcranial osteomorphology and osteometry of Springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmerman, 1780) and Grey Rhebok, Pelea capreolus (Forster, 1790) (Mammalia: Bovidae). Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum 8,4.

Peters, J.; Brink, J.S: Comparative postcranial osteomorphology and osteometry of Springbok..

11,00 €
Arora, G. S.; Gupta, I. J: Taxonomic studies on some of the Indian non-mulberry silkmoths (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae: Saturniinae). Memoirs of the Zoological Survey of India 16,1.

Arora, G. S.; Gupta, I. J: Taxonomic studies on some of the Indian non mulberry silkmoths..

25,00 €
Osborn, Herbert; Carl J Drake: The Tingitoidea of Ohio. Sonderdruck aus: Ohio State University bulletin, v. 20, no. 35; Ohio State Biological Survey Bulletin 8, 217-251.

Osborn, Herbert; Carl J Drake: The Tingitoidea of Ohio. Sonderdruck aus: Ohio State University..

9,00 €
Gressitt, J. L: Longicorn beetles from the Ryukyu Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Sonderdruck aus: The Philippine Journal of Science 79, 193-235.

Gressitt, J. L: Longicorn beetles from the Ryukyu Islands (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Harris, C. J: Otters : a study of the recent Lutrinae. The World naturalist.

Harris, C. J: Otters : a study of the recent Lutrinae. The World naturalist.

15,00 €
Toxopeus, L J: On the distribution of Delias crithoe (Boisd.) in Java (Lep., Pieridae). Organization for Scientific Research in Indonesia 15.

Toxopeus, L J: On the distribution of Delias crithoe (Boisd.) in Java (Lep., Pieridae)..

9,00 €
Hickson, Sydney J: The Pennatulacea. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34. Scientific Reports. Volume IV. No. 5.

Hickson, Sydney J: The Pennatulacea. The John Murray Expedition 1933 34. Scientific Reports. Volume..

14,00 €
Evens, Frans M. J. C: Recherches sur l'élevage et la biologie de Glossina palpalis Martinii. Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 2. Série, 54.

Evens, Frans M. J. C: Recherches sur l'élevage et la biologie de Glossina palpalis Martinii..

24,00 €
Gerberg, Eugene J: A revision of the new world species of powder-post beetles belonging to the family Lyctidae. United States Department of Agriculture, Technical bulletin 1157.

Gerberg, Eugene J: A revision of the new world species of powder post beetles belonging to the..

16,00 €
Ford, E. J: A revision of the genus Petalium LeConte in the United States, Greater Antilles, and the Bahamas (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). Agricultural Marketing Service Technical bulletin 1467.

Ford, E. J: A revision of the genus Petalium LeConte in the United States, Greater Antilles, and..

20,00 €
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