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339 Artikel gefunden


Barbarito Echenique, J. F: Sacrodarios y Esporozoarios. Dissertation.

Barbarito Echenique, J. F: Sacrodarios y Esporozoarios. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Rogers, J. Speed: The ecological distribution of the crane-flies of northern Florida. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Ecological monographs 3.

Rogers, J. Speed: The ecological distribution of the crane flies of northern Florida. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Austara, O.; Migunda J: Orgyia mixta Snell. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) a defoliator of exotic softwoods. Sonderdruck aus: East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 36, 298-307.

Austara, O.; Migunda J: Orgyia mixta Snell. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) a defoliator of exotic..

9,00 €
Wijngaarden, A van; Peppel, J. van de: De otter, Lutra lutra (L.) in Nederland. Sonderdruck aus: Lutra 12, 1-72.

Wijngaarden, A van; Peppel, J. van de: De otter, Lutra lutra (L.) in Nederland. Sonderdruck aus:..

11,00 €
Wijngaarden, A van; Peppel, J. van de: The badger, Meles meles (L.), in the Netherlands. Sonderdruck aus: Lutra 6, 1-60.

Wijngaarden, A van; Peppel, J. van de: The badger, Meles meles (L.), in the Netherlands..

14,00 €
McAlpine, J. F: Relationships of Cremifania Czerny (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) and Description of a New Species. Sonderdruck aus: The Canadian Entomologist 95, 239-253.

McAlpine, J. F: Relationships of Cremifania Czerny (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) and Description of a..

9,00 €
Muir, Frederick; J C Kershaw: On the homologies and mechanism of the mouthparts of Hemiptera. Sonderdruck aus: Psyche 18, 1-12.

Muir, Frederick; J C Kershaw: On the homologies and mechanism of the mouthparts of Hemiptera..

9,00 €
Lillig, Martin; Bremer, Hans J: Tenebrionidae der nördlichen Provinzen der Republik Sudan (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Sonderdruck aus: Coleoptera 6, 35-101.

Lillig, Martin; Bremer, Hans J: Tenebrionidae der nördlichen Provinzen der Republik Sudan..

14,00 €
Winter, A J de: The genetic basis and evolution of acoustic mate recognition signals in a Ribautodelphax planthopper (Homoptera, Delphacidae) 1. The female call. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of Evolutionary Biology 5, 249-265.

Winter, A J de: The genetic basis and evolution of acoustic mate recognition signals in a..

9,00 €
Bequaert, J: Etudes sur les Hymenopteres Diplopteres d'Afrique. II: Quelques Polistes nouveaux pour la Faune du Congo Belge avec un Apercu des Especes Ethiopiennes et Malgaches du Genre. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 31, 129-152.

Bequaert, J: Etudes sur les Hymenopteres Diplopteres d'Afrique. II: Quelques Polistes nouveaux pour..

9,00 €
Salavin, Raimundo J: Notas biologicas sobre la mosca : Servaisia (Protodexia) arteagai (Blanch.) Rob. (Diptera Sarcophagidae) parasito de la tucura. Sonderdruck aus: Revista de Investigaciones Agricolas, 12, 299-309.

Salavin, Raimundo J: Notas biologicas sobre la mosca : Servaisia (Protodexia) arteagai (Blanch.)..

9,00 €
Bequaert, J: Les races de coloration de Vespa luctuosa de Saussure et de Polistes tenebricosus Lepeletier. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique 10/28, 1-11.

Bequaert, J: Les races de coloration de Vespa luctuosa de Saussure et de Polistes tenebricosus..

9,00 €
Bequaert, J: Synopsis of Monobia de Saussure, an American genus of solitary wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Sonderdruck aus: Rec. De Entomologia 11, 822-842.

Bequaert, J: Synopsis of Monobia de Saussure, an American genus of solitary wasps (Hymenoptera..

9,00 €
Knight, W. J.; Webb. M. D: The phylogenetic relationships between virus vector and other genera of macrosteline leafhoppers, including descriptions of new taxa (Homoptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae). Sonderdruck aus: Systematic Entomology 18, 11-55.

Knight, W. J.; Webb. M. D: The phylogenetic relationships between virus vector and other genera of..

9,00 €
Brown, K W ; J T Doyen: Review of the Genus Microschatia (Solier) (Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the New York Entomological Society 99, 539-582.

Brown, K W ; J T Doyen: Review of the Genus Microschatia (Solier) (Tenebrionidae: Coleoptera)..

9,00 €
Headlee, Thomas J: The Mosquitos Of New Jersey And Their Control. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations 276.

Headlee, Thomas J: The Mosquitos Of New Jersey And Their Control. New Jersey Agricultural..

15,00 €
Kieffer, J. J: Chironomides d'Amérique conservés au Musée national hongrois de Budapest. Sonderdruck aus: Annales Musei Nationales Hungarici 15, 292-364.

Kieffer, J. J: Chironomides d'Amérique conservés au Musée national hongrois de Budapest..

14,00 €
Kieffer, J. J: Chironomides d’Australie conservés au Musée National Hongrois de Budapest. Sonderdruck aus: Annales Musei Nationales Hungarici 15, 175-228.

Kieffer, J. J: Chironomides d’Australie conservés au Musée National Hongrois de Budapest..

14,00 €
Guppy, J. C: Insect Parasites of the Armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with Notes on Species Observed in Ontario. Sonderdruck aus: The Canadian Entomologist 99, 94-106.

Guppy, J. C: Insect Parasites of the Armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with..

9,00 €
Deville, J Sainte-Claire: Supplement aux Rhynchophora, rédigé d'apres les notes de L. Bedel. Bedel, Louis. Faune des Coléopteres du bassin de la Seine t. 6. bis.

Deville, J Sainte Claire: Supplement aux Rhynchophora, rédigé d'apres les notes de L. Bedel..

40,00 €
Headlee, Thomas J: Some Recent Advances in Knowledge of the Natural History and the Control of Mosquitoes . New JerseyAgricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin 306.

Headlee, Thomas J: Some Recent Advances in Knowledge of the Natural History and the Control of..

14,00 €
Ring, R. A: Maternal induction of diapause in the larva of Lucilia Caesar L. (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Sonderdruck aus: J. Exp. Biol. 46, 123-136.

Ring, R. A: Maternal induction of diapause in the larva of Lucilia Caesar L. (Diptera:..

9,00 €
Fredeen, F. J. H: The temporary abatement of nuisance species of trichoptera with ddd (tde) larvicide. Sonderdruck aus: Can. Ent. 104, 145-163.

Fredeen, F. J. H: The temporary abatement of nuisance species of trichoptera with ddd (tde)..

9,00 €
Husmann, Siegfried: Ökologie, Systematik und Verbreitung zweier in Norddeutschland sympatrisch lebender Bathynella-Arten (Crustacea, Syncarida). Sonderdruck aus: Intern. J. Speleology 3, 111-145.

Husmann, Siegfried: Ökologie, Systematik und Verbreitung zweier in Norddeutschland sympatrisch..

9,00 €
Illies, J: Biogeography and ecology of neotropical freshwater insects, especially those from running waters. Sonderdruck aus: E.J. Fittkau et al. (Eds.): Biogeography and ecology in South America, S. 685-708.

Illies, J: Biogeography and ecology of neotropical freshwater insects, especially those from..

9,00 €
Seiler, J: Resultate aus der Kreuzung parthenogenetischer und zweigeschlechtlicher Schmetterlinge. Aus. Arch. Julius Klaus-Stiftung Vererbungsforsch. Sozialanthrop. Rassenhygiene, 17, 513-528.

Seiler, J: Resultate aus der Kreuzung parthenogenetischer und zweigeschlechtlicher Schmetterlinge..

9,00 €
Helmcke, J.-G.; Lengerken, H.v: Handbuch der Zoologie : eine Naturgeschichte d. Stämme des Tierreichs. 8. Bd.: Mammalia, 5. Lieferung.

Helmcke, J. G.; Lengerken, H.v: Handbuch der Zoologie : eine Naturgeschichte d. Stämme des..

40,00 €
Wiebes, J. T: The New World Agaoninae (pollinators of figs). Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 94.

Wiebes, J. T: The New World Agaoninae (pollinators of figs). Verhandelingen der Koninklijke..

35,00 €
Van Cleave, H. J: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -18, vol 9: Annelids, Parasitic Worms, Protozoans, etc.,Pt. E: Acanthocephala, Southern Party 1913-16.

Van Cleave, H. J: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 18, vol 9: Annelids, Parasitic..

12,00 €
Moore, Percy J: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 -18, vol 9: Annelids, Parasitic Worms, Protozoans, etc.,Pt. C: Hirudinea ; Southern Party 1913-16.

Moore, Percy J: Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913 18, vol 9: Annelids, Parasitic..

9,00 €
Jedlicka, Arnost: Versuch einer Monographie der pal. Carabiden-Gattungen mit abgestutzten Flügeldecken (Truncatipennen) mit Berücksichtigung der indischen Fauna.

Jedlicka, Arnost: Versuch einer Monographie der pal. Carabiden Gattungen mit abgestutzten..

19,00 €
Salkind, J: Contributions histologiques à la biologie comparée du thymus. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale 55, 81-322.

Salkind, J: Contributions histologiques à la biologie comparée du thymus. Dissertation..

20,00 €
Schmidt, Wilhelm J: Der molekulare Bau der Zelle. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F., 45 = Bd. 7,45.

Schmidt, Wilhelm J: Der molekulare Bau der Zelle. Nova acta Leopoldina N.F., 45 = Bd. 7,45.

9,00 €
Fabre, J. Henri: Ricordi entomologici : studi sull'istinto e i costumi degli insetti, ser. 1-10 (complete).

Fabre, J. Henri: Ricordi entomologici : studi sull'istinto e i costumi degli insetti, ser. 1 10..

280,00 €
Reichelt, Max: Schuppenentwicklung und Pigmentbildung auf d. Flügeln v. Lymantria dispar unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des sexuellen Dimorphismus. Sonderdruck aus: Zeitschrift f. Morphol. u. Ökol. d. Tiere. Bd 3, S. 477-525.

Reichelt, Max: Schuppenentwicklung und Pigmentbildung auf d. Flügeln v. Lymantria dispar unter..

11,00 €
Doyen, John T.; Lawrence, J. F: Relationships and higher classification of some Tenebrionidae and Zopheridae (Coleoptera). Sonderdruck aus: Systematic Entomology 4, 333-377.

Doyen, John T.; Lawrence, J. F: Relationships and higher classification of some Tenebrionidae and..

9,00 €
Garcia-Barros, E; Martin, J: The eggs of European satyrine butterflies (Nymphalidae): external morphology and its use in sytematics. Sonderdruck aus: Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 115, 73-115.

Garcia Barros, E; Martin, J: The eggs of European satyrine butterflies (Nymphalidae): external..

14,00 €
Shafiq, Saiyid Ahmad: A study of the embryonic development of the gooseberry sawfly, Pteronidea ribesii. Sonderdruck aus: Quart. J. Microscop. Sci. 95, 93-114.

Shafiq, Saiyid Ahmad: A study of the embryonic development of the gooseberry sawfly, Pteronidea..

9,00 €
Phillips, W. J. ; Emery, W. T: A revision of the chalcid-flies of the genus Harmolita of America North of Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 55,2281, S. 433 - 471.

Phillips, W. J. ; Emery, W. T: A revision of the chalcid flies of the genus Harmolita of America..

14,00 €
Horner, B. Elizabeth; J. Mary Taylor: Observations on the biology of the yellow-footed marsupial mouse, Antechinus flavipes flavipes. Results of the Archbold Expeditions 80; American Museum novitates 1972.

Horner, B. Elizabeth; J. Mary Taylor: Observations on the biology of the yellow footed marsupial..

14,00 €
Starks, K J; W Somsen; R L Burton; E A Wood: Behavior of Convergent Lady Beetles in Relation to Greenbug Control in Sorghum - Observations and Preliminary Tests. USDA Ars-S., 53.

Starks, K J; W Somsen; R L Burton; E A Wood: Behavior of Convergent Lady Beetles in Relation to..

14,00 €
Wiebes, J. T: The Indo-Australian Agaoninae (pollinators of figs). Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afdeeling Natuurkunde. Reeks 2, Biologie, Geneeskunde 92.

Wiebes, J. T: The Indo Australian Agaoninae (pollinators of figs). Verhandelingen der Koninklijke..

39,00 €
Hrbacek, J: A morphometrical study of some backwaters and fish ponds in relation to the representative plankton samples (with and appendix by C.O. Junge on depth distribution for quadric surfaces and other configurations). Aus. Hydrobiol. Studies 1, 221-2

Hrbacek, J: A morphometrical study of some backwaters and fish ponds in relation to the..

9,00 €
Schmidt, Wilhelm J: Altes und Neues über Strukturfarben im Tierreich. Gießener naturwissenschaftliche Vorträge 6.

Schmidt, Wilhelm J: Altes und Neues über Strukturfarben im Tierreich. Gießener..

16,00 €
Bohls, J: Die Mundwerkzeuge der Physopoden. Dissertation.

Bohls, J: Die Mundwerkzeuge der Physopoden. Dissertation.

17,00 €
University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 51: F. E. J. Fry: A method for the calculation of the growth of fishesfrom scale measurements; W. A. Kennedy: The whitefish, Coreconus clupeaformis (Michell), of Laje Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Ontario. Publ. On

University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 51: F. E. J. Fry: A method for the calculation of the..

14,00 €
University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 54: F. E. J. Fry, J. S. Hart, K. F. Walker: Lethal temperature relations for a sample of young speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis; Tchang-Si, Y.-P. Liu: On the artifical propagation of Tsing-fish, Matsya si

University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 54: F. E. J. Fry, J. S. Hart, K. F. Walker: Lethal..

14,00 €
University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 53: J. R. Brett: Rate of Gain of Heat-Tolerance in Goldfish (Carassius auratus); R. V. Bangham, C. E. Venard: Parasites of Fish of Algonquin Park Lakes. Publ. Ontario fisheries res. Laboratory No. LXIV and LXV

University of Toronto Studies, Biol. Ser. No. 53: J. R. Brett: Rate of Gain of Heat Tolerance in..

10,00 €
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