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13 Artikel gefunden


(Sammlung) Die Neue Brehm Bücherei - Ziemsen Verlag (105 Exemplare) - aus der Reihe: Die neue Brehm-Bücherei.

(Sammlung) Die Neue Brehm Bücherei Ziemsen Verlag (105 Exemplare) aus der Reihe: Die neue..

533,00 €
Hanson, Harold C.; Jones, Robert L: The biogeochemistry of blue, snow, and ross' geese. Illinois Natural History Survey special publication 1.

Hanson, Harold C.; Jones, Robert L: The biogeochemistry of blue, snow, and ross' geese. Illinois..

10,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush ; Hubbs, Carl L: The spiny-rayed cyprinid fishes (plagopterini) of the Colorado river system. Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 115.

Miller, Robert Rush ; Hubbs, Carl L: The spiny rayed cyprinid fishes (plagopterini) of the Colorado..

16,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert Rush: Studies of Cyprinodont fishes. XXII. Variation in Lucania parva, its establishment in Western United States, and description of a new species from an interior basin in Coahuila, Mexico. Museum of Zoology, University of

Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert Rush: Studies of Cyprinodont fishes. XXII. Variation in Lucania..

24,00 €
Zusi, Richard L. ; Storer, Robert W: Osteology and myology of the head and neck of the pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus). Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Miscellaneous publications 139.

Zusi, Richard L. ; Storer, Robert W: Osteology and myology of the head and neck of the pied billed..

16,00 €
Ciochon, Russel L.; Corruccini, Robert S. (eds.): New interpretations of ape and human ancestry. Advances in primatology.

Ciochon, Russel L.; Corruccini, Robert S. (eds.): New interpretations of ape and human ancestry..

25,00 €
Gore, Robert H.; Heck, Kenneth L. (eds.): Crustacean Biogeography. Crustacean issues 4.

Gore, Robert H.; Heck, Kenneth L. (eds.): Crustacean Biogeography. Crustacean issues 4.

49,00 €
Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Hubbs, Laura C: Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the north-central Great Basin. Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences 7.

Hubbs, Carl L.; Miller, Robert R.; Hubbs, Laura C: Hydrographic history and relict fishes of the..

45,00 €
Rehn, James A.G; Robert L. Randell: A Preliminary Analysis of the Lines of the Super-tribe Melanoplini (Orthoptera; Acrididae; Cyrtacanthacridinae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 115, 1-32.

Rehn, James A.G; Robert L. Randell: A Preliminary Analysis of the Lines of the Super tribe..

14,00 €
Rehn, James A G ; Robert L Randell: Boonacris, a New Generic Component of the North American Melanoplini (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Cyrtacanthacridinae). Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the American Entomological Society 88, 105-182.

Rehn, James A G ; Robert L Randell: Boonacris, a New Generic Component of the North American..

14,00 €
Friedmann, Herbert ; Griscom, L.; Moore, Robert T: Distributional check-list of the birds of Mexico : Part 1. Pacific coast avifauna 29.

Friedmann, Herbert ; Griscom, L.; Moore, Robert T: Distributional check list of the birds of Mexico..

15,00 €
Lévy, Robert: Contribution a L`Etude des Toxines chez les Araigne. Dissertation.

Lévy, Robert: Contribution a L`Etude des Toxines chez les Araigne. Dissertation.

70,00 €
Märtens, Robert: Untersuchungen der Retinomotorik im Verlauf der Dunkeladaptation beim Barsch (Perca fluviatilis L.) und Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio L.). Dissertation.

Märtens, Robert: Untersuchungen der Retinomotorik im Verlauf der Dunkeladaptation beim Barsch..

14,00 €
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