
Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Naturwissenschaften

8.865 Artikel gefunden


Majom törtenetek (dt. Affengeschichten).

Majom törtenetek (dt. Affengeschichten).

8,00 €
Schelpen Encyclopedie.

Schelpen Encyclopedie.

30,00 €
De Vogels van de Nederlandse Antillen / Birds of the Netherlands Antilles.

De Vogels van de Nederlandse Antillen / Birds of the Netherlands Antilles.

35,00 €
Bernissart …125.000 jaar geleden. Het rijk van de Iguanodons.

Bernissart …125.000 jaar geleden. Het rijk van de Iguanodons.

18,00 €
Schelpen. Een eenvoudige gids voor de naturliefhebber bij het op naam brengen van de meest voorkomende schelpen van de stranden van Scheveningen, Hoek van Holland, Voorne, Goeree en Schouwen.

Schelpen. Een eenvoudige gids voor de naturliefhebber bij het op naam brengen van de meest..

14,00 €
Vogels der Wereld.

Vogels der Wereld.

8,00 €
Onze Vogels. Bewerkt naar Friderich's Naturgeschichte der dt Vögel. 1. Auflage.

Onze Vogels. Bewerkt naar Friderich's Naturgeschichte der dt Vögel. 1. Auflage.

140,00 €
Orso bruno marsicano (Risultati di una ricerca sull' ecologia della specie).

Orso bruno marsicano (Risultati di una ricerca sull' ecologia della specie).

60,00 €
Piante D'Acquario.

Piante D'Acquario.

15,00 €
Siput dan Kerang Indonesia (Indonesian Shells).

Siput dan Kerang Indonesia (Indonesian Shells).

43,00 €
Deux Petits Ours.

Deux Petits Ours.

11,40 €
Gast bei den Kaiserpinguinen.

Gast bei den Kaiserpinguinen.

4,45 €
Oiseaux. Faune de Madagascar, Tome XXXV.

Oiseaux. Faune de Madagascar, Tome XXXV.

44,00 €
L'Élevage de l'autruche. Récolte et Commerce des Plumes. (Bibliothèque d'agriculture coloniale).

L'Élevage de l'autruche. Récolte et Commerce des Plumes. (Bibliothèque d'agriculture coloniale).

50,00 €
Les coquillages.

Les coquillages.

8,00 €
Bivalves (Zeichnungen und Bezeichnungen unterschiedlicher Muschelarten s/w).

Bivalves (Zeichnungen und Bezeichnungen unterschiedlicher Muschelarten s/w).

10,00 €
Grands singes, mères et enfant.

Grands singes, mères et enfant.

35,00 €
Lecons elementaires d'histoire naturelle comprenant un apercu sur toute la zoologie et un traite de conchyliologie.

Lecons elementaires d'histoire naturelle comprenant un apercu sur toute la zoologie et un traite de..

100,00 €
La vie dans les dunes.

La vie dans les dunes.

17,00 €
Heft Nr. 81 / Juli 1990 (The Gorilla. Inhalt u.a.: Social Integration of two adult Gorilla gorilla graueri into a Group within a new Facility; A Preliminary Study on the social Behaviour of captive Bonobos (Pan Paniscus); Social Structure of a Group of ca

Heft Nr. 81 / Juli 1990 (The Gorilla. Inhalt u.a.: Social Integration of two adult Gorilla gorilla..

10,00 €
Craniofacial Biology of Primates: Symposia of the Fourth International Congress of Primatolgy Vol. 3.

Craniofacial Biology of Primates: Symposia of the Fourth International Congress of Primatolgy Vol..

29,00 €
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1.

Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1.

10,00 €
The Birds of the Falkland Islands.

The Birds of the Falkland Islands.

20,00 €
Palaeontology. Invertebrate. (Cambridge Biological Series) 8. Auflage.

Palaeontology. Invertebrate. (Cambridge Biological Series) 8. Auflage.

8,50 €
Just Monkeys.

Just Monkeys.

5,50 €
Birds of South Vietnam.

Birds of South Vietnam.

24,00 €
Popular Handbook of Indian Birds. 4th enlarged and revised ed. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1949.

Popular Handbook of Indian Birds. 4th enlarged and revised ed. Reprint der Ausgabe von 1949.

7,80 €
A New Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong.

A New Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong.

15,00 €
Preliminary Field Guide to the Birds of th Indian Ocean.

Preliminary Field Guide to the Birds of th Indian Ocean.

17,00 €
The Primates.

The Primates.

4,00 €
A Check List of the Birds of South Africa.

A Check List of the Birds of South Africa.

60,00 €
Taxonomy of the Cracidae (Aves) (Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 138, Article 4, 1968).

Taxonomy of the Cracidae (Aves) (Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 138..

26,50 €
A Checklist of the Birds of Ethiopia.

A Checklist of the Birds of Ethiopia.

24,20 €
A Field Guide to Texas Snakes (Texas Monthly Field Guide Series).

A Field Guide to Texas Snakes (Texas Monthly Field Guide Series).

28,00 €
Bears & Other Carnivores (Wild, Wild World of Animals).

Bears & Other Carnivores (Wild, Wild World of Animals).

4,00 €
Tiger Moon.

Tiger Moon.

11,80 €
Primate Societies.

Primate Societies.

34,00 €
An introduction to Ethology.

An introduction to Ethology.

7,00 €
A Field Guide to Australian Birds. Volume 2. Passerines.

A Field Guide to Australian Birds. Volume 2. Passerines.

15,20 €
Field Guide Birds of Southern Africa.

Field Guide Birds of Southern Africa.

13,00 €
Common Birds of Southern Africa (Struik pocket guides).

Common Birds of Southern Africa (Struik pocket guides).

4,00 €
A Check List of the Birds of the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Caprivi Strip.

A Check List of the Birds of the Bechuanaland Protectorate and the Caprivi Strip.

24,50 €
Smithsonian Answer Book: Cats.

Smithsonian Answer Book: Cats.

40,00 €
A Colored Key to the Wildfowl of the World. The Wildfowl Trust.

A Colored Key to the Wildfowl of the World. The Wildfowl Trust.

10,00 €
The Leopard's Tale.

The Leopard's Tale.

8,30 €
Communication and Cultural Literacy. An Introduction (Second Edition).

Communication and Cultural Literacy. An Introduction (Second Edition).

48,00 €
The Mountain Gorilla. Ecology and behavior (Midway Reprint).

The Mountain Gorilla. Ecology and behavior (Midway Reprint).

23,00 €
The Mountain Gorilla. Ecology and behavior (5. Auflage).

The Mountain Gorilla. Ecology and behavior (5. Auflage).

40,00 €
The Bamboo Bears. The Life and Troubled Times of the Giant Panda.

The Bamboo Bears. The Life and Troubled Times of the Giant Panda.

5,00 €
Adaptations for Foraging in Nonhuman Primates: Contributions to an Organismal Biology of Prosimians, Monkeys, and Apes.

Adaptations for Foraging in Nonhuman Primates: Contributions to an Organismal Biology of..

15,00 €
A Natural History of the Pheasant.

A Natural History of the Pheasant.

28,00 €
Jaguar. One Man's Struggle to Save Jaguars in the Wild.

Jaguar. One Man's Struggle to Save Jaguars in the Wild.

20,50 €
Jaguar. One Man's Struggle to Establish the World's First Jaguar Preserve.

Jaguar. One Man's Struggle to Establish the World's First Jaguar Preserve.

29,50 €
The Turtles of Venezuela.

The Turtles of Venezuela.

50,00 €
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria. Incl. Proceedings of the Conference Invertebrate Biodiversity ans Conservation Melbourne, 27 November- 1 December 1995 - Volume 56 number 2.

Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria. Incl. Proceedings of the Conference Invertebrate Biodiversity..

20,00 €
Annotated checklist of the Birds of Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

Annotated checklist of the Birds of Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

17,00 €
A Field Guide to Western Birds. Field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th meridian, with a section on the birds of the Hawaiian Islands.

A Field Guide to Western Birds. Field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th..

6,40 €
The World of the Polar Bear.

The World of the Polar Bear.

13,50 €
Birds of America (Band 1 bis 3).

Birds of America (Band 1 bis 3).

50,00 €
Animal Lifestyles and Anatomies. The Case of the Prosimian Primates.

Animal Lifestyles and Anatomies. The Case of the Prosimian Primates.

70,00 €
Brutal Kinship.

Brutal Kinship.

7,00 €
Newman's Birds of Southern Africa.

Newman's Birds of Southern Africa.

24,00 €
Birds of Botswana.

Birds of Botswana.

8,80 €
The Zebra Mussel Dreissena Polymorpha (Limnologie Aktuell Band 4).

The Zebra Mussel Dreissena Polymorpha (Limnologie Aktuell Band 4).

65,00 €
Natural History. Vol 93, No. 12, December 1984. Topics: How Polar Bears Break the Ice u.a.

Natural History. Vol 93, No. 12, December 1984. Topics: How Polar Bears Break the Ice u.a.

8,00 €
Pandas in the wild. Vol. 160, No. 6, December 1981.

Pandas in the wild. Vol. 160, No. 6, December 1981.

4,00 €
Hawaii's Birds.

Hawaii's Birds.

4,00 €
Birds of Hawaii.

Birds of Hawaii.

22,00 €
The Palaearctic-African Bird Migration Systems.

The Palaearctic-African Bird Migration Systems.

42,00 €
Common Trees. Struik Pocket Guides for Southern Africa. 2nd ed.

Common Trees. Struik Pocket Guides for Southern Africa. 2nd ed.

10,00 €
Hoofed Mammals of the World.

Hoofed Mammals of the World.

15,00 €
Kingdom of the Ice Bear. A Portrait of the Arctic.

Kingdom of the Ice Bear. A Portrait of the Arctic.

4,00 €
The Birds of Colombia.

The Birds of Colombia.

20,00 €
Roberts Birds of South Africa. 3rd Edition.

Roberts Birds of South Africa. 3rd Edition.

5,50 €
Mind in the Waters - A Book to Celebrate the Consciousness of Whales and Dolphins.

Mind in the Waters - A Book to Celebrate the Consciousness of Whales and Dolphins.

16,00 €
A Hand-List of the Birds of the Philippine Islands.

A Hand-List of the Birds of the Philippine Islands.

60,00 €
Sea Elephant. The Life and Death of the Elephant Seal.

Sea Elephant. The Life and Death of the Elephant Seal.

19,40 €
Wildfowl in Captivity.

Wildfowl in Captivity.

25,00 €
Common Birds in New Zealand 2: Mountain, bush & shore birds.

Common Birds in New Zealand 2: Mountain, bush & shore birds.

15,00 €
Common Birds in New Zealand 1: Town, Pasture and freshwater Birds.

Common Birds in New Zealand 1: Town, Pasture and freshwater Birds.

15,00 €
Wild is Beautiful. Introduction to the Magnificient, Rich and Varied Fauna and Wildlife of Nepal.

Wild is Beautiful. Introduction to the Magnificient, Rich and Varied Fauna and Wildlife of Nepal.

30,00 €
African Handbook of Birds. Series One. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. Volume 1.

African Handbook of Birds. Series One. Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa. Volume 1.

34,00 €
Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa, Vol. I + II.

Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa, Vol. I + II.

20,00 €
Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali. 3rd Ed.

Field Guide to the Birds of Java and Bali. 3rd Ed.

26,40 €
The Atlas of Endangered Species (Revised and updated).

The Atlas of Endangered Species (Revised and updated).

6,00 €
The Kouprey - an Action Plan for its Conservation.

The Kouprey - an Action Plan for its Conservation.

20,00 €
Conservation in a changing world (conservation biology series 1).

Conservation in a changing world (conservation biology series 1).

15,00 €
The Golden Eagle.

The Golden Eagle.

5,00 €
A Fishkeepers Guide to African Cichlids.

A Fishkeepers Guide to African Cichlids.

18,00 €
Bird Guide of Thailand (2nd edition).

Bird Guide of Thailand (2nd edition).

15,70 €
The Wild Bears.

The Wild Bears.

8,00 €
Friendship with Bees.

Friendship with Bees.

8,00 €
Anmut im Federkleid. Heimische Vögel.

Anmut im Federkleid. Heimische Vögel.

42,00 €
Tales and Scales.

Tales and Scales.

10,00 €
The Island of Penguins.

The Island of Penguins.

13,00 €
Birds of Africa.

Birds of Africa.

5,50 €
A Birder's Guide to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

A Birder's Guide to Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.

21,25 €
The Marsh Lions - The Stoy of an African Pride.

The Marsh Lions - The Stoy of an African Pride.

11,00 €
In the Lion's Den.

In the Lion's Den.

11,00 €
Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, Volume 19, 2015.

Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..

7,00 €