
1.762 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Kotinsky, Ruth: Adult education and the social scene. Dissertation.

Kotinsky, Ruth: Adult education and the social scene. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Courtis, Stuart Appleton: Why children succeed a study of the factors conditioning the progress of children in school, and of the problems that must be solved before the relationships between the factors and school success can be reliably determined. Diss

Courtis, Stuart Appleton: Why children succeed a study of the factors conditioning the progress of..

35,00 €
Chu, You Kuang: Some problems of a national system of education in China. Dissertation.

Chu, You Kuang: Some problems of a national system of education in China. Dissertation.

90,00 €
Leonard, John P: The use of practice exercises in the teaching of capitalization and punctuation. Dissertation. Contributions to education / Teachers College, Columbia University 372.

Leonard, John P: The use of practice exercises in the teaching of capitalization and punctuation..

30,00 €
Eginton, Daniel Peter: A comparison between some principles of control of education in England and New Jersey. Dissertation.

Eginton, Daniel Peter: A comparison between some principles of control of education in England and..

15,00 €
Frey, Arthur: Pädagogische Besinnung. Schriften zur Zeit 4.

Frey, Arthur: Pädagogische Besinnung. Schriften zur Zeit 4.

9,00 €
Jain, Elenor: Hermeneutik des Sehens : Studien zur ästhetischen Erziehung der Gegenwart.

Jain, Elenor: Hermeneutik des Sehens : Studien zur ästhetischen Erziehung der Gegenwart.

16,00 €
Bude, Udo: Erziehung zur Armut oder Hoffen auf eine bessere Zukunft? Primarschulen in Schwarzafrika ; Katalog zur Ausstellung.

Bude, Udo: Erziehung zur Armut oder Hoffen auf eine bessere Zukunft? Primarschulen in Schwarzafrika..

9,00 €
Report of the Mission to the Philippines : 28 July 1949. Unesco educational missions.

Report of the Mission to the Philippines : 28 July 1949. Unesco educational missions.

16,00 €
Report of the Mission to Afghanistan. Educational missions / Unesco 4.

Report of the Mission to Afghanistan. Educational missions / Unesco 4.

40,00 €
Schmitt, Clara: Standardization of tests for defective children. Dissertation.

Schmitt, Clara: Standardization of tests for defective children. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Miller, Edward Alanson: The history of educational legislation in Ohio from 1803 to 1850. Dissertation.

Miller, Edward Alanson: The history of educational legislation in Ohio from 1803 to 1850..

25,00 €
Jarman, Arthur Merritt: The administration of laboratory schools : a study of laboratory schools connected with departments, schools and colleges of education in state universities. Dissertation.

Jarman, Arthur Merritt: The administration of laboratory schools : a study of laboratory schools..

30,00 €
Peterson, John C: The higher mental Processes in learning. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 129 = 28,7.

Peterson, John C: The higher mental Processes in learning. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

30,00 €
Holtz, Adrian Augustus: A Study of the moral and religious elements in American secondary education up to 1800, Dissertation.

Holtz, Adrian Augustus: A Study of the moral and religious elements in American secondary education..

25,00 €
Gray, Clarence Truman: Types of reading ability as exhibited through tests and laboratory experiments. Dissertation.

Gray, Clarence Truman: Types of reading ability as exhibited through tests and laboratory..

30,00 €
Warne, Albin Josef: Till folkskolans förhistoria i Sverige. Dissertation.

Warne, Albin Josef: Till folkskolans förhistoria i Sverige. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Liang, Tieng-Yon: L'éducation masculine et l'éducation féminine selon Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Dissertation.

Liang, Tieng Yon: L'éducation masculine et l'éducation féminine selon Jean Jacques Rousseau..

70,00 €
Ayer, Fred Carleton: The psychology of drawing : with special reference to laboratory teaching. Dissertation.

Ayer, Fred Carleton: The psychology of drawing : with special reference to laboratory teaching..

15,00 €
Erb, Frank Otis: The development of the young people's movement. Dissertation.

Erb, Frank Otis: The development of the young people's movement. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Wagner, Emilie: Study of the methods used in the teaching of modern languages in the high schools in the colleges of the United States of America. Dissertation.

Wagner, Emilie: Study of the methods used in the teaching of modern languages in the high schools..

30,00 €
Koos, Leonard Vincent (1881-1976): The administration of secondary-school units. Dissertation. (Supplementary educational monographs I/3.

Koos, Leonard Vincent (1881 1976): The administration of secondary school units. Dissertation..

19,00 €
Fukuya, Shoan Masuzo: An experimental study of attention from the standpoint of mental efficiency : a contribution to educational and social problems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 25,4.

Fukuya, Shoan Masuzo: An experimental study of attention from the standpoint of mental efficiency :..

20,00 €
Hobson, Elsie Garland: Educational legislation and administration in the state of New York 1777 - 1850. Dissertation.

Hobson, Elsie Garland: Educational legislation and administration in the state of New York 1777..

35,00 €
Hutchins, William Norman: Social service in religious education. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Biblical World 44.

Hutchins, William Norman: Social service in religious education. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The..

20,00 €
Hall, Arthur Jackson: Religious education in the public schools of the State and City of New York : a historical study. Dissertation.

Hall, Arthur Jackson: Religious education in the public schools of the State and City of New York :..

35,00 €
Stout, John Elbert: The development of High School Curricula in the North Central States from 1860 to 1918. Dissertation. Supplementary educational monographs / University of Chicago 3, No. 3 = Whole No. 15.

Stout, John Elbert: The development of High School Curricula in the North Central States from 1860..

25,00 €
Burruss, Julian Ashby: A study of the business administration of colleges based on an examination of the practices of land-grant colleges in the making and using of budgets. Dissertation.

Burruss, Julian Ashby: A study of the business administration of colleges based on an examination..

30,00 €
Reinoehl, Charles Myron: Analytic survey of State courses of study for rural elementary schools. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Bureau of Education. US Department of the Interior Bulletin 42.

Reinoehl, Charles Myron: Analytic survey of State courses of study for rural elementary schools..

25,00 €
Cavan, Jordan True: The student and the financing of the college : a study of student fees, student aid and factors affecting the proportion of the cost of higher education borne by the student. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Cavan, Jordan True: The student and the financing of the college : a study of student fees, student..

10,00 €
Wallner, Johan: Folkskolans Organisation och förvaltning i Sverige under perioden 1842 - 1861. Dissertation.

Wallner, Johan: Folkskolans Organisation och förvaltning i Sverige under perioden 1842 1861..

30,00 €
Bratcher, Emmett Evart: A comparison of resident and non-resident teachers in village and small city school systems in Kentucky. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Educational Bulletin 6.

Bratcher, Emmett Evart: A comparison of resident and non resident teachers in village and small..

30,00 €
Traxler, Arthur Edwin: The measurement and improvement of silent reading at the junior-high school level. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Traxler, Arthur Edwin: The measurement and improvement of silent reading at the junior high school..

19,00 €
Boyce, Arthur Clifton: The Comparison of two forms of Persian writing by means of scales constructed and standardized for the purpose. Dissertation.

Boyce, Arthur Clifton: The Comparison of two forms of Persian writing by means of scales..

25,00 €
Uhl, Willis Lemon: Scientific determination of the content of the elementary school course in reading. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: University of Wisconsin studies in the social sciences and history 4.

Uhl, Willis Lemon: Scientific determination of the content of the elementary school course in..

30,00 €
Valks, J. A: Klassikaal en individueel volksonderw?s : Histories-theoreties overzicht. Dissertation.

Valks, J. A: Klassikaal en individueel volksonderw?s : Histories theoreties overzicht..

30,00 €
Klinkenberg, Pieter: Socialistiese opvoedings : en onderwijsdenkbeelen. Dissertation.

Klinkenberg, Pieter: Socialistiese opvoedings : en onderwijsdenkbeelen. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Brooks, Thomas Dudley: The lay element in the intermediate unit of state school systems. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Baylor bulletin 25.

Brooks, Thomas Dudley: The lay element in the intermediate unit of state school systems..

14,00 €
Hoppes, William Calvin: The development of written expression among children of elementary school grades. Dissertation.

Hoppes, William Calvin: The development of written expression among children of elementary school..

35,00 €
Lowman, Harmon Luther: The history of the teacher-training institutions in the Gulf states. Dissertation.

Lowman, Harmon Luther: The history of the teacher training institutions in the Gulf states..

70,00 €
Witherington, Henry Carl: A history of state higher education in Tennessee. Dissertation.

Witherington, Henry Carl: A history of state higher education in Tennessee. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Gilland, Thomas MacDowell: The Origin and development of the powers and duties of the city school superintendent. Dissertation.

Gilland, Thomas MacDowell: The Origin and development of the powers and duties of the city school..

40,00 €
Gilbert, Luther Calvin: An experimental investigation of eye movements in learning to spell words. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological Monographs 43,3.

Gilbert, Luther Calvin: An experimental investigation of eye movements in learning to spell words..

20,00 €
Booker, Ivan Albert: The Measurement and improvement of silent reading among college Freshmen. Dissertation (Teildruck).

Booker, Ivan Albert: The Measurement and improvement of silent reading among college Freshmen..

20,00 €
Thompson, Clem Oren: The extension program of the University of Chicago. Dissertation.

Thompson, Clem Oren: The extension program of the University of Chicago. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Buswell, Guy Thomas: An experimental study of the eye-voice span in reading. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Supplementary Educational Monographs 17.

Buswell, Guy Thomas: An experimental study of the eye voice span in reading. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Åstrand, Sigurd: Förtroendemetoder i skoluppfostran. Dissertation.

Åstrand, Sigurd: Förtroendemetoder i skoluppfostran. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Reeder, Ward G: The chief state school official. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: United States Bureau of Education Bulletin 5.

Reeder, Ward G: The chief state school official. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: United States..

19,00 €