
2.799 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Graham, Elsie C: Optics and vision : the background of the metaphysis of Berkeley. Dissertation.

Graham, Elsie C: Optics and vision : the background of the metaphysis of Berkeley. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Davis, Helen Edna: Tolstoy and Nietzsche. Dissertation.

Davis, Helen Edna: Tolstoy and Nietzsche. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Schapira, Abraham: Erkenntnistheoretische Strömungen der Gegenwart : Schuppe, Wundt und Sigwart als Erkenntnistheoretiker. Dissertation.

Schapira, Abraham: Erkenntnistheoretische Strömungen der Gegenwart : Schuppe, Wundt und Sigwart..

24,00 €
Tscheuschner, K: Die philosophiegeschichtlichen Voraussetzungen der Energetik. Dissertation.

Tscheuschner, K: Die philosophiegeschichtlichen Voraussetzungen der Energetik. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Ashley, Myron Lucius: The Nature of hypothesis. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Studies in logical theory, S. 143 - 183.

Ashley, Myron Lucius: The Nature of hypothesis. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Studies in logical..

14,00 €
Grüll, Benjamin: Die Lehre vom Kosmos bei Maimuni und Gersonides. Dissertation.

Grüll, Benjamin: Die Lehre vom Kosmos bei Maimuni und Gersonides. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Moser, Hans Walter: Die logische Problematik des Thomas Hobbes unter Berücksichtigung ihrer erkenntnistheoretischen Voraussetzungen. Dissertation.

Moser, Hans Walter: Die logische Problematik des Thomas Hobbes unter Berücksichtigung ihrer..

19,00 €
Lemport, Leo: Humes Erkenntnis-Theorie. Dissertation (von 1897).

Lemport, Leo: Humes Erkenntnis-Theorie. Dissertation (von 1897).

25,00 €
Cholodenko, David (Holodenko): Die teleologische Betrachtung in der modernen Biologie (Reinke, Driesch, Cossmann). Dissertation.

Cholodenko, David (Holodenko): Die teleologische Betrachtung in der modernen Biologie (Reinke..

25,00 €
Moore, Addison Webster: The functional versus the representational Theories of knowledge in Locke's essay. Dissertation. The University of Chicago contributions to philosophy III. I.

Moore, Addison Webster: The functional versus the representational Theories of knowledge in Locke's..

20,00 €
Gore, Willard Clark: The Imagination in Spinoza and Hume : a comparative study in the light of some recent contributions to psychology. Dissertation.

Gore, Willard Clark: The Imagination in Spinoza and Hume : a comparative study in the light of some..

35,00 €
Tex, Jan den: Locke en Spinoza over de tolerantie. Dissertation.

Tex, Jan den: Locke en Spinoza over de tolerantie. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Erhardt, Franz: Tatsachen, Gesetze, Ursachen : Rede.

Erhardt, Franz: Tatsachen, Gesetze, Ursachen : Rede.

16,00 €
Osborn, Andrew Delbridge: The philosophy of Edmund Husserl in its development from his mathematical interests to his first conception of phenomenology in logical investigations. Dissertation.

Osborn, Andrew Delbridge: The philosophy of Edmund Husserl in its development from his mathematical..

35,00 €
Wilkinson, Herbert A: The American doctrine of state succession. Dissertation.

Wilkinson, Herbert A: The American doctrine of state succession. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Schabad, Michael: Die Wiederentdeckung des Ich in der Metaphysik Teichmüllers. Dissertation.

Schabad, Michael: Die Wiederentdeckung des Ich in der Metaphysik Teichmüllers. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Furry, William Davis: The aesthetic experience: its nature and function in epistemology. Dissertation.

Furry, William Davis: The aesthetic experience: its nature and function in epistemology..

50,00 €
Legrand, Louis: Publius Nigidius Figulus : philosophe néo-pythagoricien orphique. Dissertation.

Legrand, Louis: Publius Nigidius Figulus : philosophe néo-pythagoricien orphique. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Clergué, Georges: Essai de psychologie critique sur la nature première. Dissertation.

Clergué, Georges: Essai de psychologie critique sur la nature première. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Legrand, Louis: La Notion philosophique de la Trinité chez Saint Augustin. Dissertation.

Legrand, Louis: La Notion philosophique de la Trinité chez Saint Augustin. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Thalheimer, Ross: A critical examination of the epistemological and psychophysical doctrines of Bertrand Russell. Dissertation.

Thalheimer, Ross: A critical examination of the epistemological and psychophysical doctrines of..

30,00 €
Zilberis, Berelis: Kant und die Philosophie Drieschs : eine Studie zur Metaphysik der Gegenwart. Dissertation.

Zilberis, Berelis: Kant und die Philosophie Drieschs : eine Studie zur Metaphysik der Gegenwart..

19,00 €
Geiger, George Raymond: The philosophy of Henry George. Dissertation.

Geiger, George Raymond: The philosophy of Henry George. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Rubinstein, Annette Teta: Realistic ethics. Dissertation.

Rubinstein, Annette Teta: Realistic ethics. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Ballaine, Francis Knight: The relations between wisdom and science : illustrations of the history of a distinction. Dissertation.

Ballaine, Francis Knight: The relations between wisdom and science : illustrations of the history..

20,00 €
Clapp, James Gordon: Locke's conception of the mind. Dissertation.

Clapp, James Gordon: Locke's conception of the mind. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Bayley, Francis Chilton: The causes and evidence of beliefs: an examination of Hume's procedure. Dissertation.

Bayley, Francis Chilton: The causes and evidence of beliefs: an examination of Hume's procedure..

35,00 €
Carnus, Juliette: The organization of matter in the eighteenth century French philosophy Dissertation.

Carnus, Juliette: The organization of matter in the eighteenth century French philosophy..

20,00 €
Le Boutillier, Cornelia Geer: Religious values in the philosophy of emergent evolution. Dissertation.

Le Boutillier, Cornelia Geer: Religious values in the philosophy of emergent evolution..

30,00 €
Lapan, Arthur: The significance of James' essay. Dissertation.

Lapan, Arthur: The significance of James' essay. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Moskoff, Eugene Alexander: The Russian philosopher Chaadayev, his ideas and his epoch. Dissertation.

Moskoff, Eugene Alexander: The Russian philosopher Chaadayev, his ideas and his epoch..

25,00 €
Pell, Orlie Anna Haggerty: Value-theory and criticism. Dissertation.

Pell, Orlie Anna Haggerty: Value-theory and criticism. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Stoll, Marion Rush: Whewell's philosophy of Induction. Dissertation.

Stoll, Marion Rush: Whewell's philosophy of Induction. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Young, Helen Hawthorne: The writings of Walter Pater: a reflection of British philosophical opinion from1860 to 1890. Dissertation.

Young, Helen Hawthorne: The writings of Walter Pater: a reflection of British philosophical opinion..

35,00 €
Andree, Mikael: Berkeley nominalisten : En kunskapsfilosofisk undersökning. Dissertation.

Andree, Mikael: Berkeley nominalisten : En kunskapsfilosofisk undersökning. Dissertation.

12,00 €
Miller, Irving Elgar: The significance of the mathematical element in the philosophy of Plato. Dissertation.

Miller, Irving Elgar: The significance of the mathematical element in the philosophy of Plato..

30,00 €
Wright, William Kelley: The ethical significance of pleasure feeling and happiness in modern non-hedonistic systems. Dissertation.

Wright, William Kelley: The ethical significance of pleasure feeling and happiness in modern non..

30,00 €
King, Irving: The Differentiation of the religious consciousness. Dissertation.

King, Irving: The Differentiation of the religious consciousness. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Cullberg, John: Samuel Grubbe : en studie i transcendental religionsfilosofi. Dissertation.

Cullberg, John: Samuel Grubbe : en studie i transcendental religionsfilosofi. Dissertation.

50,00 €
Meurling, Harry: Fullkomlighetsbegreppet i Spinozas filosofi. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Uppsala universitets årsskrift 1928.

Meurling, Harry: Fullkomlighetsbegreppet i Spinozas filosofi. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

25,00 €
Carmona, Juan: Tesis para Optar al Bachillerato en Filosofia y Letras. Dissertation.

Carmona, Juan: Tesis para Optar al Bachillerato en Filosofia y Letras. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Nordström, Nils Johan: Georg Stiernhielm, Filosofiska fragment : Med inledning och kommentar; 1. Inledning. 2. Text och kommentar. Dissertation (2 Bände, komplett).

Nordström, Nils Johan: Georg Stiernhielm, Filosofiska fragment : Med inledning och kommentar; 1..

150,00 €
Jonson, Erik Oskar: Det kategoriska imperativet : Värdeteoretiska studier i Kants etik. Dissertation.

Jonson, Erik Oskar: Det kategoriska imperativet : Värdeteoretiska studier i Kants etik..

20,00 €
Melvin, Margaret Georgiana: The Abstract Idea in english empiricism. Dissertation.

Melvin, Margaret Georgiana: The Abstract Idea in english empiricism. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Rogers, Arthur Kenyon: The Parallelism of mind and body from the standpoint of metaphysics. Dissertation.

Rogers, Arthur Kenyon: The Parallelism of mind and body from the standpoint of metaphysics..

45,00 €
Harrison, Max Hunter: Hindu monism and pluralism : as found in the upanishads and in the philosophies dependent upon them. Dissertation.

Harrison, Max Hunter: Hindu monism and pluralism : as found in the upanishads and in the..

25,00 €
Read, Eliphalet Allison: The Idea of god in relation to theology. Dissertation.

Read, Eliphalet Allison: The Idea of god in relation to theology. Dissertation.

30,00 €
MacLennan, Simon Fraser: The impersonal judgement : its nature, origin and significance. Dissertation.

MacLennan, Simon Fraser: The impersonal judgement : its nature, origin and significance..

35,00 €