
2.385 Artikel gefunden


Lawlor, Gerald William: Effect of changes in bodily set on accuracy of proprioceptive localization. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 213.

Lawlor, Gerald William: Effect of changes in bodily set on accuracy of proprioceptive localization..

25,00 €
Long, Louis: A study of the effect of preceding stimuli upon the judgment of auditory intensities. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 209.

Long, Louis: A study of the effect of preceding stimuli upon the judgment of auditory intensities..

25,00 €
Smith, Randolph B: The development of an inventory for the measurement of inferiority feelings at the high school level. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 144.

Smith, Randolph B: The development of an inventory for the measurement of inferiority feelings at..

25,00 €
Perkins, Nellie Louise: Human Reactions in a maze of fixed orientation. Dissertation.

Perkins, Nellie Louise: Human Reactions in a maze of fixed orientation. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Van Ormer, Edward Bunn: Retention after intervals of sleep and of waking. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 137.

Van Ormer, Edward Bunn: Retention after intervals of sleep and of waking. Dissertation. Archives of..

25,00 €
Wylie, Margaret: An experimental study of recognition and recall in abnormal mental cases. Dissertation. Psychological monographs 39,4.

Wylie, Margaret: An experimental study of recognition and recall in abnormal mental cases..

25,00 €
Mibai, Sugi: An experimental study of apparent movement. Dissertation. Psychological Review Publications Psychological monographs 190 = 42,3.

Mibai, Sugi: An experimental study of apparent movement. Dissertation. Psychological Review..

25,00 €
Sailer, Randolph C: Happiness self-estimates of young men. Dissertation.

Sailer, Randolph C: Happiness self-estimates of young men. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Arsenian, Seth: Bilingualism and mental development : a study of the intelligence and the social background of bilingual children in New York City. Dissertation.

Arsenian, Seth: Bilingualism and mental development : a study of the intelligence and the social..

25,00 €
Nelson, Janet: Personality and intelligence : a study of some responses other than intellectual, noted in a simple mental test situation. Dissertation.

Nelson, Janet: Personality and intelligence : a study of some responses other than intellectual..

25,00 €
Lorenz, Jennie: Consistency of auditory acuity of variability of individuals among four tests with the 2A audiometer. Dissertation.

Lorenz, Jennie: Consistency of auditory acuity of variability of individuals among four tests with..

25,00 €
Bills, Marion A: The lag of visual sensation in its relation to wave-lengths and intensity of light. Dissertation.

Bills, Marion A: The lag of visual sensation in its relation to wave lengths and intensity of..

25,00 €
Weidensall, Jean: Studies in rhythm. Dissertation.

Weidensall, Jean: Studies in rhythm. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Mellinger, Bonnie Eugenie: Children's interests in pictures. Dissertation.

Mellinger, Bonnie Eugenie: Children's interests in pictures. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Tanner, Amy Eliza: Association of ideas : a preliminary study. Dissertation.

Tanner, Amy Eliza: Association of ideas : a preliminary study. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Monroe, Margaret M: The energy value of the minimum visible chromatic and achromatic for different wave-lengths of the spectrum. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 34,5.

Monroe, Margaret M: The energy value of the minimum visible chromatic and achromatic for different..

25,00 €
Wagenen, Noel Bleecker van: The stability of self-description tests of personality-adjustment. Dissertation.

Wagenen, Noel Bleecker van: The stability of self description tests of personality adjustment..

25,00 €
Beck, Samuel J: The Rorschach test as applied to a feeble-minded group. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of Psychology 136.

Beck, Samuel J: The Rorschach test as applied to a feeble minded group. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

25,00 €
Dunlap, Jack W: Race differences in the organization of numerical and verbal abilities. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 124.

Dunlap, Jack W: Race differences in the organization of numerical and verbal abilities..

25,00 €
Jones, Lloyd Meredith: A factorial analysis of ability in fundamental motor skills. Dissertation.

Jones, Lloyd Meredith: A factorial analysis of ability in fundamental motor skills. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Bryan, Alice I: Organization of memory in young children. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 162.

Bryan, Alice I: Organization of memory in young children. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 162.

25,00 €
Winslow, Charles Nelson: Visual illusions in the chick. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 153.

Winslow, Charles Nelson: Visual illusions in the chick. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 153.

25,00 €
Brandt, Hyman: The spread of the influence of reward to bonds remote in sequence and time. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 180.

Brandt, Hyman: The spread of the influence of reward to bonds remote in sequence and time..

25,00 €
Marks, Eli S: Individual differences in work curves. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 186.

Marks, Eli S: Individual differences in work curves. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 186.

25,00 €
MacKane, Keith: A comparison of the intelligence of deaf and hearing children : a study of the reactions of comparable groups of deaf and hearing children to three performance scales and a non-language test. Dissertation.

MacKane, Keith: A comparison of the intelligence of deaf and hearing children : a study of the..

25,00 €
Benton, Arthur Lester: The Interpretation of questionnaire items in a personality schedule. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 190.

Benton, Arthur Lester: The Interpretation of questionnaire items in a personality schedule..

25,00 €
Courthial, Andrée: Emotional differences of delinquent and non-delinquent girls of normal intelligence : a study of two groups paired by chronological age, intelligence, and environment. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 133.

Courthial, Andrée: Emotional differences of delinquent and non delinquent girls of normal..

25,00 €
Blake, William Harold: A preliminary study of the interpretation of bodily expression. Dissertation.

Blake, William Harold: A preliminary study of the interpretation of bodily expression..

25,00 €
Jorgensen, Christopher: An analysis of certain psychological tests by the Spearman factor method. Dissertation.

Jorgensen, Christopher: An analysis of certain psychological tests by the Spearman factor method..

25,00 €
Crawford, Meredith P: Brightness discrimination in the rhesus monkey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Genetic psychology monographs 17, S. 71-162.

Crawford, Meredith P: Brightness discrimination in the rhesus monkey. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

25,00 €
Overbeeke, Cornelis J.; Stratmann, Michael H: Space through Movement : a method for three-dimensional image presentation. Dissertation.

Overbeeke, Cornelis J.; Stratmann, Michael H: Space through Movement : a method for three..

25,00 €
Weyer, Edward Moffat: Die Zeitschwellen gleichartiger und disparater Sinneseindrücke. Dissertation.

Weyer, Edward Moffat: Die Zeitschwellen gleichartiger und disparater Sinneseindrücke..

25,00 €
Wolff, P: Das Ich als Fundamentalprincip. Dissertation Rostock.

Wolff, P: Das Ich als Fundamentalprincip. Dissertation Rostock.

25,00 €
Laucht, Manfred: Kontexteffekte bei der Objektbenennung. Dissertation Mannheim. Europäische Hochschulschriften / 06 ; Bd. 87.

Laucht, Manfred: Kontexteffekte bei der Objektbenennung. Dissertation Mannheim. Europäische..

25,00 €
Ethikbund (Hrsg.): Ethik Jahrgang 4 (1 - 11), Sexual- und Gesellschafts-Ethik, Organ des Ethikbundes.

Ethikbund (Hrsg.): Ethik Jahrgang 4 (1 11), Sexual und Gesellschafts Ethik, Organ des..

25,00 €
Peters, Emil: Unbekannte Gedankenkräfte. Geistige Lebensgesetze u. seelische Welten.

Peters, Emil: Unbekannte Gedankenkräfte. Geistige Lebensgesetze u. seelische Welten.

24,00 €
Jung, C. G: Briefe III, 1956 - 1961. 3. Aufl.

Jung, C. G: Briefe III, 1956 - 1961. 3. Aufl.

24,00 €
Rothstein, Arnold (ed.): Models of the mind : their relationship to clinical work. Workshop series of the American Psychoanalytic Association 1.

Rothstein, Arnold (ed.): Models of the mind : their relationship to clinical work. Workshop series..

24,00 €
Jung, C. G: Briefe I, 1906 - 1945. 4. Aufl.

Jung, C. G: Briefe I, 1906 - 1945. 4. Aufl.

24,00 €
Fleming, Joan ; Benedek, Therese: Psychoanalytic supervision : a method of clinical teaching.

Fleming, Joan ; Benedek, Therese: Psychoanalytic supervision : a method of clinical teaching.

24,00 €
Bollas, Christopher: The shadow of the object : psychoanalysis of the unthought known. Reprint.

Bollas, Christopher: The shadow of the object : psychoanalysis of the unthought known. Reprint.

24,00 €
Stekel, Wilhelm: Onanie und Homosexualität (die homosexuelle Parapathie). Störungen des Trieb- und Affektlebens (die parapathischen Erkrankungen) 2. 3., verb. und verm. Aufl.

Stekel, Wilhelm: Onanie und Homosexualität (die homosexuelle Parapathie). Störungen des Trieb..

24,00 €
Young, Paul Thomas: Motivation of behavior : the fundamental determinants of human and animal activity.

Young, Paul Thomas: Motivation of behavior : the fundamental determinants of human and animal..

24,00 €
Renner, Cornelia: Stark fürs Leben - Geistiges Karate für Kinder : ein lösungsorientierter Ansatz in der Kindertherapie. Leben lernen 186.

Renner, Cornelia: Stark fürs Leben Geistiges Karate für Kinder : ein lösungsorientierter..

24,00 €
Wright, George; Ayton, Peter (eds.): Judgmental forecasting.

Wright, George; Ayton, Peter (eds.): Judgmental forecasting.

24,00 €
Lustenberger, Martina: Dasein, Symbol und Sprache. Dissertation.

Lustenberger, Martina: Dasein, Symbol und Sprache. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Hautmann, Giovanni; Martis, Dario De: Organisation borderline et conditions psychotiques.

Hautmann, Giovanni; Martis, Dario De: Organisation borderline et conditions psychotiques.

24,00 €
Joseph, Edward D.; Wallerstein, Robert S. (eds.): Psychotherapy : impact on psychoanalytical training; the influence of the practice and theory of psychotherapy on education in psychoanalysis. International Psycho-Analytical Association monograph series 1

Joseph, Edward D.; Wallerstein, Robert S. (eds.): Psychotherapy : impact on psychoanalytical..

24,00 €
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