
2.395 Artikel gefunden


Adams, Elizabeth Kemper: The aesthetic experience : its meaning in a functional psychology. Dissertation.

Adams, Elizabeth Kemper: The aesthetic experience : its meaning in a functional psychology..

25,00 €
Hunter, Walter S: The delayed reaction in animals and children. Dissertation.

Hunter, Walter S: The delayed reaction in animals and children. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Hayes, Mary Holmes Stevens: A Study of cutaneous after-sensations. Dissertation.

Hayes, Mary Holmes Stevens: A Study of cutaneous after-sensations. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Rand, Gertrude: The factors that influence the sensitivity of the retina to color : a quantitative study and methods of standardizing. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 62 = 15,1.

Rand, Gertrude: The factors that influence the sensitivity of the retina to color : a quantitative..

30,00 €
Vincent, Stella Burnham: The function of the vibrissae in the behavior of the white rat. Dissertation.

Vincent, Stella Burnham: The function of the vibrissae in the behavior of the white rat..

16,00 €
Zwonkin, Wladimir: Dostojewsky's "Raskolnikow" im Lichte der Gewissenspsychologie. Dissertation.

Zwonkin, Wladimir: Dostojewsky's "Raskolnikow" im Lichte der Gewissenspsychologie. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Küry, Urs Robert: Religiosität und Dämonenfurcht im Glauben an ein Fortleben nach dem Tode : Untersuchungen zur Psychologie der primitiven Völker. Dissertation.

Küry, Urs Robert: Religiosität und Dämonenfurcht im Glauben an ein Fortleben nach dem Tode :..

45,00 €
Adams, Henry Foster: Autokinetic sensations. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological review monographs 59.

Adams, Henry Foster: Autokinetic sensations. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological review..

20,00 €
Borel, Edouard: Religion und Beruf : Untersuchung über die psychologischen, religiösen und wirtschaftlichen Voraussetzungen der Berufspersönlichkeit, in Verbindung mit einer statistischen Bearbeitung der Volkszählung 1910..

Borel, Edouard: Religion und Beruf : Untersuchung über die psychologischen, religiösen und..

30,00 €
Nikoloff, Mladen: Beitrag zur Lehre vom Interesse. Dissertation.

Nikoloff, Mladen: Beitrag zur Lehre vom Interesse. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Berenson, C: Die Theorie der Willensbildung in der Socialpädagogik der Gegenwart : ein Beitrag zur Frage der Existenzberechtigung einer besonderen Socialpädagogik. Dissertation.

Berenson, C: Die Theorie der Willensbildung in der Socialpädagogik der Gegenwart : ein Beitrag zur..

19,00 €
Schüttler, Günter: Die letzten tibetischen Orakelpriester, psychiatrisch-neurologische Aspekte. Forschungen zur Ekstase.

Schüttler, Günter: Die letzten tibetischen Orakelpriester, psychiatrisch neurologische Aspekte..

8,00 €
Lorimer, Frank: The growth of reason : a study of the rôle of verbal activity in the growth of the structure of the human mind. Dissertation.

Lorimer, Frank: The growth of reason : a study of the rôle of verbal activity in the growth of the..

20,00 €
Patterson, George Sutton: Foresight and character : a study of the ability of children to foresee and to judge the social consequences of their actions, and its relation to character. Dissertation.

Patterson, George Sutton: Foresight and character : a study of the ability of children to foresee..

45,00 €
Jastak, Joseph Florian: Variability of psychometric performances in mental diagnosis. Dissertation.

Jastak, Joseph Florian: Variability of psychometric performances in mental diagnosis. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Petter, Guido: Die geistige Entwicklung des Kindes im Werk von Jean Piaget. 2., unveränd. Aufl.

Petter, Guido: Die geistige Entwicklung des Kindes im Werk von Jean Piaget. 2., unveränd. Aufl.

9,00 €
Wunderli, Jürg: Stirb und werde : Wandlung und Wiedergeburt in der Pubertät und in der Lebensmitte. Psychologisch gesehen 40.

Wunderli, Jürg: Stirb und werde : Wandlung und Wiedergeburt in der Pubertät und in der..

9,00 €
Alarco von Perfall, Claudio: Kultur und Persoenlichkeit auf Ibiza. Dissertation.

Alarco von Perfall, Claudio: Kultur und Persoenlichkeit auf Ibiza. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Kuipers, Christine Grietje: Dyslexie bij begaafden. Dissertation.

Kuipers, Christine Grietje: Dyslexie bij begaafden. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Thomas, David Edward: The psychological approach to the study of prophecy. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: American Journal of Theology 18,2.

Thomas, David Edward: The psychological approach to the study of prophecy. Dissertation..

19,00 €
Skaggs, Ernest Burton: Further Studies in retroactive inhibition. Dissertation.

Skaggs, Ernest Burton: Further Studies in retroactive inhibition. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Guernsey, Martha: A Study of liminal sound intensities and the application of Weber's law to tones of different pitch. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Psychology.33, S. 554-569.

Guernsey, Martha: A Study of liminal sound intensities and the application of Weber's law to tones..

11,00 €
Austin, Sarah D. Mackay: A study in logical memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American Journal of Psychology 32, S. 371-403.

Austin, Sarah D. Mackay: A study in logical memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The American..

14,00 €
Shaw, Esther Elizabeth: Some imaginal Factors influencing verbal expression : a preliminary study. Dissertation. (Psychological monographs 113).

Shaw, Esther Elizabeth: Some imaginal Factors influencing verbal expression : a preliminary study..

35,00 €
Arlitt, Ada Hart: The effect of alcohol on the intelligent behavior of the white rat and its progeny. Dissertation. Psychological monographs ; 26,[4] = whole nr. 115.

Arlitt, Ada Hart: The effect of alcohol on the intelligent behavior of the white rat and its..

25,00 €
Wiltbank, Rutledge Thornton: Transfer of training in white rats upon various series of mazes. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Behavior Monographs 4.

Wiltbank, Rutledge Thornton: Transfer of training in white rats upon various series of mazes..

20,00 €
Kingsbury, Forrest Alva: A group intelligence scale for primary grades. Dissertation.

Kingsbury, Forrest Alva: A group intelligence scale for primary grades. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Koch, Helen Lois: The influence of mechanical guidance upon maze learning. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs ; 32,5 = whole nr. 147.

Koch, Helen Lois: The influence of mechanical guidance upon maze learning. Dissertation..

30,00 €
Thurstone, Louis Leon: The learning curve equation. Dissertation. Psychological Monograph 26.

Thurstone, Louis Leon: The learning curve equation. Dissertation. Psychological Monograph 26.

14,00 €
Moore, Thomas Verner: A study in reaction time and movement. Dissertation.

Moore, Thomas Verner: A study in reaction time and movement. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Dubray, Charles A: The theory of psychical dispositions. Dissertation.

Dubray, Charles A: The theory of psychical dispositions. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Jones, Edward Safford: The influence of age and experience on correlations concerned with mental tests. Dissertation.

Jones, Edward Safford: The influence of age and experience on correlations concerned with mental..

30,00 €
Kjerstad, Conrad Lun: The Form of the learning curves for memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 26,5.

Kjerstad, Conrad Lun: The Form of the learning curves for memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus:..

25,00 €
Ruml, Beardsley: The Reliability of mental tests in the division of an academic group. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Psychological monographs 24,4.

Ruml, Beardsley: The Reliability of mental tests in the division of an academic group..

20,00 €
Rosenow, Curt: The Analysis of mental functions. Dissertation.

Rosenow, Curt: The Analysis of mental functions. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Webb, Louie Winfield: Transfer of training and retroaction : a comparative study. Dissertation. Psychological monographs 104.

Webb, Louie Winfield: Transfer of training and retroaction : a comparative study. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Schmidt, William Anton: An experimental study in the psychology of reading. Dissertation.

Schmidt, William Anton: An experimental study in the psychology of reading. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Perrin, Fleming Allen Clay: An experimental and introspective study of the human learning process in the maze. Dissertation.

Perrin, Fleming Allen Clay: An experimental and introspective study of the human learning process..

35,00 €
Pechstein, Louis Augustus: Whole vs. part Methods in motor learning : a comparative study. Dissertation.

Pechstein, Louis Augustus: Whole vs. part Methods in motor learning : a comparative study..

35,00 €
Kitson, Harry Dexter: The scientific study of the college student. Dissertation.

Kitson, Harry Dexter: The scientific study of the college student. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Sutherland, Arthur Howard: Critique of word association reactions : an experimental study. Dissertation.

Sutherland, Arthur Howard: Critique of word association reactions : an experimental study..

19,00 €
Owen, Roberts Bishop: Recognition : a logical and experimental study. Dissertation.

Owen, Roberts Bishop: Recognition : a logical and experimental study. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Chamberlain, Ethel Mary: A study of the Purkinje Phenomenon with spectral lights. Dissertation.

Chamberlain, Ethel Mary: A study of the Purkinje Phenomenon with spectral lights. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Ritter, Sarah Margaret: The vertical-horizontal illusion : an experimental study of meridional disparities in the visual field. Dissertation.

Ritter, Sarah Margaret: The vertical horizontal illusion : an experimental study of meridional..

35,00 €
Münger-Jacot, Werner: Beitrag zur Erforschung der Handlungsdynamik bei Schwererziehbaren. Dissertation.

Münger Jacot, Werner: Beitrag zur Erforschung der Handlungsdynamik bei Schwererziehbaren..

25,00 €
Keller, Franz: Eitelkeit und Wahn : "Eitelkeit als Charakterschwäche und als Grössen- und Verfolgungswahn" ; mit einem Anhang- "Eitelkind in Kindheit und Jugend". Dissertation.

Keller, Franz: Eitelkeit und Wahn : "Eitelkeit als Charakterschwäche und als Grössen und..

19,00 €
Fränkl, Ernst: Ueber Vorstellungs-Elemente und Aufmerksamkeit ; ein Beitrag zur experimentellen Psychologie. Dissertation.

Fränkl, Ernst: Ueber Vorstellungs Elemente und Aufmerksamkeit ; ein Beitrag zur experimentellen..

20,00 €
Salber, Wilhelm: Entwicklungen der Psychologie Sigmund Freuds Bd. 3. 2. Auflage.

Salber, Wilhelm: Entwicklungen der Psychologie Sigmund Freuds Bd. 3. 2. Auflage.

15,00 €