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148 Artikel gefunden


Fisher, Roger, Elizabeth Kopelman und Andrea Kupfer Schneider: Jenseits von Machiavelli. Kleines Handbuch der Konfliktlösung.

Fisher, Roger, Elizabeth Kopelman und Andrea Kupfer Schneider: Jenseits von Machiavelli. Kleines..

8,00 €
Franzblau, Rose Nadler: Race Differences in mental and physical traits, studied in different environments. (Archives of psychology ; 177).

Franzblau, Rose Nadler: Race Differences in mental and physical traits, studied in different..

18,00 €
Foley, John Porter: The Effect of context upon perceptual differentiation. (Archives of psychology ; 184).

Foley, John Porter: The Effect of context upon perceptual differentiation. (Archives of psychology..

17,00 €
Eisenson, Jon: Confirmation and information in rewards and punishments. (Archives of psychology ; 181).

Eisenson, Jon: Confirmation and information in rewards and punishments. (Archives of psychology ;..

20,00 €
Bolles, Mary Marjorie: The basis of pertinence : a study of the test performance of aments, dements and normal children of the same mental age. (Diss.). (Archives of psychology. - New York, NY : Columbia Univ, 1906-1945 ; 212).

Bolles, Mary Marjorie: The basis of pertinence : a study of the test performance of aments, dements..

12,00 €
Eisenberg, Philip: Expressive movements related to feeling of dominance. (Diss.). (Archives of psychology. - New York, NY : Columbia Univ, 1906-1945 ; 211).

Eisenberg, Philip: Expressive movements related to feeling of dominance. (Diss.). (Archives of..

14,00 €
Morgan, Christine Margaret: The Attitudes and adjustments of recipients of old age assistance in upstate and metropolitan New York.

Morgan, Christine Margaret: The Attitudes and adjustments of recipients of old age assistance in..

18,00 €
Fedrowitz, Jutta (Hrsg.): Neuroworlds. Gehirn - Geist - Kultur. (Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein-Westfalen: Schriftenreihe des Wissenschaftszentrums Nordrhein-Westfalen ; Bd. 3).

Fedrowitz, Jutta (Hrsg.): Neuroworlds. Gehirn Geist Kultur. (Wissenschaftszentrum Nordrhein..

6,00 €
Landgarten, Helen B: Family Art Psychotherapy. A Clinical Guide and Casebook. [1st printing]
 New York, Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1987.

Landgarten, Helen B: Family Art Psychotherapy. A Clinical Guide and Casebook. [1st printing] New..

17,00 €
Binion, Rudolh (übersetzt: Jürgen Abel + Annelise Dengler): daß ihr mich gefunden habt; Hitler und die Deutschen: eine Psychohistorie.

Binion, Rudolh (übersetzt: Jürgen Abel + Annelise Dengler): daß ihr mich gefunden habt; Hitler..

20,00 €
Balser, Benjamin Harris (ed.): Psychotherapy of the adolescent. 3. print.

Balser, Benjamin Harris (ed.): Psychotherapy of the adolescent. 3. print.

29,00 €
Prince, Morton: The dissociation of a personality : a biographical study in abnormal psychology. 7th impr.

Prince, Morton: The dissociation of a personality : a biographical study in abnormal psychology..

35,00 €
Joseph, Edward D.; Wallerstein, Robert S. (eds.): Psychotherapy : impact on psychoanalytical training; the influence of the practice and theory of psychotherapy on education in psychoanalysis. International Psycho-Analytical Association monograph series 1

Joseph, Edward D.; Wallerstein, Robert S. (eds.): Psychotherapy : impact on psychoanalytical..

24,00 €
Vitz, Paul C: Sigmund Freud's Christian unconscious.

Vitz, Paul C: Sigmund Freud's Christian unconscious.

16,00 €
Touching Dialogue - A Somatic Psychotherapy for Self-Realization

Touching Dialogue - A Somatic Psychotherapy for Self-Realization

10,00 €
Andreas-Salome, Lou: The Freud Journal. Translated from the German by Stanley A. Leavy. With an introduction by Mary-Kay Wilmers. [= Quartet Encouters]
 London - New York, Quartet Books, 1987.

Andreas Salome, Lou: The Freud Journal. Translated from the German by Stanley A. Leavy. With an..

14,00 €
Domenici, Thomas; Lesser, Ronnie C. (Hg.): Disorienting Sexuality. Psychoanalytic Reappraisals of Sexual Identities
 New York - London, Routledge, 1995.

Domenici, Thomas; Lesser, Ronnie C. (Hg.): Disorienting Sexuality. Psychoanalytic Reappraisals of..

15,00 €
Tolman, Edward Chace: Purposive behavior in animals and men. The century psychology series.

Tolman, Edward Chace: Purposive behavior in animals and men. The century psychology series.

90,00 €
Wheelwright, Joseph B. (Hg.): The Analytic Process: Aims, Analysis,  Training. The proceedings of the Fourth International Congress for Analytical Psychology
 New York, G. P Putnam's Sons for the C. G. Jung Foundationd for Analytical Psychology, (1971).

Wheelwright, Joseph B. (Hg.): The Analytic Process: Aims, Analysis, Training. The proceedings of..

27,00 €
Koffka, Kurt: The growth of the mind : an introduction to child psychology.

Koffka, Kurt: The growth of the mind : an introduction to child psychology.

24,00 €
Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd printing]
 New York - London, The Guilford Press, 2006.

Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd..

28,00 €
Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Why Psychoanalysis? Translated by Rachel Bowlby
 New York, Columbia University Press, (2001).

Roudinesco, Elisabeth: Why Psychoanalysis? Translated by Rachel Bowlby New York, Columbia..

17,00 €
Henle, Mary (ed.): The selected papers of Wolfgang Köhler.

Henle, Mary (ed.): The selected papers of Wolfgang Köhler.

19,00 €
Roth, Michael S. (ed.): Freud: Conflict and Culture: Essays on His Life, Work, and Legacy.

Roth, Michael S. (ed.): Freud: Conflict and Culture: Essays on His Life, Work, and Legacy.

14,00 €
Hirst, R. J: Perception and the external world.

Hirst, R. J: Perception and the external world.

11,00 €
Chorover, Stephan L: Die Zurichtung des Menschen:  von der Verhaltensteuerung durch  die Wissenschaften.

Chorover, Stephan L: Die Zurichtung des Menschen: von der Verhaltensteuerung durch die..

4,00 €
Frederick Perls: Gestalt Therapy.

Frederick Perls: Gestalt Therapy.

13,00 €
Gerth, Hans; Mills, Charles Wright: Character and social structure : the psychology of social institutions. A Harbinger book.

Gerth, Hans; Mills, Charles Wright: Character and social structure : the psychology of social..

9,00 €
Nettler, Gwynn: Explaining crime.

Nettler, Gwynn: Explaining crime.

11,00 €
Douglas, Jack D. (ed.): Research on deviance.

Douglas, Jack D. (ed.): Research on deviance.

9,00 €
Spitzer, Stephan P. ; Denzin, Norman K: The mental patient : studies in the sociology of deviance.

Spitzer, Stephan P. ; Denzin, Norman K: The mental patient : studies in the sociology of deviance.

15,00 €
Heider, Fritz: The psychology of interpersonal relations.

Heider, Fritz: The psychology of interpersonal relations.

24,00 €
Fowler, Harry: Curiosity and exploratory behavior. The critical issues in psychology series.

Fowler, Harry: Curiosity and exploratory behavior. The critical issues in psychology series.

11,00 €
Peck, Martin W: The Meaning of Psychoanalysis. With an Introduction by Bernard Glueck.

Peck, Martin W: The Meaning of Psychoanalysis. With an Introduction by Bernard Glueck.

8,90 €
Gauda, Gudrun: Der Übergang zur Elternschaft : eine qualitative Analyse der Entwicklung der Mutter- und Vateridentität. Dissertation.

Gauda, Gudrun: Der Übergang zur Elternschaft : eine qualitative Analyse der Entwicklung der..

39,00 €
Anderson, Leo D: A preliminary study of the effect of training in junior high school shop courses. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 109.

Anderson, Leo D: A preliminary study of the effect of training in junior high school shop courses..

15,00 €
Nissen, Henry W: The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic extracts on the sex behavior of the white rat. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Genetic Psychology Monographs V, S. 450 - 550.

Nissen, Henry W: The effects of gonadectomy, vasotomy, and injections of placental and orchic..

15,00 €
Cushing, Hazel M: A perseverative tendency in pre-school children : a study in personality differences. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 108.

Cushing, Hazel M: A perseverative tendency in pre school children : a study in personality..

15,00 €
Shimberg, Myra E: An investigation into the validity of norms with special reference to urban and rural groups. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 104.

Shimberg, Myra E: An investigation into the validity of norms with special reference to urban and..

20,00 €
Schneck, Matthew M. R: The measurement of verbal and numerical abilities. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 107.

Schneck, Matthew M. R: The measurement of verbal and numerical abilities. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

20,00 €
Israeli, Nathan: Illusions in the perception of short time intervals. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 113.

Israeli, Nathan: Illusions in the perception of short time intervals. Dissertation. Sonderdruck..

15,00 €
Kambouropoulou, Polyxenie: Individual Differences in the sense of humor and their relation to temperamental differences. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 121.

Kambouropoulou, Polyxenie: Individual Differences in the sense of humor and their relation to..

15,00 €
Washburne, John Noble: The use of questions in social science reading material. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of educational pscyhology 20.5, S. 321 - 360.

Washburne, John Noble: The use of questions in social science reading material. Dissertation..

15,00 €
Uhrbrock, Richard Stephen: An analysis of the Downey will-temperament tests. Dissertation.

Uhrbrock, Richard Stephen: An analysis of the Downey will-temperament tests. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Franzblau, Abraham Norman: Religious belief and character among Jewish adolescents. Dissertation.

Franzblau, Abraham Norman: Religious belief and character among Jewish adolescents. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Wilkins, Minna C: The effect of changed material on ability to do formal syllogistic reasoning. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 102.

Wilkins, Minna C: The effect of changed material on ability to do formal syllogistic reasoning..

25,00 €
Goldstein, Hyman: A biochemical study of the metabolism of mental work. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 164.

Goldstein, Hyman: A biochemical study of the metabolism of mental work. Dissertation. Archives of..

35,00 €
Steinberg, Janet: The relation between basal metabolism and mental speed. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 172.

Steinberg, Janet: The relation between basal metabolism and mental speed. Dissertation. Archives of..

25,00 €
Kneeland, Natalie: Self-estimates of improvement in repeated tasks. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 163.

Kneeland, Natalie: Self estimates of improvement in repeated tasks. Dissertation. Archives of..

30,00 €
Weeks, Angelina Louisa: A vocabulary information test. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 97.

Weeks, Angelina Louisa: A vocabulary information test. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 97.

20,00 €
Rounds, George H: Is the latent time in the Achilles tendon reflex a criterion of speed in mental reactions? Dissertation. Archives of psychology 95.

Rounds, George H: Is the latent time in the Achilles tendon reflex a criterion of speed in mental..

25,00 €
Seward, Georgene H: Recognition time as a measure of confidence, an experimental study of redintegration. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 99.

Seward, Georgene H: Recognition time as a measure of confidence, an experimental study of..

25,00 €
Smith, Max: The relationship between item validity and test validity. Dissertation.

Smith, Max: The relationship between item validity and test validity. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Schiller, Belle: Verbal, numerical and spatial abilities of young children. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 161.

Schiller, Belle: Verbal, numerical and spatial abilities of young children. Dissertation. Archives..

25,00 €
Anastasi, Anne: A group factor in immediate memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 120.

Anastasi, Anne: A group factor in immediate memory. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of..

35,00 €
Riess, Bernard F: Limits of learning ability in the white rat and the guinea pig. Dissertation. Genetic psychology monographs : child behavior, animal behavior and comparative psychology 15,4.

Riess, Bernard F: Limits of learning ability in the white rat and the guinea pig. Dissertation..

19,00 €
Barker, Margaret: A technique for studying the social-material activities of young children. Dissertation.

Barker, Margaret: A technique for studying the social material activities of young children..

19,00 €
Allen, Clinton McClarty: Some effects produced in an individual by knowledge of his own intellectual level. Dissertation.

Allen, Clinton McClarty: Some effects produced in an individual by knowledge of his own..

25,00 €
Rosenthal, Solomon: Change of socio-economic attitudes under radical motion picture propaganda. Dissertation. Archives of Psychology 166.

Rosenthal, Solomon: Change of socio economic attitudes under radical motion picture propaganda..

25,00 €
Cole, Lawrence E: The localization of tactual space : a study of average and constant errors under different types of localization. Dissertation. Genetic psychology monographs ; vol. v, no. 5.

Cole, Lawrence E: The localization of tactual space : a study of average and constant errors under..

25,00 €
Hamilton, Edna Louise: The effect of delayed incentive on the hunger drive in the white rat. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Genetic psychology monographs 5,2, S. 137-207.

Hamilton, Edna Louise: The effect of delayed incentive on the hunger drive in the white rat..

16,00 €
Bowden, Aberden Orlando: Consumers uses of arithmetic : an investigation to determine the actual uses made of arithmetic in adult social life, exclusive of vocational uses. Dissertation.

Bowden, Aberden Orlando: Consumers uses of arithmetic : an investigation to determine the actual..

25,00 €
Hamilton, Hughbert C: The effect of incentives on accuracy of discrimination measured on the Galton bar. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of psychology 103.

Hamilton, Hughbert C: The effect of incentives on accuracy of discrimination measured on the Galton..

20,00 €
West, Joe Young: A technique for appraising certain observable behavior of children in science in elementary schools. Dissertation.

West, Joe Young: A technique for appraising certain observable behavior of children in science in..

35,00 €
Hanks, Lucien Mason: Prediction from case material to personality test data : a methodological study of types. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 207.

Hanks, Lucien Mason: Prediction from case material to personality test data : a methodological..

25,00 €
Wallenstein, Nehemiah: Character and personality of children from broken homes. Dissertation.

Wallenstein, Nehemiah: Character and personality of children from broken homes. Dissertation.

10,00 €
Barmack, Joseph Ephraim: Boredom and other factors in the physiology of mental effort : an exploratory study. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 218.

Barmack, Joseph Ephraim: Boredom and other factors in the physiology of mental effort : an..

20,00 €
Tucker, Louise Emery: A study of problem pupils. Dissertation.

Tucker, Louise Emery: A study of problem pupils. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Rush, Grace Preyer: Visual grouping in relation to age. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 217.

Rush, Grace Preyer: Visual grouping in relation to age. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 217.

25,00 €
Hanawalt, Nelson Gilbert: Memory Trace for figures in recall and recognition. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 216.

Hanawalt, Nelson Gilbert: Memory Trace for figures in recall and recognition. Dissertation..

25,00 €
Lawlor, Gerald William: Effect of changes in bodily set on accuracy of proprioceptive localization. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 213.

Lawlor, Gerald William: Effect of changes in bodily set on accuracy of proprioceptive localization..

25,00 €
Long, Louis: A study of the effect of preceding stimuli upon the judgment of auditory intensities. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 209.

Long, Louis: A study of the effect of preceding stimuli upon the judgment of auditory intensities..

25,00 €
Smith, Randolph B: The development of an inventory for the measurement of inferiority feelings at the high school level. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 144.

Smith, Randolph B: The development of an inventory for the measurement of inferiority feelings at..

25,00 €
Sears, Richard: Psychogalvanic responses in arithmetical work : effects of experimental changes in addition. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 155.

Sears, Richard: Psychogalvanic responses in arithmetical work : effects of experimental changes in..

15,00 €
DuBois, Philip Hunter: A speed factor in mental tests. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 141.

DuBois, Philip Hunter: A speed factor in mental tests. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 141.

20,00 €
Van Ormer, Edward Bunn: Retention after intervals of sleep and of waking. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 137.

Van Ormer, Edward Bunn: Retention after intervals of sleep and of waking. Dissertation. Archives of..

25,00 €
Damon, Kenneth Finch: Program notes for the listener to music : a study of their development and effect upon the listener's reactions to unfamiliar music. Dissertation.

Damon, Kenneth Finch: Program notes for the listener to music : a study of their development and..

20,00 €
Waits, John Virgil: The law of effect in the retained situation. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 208.

Waits, John Virgil: The law of effect in the retained situation. Dissertation. Archives of..

20,00 €
Rizzolo, Attilio: The effect of vocal distraction upon mental work. Dissertation.

Rizzolo, Attilio: The effect of vocal distraction upon mental work. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Peatman, John G: A study of factors measured by the Thorndike intelligence examination for high school graduates. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Archives of Psychology 128.

Peatman, John G: A study of factors measured by the Thorndike intelligence examination for high..

20,00 €
Sailer, Randolph C: Happiness self-estimates of young men. Dissertation.

Sailer, Randolph C: Happiness self-estimates of young men. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Regensburg, Jeanette: Studies of educational success and failure in supernormal children. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 129.

Regensburg, Jeanette: Studies of educational success and failure in supernormal children..

30,00 €
Harmon, Francis L: The effects of noise upon certain psychological and physiological processes. Dissertation.

Harmon, Francis L: The effects of noise upon certain psychological and physiological processes..

20,00 €
Arsenian, Seth: Bilingualism and mental development : a study of the intelligence and the social background of bilingual children in New York City. Dissertation.

Arsenian, Seth: Bilingualism and mental development : a study of the intelligence and the social..

25,00 €
Street, Roy F: A gestalt completion test : a study of a cross section of intellect. Dissertation.

Street, Roy F: A gestalt completion test : a study of a cross section of intellect. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Daniel, Robert Prentiss: A psychological study of delinquent and non-delinquent negro boys. Dissertation.

Daniel, Robert Prentiss: A psychological study of delinquent and non delinquent negro boys..

30,00 €
Nelson, Janet: Personality and intelligence : a study of some responses other than intellectual, noted in a simple mental test situation. Dissertation.

Nelson, Janet: Personality and intelligence : a study of some responses other than intellectual..

25,00 €
Page, James Daniel: An experimental study of the day and night motility of normal and psychotic individuals Dissertation.

Page, James Daniel: An experimental study of the day and night motility of normal and psychotic..

10,00 €
Bolles, Mary Marjorie: The basis of pertinence : a study of the test performance of aments, dements and normal children of the same mental age. Dissertation. Archives of psychology 212.

Bolles, Mary Marjorie: The basis of pertinence : a study of the test performance of aments, dements..

14,00 €
MacGraw, Myrtle B: A comparative study of a group of southern white and negro infants. Dissertation. Genetic psychology monographs : child behavior, animal behavior and comparative psychology 10,1.

MacGraw, Myrtle B: A comparative study of a group of southern white and negro infants..

30,00 €
Stephens, J. M: The influence of different stimuli upon preceding bonds : an examination of the law of effect. Dissertation.

Stephens, J. M: The influence of different stimuli upon preceding bonds : an examination of the law..

30,00 €
Lorenz, Jennie: Consistency of auditory acuity of variability of individuals among four tests with the 2A audiometer. Dissertation.

Lorenz, Jennie: Consistency of auditory acuity of variability of individuals among four tests with..

25,00 €
Chen, William Keh-Ching: The influence of oral propaganda material upon students' attitudes. Dissertation. Archives of Psychology 150.

Chen, William Keh Ching: The influence of oral propaganda material upon students' attitudes..

20,00 €
Zubin, Joseph: Some effects of incentives : A study of individual differences in rivalry. Dissertation.

Zubin, Joseph: Some effects of incentives : A study of individual differences in rivalry..

35,00 €
Welles, Henry Hunter: The measurement of certain aspects of personality among hard of hearing adults. Dissertation.

Welles, Henry Hunter: The measurement of certain aspects of personality among hard of hearing..

20,00 €
Mellinger, Bonnie Eugenie: Children's interests in pictures. Dissertation.

Mellinger, Bonnie Eugenie: Children's interests in pictures. Dissertation.

25,00 €
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