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79 Artikel gefunden


Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

12,00 €
Discourse and Grammar - Focussing and Defocussing in English

Discourse and Grammar - Focussing and Defocussing in English

49,00 €
Het verhaal van het Nederlands - een geschiedenis van twaalf eeuwen

Het verhaal van het Nederlands - een geschiedenis van twaalf eeuwen

25,00 €
Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition

Functional Approaches to Language, Culture and Cognition

95,00 €
The Sixth Lacus Forum 1979

The Sixth Lacus Forum 1979

49,00 €
Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika - Van voortye tot vandag

Geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika - Van voortye tot vandag

25,00 €
Zwaardemaker, H. / L. P. H. Eijkman: Leerboek der Phonetiek inzonderheid met Betrekking tot het Standaard-Nederlandsch.

Zwaardemaker, H. / L. P. H. Eijkman: Leerboek der Phonetiek inzonderheid met Betrekking tot het..

46,00 €
Berbner, Walther: Sprache und Heimat des Altenglischen "Scriftboc" im MS Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

Berbner, Walther: Sprache und Heimat des Altenglischen "Scriftboc" im MS Corpus Christi College..

11,00 €
Lukas, Johannes (Hrsg.): Neue Afrikanistische Studien. August Klingenheben zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet. (Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrikakunde ; Bd. 5).

Lukas, Johannes (Hrsg.): Neue Afrikanistische Studien. August Klingenheben zum 80. Geburtstag..

17,50 €
A Bibliography on Writing and Written Language Volume 1-3 (3 books)

A Bibliography on Writing and Written Language Volume 1-3 (3 books)

95,00 €
Meaning as Explanation - Advances in Linguistic Sign Theory

Meaning as Explanation - Advances in Linguistic Sign Theory

45,00 €
The Semantics of Syntactic Change - Aspects of the Evolution of 'do' in English

The Semantics of Syntactic Change - Aspects of the Evolution of 'do' in English

85,00 €
Introducing Arabic

Introducing Arabic

10,00 €
The Philosophy of Grammar

The Philosophy of Grammar

22,00 €
Historical Linguistics - An Introduction

Historical Linguistics - An Introduction

25,00 €
The Syntax and Semantics of Complex Nominals

The Syntax and Semantics of Complex Nominals

45,00 €
The Eleventh Lacus Forum 1984

The Eleventh Lacus Forum 1984

79,00 €
The Sounds of the World's Languages

The Sounds of the World's Languages

39,00 €
Phonological Typology (Oxford Survey in Phonology and Phonetics)

Phonological Typology (Oxford Survey in Phonology and Phonetics)

20,00 €
The Phonology of Dutch

The Phonology of Dutch

35,00 €
The Phonetics of English and Dutch

The Phonetics of English and Dutch

20,00 €
Kontemporere Afrikaanse taalkunde

Kontemporere Afrikaanse taalkunde

55,00 €
Workbook to Accompany A Biography of the English Language

Workbook to Accompany A Biography of the English Language

19,00 €
The Nature of the Word - Studies in Honor of Paul Kiparsky

The Nature of the Word - Studies in Honor of Paul Kiparsky

18,50 €
Old English Grammar

Old English Grammar

35,00 €
Word-hoard - An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary

Word-hoard - An Introduction to Old English Vocabulary

18,00 €
British or American English?

British or American English?

25,00 €
Anglo-Saxon Prose

Anglo-Saxon Prose

10,00 €
Anglo-Saxon manuscripts

Anglo-Saxon manuscripts

15,00 €
American Voices - How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast

American Voices - How Dialects Differ from Coast to Coast

19,00 €
A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary

A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary

22,00 €
P. Vergilius Maro.- Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis in Auswahl.

P. Vergilius Maro.- Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis in Auswahl.

9,00 €
Graef, B. K. (Buma Karl, Assistent für Stimm- und Sprechkunde an der Universität Berlin): Die Kunst des Sprechens; Reihe: Deutsche Welle. Rundfunktexte.

Graef, B. K. (Buma Karl, Assistent für Stimm und Sprechkunde an der Universität Berlin): Die..

26,00 €
A Grammar of Tukang Besi

A Grammar of Tukang Besi

120,00 €
Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide

Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide

85,00 €
Extended Axiomatic Linguistics

Extended Axiomatic Linguistics

45,00 €
Pluricentric Languages in an Immigrant Context - Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

Pluricentric Languages in an Immigrant Context - Spanish, Arabic and Chinese

45,00 €
Functional and Systemic Linguistics - Approaches and Uses

Functional and Systemic Linguistics - Approaches and Uses

45,00 €
Language Contact and Change in the Austronesian World

Language Contact and Change in the Austronesian World

98,00 €
Two Languages at Work - Bilingual Life on the Production Floor

Two Languages at Work - Bilingual Life on the Production Floor

98,00 €
Language History and Linguistic Modelling - A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday - Volume 1+2 (2 books)

Language History and Linguistic Modelling A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday..

55,00 €
Language Change - Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics

Language Change - Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics

85,00 €
Autolexical Theory - Ideas and Methods

Autolexical Theory - Ideas and Methods

20,00 €
Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects - Initial Vowels in Slavic and Baltic

Reconstructing Prehistorical Dialects - Initial Vowels in Slavic and Baltic

105,00 €
The Earliest Stage of Language Planning - "The First Congress" Phenomenon

The Earliest Stage of Language Planning - "The First Congress" Phenomenon

35,00 €
The Elements of Mathematical Semantics

The Elements of Mathematical Semantics

36,00 €
On Germanic Linguistics - Issues and Methods

On Germanic Linguistics - Issues and Methods

78,00 €
Research Guide on Language Change

Research Guide on Language Change

48,00 €
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