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45 Artikel gefunden


Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

Schmidt, Muhammad Wolfgang G. A: Einführung in die chinesische Schrift- und Zeichenkunde.

12,00 €
Vennemann, Theo (Hrsg.): The New Sound of Indo-European. Essays in Phonological Reconstruction. [= Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs, 41].

Vennemann, Theo (Hrsg.): The New Sound of Indo European. Essays in Phonological Reconstruction. [=..

60,00 €
Meade, Marianne: How to write good social letters. A modern guide to good form.

Meade, Marianne: How to write good social letters. A modern guide to good form.

10,00 €
Rinderknecht, Peter: Nomen und Verb im melanesischen Tuna (Tolai). Dissertation. Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 21, Linguistik 58.

Rinderknecht, Peter: Nomen und Verb im melanesischen Tuna (Tolai). Dissertation. Europäische..

40,00 €
The Syntax and Semantics of Complex Nominals

The Syntax and Semantics of Complex Nominals

45,00 €
Gelber, Mark H. (ed.): Identity and ethos : a Festschrift for Sol Liptzin on the occasion of his 85th birthday.

Gelber, Mark H. (ed.): Identity and ethos : a Festschrift for Sol Liptzin on the occasion of his..

30,00 €
Sebeok, Thomas Albert; Ingemann, Frances J: Studies in Cheremis: The supernatural. Viking Fund publications in anthropology 22.

Sebeok, Thomas Albert; Ingemann, Frances J: Studies in Cheremis: The supernatural. Viking Fund..

14,00 €
Bayerschmidt, Carl F: A Middle Low German Book of Kings : from a manuscript in the Lübeck Municipal Library. Dissertation.

Bayerschmidt, Carl F: A Middle Low German Book of Kings : from a manuscript in the Lübeck..

75,00 €
Bushnell, Paul Palmer: An analytical contrast of oral with written English. Dissertation.

Bushnell, Paul Palmer: An analytical contrast of oral with written English. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Stanley, Oma: The speech of East Texas. Dissertation. American speech 2.

Stanley, Oma: The speech of East Texas. Dissertation. American speech 2.

40,00 €
Humphreys, Harold L: A Study of dates and causes of case reduction in the Old-French pronoun. Dissertation.

Humphreys, Harold L: A Study of dates and causes of case reduction in the Old French pronoun..

20,00 €
Jencke, Grace Elizabeth: A study of précis writing as a composition technique. Dissertation.

Jencke, Grace Elizabeth: A study of précis writing as a composition technique. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Rivlin, Harry N: Functional grammar. Dissertation.

Rivlin, Harry N: Functional grammar. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Bond, Guy L: The auditory and speech characteristics of poor readers. Dissertation.

Bond, Guy L: The auditory and speech characteristics of poor readers. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Wheat, Leonard Benjamin: Free associations to common words : a study of word associations to twenty-five words picked at random from the five hundred most commonly used words in the English language. Dissertation.

Wheat, Leonard Benjamin: Free associations to common words : a study of word associations to twenty..

14,00 €
Watson, Alice E: Experimental studies in the psychology and pedagogy of spelling. Dissertation.

Watson, Alice E: Experimental studies in the psychology and pedagogy of spelling. Dissertation.

20,00 €
H. Strohner, L. Sichelschmidt, M. Hielscher (Hg.): Medium Sprache. Forum angewandte Linguistik ; Bd. 34.

H. Strohner, L. Sichelschmidt, M. Hielscher (Hg.): Medium Sprache. Forum angewandte Linguistik ;..

12,00 €
Schweizer, Matthias: Die Kommunikationsprozesse von Mitarbeiterzeitungen mittlerer Unternehmen. Dissertation. Europäische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 40, Kommunikationswissenschaft und Publizistik ; Bd. 89.

Schweizer, Matthias: Die Kommunikationsprozesse von Mitarbeiterzeitungen mittlerer Unternehmen..

30,00 €
Cramer, Phebe: Word association.

Cramer, Phebe: Word association.

16,00 €
Hayden, Donald E.; Alworth, E. Paul (Ed.): Classics in Semantics.

Hayden, Donald E.; Alworth, E. Paul (Ed.): Classics in Semantics.

11,00 €
Roberts, Paul: Modern grammar.

Roberts, Paul: Modern grammar.

20,00 €
Seiler, Thomas B.; Wannenmacher, W. (Ed.): Concept Development and the Development of Word Meaning. Springer Series in Language and Communication 12.

Seiler, Thomas B.; Wannenmacher, W. (Ed.): Concept Development and the Development of Word Meaning..

65,00 €
Saville-Troike, Muriel: The Ethnography of Communication: An Introduction. Language in Society Bd. 3.

Saville Troike, Muriel: The Ethnography of Communication: An Introduction. Language in Society Bd..

12,00 €
Prazak, Milos: Language and Logic.

Prazak, Milos: Language and Logic.

20,00 €
De Maria (DeMaria), Robert: The Language of Grammar.

De Maria (DeMaria), Robert: The Language of Grammar.

16,00 €
Bower, William W: International Manual of Linguistics and Translators.

Bower, William W: International Manual of Linguistics and Translators.

10,00 €
Brainerd, Barron: Introduction to the mathematics of language Mathematical linguistics and automatic language processing Bd. 8.

Brainerd, Barron: Introduction to the mathematics of language Mathematical linguistics and..

11,00 €
Lenneberg, Eric H und Elizabeth Lenneberg (Eds.): Foundations of Language Development: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Vol. 1 + 2.

Lenneberg, Eric H und Elizabeth Lenneberg (Eds.): Foundations of Language Development: A..

30,00 €
Kiefer, Ferenc: Mathematical Linguistics in Eastern Europe. Mathematical Linguistics and automatic Language processing Nr. 3.

Kiefer, Ferenc: Mathematical Linguistics in Eastern Europe. Mathematical Linguistics and automatic..

15,00 €
Nayar, Baldev Raj: National Communication and Language Policy in India. (Praeger Special Studies in International Politics and Public Affairs).

Nayar, Baldev Raj: National Communication and Language Policy in India. (Praeger Special Studies in..

20,00 €
Lester, Mark: Readings in Applied Transformational Grammar.

Lester, Mark: Readings in Applied Transformational Grammar.

12,00 €
Rommetveit, Ragnar: Words, Meanings, and Messages. Theory and Experiments in Psycholinguistics.

Rommetveit, Ragnar: Words, Meanings, and Messages. Theory and Experiments in Psycholinguistics.

11,00 €
Hyman, Larry M: Phonology: theory and analysis.

Hyman, Larry M: Phonology: theory and analysis.

7,00 €
Martin, Harold C. (Ed.): Style in Prose Fiction. 3. Aufl.

Martin, Harold C. (Ed.): Style in Prose Fiction. 3. Aufl.

9,00 €
Keene, G. B: Language and reasoning.

Keene, G. B: Language and reasoning.

15,00 €
Waldo, Willis H: Better Report Writing.

Waldo, Willis H: Better Report Writing.

12,00 €
Whitaker, Haiganoosh ; Whitaker, Harry A: Studies in Neurolinguistics, Volume 1, 2, 3.

Whitaker, Haiganoosh ; Whitaker, Harry A: Studies in Neurolinguistics, Volume 1, 2, 3.

50,00 €
Narasimhan, Rangaswamy: Modelling language behaviour. Springer series in language and communication ; Vol. 10.

Narasimhan, Rangaswamy: Modelling language behaviour. Springer series in language and communication..

12,00 €
W. Johnson, F. L,. Darley, D. C. Spriestersbach: Diagnostic Methods in Speech Pathology.

W. Johnson, F. L,. Darley, D. C. Spriestersbach: Diagnostic Methods in Speech Pathology.

11,00 €
Emons, Rudolf [Hrsg.]: Sprache transdisziplinär. Forum angewandte Linguistik ; Bd. 41.

Emons, Rudolf [Hrsg.]: Sprache transdisziplinär. Forum angewandte Linguistik ; Bd. 41.

9,00 €
Reiss, Samuel: Language and Psychology.

Reiss, Samuel: Language and Psychology.

14,00 €
Millikan, Clark H. & Darley, Frederic L: Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language. Proceedings of a Conference Princton, New Jersey 1965.

Millikan, Clark H. & Darley, Frederic L: Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language..

11,00 €
Salzinger, Kurt. & Salzinger, S. [Eds]: Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological Implications.

Salzinger, Kurt. & Salzinger, S. [Eds]: Research in Verbal Behavior and Some Neurophysiological..

9,00 €
Fischer, Renate: Zur Variabilität des Sprachgebrauchs bei Aphasie: am Beispiel der Tempora im Französischen. Dissertation Hamburg. = Europäische Hochschulschriften ; Bd. 44 : Reihe 21, Linguistik.

Fischer, Renate: Zur Variabilität des Sprachgebrauchs bei Aphasie: am Beispiel der Tempora im..

19,00 €
The Multilingual Apple - Languages in New York City

The Multilingual Apple - Languages in New York City

49,00 €
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