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205 Artikel gefunden


García, Ofelia / Fishman, Joshua A: The Multilingual Apple - Languages in New York City.

García, Ofelia / Fishman, Joshua A: The Multilingual Apple - Languages in New York City.

49,00 €
Nock, S[amuel] A[lbert]: American School Life.

Nock, S[amuel] A[lbert]: American School Life.

18,00 €
Gleason jr.; H. A: An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics.

Gleason jr.; H. A: An Introduction to Descriptive Linguistics.

21,00 €
Freeman, William: A concise Dictionary of English idioms.

Freeman, William: A concise Dictionary of English idioms.

4,00 €
Bennett, Cecilia: Everyday German. A Guide to the Spoken Language, compiled by Cecilia Bennett.

Bennett, Cecilia: Everyday German. A Guide to the Spoken Language, compiled by Cecilia Bennett.

8,00 €
Tair, M. A. / Tas, H. van der: Kamus Djerman. Indonesia - Djerman. Djerman - Indonesia.

Tair, M. A. / Tas, H. van der: Kamus Djerman. Indonesia - Djerman. Djerman - Indonesia.

14,00 €
Sakade, Florence / Emori, Kenji / Friedrich, Ralph / Ohashi, Susumu [Editors]: A Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese. The 1,850 Basic Characters and the Kana Syllabaries.

Sakade, Florence / Emori, Kenji / Friedrich, Ralph / Ohashi, Susumu [Editors]: A Guide to Reading &..

18,00 €
Rosen, Leonard J: The Everyday English Handbook. [A Quick-Reference, practical Guide for Home, Office, and Classroom].

Rosen, Leonard J: The Everyday English Handbook. [A Quick Reference, practical Guide for Home..

8,00 €
Linden, G. A. M. M. van der: Nederlands Duits.

Linden, G. A. M. M. van der: Nederlands Duits.

28,00 €
Koch, Zbigniew J. [Hrsg.]: Deutsch-polnisches wissenschaftlich-technisches Wörterbuch. Slownik naukowo-techniczny niemiecko-polski. [2 Bände]. A-L. M-Z.

Koch, Zbigniew J. [Hrsg.]: Deutsch polnisches wissenschaftlich technisches Wörterbuch. Slownik..

180,00 €
Hornby, A. S: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.

Hornby, A. S: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English.

14,00 €
Hill, L. A: English Letters for all Occasions.

Hill, L. A: English Letters for all Occasions.

5,00 €
Gemert, J. A. H. van: Duits Nederlands.

Gemert, J. A. H. van: Duits Nederlands.

38,00 €
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