Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.411 Artikel gefunden


Vogelpracht in Avifauna - 3 Bände komplett.

Vogelpracht in Avifauna - 3 Bände komplett.

45,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995/96 (2 Jahrgänge in einem Band gebunden).

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995/96 (2 Jahrgänge in einem Band gebunden).

45,00 €
Memorias del Jardin Zoologico por Carlos A. Marelli, Tomo VII (1936-1937).

Memorias del Jardin Zoologico por Carlos A. Marelli, Tomo VII (1936-1937).

45,00 €
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 11 Ploceidae - Catamblyrhynchidae - Fringillidae Zoological Series Vol.13, Part 11.

Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 11 Ploceidae..

44,00 €
What Zoos Can Do. The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010-2020.

What Zoos Can Do. The Leading Zoological Gardens of Europe 2010-2020.

43,90 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995 - Gesamtbestand.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1995 - Gesamtbestand.

40,00 €
The Making of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park.

The Making of Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park.

40,00 €
Mensch und Tier im Zoo: Tiergartenbiologie.

Mensch und Tier im Zoo: Tiergartenbiologie.

40,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2005.

EAZA Yearbook 2005.

40,00 €
The First Fifty Years - an informal history of the Detroit Zoological Park and the Detroit Zoological Society.

The First Fifty Years an informal history of the Detroit Zoological Park and the Detroit..

40,00 €
Glückstag am Augsburger Friedensfest, Aktionsheft des Augsburger Zoos.

Glückstag am Augsburger Friedensfest, Aktionsheft des Augsburger Zoos.

40,00 €
Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, 2.edition.

Jordi Sabater Pi, Illustrated animals from Barcelona Zoo, 2.edition.

40,00 €
Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Jahrgang X, Heft X bis XII (Eine Seite über den Bau des Hauses für die Elephanten und Giraffen im Zoo Berlin, allerdings ohne Zeichnungen).

Zeitschrift für Bauwesen. Jahrgang X, Heft X bis XII (Eine Seite über den Bau des Hauses für die..

40,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27,  Conservation Science and Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27, Conservation Science and Zoos.

40,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2004.

EAZA Yearbook 2004.

40,00 €
Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

40,00 €
Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 13.

Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands. Part 13.

40,00 €
More Zoo Ways.

More Zoo Ways.

40,00 €
Der Kölner Zoo. Begeistert Für Tiere. Mit Fotografien von Rolf Schlosser.

Der Kölner Zoo. Begeistert Für Tiere. Mit Fotografien von Rolf Schlosser.

39,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23,  Birds of Prey.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23, Birds of Prey.

36,00 €
The Modern Ark. Saving Endangered Species.

The Modern Ark. Saving Endangered Species.

35,30 €
Von Landois zum Allwetterzoo: 125 Jahre Zoo in Münster.

Von Landois zum Allwetterzoo: 125 Jahre Zoo in Münster.

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Taipei Zoo, Taiwan 31 October - 4 November 2004. The World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy - the Key to a Sustainable Future.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Taipei Zoo, Taiwan 31 October..

35,00 €
Zooführer (Zeichnung Hirsche).

Zooführer (Zeichnung Hirsche).

35,00 €
Gids (Zeichnung Tigerkopf), mit beiliegendem Lageplan.

Gids (Zeichnung Tigerkopf), mit beiliegendem Lageplan.

35,00 €
Popular Official Guide (Mufflon), 12th ed.

Popular Official Guide (Mufflon), 12th ed.

35,00 €
Zooführer (Tiger).

Zooführer (Tiger).

35,00 €
Jonas Ark - Eller  sagan om Jonas och alla haus fantastika djur!.

Jonas Ark - Eller sagan om Jonas och alla haus fantastika djur!.

35,00 €
Björnparken Grönklitt, Bearpark Grönklitt.

Björnparken Grönklitt, Bearpark Grönklitt.

35,00 €
de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

de père en fils pour une meme passion 1961-2011 (Bioparc de Doué-La-Fontaine).

35,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23,  Birds of Prey.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23, Birds of Prey.

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26-30 August 2007. Links between ex situ and in situ conservation of native species.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26 30 August 2007. Links..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York City, USA, 2-6 October 2005. Wildlife Conservation: A Global Imperative for Zoos and Aquariums.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica 16-20 November 2003. Cooperation between Zoos in in situ and ex situ Conservation Programmes.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22-25 October 2001. A Question of Balance Conservation, Marketing and Money.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22 25..

35,00 €
Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

Popular Official Guide by W. T. Hornaday (Adler).

35,00 €
Jahresberichte 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 with an English Summary (in einem Sammelband).

Jahresberichte 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 with an English Summary (in einem Sammelband).

35,00 €
Jahresberichte 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 (1976 with an English Summary) (in einem Sammelband).

Jahresberichte 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 (1976 with an English Summary) (in einem..

35,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

34,70 €
Apen in Apeldoorn. Ambassadeur van het Regenwoud.

Apen in Apeldoorn. Ambassadeur van het Regenwoud.

32,00 €
EEP für Orang-Utans, Zuchtbuch für Kontinental-Europa VII / 1988.

EEP für Orang-Utans, Zuchtbuch für Kontinental-Europa VII / 1988.

30,00 €
Parkführer (orange, Tiger).

Parkführer (orange, Tiger).

30,00 €
WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the 4th International Zoo Marketing-Conference, Budapest 2003. Marketing Zoos and Conservation through Campaigns (mit CD-Rom).

WAZA Meetings. Proceedings of the 4th International Zoo Marketing Conference, Budapest 2003..

30,00 €
WAZA Meetings. Verhandlungsbericht des Amphibienkurses. Amphibien brauchen unsere Hilfe. Gemeinsam organisiert mit den Zooverbänden im deutschsprachigen Raum. Chemnitz, 27.-30. Juni 2007.

WAZA Meetings. Verhandlungsbericht des Amphibienkurses. Amphibien brauchen unsere Hilfe. Gemeinsam..

30,00 €
Zooführer (Elefant).

Zooführer (Elefant).

30,00 €
The St. Louis Zoo Album (Nyalas).

The St. Louis Zoo Album (Nyalas).

30,00 €
Guidebook (Delphin).

Guidebook (Delphin).

30,00 €
Zooführer (Eisbären).

Zooführer (Eisbären).

30,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96