Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.409 Artikel gefunden


Int. Zuchtbuch für das Breitmaulnashorn.

Int. Zuchtbuch für das Breitmaulnashorn.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1981.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1981.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für das Spitzmaulnashorn.

Int. Zuchtbuch für das Spitzmaulnashorn.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1987.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1987.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1983.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1983.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1979.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1979.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für Halbesel 14/15/16 (Int. Studbook of the Asiatic Wild Asses).

Int. Zuchtbuch für Halbesel 14/15/16 (Int. Studbook of the Asiatic Wild Asses).

10,00 €
Communique. Special Edition. September 1997.

Communique. Special Edition. September 1997.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1991.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1991.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1984.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1984.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1982.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1982.

10,00 €
Die Welt-Zoo-Naturschutzstrategie. Die Rolle von Zoos und Aquarien im Weltnaturschutz.

Die Welt-Zoo-Naturschutzstrategie. Die Rolle von Zoos und Aquarien im Weltnaturschutz.

10,00 €
Wildtierhaltung - sicher und gesund für Mensch und Tier (mit CD-Rom).

Wildtierhaltung - sicher und gesund für Mensch und Tier (mit CD-Rom).

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1992.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1992.

10,00 €
Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1988.

Internationales Tigerzuchtbuch 1988.

10,00 €
Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gaur 2.

Int. Zuchtbuch für den Gaur 2.

10,00 €
Saving Thailand's Tigers: An Action Plan.

Saving Thailand's Tigers: An Action Plan.

10,00 €
Rechenschaftsbericht und Mittelverwendung 2008. Bericht aus den BOS-Projekten, Aktivitäten und Ausblicke 2008/2009.

Rechenschaftsbericht und Mittelverwendung 2008. Bericht aus den BOS Projekten, Aktivitäten und..

10,00 €
North American Regional Studbook. Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

North American Regional Studbook. Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

10,00 €
European Studbook for the Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

European Studbook for the Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

10,00 €
Equus Zebra Harmannae. Hartmann's mountain zebra. Monitoring and Proposal for the EEP.

Equus Zebra Harmannae. Hartmann's mountain zebra. Monitoring and Proposal for the EEP.

10,00 €
Cebuella pygmaea. Een onderzoek naar aanleiding van kunstmatige gombomen (Kopie).

Cebuella pygmaea. Een onderzoek naar aanleiding van kunstmatige gombomen (Kopie).

10,00 €
Inquiry after the feeding of Canidae in zoological gardens by means of a questionnaire.

Inquiry after the feeding of Canidae in zoological gardens by means of a questionnaire.

10,00 €
Black-breasted Leaf Turtle. North American Regional Studbook.

Black-breasted Leaf Turtle. North American Regional Studbook.

10,00 €
King Cobra. North American Regional Studbook. Secon Edition.

King Cobra. North American Regional Studbook. Secon Edition.

10,00 €
Malagasy Leaf-tailed Geckos. North american regional studbook. First edition.

Malagasy Leaf-tailed Geckos. North american regional studbook. First edition.

10,00 €
Morelet's Crocodile. North american regional studbook. Second edition.

Morelet's Crocodile. North american regional studbook. Second edition.

10,00 €
Louisiana Pine Snake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition.

Louisiana Pine Snake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition.

10,00 €
Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2000.

Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2000.

10,00 €
Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook.

Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook First Edition.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook First Edition.

10,00 €
Stamboek Cordylus W. Depressus 1999.

Stamboek Cordylus W. Depressus 1999.

10,00 €
Standing's Day Gecko. U.K. Regional studbook No. 1, 1994.

Standing's Day Gecko. U.K. Regional studbook No. 1, 1994.

10,00 €
Woolly Monkey. Preliminary Report June 1990.

Woolly Monkey. Preliminary Report June 1990.

10,00 €
Register of Grevy's Zebra for 1989.

Register of Grevy's Zebra for 1989.

10,00 €
EEP Studbook for Wrinkeled Hornbill (Aceros corrugatus).

EEP Studbook for Wrinkeled Hornbill (Aceros corrugatus).

10,00 €
North American Regional Studbook. Lauthing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).

North American Regional Studbook. Lauthing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).

10,00 €
Mindanao Bleeding Heart Doves. European Studbook, No. 2.

Mindanao Bleeding Heart Doves. European Studbook, No. 2.

10,00 €
Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 5.

Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 5.

10,00 €
Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 3.

Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 3.

10,00 €
White-Tailed Sea Eagle. 1999 European Studbook and review of EEP population of 1993-1999. Second Edition of the studbook.

White Tailed Sea Eagle. 1999 European Studbook and review of EEP population of 1993 1999. Second..

10,00 €
European Studbook Steller´s Sea Eagle No. 3.

European Studbook Steller´s Sea Eagle No. 3.

10,00 €
Crowned Pigeon Studbook 2 1989 Annual Report.

Crowned Pigeon Studbook 2 1989 Annual Report.

10,00 €
European Studbook for the Ground Hornbills. Second Edition 1999.

European Studbook for the Ground Hornbills. Second Edition 1999.

10,00 €
1993 International Studbook - Matschie´s Tree Kangaroo - Goodfellow´s Tree Kangaroo - Grizzled Grey Tree Kangaroo.

1993 International Studbook Matschie´s Tree Kangaroo Goodfellow´s Tree Kangaroo Grizzled..

10,00 €
Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1978.

Pedigree Book of the Przewalski Horses 1978.

10,00 €