Varia: Zoo & Zooführer: unsortiert

4.409 Artikel gefunden


Crowned Pigeon Studbook 2 1989 Annual Report.

Crowned Pigeon Studbook 2 1989 Annual Report.

10,00 €
European Studbook Steller´s Sea Eagle No. 3.

European Studbook Steller´s Sea Eagle No. 3.

10,00 €
White-Tailed Sea Eagle. 1999 European Studbook and review of EEP population of 1993-1999. Second Edition of the studbook.

White Tailed Sea Eagle. 1999 European Studbook and review of EEP population of 1993 1999. Second..

10,00 €
Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 3.

Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 3.

10,00 €
Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 4.

Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 4.

15,00 €
Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 5.

Black Stork. European Studbook, No. 5.

10,00 €
Thick-Knee Studbook. North American Regional Studbook.

Thick-Knee Studbook. North American Regional Studbook.

15,00 €
Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2000.

Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2000.

15,00 €
Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2001.

Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2001.

15,00 €
Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2005.

Bearded Vulture. Reintroduction into the Alps. Annual Report 2005.

15,00 €
Mindanao Bleeding Heart Doves. European Studbook, No. 2.

Mindanao Bleeding Heart Doves. European Studbook, No. 2.

10,00 €
Blyth´s Tragopan Studbook, No. 1.

Blyth´s Tragopan Studbook, No. 1.

15,00 €
North American Regional Studbook. Lauthing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).

North American Regional Studbook. Lauthing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).

10,00 €
Laughing Kookaburra. North American Regional Studbook.

Laughing Kookaburra. North American Regional Studbook.

15,00 €
EEP Studbook for Wrinkeled Hornbill (Aceros corrugatus).

EEP Studbook for Wrinkeled Hornbill (Aceros corrugatus).

10,00 €
European Studbook for the red-vented cockatoo.

European Studbook for the red-vented cockatoo.

20,00 €
Register of Grevy's Zebra for 1989.

Register of Grevy's Zebra for 1989.

10,00 €
Asian Wild Horse Species Survival Plan. Masterplan 1989.

Asian Wild Horse Species Survival Plan. Masterplan 1989.

25,00 €
Schwarzfusskatze Internationales Zuchtbuch für die / International Studbook for the black-footed cat 1995.

Schwarzfusskatze Internationales Zuchtbuch für die / International Studbook for the black footed..

25,00 €
Eld's Deer: Saving the natural diversity of . Global herdbook 1993.

Eld's Deer: Saving the natural diversity of . Global herdbook 1993.

30,00 €
Woolly Monkey. Preliminary Report June 1990.

Woolly Monkey. Preliminary Report June 1990.

10,00 €
Aardvark, North Armerican Regional Studbook. Third Edition 1999.

Aardvark, North Armerican Regional Studbook. Third Edition 1999.

25,00 €
South American Spider Monkeys. North American Regional Studbook 1998 Update.

South American Spider Monkeys. North American Regional Studbook 1998 Update.

25,00 €
South American Spider Monkeys. North American Regional Studbook (Historiacal Edition).

South American Spider Monkeys. North American Regional Studbook (Historiacal Edition).

25,00 €
Spider Monkey Studbook. Continental Europe 1994.

Spider Monkey Studbook. Continental Europe 1994.

15,00 €
Eastern Bongo: International Studbook.

Eastern Bongo: International Studbook.

20,00 €
Geoffoy's Tamarin: Regional Studbook 1991.

Geoffoy's Tamarin: Regional Studbook 1991.

20,00 €
Southern African Rock Python. African regional studbook 2000.

Southern African Rock Python. African regional studbook 2000.

15,00 €
Standing's Day Gecko. U.K. Regional studbook No. 1, 1994.

Standing's Day Gecko. U.K. Regional studbook No. 1, 1994.

10,00 €
Stamboek Cordylus W. Depressus 1999.

Stamboek Cordylus W. Depressus 1999.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook First Edition.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook First Edition.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

10,00 €
Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

Cuban Ground Iguanas - Cyclura Nubila. International Studbook.

10,00 €
Chinese Crocodile Lizard. North American Regional Studbook.

Chinese Crocodile Lizard. North American Regional Studbook.

15,00 €
Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook.

Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook.

10,00 €
Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2000.

Arizona Ridgenose Rattlesnake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2000.

10,00 €
Louisiana Pine Snake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition.

Louisiana Pine Snake. North american regional studbook. Second Edition.

10,00 €
Morelet's Crocodile. North american regional studbook. Second edition.

Morelet's Crocodile. North american regional studbook. Second edition.

10,00 €
Stamboek Sauromalus.

Stamboek Sauromalus.

7,50 €
Stamboek Cistoclemmys flavomarginata.

Stamboek Cistoclemmys flavomarginata.

7,50 €
Stamboek Kinixys belliana nogueyi.

Stamboek Kinixys belliana nogueyi.

7,50 €
Stamboek Kinixys homeana.

Stamboek Kinixys homeana.

7,50 €
Malagasy Leaf-tailed Geckos. North american regional studbook. First edition.

Malagasy Leaf-tailed Geckos. North american regional studbook. First edition.

10,00 €
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. North American Studbook. First Edition 1997.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake. North American Studbook. First Edition 1997.

15,00 €
King Cobra. North American Regional Studbook. Secon Edition.

King Cobra. North American Regional Studbook. Secon Edition.

10,00 €
Black-breasted Leaf Turtle. North American Regional Studbook.

Black-breasted Leaf Turtle. North American Regional Studbook.

10,00 €
Geochelone carbonaria. Stamboek.

Geochelone carbonaria. Stamboek.

7,50 €
European Studbook for the Amur Leopard No. 2 1998.

European Studbook for the Amur Leopard No. 2 1998.

20,00 €
Sumatra Rhino. International Studbook 16.April 1991 (Draft).

Sumatra Rhino. International Studbook 16.April 1991 (Draft).

5,00 €
Inquiry after the feeding of Canidae in zoological gardens by means of a questionnaire.

Inquiry after the feeding of Canidae in zoological gardens by means of a questionnaire.

10,00 €
Cebuella pygmaea. Een onderzoek naar aanleiding van kunstmatige gombomen (Kopie).

Cebuella pygmaea. Een onderzoek naar aanleiding van kunstmatige gombomen (Kopie).

10,00 €
Tufted Deer. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2001.

Tufted Deer. North american regional studbook. Second Edition 2001.

15,00 €
Pygmy Hippopotamus. North American Regional Studbook 1999.

Pygmy Hippopotamus. North American Regional Studbook 1999.

15,00 €
Pygmy Marmoset. International Studbook. Second Edition.

Pygmy Marmoset. International Studbook. Second Edition.

20,00 €
Equus Zebra Harmannae. Hartmann's mountain zebra. Monitoring and Proposal for the EEP.

Equus Zebra Harmannae. Hartmann's mountain zebra. Monitoring and Proposal for the EEP.

10,00 €
Black-faced Impala. International studbook no. 3, 1996.

Black-faced Impala. International studbook no. 3, 1996.

15,00 €
Slender-horned Gazelle. International Studbook 1964-1994.

Slender-horned Gazelle. International Studbook 1964-1994.

15,00 €
Nyala. European Studbook. First Edition 1997.

Nyala. European Studbook. First Edition 1997.

15,00 €
European Studbook for the Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

European Studbook for the Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

10,00 €
North American Regional Studbook. Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

North American Regional Studbook. Blue Duiker (Cephalophus monticola).

10,00 €
Rechenschaftsbericht und Mittelverwendung 2008. Bericht aus den BOS-Projekten, Aktivitäten und Ausblicke 2008/2009.

Rechenschaftsbericht und Mittelverwendung 2008. Bericht aus den BOS Projekten, Aktivitäten und..

10,00 €
World Wildlife Fund: Twentieth Anniversary Review.

World Wildlife Fund: Twentieth Anniversary Review.

15,00 €
Membership Directory. August 1992.

Membership Directory. August 1992.

20,00 €
EEP Equid Tag. Space Survey 1994 (including results from the JMSP Hoofstock Space Survey 1993) First results.

EEP Equid Tag. Space Survey 1994 (including results from the JMSP Hoofstock Space Survey 1993)..

15,00 €
Saving Thailand's Tigers: An Action Plan.

Saving Thailand's Tigers: An Action Plan.

10,00 €
Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

Regional Census & Plan, 4th Edition, as at 1st January 1994.

40,00 €
CBSG News, Vol. 7, No 2.

CBSG News, Vol. 7, No 2.

4,00 €
CBSG News, Vol. 8, No 1.

CBSG News, Vol. 8, No 1.

4,50 €
CBSG News, Vol. 10, No 1.

CBSG News, Vol. 10, No 1.

6,00 €
CBSG News, Vol. 10, No 2.

CBSG News, Vol. 10, No 2.

6,00 €
CBSG News, Vol. 11, No 1.

CBSG News, Vol. 11, No 1.

6,00 €
CBSG News, Vol. 17, No 2.

CBSG News, Vol. 17, No 2.

6,00 €
CBSG Annual Meeting 1997, Berlin.

CBSG Annual Meeting 1997, Berlin.

30,00 €
CBSG Annual Report 2012.

CBSG Annual Report 2012.

3,00 €
CBSG Annual Meeting 1998, Antwerpen.

CBSG Annual Meeting 1998, Antwerpen.

25,00 €
Global Zoo Directory. Draft.

Global Zoo Directory. Draft.

20,00 €
The EAZA Tag Survey. Seventh Series.

The EAZA Tag Survey. Seventh Series.

20,00 €
The EEP Tag Survey (fifth series).

The EEP Tag Survey (fifth series).

20,00 €
EAZA Yearbook 2004.

EAZA Yearbook 2004.

40,00 €
Tagungsmappe: Final Programm 61st Annual Conference of WAZA in Leipzig. August 27 to 31, 2006 "Sustainable management of flagship species for conservation".

Tagungsmappe: Final Programm 61st Annual Conference of WAZA in Leipzig. August 27 to 31, 2006..

25,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22-25 October 2001. A Question of Balance Conservation, Marketing and Money.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting. Hosted by Perth Zoo, Australia 22 25..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica 16-20 November 2003. Cooperation between Zoos in in situ and ex situ Conservation Programmes.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting. Hosted by AMACZOOA, San Jose, Costa Rica..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation Society, New York City, USA, 2-6 October 2005. Wildlife Conservation: A Global Imperative for Zoos and Aquariums.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting. Hosted by the Wildlife Conservation..

35,00 €
WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26-30 August 2007. Links between ex situ and in situ conservation of native species.

WAZA Conferences. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting. Budapest Zoo, 26 30 August 2007. Links..

35,00 €
WAZA Directory 2005.

WAZA Directory 2005.

5,00 €
The AZA Membership directory.

The AZA Membership directory.

25,00 €
Communique. März 2004.

Communique. März 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. April 2004.

Communique. April 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. Mai 2004.

Communique. Mai 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. Juni 2004.

Communique. Juni 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. Juli 2004.

Communique. Juli 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. August 2004.

Communique. August 2004.

5,00 €
Communique. September 2004.

Communique. September 2004.

4,00 €
Communique. Oktober 2005.

Communique. Oktober 2005.

5,00 €
Communique. Dezember 2005.

Communique. Dezember 2005.

4,00 €
Communique. März 2006.

Communique. März 2006.

5,00 €
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