
Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia

179.003 Artikel gefunden


SMITH, P. E., Keefer, D. A: Acrolein/Glutaraldehyde as a fixative for combined light and electron microsopical immunocytochemical detection of pituitary hormones in immersion-fixed tissue.

SMITH, P. E., Keefer, D. A: Acrolein/Glutaraldehyde as a fixative for combined light and electron..

4,00 €
SORANZO, L-., Roland, J: Application of Grimelius aryriophil staining to the study of tumor ultrastructure., II. Effects of resin  embedding. Epon.

SORANZO, L ., Roland, J: Application of Grimelius aryriophil staining to the study of tumor..

4,00 €
SPERANSKAJA-STEPANOWA, E. N: Über die Kreuzung der die Hautdrüsen und die Blutgefäße der hinteren Extremitäten versorgenden Sympathischen Grenzstrangfasern beim Frosch.

SPERANSKAJA STEPANOWA, E. N: Über die Kreuzung der die Hautdrüsen und die Blutgefäße der..

4,00 €
St. Whitelock, Otto  von (Ed.): Transactions of the New York academy of sciences, Ser II., Vol. 22 1959-1960.

St. Whitelock, Otto von (Ed.): Transactions of the New York academy of sciences, Ser II., Vol. 22..

12,00 €
STAFFORD, C. A., Shehab, S. A. S., Nona, S. N., Cronly-Dillon, J. R: Expression of glial fibrillaty acidic protein (GFAP) in goldfish optic nerve following injury.

STAFFORD, C. A., Shehab, S. A. S., Nona, S. N., Cronly Dillon, J. R: Expression of glial fibrillaty..

4,00 €
Benecke, Albert: Französische Vorschule für den Anfangsunterricht auf Mädchenschulen.

Benecke, Albert: Französische Vorschule für den Anfangsunterricht auf Mädchenschulen.

26,00 €
Steinmüller,  Wilhelm: Evangelische Rechtstheologie. Zweireichelehre, Christokratie, Gnadenrecht., I. & II.

Steinmüller, Wilhelm: Evangelische Rechtstheologie. Zweireichelehre, Christokratie, Gnadenrecht..

22,00 €
STELL, W. K., Walker, S. E., Chohan, K. S., Ball, A. K: The goldfish nervus terminalis . A luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and molluscan cardioexcitatory peptide immunoreactive olfactoretinal pathway.

STELL, W. K., Walker, S. E., Chohan, K. S., Ball, A. K: The goldfish nervus terminalis . A..

4,00 €
WHITINGTON, D. J., Binns, K. E., Ingham, N. J., Thornton, S. K: The effects of monocular enucleation on the representation of auditory space in the superior colliculus of the guinea pig.

WHITINGTON, D. J., Binns, K. E., Ingham, N. J., Thornton, S. K: The effects of monocular..

4,00 €
SUZUKI, K: Quantitative enzyme histochemistry of normal and injured livers. II., Ultramicrochemical determination of NADP-Dependent isocitrate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the lobules of normal and injured human liver.

SUZUKI, K: Quantitative enzyme histochemistry of normal and injured livers. II., Ultramicrochemical..

4,00 €
SUZUKI, W. A., Amaral, D. G: Topographic organization of the reciprocal connections between the monkey entorhinal cortex and the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices.

SUZUKI, W. A., Amaral, D. G: Topographic organization of the reciprocal connections between the..

7,00 €
SWANSON, L. W., Köhler, C: Anatomical evidence for direct projections from the entorhinal area to the entire cortical mantle in the rat.

SWANSON, L. W., Köhler, C: Anatomical evidence for direct projections from the entorhinal area to..

4,00 €
Abelin, Isaak: Die Physiologie der Schilddrüse., ,.

Abelin, Isaak: Die Physiologie der Schilddrüse., ,.

6,00 €
LECHAGO, J., Bencosme, S. A: The endocrine cells of the upper gut mucosa in dogs with transplantation of the pyloric antrum to the colon.

LECHAGO, J., Bencosme, S. A: The endocrine cells of the upper gut mucosa in dogs with..

4,00 €
TORREALBA, F., Guillery, R. W., Polley, E. H., Mason, C. A: A demonstration of several independent, partially overlapping, retinotopic maps in the optic tract of the cat.

TORREALBA, F., Guillery, R. W., Polley, E. H., Mason, C. A: A demonstration of several independent..

4,00 €
TREJO, L. T., Cicerone, C. M: Changes in visual sensitivity with age in rats with heredity retinal degeneration.

TREJO, L. T., Cicerone, C. M: Changes in visual sensitivity with age in rats with heredity retinal..

4,00 €
Trunz, Erich (Ed.): Goethe - Faust., Der Tragödie erster und zweiter Teil., Urfaust, Kommentiert von Erich Trunz.

Trunz, Erich (Ed.): Goethe Faust., Der Tragödie erster und zweiter Teil., Urfaust, Kommentiert..

4,00 €
UHLRICH, D. J., Manning, K. A: Projection of individual axons from the pretectum to the dorsal lateral geniculate complex in the cat.

UHLRICH, D. J., Manning, K. A: Projection of individual axons from the pretectum to the dorsal..

4,00 €
ULINSKI, P. S: Thalamic projections to the somatosensory cortex of the Echidna, Tachyglossus aculeatus.

ULINSKI, P. S: Thalamic projections to the somatosensory cortex of the Echidna, Tachyglossus..

4,00 €
VACHER, S. R., Guinan, J. J., Kobler, J. B: Intracellularly labeled stapedius-motoneuron cell bodies in the cat are spatially organized according to their physiological responses.

VACHER, S. R., Guinan, J. J., Kobler, J. B: Intracellularly labeled stapedius motoneuron cell..

4,00 €
VALVERDE, F., De Carlos, J. A., Lopez-Mascaraque, I., Donate-Oliver, F: Neocortical layers I and II of the degehog (Erinaceus europaeus). II. Thalamo-cortical connections.

VALVERDE, F., De Carlos, J. A., Lopez Mascaraque, I., Donate Oliver, F: Neocortical layers I and II..

4,00 €
VAN BOCKSTAELE, E. J., Wright, A. M., Cestari, D. M., Pickl, V. M: Immunolabeling of retrogradely transported fluoro-gold. Sesnistivity and application to ultreastructural analysis of transmitter specific mesolimbic circuitry.

VAN BOCKSTAELE, E. J., Wright, A. M., Cestari, D. M., Pickl, V. M: Immunolabeling of retrogradely..

4,00 €
VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M: A new model of photochemically induced acute and reversible demyelination in the peripheral nervous system.

VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M: A new model of photochemically induced..

4,00 €
VOZEH, F., Myslivecek, J: Quantitative changes of dendrites in rat dentate gyrus and basal nucleus of Meynert after passive avoidance training in the neonatal period.

VOZEH, F., Myslivecek, J: Quantitative changes of dendrites in rat dentate gyrus and basal nucleus..

4,00 €
WALBERT, T., Jirikowski, G. F., Prüfer, K: Distribution of 1,25--dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor immunoreactivity in the limbic system of the rat.

WALBERT, T., Jirikowski, G. F., Prüfer, K: Distribution of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor..

8,00 €
WALLEN, P., Carlsson, PK., Liljeborg, A-., Grillner, S: Thre dimensional reconstruction of neurons in the Lamprey spinal cord in whole-mount, using  a confcal laser scanning microscope.

WALLEN, P., Carlsson, PK., Liljeborg, A ., Grillner, S: Thre dimensional reconstruction of neurons..

4,00 €
WAREMBOURG, M-., Deneux, D., Krieger, M., Jolivet, A: Progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in aromatic-L-amino acid decarboxylase containing neurons of the guinea pig hypothalamus and preoptic area.

WAREMBOURG, M ., Deneux, D., Krieger, M., Jolivet, A: Progesterone receptor immunoreactivity in..

4,00 €
WATSON, A, B., Robson, J. G: Discrimination at threshold . Labeled detectors in human vision.

WATSON, A, B., Robson, J. G: Discrimination at threshold . Labeled detectors in human vision.

4,00 €
WEBSTER, H. D.. Lamperth, L., Favilla, J. T., Lemke, G., Tesin, D., Manuelidis, L: Use of biotinylated probe and in situ hybridization for light and electron microscopic localization of P0 mRNA in myelin forming Schwann cells.

WEBSTER, H. D.. Lamperth, L., Favilla, J. T., Lemke, G., Tesin, D., Manuelidis, L: Use of..

4,00 €
WERNER, L., Brauer, K: Zur neuronalen Organisation des  CGLd von Cavia porcellus. Eine morphometrische Untersuchung an Nissl-Präparaten unter Berücksichtigung ieentifizierter Neuronentypen.

WERNER, L., Brauer, K: Zur neuronalen Organisation des CGLd von Cavia porcellus. Eine..

4,00 €
WERUAGA-PRIETO, E., Eggli, P., Celio, M. R: Topographic variatios in rat brain oligodendrocyte morpholkogy eluciated by injection of lucifer yellow in fixed tissue slices.

WERUAGA PRIETO, E., Eggli, P., Celio, M. R: Topographic variatios in rat brain oligodendrocyte..

4,00 €
WHITNALL, M. H., Currie, J. R., Grafstein, B: Bidirectional axonal transport of glycoproteins in Goldfish optic nerve.

WHITNALL, M. H., Currie, J. R., Grafstein, B: Bidirectional axonal transport of glycoproteins in..

4,00 €
Winogradow, Anatoli K: Drei Farben einer Zeit., Ein Roman um Stendhal.

Winogradow, Anatoli K: Drei Farben einer Zeit., Ein Roman um Stendhal.

4,00 €
WODARCZYK, L-.. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally transported proteins during the early response of rat retinal ganglion cells to axotomy.

WODARCZYK, L .. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally..

4,00 €
XI, X. U., Xu, Z. C: The effects of neurobiotin on membrane properties and morphology of intracellularly labeled neurons.

XI, X. U., Xu, Z. C: The effects of neurobiotin on membrane properties and morphology of..

4,00 €
XIANG, Z., Markel, M. D: Bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry of Epon-embedded undecalfified bone in a canine fracture healing model.

XIANG, Z., Markel, M. D: Bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry of Epon embedded undecalfified bone..

4,00 €
YAEGASHI, H., Takahashi, T., Kawasaki, M: Microcoputer-aided reconstruction. A system designed for the study of 3-D microstructure in histology and histopathology.

YAEGASHI, H., Takahashi, T., Kawasaki, M: Microcoputer aided reconstruction. A system designed for..

4,00 €
YOKOTE, H., Nishio, K., Arioka, H., Kurokkawa, H., Fukuoka, K., Fukumoto, H., Ishida, T-. Terada, T., Itakura, T., Saijo, N: The C-terminal domain of p53 catalyzes DNA-renaturation amd strand exchange toward annealing between intact ssDNAs and toward elim

YOKOTE, H., Nishio, K., Arioka, H., Kurokkawa, H., Fukuoka, K., Fukumoto, H., Ishida, T . Terada..

4,00 €
YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of motoneurons innervating the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. A HRP study in cats.

YOSHIDA, Y., Miyazaki, T., Hirano, M., Shin, T., Kanaseki, T: Topographic arrangement of..

4,00 €
YOUNG, E. D., Voigt, H. F: Response properties of type II and Type III units in dorsal cochlear nucleus.

YOUNG, E. D., Voigt, H. F: Response properties of type II and Type III units in dorsal cochlear..

4,00 €
Waller, Cornelia: Der Tag, an dem du zu mir kamst.

Waller, Cornelia: Der Tag, an dem du zu mir kamst.

4,00 €
ZEITLER, G., Hild, W: Über die neurosekretorische Tätigkeit des hypothalamisch-neurohypophysären Systems der Säugetiere.

ZEITLER, G., Hild, W: Über die neurosekretorische Tätigkeit des hypothalamisch neurohypophysären..

4,00 €
ZISAPEL, N., Zurgil, N: The content of GABA and other amino acids in bovine cerebral cortex synaptic vesicles.

ZISAPEL, N., Zurgil, N: The content of GABA and other amino acids in bovine cerebral cortex..

4,00 €
ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

ZOTTERMAN, Y: The special senses. II. Vibratory sensations and pain.

4,00 €
ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y., Kanayama, S., Matsuzawa, Y: Role of heparin binding EGF-related peptides in proliferation and apoptosis of activated ras-stimulated intestinal epithelial c

ZUSHI, S., Shinomura, Y., Kiyohara, T., Miyazaki, Y., Tsutsuki, S., Sugimachi, M., Higashimoto, Y..

4,00 €
17.Juni: So kam es zum 17. Juni 1953.

17.Juni: So kam es zum 17. Juni 1953.

8,00 €
A: Hindenburg in Untersuchung.

A: Hindenburg in Untersuchung.

24,00 €
Aabel, M: Die Schnellküche., Eine Sammlung rasch herzustellende schmackhafter, warmer Speisen und Getränke., Mit Anhang. Die Vorratskammer.

Aabel, M: Die Schnellküche., Eine Sammlung rasch herzustellende schmackhafter, warmer Speisen und..

32,00 €