
Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia

182.913 Artikel gefunden


CONNORS. B.- W., Benardo, L. S., Price, D. A: Coupling betwen neurons of the developing rat neocortex.

CONNORS. B. W., Benardo, L. S., Price, D. A: Coupling betwen neurons of the developing rat..

4,00 €
COOKE, J. D., Eastman, M. J: Long-loop reflexes in the tranquilized monkey.

COOKE, J. D., Eastman, M. J: Long-loop reflexes in the tranquilized monkey.

4,00 €
COOPER, H. M., Kennedy, H., Magnin, M., Vital-Durand, F: Thalamic projections to area 17 in a prosimian primate Micocebus murinus.

COOPER, H. M., Kennedy, H., Magnin, M., Vital Durand, F: Thalamic projections to area 17 in a..

8,00 €
CRABTREE, J. W., Kind, P. C: Monoclonal antibody cat-301 selectively identified a subset of nuclei in the cat's somatosensory thalamus.

CRABTREE, J. W., Kind, P. C: Monoclonal antibody cat 301 selectively identified a subset of nuclei..

4,00 €
Blazicek, Oldrich J. & Ladislav Neubert: Karel Skreta., Die Familie des Edelsteinschneiders.

Blazicek, Oldrich J. & Ladislav Neubert: Karel Skreta., Die Familie des Edelsteinschneiders.

4,00 €
DAUNICHT & ROGERS: Daunicht., W. J-., Proprioception in extraocular muscles of the rat. Brain Res. 278, 291-294(1983)., Obr.,   [WES128], // ROGERS, D. K., Bendrups, A. P., Lewis, M. M., Disturbed proprioception following a period of muscle vibration in h

DAUNICHT & ROGERS: Daunicht., W. J ., Proprioception in extraocular muscles of the rat. Brain Res..

5,00 €
DE-RIEMER, S. A., Macagno, E. R: Light microscopic amalysis of contacts between paris of identified leech neurons with combined use of HRP and Lucifer Yellow.

DE RIEMER, S. A., Macagno, E. R: Light microscopic amalysis of contacts between paris of identified..

4,00 €
DE-VRIES, M. J., Cardozo, B. N., Van der Want, J., De-Wolf, A., Meijer, J. H: Glutamate immunoreactivity in terminals of the retinohypothalamic tract of the brown norwegian rat.

DE VRIES, M. J., Cardozo, B. N., Van der Want, J., De Wolf, A., Meijer, J. H: Glutamate..

4,00 €
DEBBAGE & ADRIAN: /ADRIAN, E. K., Schelper, R. L., Microglia, Monocytes and Macrophages. In  Eleventh Int. Conr. Anat. Glial and Neuronal Cell biology , R. A. Liss, New York , pp,. 113-124 (1981)., Obr.,  [SD56].. //.

DEBBAGE & ADRIAN: /ADRIAN, E. K., Schelper, R. L., Microglia, Monocytes and Macrophages. In..

5,00 €
Dery, Tibor: Die Geschichte vom Leben und Sterben des heiligen Ambrosius Bischof von Mailand.

Dery, Tibor: Die Geschichte vom Leben und Sterben des heiligen Ambrosius Bischof von Mailand.

4,00 €
DESAIAH, D., Ho, I. K: Kinetics of catecholamine sensitive Na+Ka+ ATPase activity in mouse brain synaptosomes.

DESAIAH, D., Ho, I. K: Kinetics of catecholamine sensitive Na+Ka+ ATPase activity in mouse brain..

4,00 €
DESMOND, J. E., Rosenfield, M. E., Moore, J. W: An HRP study of the brainstem afferents to the accessory abducens region and dorsolateral pons in Rabbit. Implications for the conditioned nictitating membrane response.

DESMOND, J. E., Rosenfield, M. E., Moore, J. W: An HRP study of the brainstem afferents to the..

4,00 €
DESMOND, M. E., O'Rahilly, D: The growth of the human brain during the embryonic period proper. I. Linear axes.

DESMOND, M. E., O'Rahilly, D: The growth of the human brain during the embryonic period proper. I..

4,00 €
DIAMOND, I. T., Conley, M., Itoh, K., Fitzpatrick, D: Laminar organization ofv geniculocortical projections in Galago senegalensis and Aotus trivirgatus.

DIAMOND, I. T., Conley, M., Itoh, K., Fitzpatrick, D: Laminar organization ofv geniculocortical..

4,00 €
Blyton, Enid: Diese Angeber.

Blyton, Enid: Diese Angeber.

36,00 €
Boas, Horst: Unser Mann in Heidelberg.

Boas, Horst: Unser Mann in Heidelberg.

4,00 €
DITYATEV, A. E., Chmykhova, N. M., Studer, L., Karamian, O. A., Kozhanov, V. M., Clamann, H. P: Comparison of topology and growth rules of motoneuronal dendrites.

DITYATEV, A. E., Chmykhova, N. M., Studer, L., Karamian, O. A., Kozhanov, V. M., Clamann, H. P:..

4,00 €
DOI, M., Uji, Y-., Yamamura, H: Morphological classification of retinal ganglion cells in mice.

DOI, M., Uji, Y-., Yamamura, H: Morphological classification of retinal ganglion cells in mice.

4,00 €
DÖVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract of the Burbot (Lota loita l.).

DÖVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract..

4,00 €
DRAVID, A. R: Der  axonale Transport.

DRAVID, A. R: Der axonale Transport.

4,00 €
DREWS, U., Dieterich, H. J: Cell death in the mosaic epididymis of sex reversed mice, heterotygous for testicular feminization.

DREWS, U., Dieterich, H. J: Cell death in the mosaic epididymis of sex reversed mice, heterotygous..

4,00 €
Golon, Anne: Angelique die Rebellin.

Golon, Anne: Angelique die Rebellin.

4,00 €
DUGGAL, K, N., Barasi, S: Investigation of the connection between the substantia nigra and the medullary reticular formation in the rat.

DUGGAL, K, N., Barasi, S: Investigation of the connection between the substantia nigra and the..

5,00 €
DUNLOP, S. A., Beazley, L. D: Cell death in the developing retinal ganglion cell layer of the wallaby, Setonix brachyurus.

DUNLOP, S. A., Beazley, L. D: Cell death in the developing retinal ganglion cell layer of the..

4,00 €
DÜRNBERGER, H., & Kurt Pohlhammer: The paramedial neurosecretory cells of the suboesophagal ganglion in the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus (Walk.)., II. Electron microscoopic studies in  normal and ovariectomized females.

DÜRNBERGER, H., & Kurt Pohlhammer: The paramedial neurosecretory cells of the suboesophagal..

4,00 €
Kambartel, Friedrich: Erfahrung und Struktur., Bausteine zu einer Kritik des Empirismus und Formalismus.

Kambartel, Friedrich: Erfahrung und Struktur., Bausteine zu einer Kritik des Empirismus und..

39,00 €
ELDRED, W. D., Nolte, J: Multiple classes of photoreceptors and neurons in the frontal organ of rana pipiens.

ELDRED, W. D., Nolte, J: Multiple classes of photoreceptors and neurons in the frontal organ of..

4,00 €
ERICKSON, R. P., Rodgers, J. L., Sarle, W. S: Statistical analysis of neural organization.

ERICKSON, R. P., Rodgers, J. L., Sarle, W. S: Statistical analysis of neural organization.

4,00 €
ESCH, H., Huber, F., Wohlers, D. W: Primary auditory neurons in crickets. Physiology and central projections.

ESCH, H., Huber, F., Wohlers, D. W: Primary auditory neurons in crickets. Physiology and central..

4,00 €
Anonymus: Erste Hilfe bei Unfällen.

Anonymus: Erste Hilfe bei Unfällen.

6,00 €
EYBALIN, M., Abou--Madi, L., Rossier, J., Pujol, R: Electron microscopic localization of N--terminal proenkephaloin (Synenkephalin) immunostaining in the guinea pig organ of Corrti.

EYBALIN, M., Abou Madi, L., Rossier, J., Pujol, R: Electron microscopic localization of N..

4,00 €
Aanrud, Hans: Kroppzeug., Zwölf Geschichten von kleinen  Menschen und Tieren.

Aanrud, Hans: Kroppzeug., Zwölf Geschichten von kleinen Menschen und Tieren.

4,00 €
Baum, Vicki: Hotel Shanghai.

Baum, Vicki: Hotel Shanghai.

4,00 €
Fischer, Heinrich: Lebensbilder aus der Insektenwelt.

Fischer, Heinrich: Lebensbilder aus der Insektenwelt.

4,00 €
FLOOD, D. G., Gibbs, F. P: Species differences in circadian (1300C)2-deocyglucose uptake by suprachiasmatic nuclei.

FLOOD, D. G., Gibbs, F. P: Species differences in circadian (1300C)2 deocyglucose uptake by..

4,00 €
Wadler, Joyce: Einschnitt. Mein Leben mit Brustkrebs.

Wadler, Joyce: Einschnitt. Mein Leben mit Brustkrebs.

4,00 €
FOSTER, G. A., Roberts, P. J: Neurochemical and pharmacological correlates of inferior olive desctruction in the rat. Attenuation of the events mediated by an endogenous glutamate-like substance.

FOSTER, G. A., Roberts, P. J: Neurochemical and pharmacological correlates of inferior olive..

4,00 €
FRITZ, N., Illert, M., Reeh, P: zsbatkai.

FRITZ, N., Illert, M., Reeh, P: zsbatkai.

4,00 €
FROHLICH, K. W., Andersen, L., M., Knutsen, A., Flood, P. R: Phenoxyethanol as a nontoxic substitute for formaldehyde in long-term preservation of human anatomical specimens for dissection and demonstration purposes.

FROHLICH, K. W., Andersen, L., M., Knutsen, A., Flood, P. R: Phenoxyethanol as a nontoxic..

4,00 €
Böck-Hartmann, Marianne: Klick-Klack und die Bilderbuchmaus., Aus dem Leben eine Hampelmanns.

Böck-Hartmann, Marianne: Klick-Klack und die Bilderbuchmaus., Aus dem Leben eine Hampelmanns.

4,00 €
Boerner, H: Leitfaden der Experimental-Physik für Realschulen.

Boerner, H: Leitfaden der Experimental-Physik für Realschulen.

9,00 €
Bohlmann, Friedrich: Essen als Medizin., Genußvoll vorbeugen – natürlich heilen.

Bohlmann, Friedrich: Essen als Medizin., Genußvoll vorbeugen – natürlich heilen.

6,00 €
FURNESS, J. B., Costa, M.-, Blessing, W. W: Simultaneous fixation and production of catecholamine fluorescence in central nervous tissue by prfusion with aldehydres.

FURNESS, J. B., Costa, M. , Blessing, W. W: Simultaneous fixation and production of catecholamine..

4,00 €
Andric, Ivo: Die Geliebte des Veli Pascha.

Andric, Ivo: Die Geliebte des Veli Pascha.

4,00 €
Böttger, Fritz: Die Sowjetliteratur., Analysen und Kommentare.

Böttger, Fritz: Die Sowjetliteratur., Analysen und Kommentare.

6,00 €
GIMENEZ-AMAYA, J.- M: Afferent connections to the pontine nuclei from the cortex of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus in the cat.

GIMENEZ AMAYA, J. M: Afferent connections to the pontine nuclei from the cortex of the anterior..

4,00 €
GOULD, E., Butcher, L. L: Cholinergic neurons in the rat substantia nigra.

GOULD, E., Butcher, L. L: Cholinergic neurons in the rat substantia nigra.

4,00 €
GREATREX, R. M., Phillipson, O T: Demonstration of synaptic input from prefrontal cortex to the habenula in the Rat.

GREATREX, R. M., Phillipson, O T: Demonstration of synaptic input from prefrontal cortex to the..

4,00 €
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