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179.003 Artikel gefunden


GREATREX, R. M., Phillipson, O T: Demonstration of synaptic input from prefrontal cortex to the habenula in the Rat.

GREATREX, R. M., Phillipson, O T: Demonstration of synaptic input from prefrontal cortex to the..

4,00 €
GROSS, D. S., Baker, B. L: Developmental correlation between hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone and hypophysial luteinizing  hormone.

GROSS, D. S., Baker, B. L: Developmental correlation between hypothalamic gonadotropin releasing..

4,00 €
GUERILLOT, C., Pfister, A., Müller, J., Da Lage, C: Recherches de l'origine des fibres nerveuses extraorthosympathiques innervant l'epiphse du rat (Etude du transport retrograde de la peroxidase de raifort).

GUERILLOT, C., Pfister, A., Müller, J., Da Lage, C: Recherches de l'origine des fibres nerveuses..

4,00 €
Briefmarken: Michel. Europa-Katalog 1985, West ( CEPT-Länder).  I. A-L. II.  M-Z.

Briefmarken: Michel. Europa-Katalog 1985, West ( CEPT-Länder). I. A-L. II. M-Z.

12,00 €
HADLER, W. A., De Lucca, M.  O: The mechanism, accounted for the silver staining "fast technique" . Development and ist histochemical meaning. I. The correlation  between the silver staining intensity and the tissue bound ferricion and some other tissue h

HADLER, W. A., De Lucca, M. O: The mechanism, accounted for the silver staining "fast technique"..

5,00 €
HAMLIN, J. L: Regulation of DNA replication in mammalian chromosomes. In Perspectives on cellular regulation. From bateria to cancer.

HAMLIN, J. L: Regulation of DNA replication in mammalian chromosomes. In Perspectives on cellular..

4,00 €
Broesike, G: Repetitorium Anatomicum.

Broesike, G: Repetitorium Anatomicum.

4,00 €
Bonosky, Phillip: Der Einzelgänger.

Bonosky, Phillip: Der Einzelgänger.

4,00 €
Brüder Grimm: Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm.

Brüder Grimm: Die Kinder- und Hausmärchen der Brüder Grimm.

16,00 €
Ehrke, Hans: Gahn un Kamen. Gedichten.

Ehrke, Hans: Gahn un Kamen. Gedichten.

4,00 €
HARLEY, C. W., LaCaille, J. C., Galway, M: Hypothalamic afferents to the dorsal dentate gyrus contain acetlycholinesterase.

HARLEY, C. W., LaCaille, J. C., Galway, M: Hypothalamic afferents to the dorsal dentate gyrus..

4,00 €
Besson, Waldemar & Gotthard Jasper: Der Staat in dem wir leben., Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland., Verfassung für das Land Nordrhein Westfahlen., Das Leitbild der modernen Demokratie.

Besson, Waldemar & Gotthard Jasper: Der Staat in dem wir leben., Grundgesetz für die..

4,00 €
HEIMAN-PATTERSON, T. D., Strominger, N. L: Morphological changes in the cochlear nuclear complex in primate phylogeny and development.

HEIMAN PATTERSON, T. D., Strominger, N. L: Morphological changes in the cochlear nuclear complex in..

4,00 €
Altenried, Anne: Als Schanddirndl verrufen.

Altenried, Anne: Als Schanddirndl verrufen.

4,00 €
HEPPELMANN, B., Eschenfelder, V., Brossner, R., Rahmann, H: Histochemical localization of neuraminidase in the CNS of mice and fish by means of 5-brom-3-indolyl-lapha-ketoside of 5-N-acetyl-D-neuraminic acid (BI-NeuAc).,//.

HEPPELMANN, B., Eschenfelder, V., Brossner, R., Rahmann, H: Histochemical localization of..

4,00 €
Bebuquin: Antiquariat Bebuquin., lesen wir weiter,.  Katalog 37.

Bebuquin: Antiquariat Bebuquin., lesen wir weiter,. Katalog 37.

6,00 €
HOREL, J. A.-, Stelzner, D. J: Neocortical projections of the rat anterior commissure.

HOREL, J. A.-, Stelzner, D. J: Neocortical projections of the rat anterior commissure.

4,00 €
HOWARD, C. V., Cruz-Orive, L. M., Yaegashi, H: Estimating neuron dendritic length in 3D from total vertical projections amd from vertical slices.

HOWARD, C. V., Cruz Orive, L. M., Yaegashi, H: Estimating neuron dendritic length in 3D from total..

4,00 €
HSU, S. M., Raine, L: Versatlity of biotin-labeled lectins and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex for localization of carbohydrate in tissue sections.

HSU, S. M., Raine, L: Versatlity of biotin labeled lectins and avidin biotin peroxidase complex for..

4,00 €
Betz, Gertrude et al: Sprachschlüssel., Sprachbuch Grundausgabe.

Betz, Gertrude et al: Sprachschlüssel., Sprachbuch Grundausgabe.

4,00 €
Burk, Michael: Ein Wunsch bleibt immer.

Burk, Michael: Ein Wunsch bleibt immer.

4,00 €
Buachidze, Gaston: Eine Geschichte der georgischen Malerei. I. Pirosmani oder Hirschflyer.

Buachidze, Gaston: Eine Geschichte der georgischen Malerei. I. Pirosmani oder Hirschflyer.

36,00 €
INNIS, R. B., Aghajanian, G. K: Cholecytokinin-containing and nociceptive neurons in rat Edinger-Westphal nucleus.

INNIS, R. B., Aghajanian, G. K: Cholecytokinin containing and nociceptive neurons in rat Edinger..

4,00 €
ISENBERG, G., Smalll, J. V, Kreutzberg, G. W.ISENBERG, G: The cytoskeleton and ist influence on shape, motility and receptor segregation in neuroblastoma cells.

ISENBERG, G., Smalll, J. V, Kreutzberg, G. W.ISENBERG, G: The cytoskeleton and ist influence on..

4,00 €
ITAYA, S. K., Van Hoesen, G. W: Retinal axons to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system in old world monnkeys.

ITAYA, S. K., Van Hoesen, G. W: Retinal axons to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic..

4,00 €
IZQUIEDO, J. J., Koch, E: Über den Einfluss der Nervi splanchnici auf den arteriellen Blutdruck des Kaninchens.

IZQUIEDO, J. J., Koch, E: Über den Einfluss der Nervi splanchnici auf den arteriellen Blutdruck..

4,00 €
Jackman, A. I: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry.  Vol.,3 , 1967.

Jackman, A. I: International Journal of Neuropsychiatry. Vol.,3 , 1967.

53,00 €
JACOB, J. M., MCQuarrie, I. G: Acceleration of axonal outgrowth in  rat sciatic nerve at one week after axotomy.

JACOB, J. M., MCQuarrie, I. G: Acceleration of axonal outgrowth in rat sciatic nerve at one week..

4,00 €
JACOBS, G.,A., Miller, J. P: Functional properties of individual neuronal branches isolated in situ by laser photoinactivation.

JACOBS, G.,A., Miller, J. P: Functional properties of individual neuronal branches isolated in situ..

4,00 €
James, Henry: Roderick Hudson.

James, Henry: Roderick Hudson.

29,00 €
Anderson, Walter E: German for the technologist.

Anderson, Walter E: German for the technologist.

16,00 €
JOHNSON, J. R., Meyer, P. A. R., Westaby, D. A., Herbert, J: The autonomioc nerve supply of the ferret's pineal gland studied by electron microscopy.

JOHNSON, J. R., Meyer, P. A. R., Westaby, D. A., Herbert, J: The autonomioc nerve supply of the..

4,00 €
JOHNSTON, D: Pasive cable propertiers of hippocampal ca3 pyramidal neurons.

JOHNSTON, D: Pasive cable propertiers of hippocampal ca3 pyramidal neurons.

4,00 €
JONES, J. C: The heart  and associated tissues of Anopheles quandrimaculartus Say. (Diipterfa, Culicidae).

JONES, J. C: The heart and associated tissues of Anopheles quandrimaculartus Say. (Diipterfa..

4,00 €
JONES, P. M. Robinson, I. C. A. F: A method for repeated sampling of cerebrospinal fluid from conscious guinea pigs.

JONES, P. M. Robinson, I. C. A. F: A method for repeated sampling of cerebrospinal fluid from..

4,00 €
KARIM, M. A., Shaikh., E., Tan, J., Ismail, Z: The organization of gastric efferent projections in the brainstem of the monkey. An HRP study.

KARIM, M. A., Shaikh., E., Tan, J., Ismail, Z: The organization of gastric efferent projections in..

4,00 €
KARLE, J., Witt, M. R., Nielsen, M: Antisense oligonucleotide to  GABAa receptor gamma2 subunit induces loss of neurones in rat hippocampus.

KARLE, J., Witt, M. R., Nielsen, M: Antisense oligonucleotide to GABAa receptor gamma2 subunit..

4,00 €
KARPIAK, S. E., Li, Y. S, Mahadik, S. P: Gangliosides /Gm1 and AGF2) reduce mortality due to  ischemia. Protection of membrane function.

KARPIAK, S. E., Li, Y. S, Mahadik, S. P: Gangliosides /Gm1 and AGF2) reduce mortality due to..

4,00 €
Bulcsu, Bertha: Das Känguruh.

Bulcsu, Bertha: Das Känguruh.

4,00 €
Bull, Gudrun: Ich wollt ein Sträußlein binden. Blumengedichte von Hans Arp bis Walther von der Vogelweide.

Bull, Gudrun: Ich wollt ein Sträußlein binden. Blumengedichte von Hans Arp bis Walther von der..

4,00 €
Butterworth, Michael & J. Jeff Jones: Die unheimliche Kraft Mondstation 1999.

Butterworth, Michael & J. Jeff Jones: Die unheimliche Kraft Mondstation 1999.

4,00 €
KENT, K. S., Levine, R. B: Dendritic reorganization of an identified neuron during metamorphosis of the Moth Manduca sexta. The influrence of interactions with the periphery.

KENT, K. S., Levine, R. B: Dendritic reorganization of an identified neuron during metamorphosis of..

4,00 €
KLUEBER, K.., Yip, J. W., Ontell, M: Size and location of the motoneuron pool supplying normal and orthoptically transplanted muscles.

KLUEBER, K.., Yip, J. W., Ontell, M: Size and location of the motoneuron pool supplying normal and..

4,00 €
KÖHLER, C., Chan Palay, V: Somatostatin like immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus. An immunocytochemical study in the rat. Neurosci. letters 34, 259 264 (1982)., Obr..

KÖHLER, C., Chan Palay, V: Somatostatin like immunoreactive neurons in the hippocampus. An..

5,00 €
Anonymus: Bericht am zwanzigsten Jahresfeste der evangelischen Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel. Mittwoch den 17. Juni 1835.

Anonymus: Bericht am zwanzigsten Jahresfeste der evangelischen Missionsgesellschaft zu Basel..

26,00 €
Clausen, Bettina: Leidenschaft muß nicht Liebe sein.

Clausen, Bettina: Leidenschaft muß nicht Liebe sein.

4,00 €
Anonymus: Argentina Naturally., Argentina naturalmente.

Anonymus: Argentina Naturally., Argentina naturalmente.

4,00 €
Bye, Chris, Laurence Harger & Malcolm Sexton: English live., Ausgabe B, Band IV.

Bye, Chris, Laurence Harger & Malcolm Sexton: English live., Ausgabe B, Band IV.

4,00 €
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