
Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Varia

181.034 Artikel gefunden


NEUMANN, I., Kremarik, P., Pittman, Q. J: Acute sequence specific effects of oxytocin and vasopressin antisense oligonucleotides on neuronal responses.

NEUMANN, I., Kremarik, P., Pittman, Q. J: Acute sequence specific effects of oxytocin and..

4,00 €
NEWGREEN, D. F., Jahnke, I., Allan, I. J., Gibbins, I. L: Differentiation of sympathetic and enteric neurons of the fowl embryo in grafts to the chorio-allantoic membrane.

NEWGREEN, D. F., Jahnke, I., Allan, I. J., Gibbins, I. L: Differentiation of sympathetic and..

4,00 €
NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nuclear complex of the cat. GABA-immunocytochemical and WGA-HRP studies by light and electron microscopy.

NORITA, M., Katoh, Y: The GABAergic neurons and axon terminals in the lateralis medialis..

4,00 €
NOVAK, N., Bolz, J: Formation of specific efferent connections in organotypic slice cultures from rat visual cortex cocultures with lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus.

NOVAK, N., Bolz, J: Formation of specific efferent connections in organotypic slice cultures from..

4,00 €
Ames, Jennifer: Ein Passagier für Diamant.

Ames, Jennifer: Ein Passagier für Diamant.

6,00 €
OHTSUKA, K., Sato, A: Retinal projections to the accomodation-related area in the rostral superior colliculus of the cat.

OHTSUKA, K., Sato, A: Retinal projections to the accomodation related area in the rostral superior..

4,00 €
OLIVEIRA, A. A., Hodges, H. M: Alzheimer's disease and neural transplantation as prospective cell therapy.

OLIVEIRA, A. A., Hodges, H. M: Alzheimer's disease and neural transplantation as prospective cell..

4,00 €
ONAI, T., Miura, M: Projections of supraspinal structures to the phrenic motor nucleus in cats studied by a HRP microinjection method.

ONAI, T., Miura, M: Projections of supraspinal structures to the phrenic motor nucleus in cats..

4,00 €
OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase in the cochlear  and superior olivary nuclei. A reappraisal with emphasis on the cochlear granule cell system.

OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of..

4,00 €
PARADIS, E., Douillard, H., Koutroumanis, M., Goodyer, C-., LeBlanc, A: Amyloid  beta peptide of Alzheimer's disease downregulates Bcl-2 and upregulates Bax expression in human neurons.

PARADIS, E., Douillard, H., Koutroumanis, M., Goodyer, C ., LeBlanc, A: Amyloid beta peptide of..

4,00 €
Penzoldt, Ernst: Die Powenzbande. Zoologie einer Familie.

Penzoldt, Ernst: Die Powenzbande. Zoologie einer Familie.

16,00 €
PEYRET, D., Campistron, G., Geffard, M., Aran, J. M: Glycine immunoreactivity in the brainstem auditory and vestibular nuclei of the guine apig.]..

PEYRET, D., Campistron, G., Geffard, M., Aran, J. M: Glycine immunoreactivity in the brainstem..

4,00 €
PILOWSKY, P. M., Suzuki, S., Minson, J. B: Antisense oligonucleotides. A new tool in neuroscience.

PILOWSKY, P. M., Suzuki, S., Minson, J. B: Antisense oligonucleotides. A new tool in neuroscience.

4,00 €
Wagenschein, Martin: Die Pädagogische Dimension der Physik.

Wagenschein, Martin: Die Pädagogische Dimension der Physik.

16,00 €
PODUSLO, J. F., Curran, G. L: Permeability at the blood-brain and blood nerve barriers of the neurotrophic factors. NGF, CNTF, NT-3 and BDNF.

PODUSLO, J. F., Curran, G. L: Permeability at the blood brain and blood nerve barriers of the..

4,00 €
Bibel: Das Neue Testament unseres Herrn und Heilandes Jesus Christus.

Bibel: Das Neue Testament unseres Herrn und Heilandes Jesus Christus.

6,00 €
PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau marquer potentiel dans la differentiation neuronale du systeme nerveux peripherique.

PORTIER, M. M., Croizat, B., Dee Nechaus, B., Gumpel, M., Gros, F: La proteine Y, un nouveau..

4,00 €
PRADAL, G., Barriere, P., Mollat, F., Lefranc, G: A new technique for staining sections and recovering celloidin film in high resolution autoradiography.

PRADAL, G., Barriere, P., Mollat, F., Lefranc, G: A new technique for staining sections and..

4,00 €
PRUSKY, G., Whishaw, I. Q: Morphology of identified corticospinal cells in the rat following motor cortex injury. absence of use-dependent change.

PRUSKY, G., Whishaw, I. Q: Morphology of identified corticospinal cells in the rat following motor..

4,00 €
RAPISARDA, C., Simonelli, G., Monti, S: Cells of origin and topographic organization of corticospinal neurons in the guinea pig by the retrograde HRP method.

RAPISARDA, C., Simonelli, G., Monti, S: Cells of origin and topographic organization of..

4,00 €
RAREY, K. E.,, Ross, M. D., Smith,. C. B: Distribution and significance of norepinephrine in the lateral cochlear wall of pigmented and albino rats.

RAREY, K. E.,, Ross, M. D., Smith,. C. B: Distribution and significance of norepinephrine in the..

4,00 €
REIS, D. J., Benno, R. H., Tucker, L. W., Joh, J. H: Quantitative immmunocytochemistry of tyrosine hydroxylase in brain. In Cytological methods in neuroanatomy.

REIS, D. J., Benno, R. H., Tucker, L. W., Joh, J. H: Quantitative immmunocytochemistry of tyrosine..

4,00 €
REPERANT, J., Weidner, C., Pakhomova, A., Deschroches, A., M., Vesseklin, N., Lemire, M: Mise en evidence d'un voie retino-hypothalamo-hippocampique chez le rat.

REPERANT, J., Weidner, C., Pakhomova, A., Deschroches, A., M., Vesseklin, N., Lemire, M: Mise en..

4,00 €
Abraham, Cyril: Die Onedin Linie., Die Passatwinde.

Abraham, Cyril: Die Onedin Linie., Die Passatwinde.

36,00 €
ROBERTS, E. J.,. Sick, T. J-: Aging impairs regulation of intracellular pH in rat hippocampal slices.

ROBERTS, E. J.,. Sick, T. J : Aging impairs regulation of intracellular pH in rat hippocampal..

4,00 €
ROCKLAND, K. S., Pandya, D.,N: Topography of occipital lobe commissural connections in the Rhesus Monkey.

ROCKLAND, K. S., Pandya, D.,N: Topography of occipital lobe commissural connections in the Rhesus..

4,00 €
LICHTENSTEIGER, W: Katecholaminkonzentration und Aktivität der Nervenzelle-. Mikrofluorimetrische Untersuchungen an tubero-infundibulären Neuronen in verschiedenen neuroendokrrinen Funktionszuständen.

LICHTENSTEIGER, W: Katecholaminkonzentration und Aktivität der Nervenzelle . Mikrofluorimetrische..

4,00 €
ROGAN, M. T-. LeDoux, J. E: Emotion. Systems, cells, synaptic plasticity.

ROGAN, M. T-. LeDoux, J. E: Emotion. Systems, cells, synaptic plasticity.

4,00 €
ROWE, M. H: Changes in inner plexiform layer thickness following neonatal visual cortical ablation in cats.

ROWE, M. H: Changes in inner plexiform layer thickness following neonatal visual cortical ablation..

4,00 €
RUBY, N. F: Paraventricular nucleus ablation disrupts daily topor in Siberian Hamsters.

RUBY, N. F: Paraventricular nucleus ablation disrupts daily topor in Siberian Hamsters.

4,00 €
SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of concussive head injury on central cholinergic neurons.

SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of..

5,00 €
SAUL, A. B., Humphrey, A. L: Evidence of input from lagged cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus to simple cells in corticalk area 17 of the cat.

SAUL, A. B., Humphrey, A. L: Evidence of input from lagged cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus..

4,00 €
ALBRECHT, B. R., Darlington, M. G: Localization of the  rho1 and rho2-subunit messener RNAs in chick retina by in situ hybridization predicts the existence of gamma-aminubutyric acid type C receptor subtypes.

ALBRECHT, B. R., Darlington, M. G: Localization of the rho1 and rho2 subunit messener RNAs in..

4,00 €
SCHEURING, L: Zeigt der Enddarm des Schlammbeißers (Misgurnus fossilis) Anpassungan an erhöhte respiratorische Tätigkeit?.

SCHEURING, L: Zeigt der Enddarm des Schlammbeißers (Misgurnus fossilis) Anpassungan an erhöhte..

4,00 €
SCHMIDT, R. F: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hautsinne.

SCHMIDT, R. F: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hautsinne.

4,00 €
Feige, Joachim et al: Für jeden freien Tag., Biblische Texte, Gebete und Betrachtungen.  Heft 5.

Feige, Joachim et al: Für jeden freien Tag., Biblische Texte, Gebete und Betrachtungen. Heft 5.

44,00 €
Anonymus: Chirurgen. Der Bericht des Dr. YZ.

Anonymus: Chirurgen. Der Bericht des Dr. YZ.

4,00 €
SCHUBERT, P., Holländer, H: Methods for the delivery of tracers to the central nervous system.

SCHUBERT, P., Holländer, H: Methods for the delivery of tracers to the central nervous system.

4,00 €
SCHUMACHER, R., Houtermans, B: Vergleich des primären Rezeptorbereiches der tympanalen umnd atympanalen tibialen Skolopalorgane von 14 mitteleuropäischen Laubheuschrecken-Arten (Orthoptera, Tettogonidaea).

SCHUMACHER, R., Houtermans, B: Vergleich des primären Rezeptorbereiches der tympanalen umnd..

4,00 €
SEGAAR, J: Behavioural aspects of degeneration and regeneration in fish brain. A comparison with higher vertebrates.

SEGAAR, J: Behavioural aspects of degeneration and regeneration in fish brain. A comparison with..

4,00 €
SEGAL, R. L., Beckstead, R. M., Kersey, K., Edwards. S. B: The prefrontal corticotectal projection in the cat.

SEGAL, R. L., Beckstead, R. M., Kersey, K., Edwards. S. B: The prefrontal corticotectal projection..

4,00 €
SEGURA, C., Alonso, M., Fraga, C.-, Garcia-Caballereo, T., Dieguez, C., Perez--Fernandez, R: Vitamin D receptor ontogenesis in rat liver.

SEGURA, C., Alonso, M., Fraga, C. , Garcia Caballereo, T., Dieguez, C., Perez Fernandez, R:..

4,00 €
SEKI, M., Zyo, K: Anterior thalamic afferents from the mamillary body and the limbic cortex in the rat.

SEKI, M., Zyo, K: Anterior thalamic afferents from the mamillary body and the limbic cortex in the..

4,00 €
Hoffmann, Klaus: Biological clocks in animal orientation and in other functions.

Hoffmann, Klaus: Biological clocks in animal orientation and in other functions.

4,00 €
SHNEIDERMAN, A., Henkel, C. K: Evidence for collateral axonal projections to the superior olivary complex.

SHNEIDERMAN, A., Henkel, C. K: Evidence for collateral axonal projections to the superior olivary..

4,00 €
Hofman, M. A: Size and shape of the cerebral cortex in mammals., I. the cortical surface.

Hofman, M. A: Size and shape of the cerebral cortex in mammals., I. the cortical surface.

4,00 €
SHOSAKU, A., Sumitomo, I: Auditory neurons in the rat thalamic reticular nucleus.

SHOSAKU, A., Sumitomo, I: Auditory neurons in the rat thalamic reticular nucleus.

4,00 €
SIMMONS, R. M. T: Comparative morphology of the primate diencephalon.

SIMMONS, R. M. T: Comparative morphology of the primate diencephalon.

4,00 €