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96 Artikel gefunden


STRAZNICKY, C: ZHU, B. S., Straznicky, C., Co-localization of serotonin and GABA in neurons of the Xenopus laevis retina. Anat. Embryol. 187, 549-555 (1993)., Obr., [WES18]., // NGUYEN, V. S., Straznicky, C., The development and the dopographic organizati

STRAZNICKY, C: ZHU, B. S., Straznicky, C., Co localization of serotonin and GABA in neurons of the..

5,00 €
STONE, J: Stone, J., H. Holländer., Optic nerve axon diameters measured in the cat retina., Some functional considerations.,   Springer, Berlin 1971., Obr., 7s..

STONE, J: Stone, J., H. Holländer., Optic nerve axon diameters measured in the cat retina., Some..

4,00 €
SANIDES, D: Über die Projektion der Retina zum Ventralkern des Corpus geniculatum laterale und seine tectale Projektion. Eine experimentell anatomische Studie an der Katze.

SANIDES, D: Über die Projektion der Retina zum Ventralkern des Corpus geniculatum laterale und..

6,00 €
BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of different species.

BRUUN, A., Tornqvist, K., Ehinger, B: Neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive neurons in the retina of..

4,00 €
REUSS, S: KAWANO, H., Decker, K., Reuss, S., Is there a direct retina raphe suprachiasmatic nucleus pathway in the rat? . Neurosci. Letters 212. 143..

REUSS, S: KAWANO, H., Decker, K., Reuss, S., Is there a direct retina raphe suprachiasmatic nucleus..

5,00 €
Retina: Helga Kolb,   The architectur of functional neural circuits in th vertebrate retina. The proctor Lecture. Investigative Ophthalmol. 35, 2385-2404 (1994),  // N. W. Daw, W. J. Brunken & D. Parkinson, The function of synaptic transmtters in the reti

Retina: Helga Kolb, The architectur of functional neural circuits in th vertebrate retina. The..

4,00 €
REICHENBACH, A: NEWMAN, E., Reichenbach, A., The Müller cell. A functional element of the retina. TINS 19, 307 312 (1996)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,,// REICHENBACH, A..

REICHENBACH, A: NEWMAN, E., Reichenbach, A., The Müller cell. A functional element of the retina..

5,00 €
PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez-Mendez, L-., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal patterns of neurogenesis in the chick retina., Europ. J., Neurosci. 3, 559--659 (1992), Obr-.  [SDG144]..,. // PRADA, C., Medina, K. I., Lopwz, R., Genis-Galvez

PRADA, C: PRADA, C., Puga, J., Perez Mendez, L ., Lopez, R., Ramirez, G., Spatial and temporal..

5,00 €
PETRY, H. M., Erichsen, J. T., Szel, A: Immunocytochemical identification of photoreceptor populations in the tree shrew retina.

PETRY, H. M., Erichsen, J. T., Szel, A: Immunocytochemical identification of photoreceptor..

4,00 €
LÖHRKE, S., Brandstätter, J. H., Boycott, B. B., Peichl, L: Expression of neurofilament proteins by horizontal cells in the rabbit retina varies with retinal localization.

LÖHRKE, S., Brandstätter, J. H., Boycott, B. B., Peichl, L: Expression of neurofilament proteins..

4,00 €
PASANTES-MORALES & ZEISE: PASANTES-MORALES, H., Salceda, R., Lopez-Colome, A. M., The effect of colchicine and cytochalasin B on the release of taurine from the chick retina.,  J. Neurochem., 3300, 172-177 (1980)., Obr.,  [SDG144].-., // ZEISE, M. , Tauri

PASANTES MORALES & ZEISE: PASANTES MORALES, H., Salceda, R., Lopez Colome, A. M., The effect of..

4,00 €
PALATRONI, P: PALATRONI, P., Gabrielli, M. G., Taborro, R., Carbonic anhydrase activity in mammalian retina.  Developmental aspects in altricial and sprecocial species., Acta Histochem., 88.,., 187-198 (1990)., Obr.,  [WE119].., // PALATRONI, P., Gabriell

PALATRONI, P: PALATRONI, P., Gabrielli, M. G., Taborro, R., Carbonic anhydrase activity in..

5,00 €
ROMANO, C.,  Price, M. T., Olney, J. W: Delayed excitotoxic neurodegeneration induced by excitatory amino acid agonists in isolated retina.

ROMANO, C., Price, M. T., Olney, J. W: Delayed excitotoxic neurodegeneration induced by excitatory..

4,00 €
OGDEN, T. E: The nerve fiber layer of the primate retina. an autoradiographic study.

OGDEN, T. E: The nerve fiber layer of the primate retina. an autoradiographic study.

4,00 €
NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in the Fish retina. Biomedical Res. Suppl. 12, 1982, pp. 67-72 , Obr., [SD28]. / / KATO, S., Madachi-Yamamoto, S., Hayashi, Y., Miki, N., Negishi, K., Effect o

NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in..

6,00 €
Masland, R. H., & Elido Raviola: Confronting complexity. Strategies for  understading the microciruitry of the retina.

Masland, R. H., & Elido Raviola: Confronting complexity. Strategies for understading the..

4,00 €
MASLAND, R. H: JEON, C.- J., Masland, R. H., A population of wide-field bipolar cells in the rabbit's retina. J. Comp. Neurol. 360, 403-412 (1995)., Obr., [SDG17]., //, O'MALEY, D. M., Masland, R. H., Responses of the starburst amacrine cells to moving st

MASLAND, R. H: JEON, C. J., Masland, R. H., A population of wide field bipolar cells in the..

5,00 €
LIU, Q., Debski, E. A-.: Serotonin like immunoereactivity in the adult and developing retina of the Leopard frog, Rana pipiens.

LIU, Q., Debski, E. A .: Serotonin like immunoereactivity in the adult and developing retina of the..

4,00 €
Lin, C. T., Li, H. Z., Wu, J. Y: Immunocytochemical localization of L-glutamate decarboxylase, Gamma-aminobutyric acdi transamiase, cysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase, asparate aminotransferase and somatostatin in rat retina..

Lin, C. T., Li, H. Z., Wu, J. Y: Immunocytochemical localization of L glutamate decarboxylase..

4,00 €
LAYER, P. G: LAYER, P. G., Vollmer, G., Kotz, S., Selective uptake of lucifer yellow into different cell populations of the developing chicken retina., Neurosci,. Letters 35, 239-23005 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES30].// LAYER, P. G., Kotz, S., Asymmetrical develo

LAYER, P. G: LAYER, P. G., Vollmer, G., Kotz, S., Selective uptake of lucifer yellow into different..

5,00 €
Krause, W: Die Retina.

Krause, W: Die Retina.

6,00 €
KASAMATSU, T: A role for the central norepinephrine system in regulation of neuronal plasticity in cat visual cortex.

KASAMATSU, T: A role for the central norepinephrine system in regulation of neuronal plasticity in..

4,00 €
KALLONIATIS, M. Marc, R. E., Murry, R. F: Amino acid signatures in the primate retina.

KALLONIATIS, M. Marc, R. E., Murry, R. F: Amino acid signatures in the primate retina.

4,00 €
Holländer, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a projection from the striate cortex to the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate..

Holländer, Horstmar: The section embedding (SE) technique. // Autoradiographic evidence for a..

6,00 €
BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth factor is expressed abundantely by photoreceptors withjin developing and mature rat retina. Europ.

BUGRA, K., Oliver, L., Jacquemin, E., Laurent, M., Courtois, Y., Hicks, D: Acidic fibroblast growth..

4,00 €
HEBEL, R: HEBEL, R., Holländer, H., Messung von Zellgröße und Verteilung der Ganglienzellen in der Retina des Rindes., Verhandl. Anat. Ges.  72, 635 638..

HEBEL, R: HEBEL, R., Holländer, H., Messung von Zellgröße und Verteilung der Ganglienzellen in..

5,00 €
HARTVEIT, E: HARTVEIT, E., Brandstätter, J.H., Enz, R., Wässle, H., Expression of the mRNA of seven metabitrophic gluatamate receptors (mGluR1 to 7) in the rat..

HARTVEIT, E: HARTVEIT, E., Brandstätter, J.H., Enz, R., Wässle, H., Expression of the mRNA of..

5,00 €
HANKIN, M. H., Hoovver, F., Goldman, D: Cues intrinsic to the retina induce nAChR gene expression during  development.

HANKIN, M. H., Hoovver, F., Goldman, D: Cues intrinsic to the retina induce nAChR gene expression..

4,00 €
HAMASSAKI-BRITTO, D. E: BRITTO, L. R. G., Hamassaki-Britto, D. E., Different subsets of displaced ganglion cells in the pigeon retina exhibit cholecystokinin-like and enkephalin-like immunoreactivities.Neuroscience 52, 403413 (1993) Obr.,[SD7]. / / / HAMA

HAMASSAKI BRITTO, D. E: BRITTO, L. R. G., Hamassaki Britto, D. E., Different subsets of displaced..

4,00 €
GIERER, A: RATHJEN, F. G, Gierer, A. , Cholera-Toxin binding to cells of the developing chick retina analyzed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Developm. Brain Res. 1, 539-549 (1981) , Obr.,  [SD41].., // GIERER, A.-, Model for the retino tectal pro

GIERER, A: RATHJEN, F. G, Gierer, A. , Cholera Toxin binding to cells of the developing chick..

5,00 €
GABRIEL, R., Zhu, B. S., Straznicky, C: Synaptic contacs if serotinin-like immunoreactice and 5,7-dihydroxytraptamine-accumulating neurons in the anuran retina.

GABRIEL, R., Zhu, B. S., Straznicky, C: Synaptic contacs if serotinin like immunoreactice and 5,7..

4,00 €
FREED, M. A., Pflug,. R-, Kolb, H., Nelson, R: ON-OFF amacrine cells in cat retina.

FREED, M. A., Pflug,. R-, Kolb, H., Nelson, R: ON-OFF amacrine cells in cat retina.

4,00 €
FERNANDEZ, E: CUENCA, N., Fernandez, E., Garcia, M., De-Juan, J., Dendrites of rod dominant ON-bipolar cells are coupled by gap junctions in carp retina. Neurosci. Letters 162, 34-38 (1993)., Obr.,  [WES61]..,., // ANGULO, A., Fernandez, E., Merchan, J. A

FERNANDEZ, E: CUENCA, N., Fernandez, E., Garcia, M., De Juan, J., Dendrites of rod dominant ON..

5,00 €
COLBERT, S. H. , Mack, A. F., Fernald, R. D: A novel, rapid flat-mounting techniqe for visualizing antibody labeling in the retina.

COLBERT, S. H. , Mack, A. F., Fernald, R. D: A novel, rapid flat mounting techniqe for visualizing..

4,00 €
DONNER, K. O: DONNER, K. O., Granit, R., Scotopic dominator and state of visual purple in the retina. Acta Physiol. Scand. 17, 161-169 (1949)., Obr.,  [WES54]..,// DONNER,. K. O-., The spike frequency of mammalian retinal elements as a function of wavelen

DONNER, K. O: DONNER, K. O., Granit, R., Scotopic dominator and state of visual purple in the..

9,00 €
DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal cells in carp retina. Independent modulation by dopamine and Light.-adaptation., Europ. J. Neuroscience 8, 1571-1579 (1996)., Obr.,    [WES117]..,// TER-MA

DJAMGOZ, M. B: DJAMGOZ, M. B. A., Fitzgerald, E. M., Yamada, M., Spectal pasticity of H1 horizontal..

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DIAZ-ARAYA, C. M., Provis, J. M., Penfold, P. L., Billson, F. A: Development of microglial topography in human retina.

DIAZ ARAYA, C. M., Provis, J. M., Penfold, P. L., Billson, F. A: Development of microglial..

4,00 €
DE-MONASTERIO,  MOLLON & HASHIMNOTO: DE-MONASTERIO, F. M., Schein, S. J., McCrane, E. P:, Staining of blue-sensitive cones of the Macaque retina by a fluorescent dye. Science 2132, 1278-1281 (1981)., Obr., [WES110]., / / MOLLON, J. D., Bowmaker, J. K., Th


6,00 €
Dacey, D. M: The mosaic of midget ganglion cells in the Human retina., J.

Dacey, D. M: The mosaic of midget ganglion cells in the Human retina., J.

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CREWTHER, D.- P., Crewther, S. G., Cleland, B. G: Is the retina sensitive to the effects of prolonged blur.

CREWTHER, D. P., Crewther, S. G., Cleland, B. G: Is the retina sensitive to the effects of..

4,00 €
CASINI, G: CASINI, G., Molnar, M., Brecha, N. C., Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/peptide histidine isoleucine messenger RNA in the rat retina. Adult distribution and developmental expression. Neuroscience 58, 657-667 (1994)., Obr.,.  [WES63]..,// CASIN

CASINI, G: CASINI, G., Molnar, M., Brecha, N. C., Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide/peptide..

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BRUNKEN, W. J: BRUNKEN, W. J., Jin, X. T., Pis-Lopez, A, M. , The properties of the serotoninergic system in the retina. Progr. Brain Res. 12, 75-99 (1993) , Obr., [SD43]. / . // BRUNKEN, W. J., Jin, X. T., A role for 5HT receptors in visual processing in

BRUNKEN, W. J: BRUNKEN, W. J., Jin, X. T., Pis Lopez, A, M. , The properties of the serotoninergic..

4,00 €
BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in the primate retina. J. Neurocytol. 22..

BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in..

6,00 €
Binkley, Sue, K. Reilly & T. Hernandez: N-acetyltransferase in the chick retina.

Binkley, Sue, K. Reilly & T. Hernandez: N-acetyltransferase in the chick retina.

4,00 €
Bazan, N.,  & R. Lolley: Neurochemistry of the retina-. Procedings of the conference, Athens 1979.

Bazan, N., & R. Lolley: Neurochemistry of the retina-. Procedings of the conference, Athens 1979.

62,00 €
ALBRECHT, B. R., Darlington, M. G: Localization of the  rho1 and rho2-subunit messener RNAs in chick retina by in situ hybridization predicts the existence of gamma-aminubutyric acid type C receptor subtypes.

ALBRECHT, B. R., Darlington, M. G: Localization of the rho1 and rho2 subunit messener RNAs in..

4,00 €
MEISTER, M., Pine, J., Baylor, D. A: Multi-neuronal signals from the retina. Acquisition and analysis.

MEISTER, M., Pine, J., Baylor, D. A: Multi neuronal signals from the retina. Acquisition and..

4,00 €
AMES, A., Li, Y. Y: Engery requirements of glutamatergic pathways in rabbit retina.

AMES, A., Li, Y. Y: Engery requirements of glutamatergic pathways in rabbit retina.

4,00 €
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