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11 Artikel gefunden


Klagen oder Nachtgedanken über Leben, Tod und Unsterblichkeit. In neun Nächten.

Klagen oder Nachtgedanken über Leben, Tod und Unsterblichkeit. In neun Nächten.

104,79 €
Lucebert, The burnt face of beauty - 1955 ORIG.-TYPOSKRIPT  AVANTAGARDE COBRA

Lucebert, The burnt face of beauty - 1955 ORIG.-TYPOSKRIPT AVANTAGARDE COBRA

200,00 €
Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and laminar characterization of cortical projection neurons in the cingulate motor areas of the Macaque Monkey.

Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and..

4,00 €
ZENI & YOUNG: ZENI, C., Franchini, A.,  A preliminary histochemical study on the labral glands of Daphnia obtusa (Crustacea, Cladocera)., Acta Histochem., 88, 175-181 (1990)., Obr.,  [SD1099].., //  YOUNG, J. Z. The structure of nerve fibres in cephalopod

ZENI & YOUNG: ZENI, C., Franchini, A., A preliminary histochemical study on the labral glands of..

5,00 €
SCANNELL, J. W., Blakemore, C., Young, M. P: Analysis of connectivity in the cat  cerebral cortex.

SCANNELL, J. W., Blakemore, C., Young, M. P: Analysis of connectivity in the cat cerebral cortex.

4,00 €
Willott, J. F., D. Pabnow, K. P.Hunter & M. Kordyban: Projections from the anterior ventral cochlear nucleus to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus in young and aging C57BL/6 mice.

Willott, J. F., D. Pabnow, K. P.Hunter & M. Kordyban: Projections from the anterior ventral..

4,00 €
Ulenkate, H. J. L. M., W. H., Gipsen & F. G. I. Jennekens: Effects of ciliary neurotrophic factor on retrograde cell reaction after facial nerve crush in young adult rats.

Ulenkate, H. J. L. M., W. H., Gipsen & F. G. I. Jennekens: Effects of ciliary neurotrophic factor..

4,00 €
LEICHNETZ, G. R: CARLTON., S. M.-, Leichnetz, G. R., Young, E. G., Mayer, D. J., A transcannula method for subcortical HRP gel implants. Inferior  olive afferents in the rat. Brain Res. Bull., 8, 581-585 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES102]..,// CARLTON, S. M., Leich

LEICHNETZ, G. R: CARLTON., S. M. , Leichnetz, G. R., Young, E. G., Mayer, D. J., A transcannula..

7,00 €
HYVaeRINEN, J.. Hyvaerinen, L., Linnankoski, I: Modification of parietal association cortex and functional blindness after binocular deprivation in young monkeys.

HYVaeRINEN, J.. Hyvaerinen, L., Linnankoski, I: Modification of parietal association cortex and..

4,00 €
GILLER, E. L., Young, J. G., Breakefield, X. O., Carbonari, C., Braverman, M., Cohen, D. J: Monoamine oxidase and catechol-o-methyltransferase activities in cultured fibroblasts and blood cells from children with autism and the gilles de la Tourette Syndr

GILLER, E. L., Young, J. G., Breakefield, X. O., Carbonari, C., Braverman, M., Cohen, D. J:..

4,00 €
CABRERA, O. E. E., Bongarzone, E. R., Soto, E. F., Ppasquini, J. M: Single intracerebral injection of apotransferrin in young rats induces increased myelination.

CABRERA, O. E. E., Bongarzone, E. R., Soto, E. F., Ppasquini, J. M: Single intracerebral injection..

4,00 €
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