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ADAM, H: HACKER, G. W., Polkak, J. M., Sporingall, D. R., Tang, S. K.  Van Norden, S., Lackie,. P., Grimelius, L., Adam, H., Immunogold..

ADAM, H: HACKER, G. W., Polkak, J. M., Sporingall, D. R., Tang, S. K. Van Norden, S., Lackie,. P..

5,00 €
ACHEE, F. M., Gabay, S., Tipton, K-. F-: Some aspects of monoamine oxidase activity in brain.

ACHEE, F. M., Gabay, S., Tipton, K-. F-: Some aspects of monoamine oxidase activity in brain.

4,00 €
Abelsen, Olaf K: Am Ende der Welt.

Abelsen, Olaf K: Am Ende der Welt.

17,00 €
ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three-dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors originating from single CA2 pyramidal neurons in the rat hippocampus with aid of a computer graphic technique. Brain Res. 452, 255-272 (1988)., Obr., [SD14].,

ABE, K: TAMAMAKI, N., Abe, K., Nojyo, Y., Three dimensional analysis of the whole axonal arbors..

5,00 €
YOKOTE, H., Nishio, K., Arioka, H., Kurokkawa, H., Fukuoka, K., Fukumoto, H., Ishida, T-. Terada, T., Itakura, T., Saijo, N: The C-terminal domain of p53 catalyzes DNA-renaturation amd strand exchange toward annealing between intact ssDNAs and toward elim

YOKOTE, H., Nishio, K., Arioka, H., Kurokkawa, H., Fukuoka, K., Fukumoto, H., Ishida, T . Terada..

4,00 €
WODARCZYK, L-.. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally transported proteins during the early response of rat retinal ganglion cells to axotomy.

WODARCZYK, L .. Merrill, V. K. L., Perry, G. W: Differential regulation of fast axonally..

4,00 €
Winogradow, Anatoli K: Drei Farben einer Zeit., Ein Roman um Stendhal.

Winogradow, Anatoli K: Drei Farben einer Zeit., Ein Roman um Stendhal.

4,00 €
WERNER, L., Brauer, K: Zur neuronalen Organisation des  CGLd von Cavia porcellus. Eine morphometrische Untersuchung an Nissl-Präparaten unter Berücksichtigung ieentifizierter Neuronentypen.

WERNER, L., Brauer, K: Zur neuronalen Organisation des CGLd von Cavia porcellus. Eine..

4,00 €
WALBERT, T., Jirikowski, G. F., Prüfer, K: Distribution of 1,25--dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor immunoreactivity in the limbic system of the rat.

WALBERT, T., Jirikowski, G. F., Prüfer, K: Distribution of 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor..

8,00 €
UHLRICH, D. J., Manning, K. A: Projection of individual axons from the pretectum to the dorsal lateral geniculate complex in the cat.

UHLRICH, D. J., Manning, K. A: Projection of individual axons from the pretectum to the dorsal..

4,00 €
SUZUKI, K: Quantitative enzyme histochemistry of normal and injured livers. II., Ultramicrochemical determination of NADP-Dependent isocitrate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in the lobules of normal and injured human liver.

SUZUKI, K: Quantitative enzyme histochemistry of normal and injured livers. II., Ultramicrochemical..

4,00 €
WHITINGTON, D. J., Binns, K. E., Ingham, N. J., Thornton, S. K: The effects of monocular enucleation on the representation of auditory space in the superior colliculus of the guinea pig.

WHITINGTON, D. J., Binns, K. E., Ingham, N. J., Thornton, S. K: The effects of monocular..

4,00 €
STELL, W. K., Walker, S. E., Chohan, K. S., Ball, A. K: The goldfish nervus terminalis . A luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and molluscan cardioexcitatory peptide immunoreactive olfactoretinal pathway.

STELL, W. K., Walker, S. E., Chohan, K. S., Ball, A. K: The goldfish nervus terminalis . A..

4,00 €
SHNEIDERMAN, A., Henkel, C. K: Evidence for collateral axonal projections to the superior olivary complex.

SHNEIDERMAN, A., Henkel, C. K: Evidence for collateral axonal projections to the superior olivary..

4,00 €
SEKI, M., Zyo, K: Anterior thalamic afferents from the mamillary body and the limbic cortex in the rat.

SEKI, M., Zyo, K: Anterior thalamic afferents from the mamillary body and the limbic cortex in the..

4,00 €
SEGAL, R. L., Beckstead, R. M., Kersey, K., Edwards. S. B: The prefrontal corticotectal projection in the cat.

SEGAL, R. L., Beckstead, R. M., Kersey, K., Edwards. S. B: The prefrontal corticotectal projection..

4,00 €
ROCKLAND, K. S., Pandya, D.,N: Topography of occipital lobe commissural connections in the Rhesus Monkey.

ROCKLAND, K. S., Pandya, D.,N: Topography of occipital lobe commissural connections in the Rhesus..

4,00 €
RAREY, K. E.,, Ross, M. D., Smith,. C. B: Distribution and significance of norepinephrine in the lateral cochlear wall of pigmented and albino rats.

RAREY, K. E.,, Ross, M. D., Smith,. C. B: Distribution and significance of norepinephrine in the..

4,00 €
OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase in the cochlear  and superior olivary nuclei. A reappraisal with emphasis on the cochlear granule cell system.

OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of..

4,00 €
OHTSUKA, K., Sato, A: Retinal projections to the accomodation-related area in the rostral superior colliculus of the cat.

OHTSUKA, K., Sato, A: Retinal projections to the accomodation related area in the rostral superior..

4,00 €
NAHIN, R. K., Micecych, P. E: A long ascending pathway of enkephain-like immunoreactive spinoreticular neurons in the rat.

NAHIN, R. K., Micecych, P. E: A long ascending pathway of enkephain like immunoreactive..

4,00 €
MCGLADE-MCCULLOH, E., Muller, K. J-: Developing axons continue to growth at their tip after synapsing with their appropriate target.

MCGLADE MCCULLOH, E., Muller, K. J : Developing axons continue to growth at their tip after..

4,00 €
DE-VENECIA, R. K., Smelser, C. B., Lossman, S.D., McMullen, N. T: Complementary expression of parvalbumin and calbindin D--28K delineates subdivisions of the rabbit medial geniculate body.

DE VENECIA, R. K., Smelser, C. B., Lossman, S.D., McMullen, N. T: Complementary expression of..

4,00 €
KRUEGER, K., Kiefer, W., Groh, A: Lesions of the suprasylvian cortex impairs depth perception of cats.

KRUEGER, K., Kiefer, W., Groh, A: Lesions of the suprasylvian cortex impairs depth perception of..

4,00 €
KOVACS, E., Pilarczyk, G., Monajemashi, S., Moraru, R. P., Greulich,., K. O: Cell viability of retinal photoreceptor evaluated by polar distribution off Ca2+ and electrical charge.

KOVACS, E., Pilarczyk, G., Monajemashi, S., Moraru, R. P., Greulich,., K. O: Cell viability of..

4,00 €
KLUEBER, K.., Yip, J. W., Ontell, M: Size and location of the motoneuron pool supplying normal and orthoptically transplanted muscles.

KLUEBER, K.., Yip, J. W., Ontell, M: Size and location of the motoneuron pool supplying normal and..

4,00 €
KENT, K. S., Levine, R. B: Dendritic reorganization of an identified neuron during metamorphosis of the Moth Manduca sexta. The influrence of interactions with the periphery.

KENT, K. S., Levine, R. B: Dendritic reorganization of an identified neuron during metamorphosis of..

4,00 €
ITAYA, S. K., Van Hoesen, G. W: Retinal axons to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system in old world monnkeys.

ITAYA, S. K., Van Hoesen, G. W: Retinal axons to the medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic..

4,00 €
INNIS, R. B., Aghajanian, G. K: Cholecytokinin-containing and nociceptive neurons in rat Edinger-Westphal nucleus.

INNIS, R. B., Aghajanian, G. K: Cholecytokinin containing and nociceptive neurons in rat Edinger..

4,00 €
FROHLICH, K. W., Andersen, L., M., Knutsen, A., Flood, P. R: Phenoxyethanol as a nontoxic substitute for formaldehyde in long-term preservation of human anatomical specimens for dissection and demonstration purposes.

FROHLICH, K. W., Andersen, L., M., Knutsen, A., Flood, P. R: Phenoxyethanol as a nontoxic..

4,00 €
DUGGAL, K, N., Barasi, S: Investigation of the connection between the substantia nigra and the medullary reticular formation in the rat.

DUGGAL, K, N., Barasi, S: Investigation of the connection between the substantia nigra and the..

5,00 €
DÖVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract of the Burbot (Lota loita l.).

DÖVING, K. B., Gemme, G: Electrophysiological and histological properties of the olfactory tract..

4,00 €
DIAMOND, I. T., Conley, M., Itoh, K., Fitzpatrick, D: Laminar organization ofv geniculocortical projections in Galago senegalensis and Aotus trivirgatus.

DIAMOND, I. T., Conley, M., Itoh, K., Fitzpatrick, D: Laminar organization ofv geniculocortical..

4,00 €
DESAIAH, D., Ho, I. K: Kinetics of catecholamine sensitive Na+Ka+ ATPase activity in mouse brain synaptosomes.

DESAIAH, D., Ho, I. K: Kinetics of catecholamine sensitive Na+Ka+ ATPase activity in mouse brain..

4,00 €
DEBBAGE & ADRIAN: /ADRIAN, E. K., Schelper, R. L., Microglia, Monocytes and Macrophages. In  Eleventh Int. Conr. Anat. Glial and Neuronal Cell biology , R. A. Liss, New York , pp,. 113-124 (1981)., Obr.,  [SD56].. //.

DEBBAGE & ADRIAN: /ADRIAN, E. K., Schelper, R. L., Microglia, Monocytes and Macrophages. In..

5,00 €
DAUNICHT & ROGERS: Daunicht., W. J-., Proprioception in extraocular muscles of the rat. Brain Res. 278, 291-294(1983)., Obr.,   [WES128], // ROGERS, D. K., Bendrups, A. P., Lewis, M. M., Disturbed proprioception following a period of muscle vibration in h

DAUNICHT & ROGERS: Daunicht., W. J ., Proprioception in extraocular muscles of the rat. Brain Res..

5,00 €
BRONSTEIN, FD. M., Schafer, M, K. H., Watson, S. J., Akil, H: Evidence that beta-endorphin is synthesized in cells in the nucleus tractus solitarius . Detection of POMCmRNA.

BRONSTEIN, FD. M., Schafer, M, K. H., Watson, S. J., Akil, H: Evidence that beta endorphin is..

6,00 €
BRIDGES, P. M., Ball, D. J., Machinnon, S. E., Nakao, Y., Brandt, K., Hunter, D. A., Hertl, C: Nerve crush injuries - a model for axonotmesis.

BRIDGES, P. M., Ball, D. J., Machinnon, S. E., Nakao, Y., Brandt, K., Hunter, D. A., Hertl, C:..

4,00 €
BOJANOWSKI, T., Hu, K., Schwarz, D. W. F: Analogue signal representation in the medial superior olive of the cat.

BOJANOWSKI, T., Hu, K., Schwarz, D. W. F: Analogue signal representation in the medial superior..

4,00 €
AKERT, K: Struktur und Ultrastruktur von Nervenzellen und Synapsen.

AKERT, K: Struktur und Ultrastruktur von Nervenzellen und Synapsen.

6,00 €
SATOH, Y., Ishikawa, K., Tanaka, H., Oomori, Y., Ono, K: Immunohistochemical observations of lysozyme in the Paneth cells of specific apthogen free gland germ free mice.

SATOH, Y., Ishikawa, K., Tanaka, H., Oomori, Y., Ono, K: Immunohistochemical observations of..

4,00 €
Rohnstock, K., D. Bender und K. Scheithauer: 1852 - 2002 Gustav Alberts HERSCHEID. - Geschichte(n) eines Familienunternehmens in fünf Akten.

Rohnstock, K., D. Bender und K. Scheithauer: 1852 2002 Gustav Alberts HERSCHEID. Geschichte(n)..

34,00 €