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501 Artikel gefunden


GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,: Chromatin assembly coupled to DNA repair. A new role for cromatin assembly factor I.

GAILLARD, P. H. L., Martini, M. M. D., Kaufman, P. D., Stillman, B., Moustacchi, E., Almouzni, G,:..

4,00 €
Frenzel, H. A.  &  E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. I. Von den Anfängen bis zur Romantik. II. Vom Biedermeier bis zur Gegenwart.

Frenzel, H. A. & E. Frenzel: Daten deutscher Dichtung . Chronologischer Abriß der deutschen..

6,00 €
Fink, A. E., Fink, G.,, Wilson, H., Bennie, J., Carroll, S, & H. Dick: Lactation, nutrition and fertility and the secretion of prolactin and gonadotrophins in Mopan Mayan women.

Fink, A. E., Fink, G.,, Wilson, H., Bennie, J., Carroll, S, & H. Dick: Lactation, nutrition and..

6,00 €
Elster, Günter  (Ed.): Zeitschrift für Graphologie und Charakterkunde.  1. Jahrgang, Heft 1 (1948).

Elster, Günter (Ed.): Zeitschrift für Graphologie und Charakterkunde. 1. Jahrgang, Heft 1..

4,00 €
Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder: Ontogeny of the serotonergic projection to rat neocortex. Transient expression  of a dense inervation to primary sensory areas.

Damato, R.J., M. E. Blue, B. L Largent, D. . Lynch, D. J. Ledbetter, M. E. Molliver & S. H. Snyder:..

4,00 €
CONDE, F: CONDE, F., Conde, H., Demonstration of a rubrothalamic projection in the cat., with some comments on the origin of the rubrospinal tract. Neuroscience 5,  789-802 (1980)., Obr.,  [SD101]..,// CONDE, F., Maire-Lepoivre, E., Audinat, E., Crepel, F

CONDE, F: CONDE, F., Conde, H., Demonstration of a rubrothalamic projection in the cat., with some..

6,00 €
Cairmont, P. W, Denk, H. von Haberer & E. Ranzi: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie., A . von Eiselsberg gewidmet. I & II-.

Cairmont, P. W, Denk, H. von Haberer & E. Ranzi: Lehrbuch der Chirurgie., A . von Eiselsberg..

12,00 €
CAGNOLI &  NITA: CAGNOLI, C. M., Atabay, C., Kharlamova, E., Manev, H., Melatonin protects neurons from singlet oxygen-induced apoptosis., J. Pienal Res. 18, 222-226 (1995)., Obr., Unterstr.  [SDG269]..,//  NITA, D. A., Nita, V., Spiber, S., Moldovan, M.,

CAGNOLI & NITA: CAGNOLI, C. M., Atabay, C., Kharlamova, E., Manev, H., Melatonin protects neurons..

5,00 €
BUSE, E., Matthaei, H.: A method for defined sectioning of fresh young brains and collections of small regions for cell tissue culture.

BUSE, E., Matthaei, H.: A method for defined sectioning of fresh young brains and collections of..

4,00 €
Blod, Gabriele: Deutsche Lyriker der Gegenwart 1987. Anthologie.

Blod, Gabriele: Deutsche Lyriker der Gegenwart 1987. Anthologie.

4,00 €
BJÖRKLUND, A: BJÖRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L. , Rosengren, E., Recovery of brain noradrenaline after 5,7 dihydroxytryptamine induced axonal lesions in the rat..

BJÖRKLUND, A: BJÖRKLUND, A., Baumgarten, H. G., Lachenmayer, L. , Rosengren, E., Recovery of..

5,00 €
Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 9 (1970).

Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 9 (1970).

22,00 €
Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 10 (1970).

Balazs, E. A. & H. Davson (eds.): Experimental eye research., Vol, 10 (1970).

22,00 €
Atterbom, Per Daniel Amadeus: Menschen und Städte. Begegnungen und Beobachtungen eines schwedischen Dichters in Deutschland, Italien und Österreich 1817 1819., C. M. Schröder (Ed.), Mit..

Atterbom, Per Daniel Amadeus: Menschen und Städte. Begegnungen und Beobachtungen eines..

9,00 €
Aoki, M. S., Miyabara, E. H., Soares, A. G., Saito, E. T., Moriscot, A. S: mTOR pathway inhibition attenuates skeletal muscle growth induced by stretching., ‚.

Aoki, M. S., Miyabara, E. H., Soares, A. G., Saito, E. T., Moriscot, A. S: mTOR pathway inhibition..

4,00 €
PINTOR, A., Alleva, E., Michalek, H: Postnatal maturation of brain cholinergic systems in the precocial murid Acomys cahirinus. Comparison with the altricial rat.

PINTOR, A., Alleva, E., Michalek, H: Postnatal maturation of brain cholinergic systems in the..

4,00 €
TORREALBA, F., Guillery, R. W., Polley, E. H., Mason, C. A: A demonstration of several independent, partially overlapping, retinotopic maps in the optic tract of the cat.

TORREALBA, F., Guillery, R. W., Polley, E. H., Mason, C. A: A demonstration of several independent..

4,00 €
PARADIS, E., Douillard, H., Koutroumanis, M., Goodyer, C-., LeBlanc, A: Amyloid  beta peptide of Alzheimer's disease downregulates Bcl-2 and upregulates Bax expression in human neurons.

PARADIS, E., Douillard, H., Koutroumanis, M., Goodyer, C ., LeBlanc, A: Amyloid beta peptide of..

4,00 €
OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of acetylcholinesterase in the cochlear  and superior olivary nuclei. A reappraisal with emphasis on the cochlear granule cell system.

OSEN, K. J., Mugnaini, E., Dahl, A. L., Christiansen, A. H: Histochemical localization of..

4,00 €
DITYATEV, A. E., Chmykhova, N. M., Studer, L., Karamian, O. A., Kozhanov, V. M., Clamann, H. P: Comparison of topology and growth rules of motoneuronal dendrites.

DITYATEV, A. E., Chmykhova, N. M., Studer, L., Karamian, O. A., Kozhanov, V. M., Clamann, H. P:..

4,00 €
Ross, M.- E. , D. H. Park, G. Teilelman, V. M. Pickel, D.J. Reis & T.H. Joh: Immunohistochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase unsing a monoclonal antibody., A radioautographic method.

Ross, M. E. , D. H. Park, G. Teilelman, V. M. Pickel, D.J. Reis & T.H. Joh: Immunohistochemical..

4,00 €
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