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926 Artikel gefunden


McMillan, J. P., H. A. Hunderwood, J. A. Elliott,  M. H. Stetson & M.Menaker: Extraretinal light peception in the sparrow., IV. Further evidence that the eyes do not paricitate in photopeiodic photoreception.

McMillan, J. P., H. A. Hunderwood, J. A. Elliott, M. H. Stetson & M.Menaker: Extraretinal light..

4,00 €
Heneka, M. T. P. A. Löschmann, M. Gleichmann, M. Weller, J.B. Schulz, U. Wüller & T. Kockfether: Induction of nictric oxide synthase and nitric oxide..

Heneka, M. T. P. A. Löschmann, M. Gleichmann, M. Weller, J.B. Schulz, U. Wüller & T. Kockfether:..

4,00 €
LUITEN, P. G., M., Spencer, D. G., Traber, J., Gaykema, R. P. A: The pattern of cortical projections from the intermediate pats of the magnocellular nucleus basalis in the rat demonstrated by the tracing with Phaseolus vulgaris-Leucoagglutinin.

LUITEN, P. G., M., Spencer, D. G., Traber, J., Gaykema, R. P. A: The pattern of cortical..

4,00 €
LUITEN, P. G. M., Ter Horst, G. J., Karrst, H.  Steffens, A. B: The course of paraventricular hypiothalamic efferents to autonomic structures in meduall and spinal cord.

LUITEN, P. G. M., Ter Horst, G. J., Karrst, H. Steffens, A. B: The course of paraventricular..

4,00 €
Shah, U. P. and M. A. Dhaky [Edit.]. - D.D. Malvania / N.M. Kansara / P.O. Sompura & M.A. Dhaky / H.C. Bhayani / S. Settar / U.P. Shah / R. Jamindar / G.S. Gai / K.G. Krishnan (and othersauthors): Aspects of Jaina Art and Architecture.

Shah, U. P. and M. A. Dhaky [Edit.]. D.D. Malvania / N.M. Kansara / P.O. Sompura & M.A. Dhaky /..

229,00 €
Korting, Hans C. & Schäfer-Korting, Monika (Ed.): The Benefit/Risk Ratio. A Handbook for the Rational Use of Potentially Hazardous Drugs.

Korting, Hans C. & Schäfer Korting, Monika (Ed.): The Benefit/Risk Ratio. A Handbook for the..

94,00 €
Wright, Louis B.; Ver Steeg, Clarence L.; Nye, Russel B.; Hamilton, Holman; Potter, David M.;  De Santis, Vincent P.; Harbaugh, William P.; Link, Arthur S.; Cochran, Thomas C.; Degler, Carl N: The Democratic Experience Revised. A Short American History.

Wright, Louis B.; Ver Steeg, Clarence L.; Nye, Russel B.; Hamilton, Holman; Potter, David M.; De..

8,00 €
Choldin, Marianna Tax & Friedberg, Maurice (Ed.): The Red Pencil. Artists, Scholars, and Censors in the USSR.

Choldin, Marianna Tax & Friedberg, Maurice (Ed.): The Red Pencil. Artists, Scholars, and Censors in..

26,00 €
MIKKELSEN, J. F., Larsen, P. J., Sorensen, G. G., Woldbye, D., Bolwig, T. G., Hastings, M. H., Ebling, F-. J. P: A dual immunocytochemical method to localize c-fos protein in specific neurons based on their content of neuropeptides and connectivity.

MIKKELSEN, J. F., Larsen, P. J., Sorensen, G. G., Woldbye, D., Bolwig, T. G., Hastings, M. H..

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Kosiek, Rolf: Historikerstreit und Geschichtsrevision (Widmungsexemplar).

Kosiek, Rolf: Historikerstreit und Geschichtsrevision (Widmungsexemplar).

45,00 €
Riel, P. M. van: The Snellius-Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East-Indies 1929-1930. Vol. I: Voyage. Chapter III: The Voyage in the Netherlands East-Indies (with a list of stations, a large route chart and 16 detail charts).

Riel, P. M. van: The Snellius Expedition in the eastern part of the Netherlands East Indies 1929..

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Steudel, A[lbert]: Panorama von [vom] Schloss Tarasp. 4608 p. F. ü. d. M. aufgenommen von A. Steudel, autograph. v.  P. Brugier.

Steudel, A[lbert]: Panorama von [vom] Schloss Tarasp. 4608 p. F. ü. d. M. aufgenommen von A..

290,00 €
ALBE-FESSARD, D., Condes-Lara, M., Sanderson, P: The focal tonic cortical control of intramalinar thalamic neurons may involve a cortico-thalamic loop.

ALBE FESSARD, D., Condes Lara, M., Sanderson, P: The focal tonic cortical control of intramalinar..

4,00 €
MATSUSHIMA, K., MacManus, J. P., Hakim, A, M: Apoptosis is restricted to the thalamus in thiamine-deficient rats.

MATSUSHIMA, K., MacManus, J. P., Hakim, A, M: Apoptosis is restricted to the thalamus in thiamine..

4,00 €
ECKARDT, M. J., Parker, E. S., Pautler, C. P., Noble, E. P., Gottschalk, L. A: Neuropsysiological consequences of posttreatment drinking behavior in male alcoholics.

ECKARDT, M. J., Parker, E. S., Pautler, C. P., Noble, E. P., Gottschalk, L. A: Neuropsysiological..

4,00 €
Healy, E. M. Dempsey, C. Lally &  M. P. Ryan: Apoptosis and necrosis. Mechanisms of cell death induce by cyclosporine A in a renal proximal tubular cell line.

Healy, E. M. Dempsey, C. Lally & M. P. Ryan: Apoptosis and necrosis. Mechanisms of cell death..

4,00 €
Rosa, M. G. P, L. . Schmid, L. A. Krubitzer & J.D. Pettigrew: Retinotopic organization of the primary visual cortx of Flying Foxes (Ptereopus poliovephalus and Pteropus scapulatus).

Rosa, M. G. P, L. . Schmid, L. A. Krubitzer & J.D. Pettigrew: Retinotopic organization of the..

4,00 €
Maciewicz, R., B.S.Phipps, W. E.Foote, A. Aroin & M. DiFiglia: The distribution of substance P-containing neurons in the cat Edinger-Westphal nucleus. Relationship to efferent projection systems.

Maciewicz, R., B.S.Phipps, W. E.Foote, A. Aroin & M. DiFiglia: The distribution of substance P..

4,00 €
Bradley, R., M., C. M. Misteatta, C. A.,Bates & H. P. Killackey: Trasganglionic transport of HRP from the circumvehtricullate papillae of the rat.

Bradley, R., M., C. M. Misteatta, C. A.,Bates & H. P. Killackey: Trasganglionic transport of HRP..

4,00 €
PATRIARCA, C., Roncalli, M., Viale, G., Alfani, R. M., Braidotti, P., Guddo, F., Coggi, G: Extracellular matrix proteins, integrin receptors (VLA-beta1, VLA-alpha2 and VLA-akpgha5) and growth fraction in atypical macrodegenerative modules of the liver., A

PATRIARCA, C., Roncalli, M., Viale, G., Alfani, R. M., Braidotti, P., Guddo, F., Coggi, G:..

4,00 €
Room, P., H.- J. Groenewegen & A. H. M. Lohman: Inputs from the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex to the entorhnal cortex in the cat., I. Anatomical obsevations.

Room, P., H. J. Groenewegen & A. H. M. Lohman: Inputs from the olfactory bulb and olfactory cortex..

4,00 €
GREENLEE, J.E., Keeney, P. M: Immunofluorescent labeling of K-papovavirus antigens in glycol methacrylate embedded material . A method for studying infected cell populations by fluorescence microscopy and histological staining of adjacent sections.

GREENLEE, J.E., Keeney, P. M: Immunofluorescent labeling of K papovavirus antigens in glycol..

4,00 €
Faure, M. P., D. Nouel, & A. Beaudet: Axonal and dendritic transport of internalized neurotensin inrat mesostrital dopaminergic neuros.

Faure, M. P., D. Nouel, & A. Beaudet: Axonal and dendritic transport of internalized neurotensin..

4,00 €
WILSON, P. M: A photographic perspective on the origins, form, course and relations of the acetylcholinesterase containing fibres of the dorsal tegmental pathway in the rat brain.

WILSON, P. M: A photographic perspective on the origins, form, course and relations of the..

4,00 €
KITAHAMA, K., Sakai, K., Jouvet, M., Dubois, P: Mise en evidence de la projection directe des neurones immunoreactif a ACTH sur le complexe du locus coeruleus chez le chat.

KITAHAMA, K., Sakai, K., Jouvet, M., Dubois, P: Mise en evidence de la projection directe des..

4,00 €
SCHOENFELD, W. N-., Kadden, R. M., Tremont, P. J., McCullough, M. R.,  Steele, W. A: Effects of pharmacological autonomic blockage upon cardiac rate and blood pressure conditioned and unconditioned responses in Macaca mulatta.

SCHOENFELD, W. N ., Kadden, R. M., Tremont, P. J., McCullough, M. R., Steele, W. A: Effects of..

4,00 €
Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and laminar characterization of cortical projection neurons in the cingulate motor areas of the Macaque Monkey.

Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and..

4,00 €
WEISS, M. L., Smith, J. E., Sokhansanj, A., Rusch, P., Landis, C., Hatton, G. I: Effects of continuous environmental illumination on the albino rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system.

WEISS, M. L., Smith, J. E., Sokhansanj, A., Rusch, P., Landis, C., Hatton, G. I: Effects of..

4,00 €
GORDON, J. A. Stryker, M. P: Experience-dependent plasticity of binocular responses in the primary visual cortex of the mouse.

GORDON, J. A. Stryker, M. P: Experience dependent plasticity of binocular responses in the primary..

4,00 €
LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger-Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C. E., Lim, Y. P., Corsetti, S.-, Chobdobski, A: Immunocytochemical localization of nitric oxide synthase in rat anterior caroidal artery, stromal blod microves

LIN, A. Y. J., Szmydydnger Chodobska, J., Rahman, M. P., Mayer, B., Monfilds, P. R., Johanson, C..

4,00 €
Cuenod, M., P. Bagnoli, A. Beaudet, A. Rustioni, L. Wilund & P. Streit: Transmitter-specific retrograde labeling in neurons.

Cuenod, M., P. Bagnoli, A. Beaudet, A. Rustioni, L. Wilund & P. Streit: Transmitter specific..

4,00 €
KONDOH, A., Houtani, T., Ueyama, T., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamagashi, K., Nakanishi, S., Sugimoto, T: In situ hybridization analysis of substance P receptor in the rat retina.

KONDOH, A., Houtani, T., Ueyama, T., Baba, K., Ikeda, M., Yamagashi, K., Nakanishi, S., Sugimoto..

4,00 €
DE-WOLF., F. A., Schellart, N. A. M., Hoogland, P. V: Octavolateral projections to the torus semicircularis of the trout , Salmo gairdneri.

DE WOLF., F. A., Schellart, N. A. M., Hoogland, P. V: Octavolateral projections to the torus..

4,00 €
Soebo, J. A & P, M. Moller: Von Hippel-Lindau s disease. / Another family with von Hippel-Lindau s disease..

Soebo, J. A & P, M. Moller: Von Hippel Lindau s disease. / Another family with von Hippel Lindau s..

6,00 €
Moskowitz, M. A, M. Brody & L.Y. Liu-Chen: In vitro release of immunoreactive substance P from putative afferent nerve endings in bovine pia arachnoid.

Moskowitz, M. A, M. Brody & L.Y. Liu Chen: In vitro release of immunoreactive substance P from..

4,00 €
Kerstens, H. M. J., P. J. Poddighe, A.,G.J. M. Hanselaar: A novel in situ hybridization signal amplification method based on the deposition of biotinylated tyramine.

Kerstens, H. M. J., P. J. Poddighe, A.,G.J. M. Hanselaar: A novel in situ hybridization signal..

4,00 €
COSSINS, J. A., Clements, J.M., Ford J., Miller, K. M., Pigott, R., Vos, W., Van der Valk, P., DE Groot, C. J. A: Enhanced expression of MMP-7 and MMP-9 in demyelinating multiple sclerosis lesions.

COSSINS, J. A., Clements, J.M., Ford J., Miller, K. M., Pigott, R., Vos, W., Van der Valk, P., DE..

4,00 €
Pharmazie, Archiv der. - Hrsg. : Beckurts, H. u. a. - Autoren : H. Thoms und Karl Bergerhoff / K. Feist und H. Bestehorn / H. P. Kaufmann und E. Hansen - Schmidt / J. Gadamer, M. Oberlin und A. Schoeler / Julius Zellner u. a: Archiv der Pharmazie  ( 1925

Pharmazie, Archiv der. Hrsg. : Beckurts, H. u. a. Autoren : H. Thoms und Karl Bergerhoff / K..

32,00 €
N.N: La Dunciade, en dix Chants.

N.N: La Dunciade, en dix Chants.

37,00 €
LaFontaine: Oeuvres  Diverses. 4 vols. : Poesies Meslees / Fragmens  du songe de vaux / Fragmens de Galate'e / Le Florentin Comedie / Amours de Psyche….

LaFontaine: Oeuvres Diverses. 4 vols. : Poesies Meslees / Fragmens du songe de vaux / Fragmens de..

167,00 €
Brannan, P. [Patrick] T. (Hrsg.): Classica et Iberica. A Festschrift in Honor of the Reverend Joseph M.-F. [Marie-Felix] Marique, S.J.

Brannan, P. [Patrick] T. (Hrsg.): Classica et Iberica. A Festschrift in Honor of the Reverend..

25,00 €
YEZIERSKI, R. P., Bowker, R. M., Kevetter, G. A., Westlund, K. N., Coulter, J. D., Willis, W. D: Serotoninergic projections to the caudal brain stem. A double labeling study using HRP and serotonin immunocytochemistry.

YEZIERSKI, R. P., Bowker, R. M., Kevetter, G. A., Westlund, K. N., Coulter, J. D., Willis, W. D:..

4,00 €
AZZENA, G. B., Melis, F,, Caria, M. A-., Salis, S., Teatini, G. P., Ghiselli, F., Blotta, P: The vestibular cortical projection during spinal decompensation.

AZZENA, G. B., Melis, F,, Caria, M. A ., Salis, S., Teatini, G. P., Ghiselli, F., Blotta, P: The..

4,00 €
STORM-MATHISEN, J., Ottersen, O. P: Anatomy of putative glutamategic neurons., In neurotransmitters and cortical function., M. Avoli, T. A. Reader, F.W. Dykes, P. Gloor (Eds.).

STORM MATHISEN, J., Ottersen, O. P: Anatomy of putative glutamategic neurons., In neurotransmitters..

4,00 €
SPEAR, P. D: SPEAR, P. D., Tong, L., McCall, M. A. Functional influence of areas 17, 18 and 19 on lateral suprasylvian cortex in kittens and adult cats: Implications for compensation following early visual cortex damage.Brain Res. 447, 79-91 (1988) , Obr.

SPEAR, P. D: SPEAR, P. D., Tong, L., McCall, M. A. Functional influence of areas 17, 18 and 19 on..

6,00 €
Shtark, M. B., V. I. Stratievsky, A. S. Rusjmjak, L. V. Voskrenskaja, N. P. Karasev: A comparative statistical study of  hippocampal neuronal spontaneous spike activity in situ and in vitro.

Shtark, M. B., V. I. Stratievsky, A. S. Rusjmjak, L. V. Voskrenskaja, N. P. Karasev: A comparative..

4,00 €
Shilin, P. A. & E. M. Shukow (Eds.): Der zweite Weltkrieg. 1939 – 1945. Kurze Geschichte.

Shilin, P. A. & E. M. Shukow (Eds.): Der zweite Weltkrieg. 1939 – 1945. Kurze Geschichte.

4,00 €
Seemann, E. A: Meister der Farbe., 5. Jahrgang, Heft 2 (1908).

Seemann, E. A: Meister der Farbe., 5. Jahrgang, Heft 2 (1908).

6,00 €