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CHEN, B-. X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical signal enhancement by end-product amplification.

CHEN, B . X., Szabolcs, M. J., Matsushima, A. Y., Erlanger, B. F: A strategy for immunocytochemical..

4,00 €
CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J. Y., Vestibular and cochlear efferent neurons in the monkey identified by immunocytochemical methods., Brain Res. 408, 275-280 (1987)., Obr.,  [WES80].., // CA

CARPENTER, M. B: CARPENTER, M. B., Chang, L., Pereira, A,. B., Hersh,, L. B., Bruce, G., Wu., J..

6,00 €
Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non-impulsive afferent neurones of thoracic coxal muscle receptor organs in the crab, Carcinus maenas., III. Positive feedback to the receptor muscle.,  IV. Motor activation of the receptor muscle

Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non impulsive afferent neurones of..

6,00 €
CAMMER, W., Downing, M., Clarke, W., Schenkman, J. B: Immunocytochemical staining of the RLM6 form of cytochrom P-450 in olidodendrocytes and mylein of rat brain.

CAMMER, W., Downing, M., Clarke, W., Schenkman, J. B: Immunocytochemical staining of the RLM6 form..

4,00 €
BULLIER, J: HENRY, G. H., Mustari, M. J., Bullier, J., Different geniculate inputs to B and C cells of cat striate cortex. Exp. Brain Res. 52, 179-189 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES63]..,   // BULLIER, J., Kennedy, H., Projection of the lateral geniculate nucleus o

BULLIER, J: HENRY, G. H., Mustari, M. J., Bullier, J., Different geniculate inputs to B and C cells..

7,00 €
PHILPOT, B. D., Lim, J. H., Halpain, S., Brunjes, P C: Experience-dependent modifications on MAP2 phosphorylation in rat olfactory bulb.

PHILPOT, B. D., Lim, J. H., Halpain, S., Brunjes, P C: Experience dependent modifications on MAP2..

4,00 €
BROWN, P. B: BROWN, P. B., Koerber, H. R., Yezierski, R. P., Cross-correlation analysis of connectivities among cat lumbosacral dorsal horn cells.J. neurophysiol. 42, 1199-1211 (1979) , Obr., [WES145].// BROWN, P. B., Millecchia, R., Culbertson, J. L., Gl

BROWN, P. B: BROWN, P. B., Koerber, H. R., Yezierski, R. P., Cross correlation analysis of..

5,00 €
BROWN, G. B., Tieszen, S. C., Daly, J. W., Warnick, J. E., Albuquerque, E. X: Batrachotoxinin-A 20-alpha-benzoate. A new radioactive ligand for voltage sensitive sodium channels.

BROWN, G. B., Tieszen, S. C., Daly, J. W., Warnick, J. E., Albuquerque, E. X: Batrachotoxinin A 20..

4,00 €
BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in the primate retina. J. Neurocytol. 22..

BOYCOTT, B. B: BOYCOTT, B. B., Hopkins, J. M., Cone synapses of a flat diffuse cone bpiolar cell in..

6,00 €
BOOTH, R. F. G., Patel, T. B., Clark, J. B: The development of enzymes of energy metabolism in the brain of a precocial (Guinea pig) and non-precocial (Rat) species.

BOOTH, R. F. G., Patel, T. B., Clark, J. B: The development of enzymes of energy metabolism in the..

4,00 €
BLESSING, W. W: BLESSING, W. W., Furness, J. B., Costa, M., West, M. J., Chhalmers, J. P., Projection of ventrolateral medullary (A1) catecholamine neurons toward nucleus tractus solitarii. Cell Tiss Res. 220, 27-40 (1981)., Obr.,  [WES77]..,// BLESSING,

BLESSING, W. W: BLESSING, W. W., Furness, J. B., Costa, M., West, M. J., Chhalmers, J. P..

9,00 €
Binder, Wolfgang & Alfred Kelletat: Hölderlin. Friedensfeier. Lichtdrucke der Reinschrift und ihrer Vorstufen.

Binder, Wolfgang & Alfred Kelletat: Hölderlin. Friedensfeier. Lichtdrucke der Reinschrift und..

12,00 €
Bertholet, A: Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments 1911. Zweiter Band. Die juedische Religion von der Zeit Esras bis zum Zeitalter Christi.

Bertholet, A: Biblische Theologie des Alten Testaments 1911. Zweiter Band. Die juedische Religion..

12,00 €
BELICHENKO, P. V: BELICHENKO, P. B., Dahlstöm, A., Dual channel confocal laser   scanning microscopoy of lucifer yellow microinjected human cells combined with texas..

BELICHENKO, P. V: BELICHENKO, P. B., Dahlstöm, A., Dual channel confocal laser scanning..

5,00 €
Bekk, J. B: Die Bewegung in Baden von Ende Februar 1848 bis zur Mitte Mai 1849.

Bekk, J. B: Die Bewegung in Baden von Ende Februar 1848 bis zur Mitte Mai 1849.

36,00 €
Baumgarten, A. (Ed.): Nimm ... und sprich englisch!. Der praktische Sprachhelfer fuer Alltag und Arbeit. Mit Aussprachebezeichnung.

Baumgarten, A. (Ed.): Nimm ... und sprich englisch!. Der praktische Sprachhelfer fuer Alltag und..

4,00 €
AZZARELLI, B., Muller, J., Ghetti, B., Dyken, M., Connelly, P. M: Cerebellar plaques in  familial Alzheimer's disease (Gerstmann-Sträussler-Schneiker Variant?).

AZZARELLI, B., Muller, J., Ghetti, B., Dyken, M., Connelly, P. M: Cerebellar plaques in familial..

4,00 €
Arnold, Heinz Ludwig: Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. (KGL) ,  I -  XI.  I,  A-B,  II. B-D, III. D-F IV, G-H , V. H-J,  VI. K., VII, K-M , VIII, M-Q. IX. R-S.  X, S-T.  XI. U-Z.

Arnold, Heinz Ludwig: Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. (KGL) , I..

52,00 €
ARAMANT, R. B: ARAMANT, R. B., Giron, L. T., Ziegler, M. G., Postnatal development of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunoreactive fibres of the spinal cord of the rat. Developm. Brain Res., 25, 161-171 (1986), Obr., [SD58]. . //  SEILER, M. J., Aramant, R. B

ARAMANT, R. B: ARAMANT, R. B., Giron, L. T., Ziegler, M. G., Postnatal development of dopamine beta..

5,00 €
ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J.  Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the cat's striate cortex, as visualized b y intracellular..

ALBUS, K: LÜBKE, J. Albus, K., The postnatal development of layer VI pyramidal neurons in the..

6,00 €
ALBRIGHT, B. C: ALBRIGHT, B. C., Friedenbach, D. J., The distribution of lateral funicular and cortical fibers to the dorsal column, Z and X nuclei in the prosimian Galago., Neuroscience 7, 1175-1185 (1982)., Obr.,  [WES75]..,// ALBRIGHT, B. C., Johnson,

ALBRIGHT, B. C: ALBRIGHT, B. C., Friedenbach, D. J., The distribution of lateral funicular and..

5,00 €
ABEL, P. L: ABEL, P. L., O'brien, B., Lia, B., Olavarria, J. F., Distribution of neurons projecting to the superior colliculus correlates with thick cytochrome oxidase stripes in Macaque visual area V2.  J. Comp. Neurol. 377, 313-323 (1997)., Obr.-,  [WES

ABEL, P. L: ABEL, P. L., O'brien, B., Lia, B., Olavarria, J. F., Distribution of neurons projecting..

5,00 €
WHITNALL, M. H., Currie, J. R., Grafstein, B: Bidirectional axonal transport of glycoproteins in Goldfish optic nerve.

WHITNALL, M. H., Currie, J. R., Grafstein, B: Bidirectional axonal transport of glycoproteins in..

4,00 €
WATSON, A, B., Robson, J. G: Discrimination at threshold . Labeled detectors in human vision.

WATSON, A, B., Robson, J. G: Discrimination at threshold . Labeled detectors in human vision.

4,00 €
VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M: A new model of photochemically induced acute and reversible demyelination in the peripheral nervous system.

VAN REEMPTS, J. V., Van Deuren, B., Ashton, D., Borgers, M: A new model of photochemically induced..

4,00 €
VACHER, S. R., Guinan, J. J., Kobler, J. B: Intracellularly labeled stapedius-motoneuron cell bodies in the cat are spatially organized according to their physiological responses.

VACHER, S. R., Guinan, J. J., Kobler, J. B: Intracellularly labeled stapedius motoneuron cell..

4,00 €
PILOWSKY, P. M., Suzuki, S., Minson, J. B: Antisense oligonucleotides. A new tool in neuroscience.

PILOWSKY, P. M., Suzuki, S., Minson, J. B: Antisense oligonucleotides. A new tool in neuroscience.

4,00 €
FURNESS, J. B., Costa, M.-, Blessing, W. W: Simultaneous fixation and production of catecholamine fluorescence in central nervous tissue by prfusion with aldehydres.

FURNESS, J. B., Costa, M. , Blessing, W. W: Simultaneous fixation and production of catecholamine..

4,00 €
DE-VRIES, M. J., Cardozo, B. N., Van der Want, J., De-Wolf, A., Meijer, J. H: Glutamate immunoreactivity in terminals of the retinohypothalamic tract of the brown norwegian rat.

DE VRIES, M. J., Cardozo, B. N., Van der Want, J., De Wolf, A., Meijer, J. H: Glutamate..

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