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GAZZANIGA, M. S., Eliassen, J. C., Nisenson, L., Wessinger, C. M--,. Fendrich, R., Baynes, K: Collaboration between the hemispheres of a callosotomy patient. Emering rigt hemisphere speech and the left hemisphere interpreter.

GAZZANIGA, M. S., Eliassen, J. C., Nisenson, L., Wessinger, C. M ,. Fendrich, R., Baynes, K:..

4,00 €
Gautier, Theophil: Gesammelte Werke. Militona. Mit Zeichnungen von K. M. Schultheiss.

Gautier, Theophil: Gesammelte Werke. Militona. Mit Zeichnungen von K. M. Schultheiss.

9,00 €
Gautier, Theophil: Jettatura. Mit Zeichnungen von K. M. Schultheiss.

Gautier, Theophil: Jettatura. Mit Zeichnungen von K. M. Schultheiss.

9,00 €
Freytag, Gustav: Die Ahnen.  Bebilderte ungekürzte Ausgabe.

Freytag, Gustav: Die Ahnen. Bebilderte ungekürzte Ausgabe.

6,00 €
Ganzer, R. K: Weiter nur weiter!. Der Roman des deutschen Aufbruchs 1917 – 1933.

Ganzer, R. K: Weiter nur weiter!. Der Roman des deutschen Aufbruchs 1917 – 1933.

87,00 €
Gann, Ernest K: Im Spiel der Gewalten.

Gann, Ernest K: Im Spiel der Gewalten.

4,00 €
Gann, Ernest K: Der Pilot und das Kind.

Gann, Ernest K: Der Pilot und das Kind.

4,00 €
CHILDS, J. A., Gale, K: Neurochemical evidence for a nigrotegmental GABAergic projection.

CHILDS, J. A., Gale, K: Neurochemical evidence for a nigrotegmental GABAergic projection.

4,00 €
Galbraith, John K: Mächte, Märkte & Moneten. Die Tyrannei der Umstände.

Galbraith, John K: Mächte, Märkte & Moneten. Die Tyrannei der Umstände.

9,00 €
FUNKE, K., Wörgötter, F: Differences in the temporal dynamics of the visual On and OFF pathways.

FUNKE, K., Wörgötter, F: Differences in the temporal dynamics of the visual On and OFF pathways.

4,00 €
FUNK-ARCHULTA, M. A., Foehr, M. W., Tomei,. L. D,, Hennebold, K. L., Bathurst, I. C: A soy-derived antiapoptotic fraction decreases methotrexate toxicity in tthe gastrointentinal tract of the rat.

FUNK ARCHULTA, M. A., Foehr, M. W., Tomei,. L. D,, Hennebold, K. L., Bathurst, I. C: A soy derived..

4,00 €
FUKUSHIMA, K: The interstitial nucleus of cajal an its role in the control of movement of head and eyes.

FUKUSHIMA, K: The interstitial nucleus of cajal an its role in the control of movement of head and..

6,00 €
FUKUDA, Y: FUKUDA, Y., Hsiao, C. F., Sawaim, H., Wakakuwa, K., Retinotopic organization of tghe expanded ipsilateral projection to the rat's superior colliculus. variations along ist rostrocaudal axis. Brain Res. 321, 390-395 (1984)., Obr.,  [SD69].., //

FUKUDA, Y: FUKUDA, Y., Hsiao, C. F., Sawaim, H., Wakakuwa, K., Retinotopic organization of tghe..

6,00 €
FUJIMOTO, K: FUJIMOTO, K., Toibana, M., Ogawa, K., New cytochemical method for aldeylate cyclase and guanylate cyclase with deimethyl sulfoxide. Acta Histochem. Cytochem. 14, 687-704 (1981)., Obr.,  [Sd70]..,// GREGORY, T. F., Rennels, M. L., Blaumanis, O

FUJIMOTO, K: FUJIMOTO, K., Toibana, M., Ogawa, K., New cytochemical method for aldeylate cyclase..

4,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,21., 1956.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,21., 1956.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 7., 1935-1936.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 7., 1935-1936.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 6., 1934-1935.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 6., 1934-1935.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 5., 1933-1934.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 5., 1933-1934.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 4., 1932-1933.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 4., 1932-1933.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 12., 1941-1942.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 12., 1941-1942.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 11., 1940-1941.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 11., 1940-1941.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,22., 1957.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,22., 1957.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,20., 1955.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,20., 1955.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,19., 1954.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,19., 1954.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,17., 1952.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol.,17., 1952.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 9., 1938-1939.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 9., 1938-1939.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 3., 1931-1932.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 3., 1931-1932.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 23, 1958.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 23, 1958.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 18., 1953.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 18., 1953.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 16., 1952.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 16., 1952.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 14., 1945-1949.

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International journal of cytology., Vol., 14., 1945-1949.

26,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 40 (1975).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 40 (1975).

42,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 34 (1969).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 34 (1969).

42,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 32 (1967).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 32 (1967).

42,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 28 (1963).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 28 (1963).

42,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 2 (1931).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 2 (1931).

42,00 €
Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology.,  Vol. 1 (1929/30).

Fujii, K. (Ed.): Cytologia. International Journal of Cytology., Vol. 1 (1929/30).

42,00 €
FUJII, H., Kitazawa, R., Maeda, S., Mizuno, K., Kitazawa, S: Expression of platelet-derived growth factor proteins and their receptor alpha and beta mRNAs during fracture healing in the normal mouse.

FUJII, H., Kitazawa, R., Maeda, S., Mizuno, K., Kitazawa, S: Expression of platelet derived growth..

4,00 €
Fritsch, K: Pokornys Pflanzenkunde.

Fritsch, K: Pokornys Pflanzenkunde.

4,00 €
Friedrich, Caspar David: Caspar David Friedrich  1774 – 1840, 10 seiner bekanntesten Gemälde in Nachbildungen.

Friedrich, Caspar David: Caspar David Friedrich 1774 – 1840, 10 seiner bekanntesten Gemälde in..

4,00 €
FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age-dependent effects of deafferentiation. J. Comp. Neurol., 246,, 1-19 (1986)., Obr,  WES777]...,// FRIEDMAN, B., Kleinfeld, D., Ip, N. Y., Verge, V. M. K., Moulton, R., Boland,

FRIEDMAN, B: FRIEDMAN, B., Price, J. L., Plasticity in the olfactory cortex. Age dependent effects..

5,00 €
Friebel, K H. (Ed.): Goethejahr., Kulturwille. Kulturwoche 1949, Blätter zum Erfurter Kulturschaffen.

Friebel, K H. (Ed.): Goethejahr., Kulturwille. Kulturwoche 1949, Blätter zum Erfurter..

4,00 €
Okamura, H., K. Kitahama, B. Raynaud, I. Nagatsu, C. Borri-Volttatorni & M. Weber: Aromatic l-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC)-imunoreactive cells in the tubal region of the rat hypothalamus.

Okamura, H., K. Kitahama, B. Raynaud, I. Nagatsu, C. Borri Volttatorni & M. Weber: Aromatic l amino..

4,00 €
Freiburg: Wissenschaft und Leben. Freiburger Universitätsreden No. 2. Reden zur Universitätsfeier am 12. Juni 1946.Mit Beiträgen von A. Allgeier & F. Büchner.

Freiburg: Wissenschaft und Leben. Freiburger Universitätsreden No. 2. Reden zur Universitätsfeier..

13,00 €
France, K. H: Die Entdeckung der Heimat.

France, K. H: Die Entdeckung der Heimat.

4,00 €
France, Anatole: Abeille oder die wundersame Welt. Illustrationen von Johannes K. G. Niedlich.

France, Anatole: Abeille oder die wundersame Welt. Illustrationen von Johannes K. G. Niedlich.

6,00 €
Fontane, Theodor: Werke.

Fontane, Theodor: Werke.

6,00 €
Florey, Ernst: Lehrbuch der Tierphysiologie.

Florey, Ernst: Lehrbuch der Tierphysiologie.

16,00 €