Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

11.990 Artikel gefunden


Steinitz, H: Acanthobrama terrae-sanctae , sp. n., from Lake Tiberias, Israel. Sonderdruck aus: Annals and Magazine of Natural History 5, 293-298.

Steinitz, H: Acanthobrama terrae sanctae , sp. n., from Lake Tiberias, Israel. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Petit, G: Un Gobius nouveau de Madagascar. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 8, 388-393.

Petit, G: Un Gobius nouveau de Madagascar. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum National..

9,00 €
Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Has Ruled Since the Publication (In 1958) of the Several Official Lists and Indexes. Sonderdruck aus: Cop

Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the..

9,00 €
Katayama, Masao: On Some Rare Fishes from Izu-Oshima, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 6, 147-152.

Katayama, Masao: On Some Rare Fishes from Izu Oshima, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Japanese Journal of..

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush: A new genus and species of deep-sea fish of the family Myctophidae from the Philippine Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 97,3211, 81-89.

Miller, Robert Rush: A new genus and species of deep sea fish of the family Myctophidae from the..

9,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Sur la nomenclature des Poissons de l'ordre des Heterosomata Cope, d'après les espèces du genre Linnéen Pleuronectes (1758). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum 2. ser., 2, 625-629.

Chabanaud, Paul: Sur la nomenclature des Poissons de l'ordre des Heterosomata Cope, d'après les..

9,00 €
Panikkar, N. Kerava: Fish and fisheries. Sonderdruck aus: Progress of Science in India, Sec. VII, S. 1-60.

Panikkar, N. Kerava: Fish and fisheries. Sonderdruck aus: Progress of Science in India, Sec. VII..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed; Barton A. Bean: Notes on fishes obtained in Sumatra, Java, and Tahiti. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 71, 1-15.

Fowler, Henry Weed; Barton A. Bean: Notes on fishes obtained in Sumatra, Java, and Tahiti..

9,00 €
Kailola, Patricia J: A new species of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) from northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Australian Museum 30, 130-136.

Kailola, Patricia J: A new species of cardinalfish (Apogonidae) from northern Queensland and Papua..

9,00 €
Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue Zoologique Africaine 12, 278-282.

Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue..

9,00 €
Beebe, William ; Tee-Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty-three species Hitherto unrecorded from Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologica 13,5, 109 - 120.

Beebe, William ; Tee Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty three..

9,00 €
Penrith, M J; Mary-Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae). Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 60, 105-108.

Penrith, M J; Mary Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae)..

9,00 €
Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck aus: Nieuwe West-Indische gids, 37, 5-17.

Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Mees, Gerlof Fokko: Further revisional notes on the Belonidae. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 39, 311-326.

Mees, Gerlof Fokko: Further revisional notes on the Belonidae. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische..

9,00 €
Springer, Victor Gruschka; J A F Garrick: A survey of vertebral numbers in sharks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 116, 73-96.

Springer, Victor Gruschka; J A F Garrick: A survey of vertebral numbers in sharks. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Staeck, Wolfgang: Chromidotilapia linkei n. sp. aus dem Mungo River, Kamerun (Pisces: Cichlidae). Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana biologica 60, 153-157.

Staeck, Wolfgang: Chromidotilapia linkei n. sp. aus dem Mungo River, Kamerun (Pisces: Cichlidae)..

9,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Sur Achiropsis nattereri, Stdr., et Apionichthys dumerili, Kaup [Pisces Heterosomata, soleiformes]. Sonderdruck aus: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1927. (9). 20. 528-530.

Chabanaud, Paul: Sur Achiropsis nattereri, Stdr., et Apionichthys dumerili, Kaup [Pisces..

9,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and Lycichthys latifrons (Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson), from the Nova Scotian banks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 13-1

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and..

9,00 €
Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus: American Antiquity 23, 68-71.

Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

9,00 €
Walters, Vladimir; Fitch, John E: The families and genera of the lampridiform (Allotriognath) suborder Trachipteroidei. Sonderdruck aus:  California Fish and Game 46, 441-451.

Walters, Vladimir; Fitch, John E: The families and genera of the lampridiform (Allotriognath)..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: The fishes obtained by the Pinchot South Seas expedition of 1929 : with description of one new genus and three new species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 80,2906.

Fowler, Henry Weed: The fishes obtained by the Pinchot South Seas expedition of 1929 : with..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: The Fishes Obtained by Lieut. H. C. Kellers of the United Sates Naval Eclipse Expedition of 1930, at Niuafoou Island Tonga Group, In Oceania. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 81, 1-9.

Fowler, Henry Weed: The Fishes Obtained by Lieut. H. C. Kellers of the United Sates Naval Eclipse..

9,00 €
Blegvad, H: Some small Leptocephalids from the Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Vidensk, Medd. Fra den naturh. Forens. 64, 135-140.

Blegvad, H: Some small Leptocephalids from the Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Vidensk, Medd. Fra den..

9,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and Use in a Key to the Holarctic Genera. Sonderdruck aus: Journal Fish. Res. Bd. Canada ; 24, 1067-1075.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and..

9,00 €
Briggs. John C: Oceanic Islands, Endemism, and Marine Paleotemperatures. Sonderdruck aus: Systematic zoology 15, 153-163.

Briggs. John C: Oceanic Islands, Endemism, and Marine Paleotemperatures. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Bardach, John E; Howard E Winn; David W Menzel: The Role of the Senses in the Feeding of the Nocturnal Reef Predators Gymnothorax moringa and G. vicinus. Sonderdruck aus: Copeia 1959, 133-139.

Bardach, John E; Howard E Winn; David W Menzel: The Role of the Senses in the Feeding of the..

9,00 €
Baerends, G. P: Les Sociétés et les Familles de Poissons. Sonderdruck aus: Colloques Intern. d. Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scient. 34, 207-219.

Baerends, G. P: Les Sociétés et les Familles de Poissons. Sonderdruck aus: Colloques Intern. d..

9,00 €
Follett, W. I.; Cohen, Daniel M: Request for a ruling as to the species to be accepted as the type species of the nominal genus Bathylagus Gunther (A.C.L.G.), 1878 (Class Pisces). Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 16, 73-78.

Follett, W. I.; Cohen, Daniel M: Request for a ruling as to the species to be accepted as the type..

9,00 €
Rossi, Lucia: Revisione dei Callichthyidae (Pisces Nematognathi) del Museo di Torino. Sonderdruck aus: Bollettino dell'Istituto e Museo di Zoologia della Universita di Torino 3, 1-10.

Rossi, Lucia: Revisione dei Callichthyidae (Pisces Nematognathi) del Museo di Torino. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: On some rare species of fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Reports of  the USA Marine Biological Station 2, 1-4.

Kamohara, Toshiji: On some rare species of fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Reports..

9,00 €
Kirsch, Guy: Neue politische Ökonomie. 2., neubearb. u. erw. Aufl.

Kirsch, Guy: Neue politische Ökonomie. 2., neubearb. u. erw. Aufl.

9,00 €
Lütge, Friedrich: Strukturwandlungen im ostdeutschen und osteuropäischen Fernhandel des 14. bis 16. Jahrhunderts. Sitzungsberichte Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 1964,1.

Lütge, Friedrich: Strukturwandlungen im ostdeutschen und osteuropäischen Fernhandel des 14. bis..

9,00 €
Seiler, Otto: Die Erdbebenversicherung : geschichtlich-systematische Studie unter Einschluß der seismologischen Grundlagen. Dissertation.

Seiler, Otto: Die Erdbebenversicherung : geschichtlich systematische Studie unter Einschluß der..

9,00 €
Meier, Walter Reinhold: Grundlagen und Hauptprobleme der Tarifbildung bei Strassenbahnen : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Städte Zürich, Basel und Bern . Dissertation.

Meier, Walter Reinhold: Grundlagen und Hauptprobleme der Tarifbildung bei Strassenbahnen : mit..

9,00 €
Giovanoli, Friedrich: Die Maifeierbewegung : ihre wirtschaftlichen und soziologischen Ursprünge und Wirkungen . Dissertation.

Giovanoli, Friedrich: Die Maifeierbewegung : ihre wirtschaftlichen und soziologischen Ursprünge..

9,00 €
Colette, Bruce B: Daector schmitti, a new species of venomous toadfish from the Pacific coast of Central America. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the biological Society of Washington 81, 155-160.

Colette, Bruce B: Daector schmitti, a new species of venomous toadfish from the Pacific coast of..

9,00 €
Triplett, Edward L: Notes on the life history of the barred surfperch, Amphistichus argenteus Agassiz, a technique for culturing embiotocid embryos. Sonderdruck aus: Calif. Fish. Game 46: 433-439.

Triplett, Edward L: Notes on the life history of the barred surfperch, Amphistichus argenteus..

9,00 €
Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XX - Loaches of the Genus Nemachilus from Baluchistan. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Indian Museum 35, 183-192.

Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XX Loaches of the Genus Nemachilus from..

9,00 €
Hora, Sunder Lal; Mukerji, Dev Dev: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XXII - On a collection of fish from the S. Shan States and the Pegu Yomas, Burma. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Indian Museum 36, 123-138.

Hora, Sunder Lal; Mukerji, Dev Dev: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XXII On a collection of..

9,00 €
Phillips, J. B: A review of the lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. Sonderdruck aus: Calif. Fish and Game 44, 19-27.

Phillips, J. B: A review of the lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus. Sonderdruck aus: Calif. Fish and Game..

9,00 €
Petrovicky, Ivan: Hybridization between Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton-Buchanan) and Brachydanio frankei (Meinken). Sonderdruck aus: Ichthyologica 37, 53-62.

Petrovicky, Ivan: Hybridization between Brachydanio rerio (Hamilton Buchanan) and Brachydanio..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: New fishes of the family Callionymidae, mostly Philippine, obtained by the United States Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Albatross". Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 90,3106.

Fowler, Henry Weed: New fishes of the family Callionymidae, mostly Philippine, obtained by the..

9,00 €
Brittan, Martin R: New cyprinid fishes of the genus Rasbora from Borneo and Bunguran Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the California Zoological Club 2, 1-5.

Brittan, Martin R: New cyprinid fishes of the genus Rasbora from Borneo and Bunguran Islands..

9,00 €
Bolin, Rolf Ling: Description of a new genus and species of cottid fish from the Tasman Sea, with a discussion of its derivation, from the Danish Galathea expedition, 1950-52. Sonderdruck aus: Vidensk. Medd. fra Dansk naturh. Foren. 114. 431-441.

Bolin, Rolf Ling: Description of a new genus and species of cottid fish from the Tasman Sea, with a..

9,00 €
Clark, H Walton: The Templeton Crocker Expedition of 1934-35, no. 36 - Additional new fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 22, 179-185.

Clark, H Walton: The Templeton Crocker Expedition of 1934 35, no. 36 Additional new fishes..

9,00 €
Chevey, Pierre: Sur un nouveau Silure géant du bassin du Mékong, "Pangasianodon gigas" nov. g., nov. sp. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Soc. zoologique de France 55, 536-542.

Chevey, Pierre: Sur un nouveau Silure géant du bassin du Mékong, "Pangasianodon gigas" nov. g..

9,00 €
Du Plessis, S. S: A revision of the genus Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Transvaal, with a description of a new species. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the Transvaal Museum 24, 327-337.

Du Plessis, S. S: A revision of the genus Labeo (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in the Transvaal, with a..

9,00 €