Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

11.990 Artikel gefunden


Bean, Barton A. ; Weed, Alfred C: Notes on Anteliochimaera and related genera of Chimaeroid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 37,1723, 661 - 663.

Bean, Barton A. ; Weed, Alfred C: Notes on Anteliochimaera and related genera of Chimaeroid fishes..

9,00 €
Bean, Barton A. ; Weed, Alfred C: Notes on the genus Lepomis. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 40,1824, 369 - 376.

Bean, Barton A. ; Weed, Alfred C: Notes on the genus Lepomis. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Puyo, Joseph: Nouveaux poissons d’eau douce de la Guyane francaise. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 78, 141-149.

Puyo, Joseph: Nouveaux poissons d’eau douce de la Guyane francaise. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de..

9,00 €
Puyo, Joseph: Deux Poissons de la Guyane. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 83, 78-82.

Puyo, Joseph: Deux Poissons de la Guyane. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire..

9,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Beschreibung eines neuen Achirus Lac. (Pisces Soleidae, Soleinae) von Nordaustralien. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologischer Anzeiger 93, 96-102.

Chabanaud, Paul: Beschreibung eines neuen Achirus Lac. (Pisces Soleidae, Soleinae) von..

9,00 €
Paulin, C D: New records of anglerfishes (Antennariidae) from New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand Journal of Zoology 5, 485-491.

Paulin, C D: New records of anglerfishes (Antennariidae) from New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: The fishes of Delaware. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 63, 3-16.

Fowler, Henry Weed: The fishes of Delaware. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural..

9,00 €
Whitley, Gilbert Percy: Some fishes of the family Leiognathidae. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs Queenland Museum 10, 99-116.

Whitley, Gilbert Percy: Some fishes of the family Leiognathidae. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs Queenland..

9,00 €
Whitley, Gilbert Percy: A new fish, reputed to be poisonous, from Queensland + Notes on some Australian sharks. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 10, 175-200.

Whitley, Gilbert Percy: A new fish, reputed to be poisonous, from Queensland + Notes on some..

9,00 €
Bolin, Rolf Ling: Lantern fishes from "Investigator" station 670, Indian Ocean. Sonderdruck aus: Stanford ichthyological bulletin 3, 137-152.

Bolin, Rolf Ling: Lantern fishes from "Investigator" station 670, Indian Ocean. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Bolin, Rolf L: The evolution of the marine Cottidae of California with a discussion of the genus as a systematic category. Sonderdruck aus: Stanford ichthyological bulletin 3, 153-168.

Bolin, Rolf L: The evolution of the marine Cottidae of California with a discussion of the genus as..

9,00 €
Böhlke, James E: Eels of the genus Dysomma, with additions to the synonymy and variation in Dysomma anguillare Barnard. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Calif. Zool. Club 1, 33-39.

Böhlke, James E: Eels of the genus Dysomma, with additions to the synonymy and variation in..

9,00 €
Boeseman, M: A tragedy of errors: the status of Carcharhinus blainville, 1816: Galeolamna owen, 1853; Eulamia gill, 1861; and the identity of Carcharhinus commersonii Blainville, 1825. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 37, 81-100.

Boeseman, M: A tragedy of errors: the status of Carcharhinus blainville, 1816: Galeolamna owen..

9,00 €
Puyo, Joseph: Deux nouveaux poissons du Sénégal. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 92, 182-188.

Puyo, Joseph: Deux nouveaux poissons du Sénégal. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de la Societe..

9,00 €
Klausewitz, Wolfgang: Neue Süßwasserfische aus Thailand. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana biologica 38, 193-204.

Klausewitz, Wolfgang: Neue Süßwasserfische aus Thailand. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana..

9,00 €
Klausewitz, Wolfgang: Die Typen und Typoide des Naturmuseums Senckenberg, 23: Pisces, Chondrichthyes, Elasmobranchii. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana Biologica 41, 289-296.

Klausewitz, Wolfgang: Die Typen und Typoide des Naturmuseums Senckenberg, 23: Pisces..

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush: A review of the American Clupeid fishes of the genus Dorosoma. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 100, Nr. 3267. 387-410.

Miller, Robert Rush: A review of the American Clupeid fishes of the genus Dorosoma. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Klausewitz, Wolfgang; Rössel, Fritz: Rhynchodoras xingui, ein bemerkenswerter Wels aus Brasilien (Pisces, Siluroidea, Doradidae). Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana Biologica 42, 45-48.

Klausewitz, Wolfgang; Rössel, Fritz: Rhynchodoras xingui, ein bemerkenswerter Wels aus Brasilien..

9,00 €
Mees, Gerlof Fokko: On the identity of Arius oncinus R. H. Schomburgk (Pisces, Nematognathi, Auchenipteridae). Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 52. 267-276.

Mees, Gerlof Fokko: On the identity of Arius oncinus R. H. Schomburgk (Pisces, Nematognathi..

9,00 €
Smith, Hugh M. ; Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of three new fishes of the family Chaetodontidæ from the Philippine Islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 40,1822, 319 - 326.

Smith, Hugh M. ; Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of three new fishes of the family Chaetodontidæ..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of fishes for the eastern and southern United States. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 74, 1-27.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of fishes for the eastern and southern United States. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Some new and little-known Percoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 58, 510-528.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Some new and little known Percoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Description sommaire de deux Soléiformes de la côte atlantique de l'Afrique. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique - Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 28(69).

Chabanaud, Paul: Description sommaire de deux Soléiformes de la côte atlantique de l'Afrique..

9,00 €
Villwock, Wolfgang: Die Gattung Orestias (Pisces, Microcyprini) und die Frage der intralakustrischen Speziation in Titicaca-Seengebiet. Sonderdruck aus: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellchaft in Wien 1962, 611-623.

Villwock, Wolfgang: Die Gattung Orestias (Pisces, Microcyprini) und die Frage der..

9,00 €
Smith, Hugh M .; Seale, Alvin: Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Mindanao, Philippine Archipelago, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 19, 73-82.

Smith, Hugh M .; Seale, Alvin: Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Mindanao..

9,00 €
Roberts, P. E: Albacore off the north-west coast of New Zealand, February 1972. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 8, 455-472.

Roberts, P. E: Albacore off the north west coast of New Zealand, February 1972. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on Louisiana fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 46, 7-64.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on Louisiana fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 46, 7..

9,00 €
Vooren, Carolus M: Postlarvae and juveniles of the tarakihi (teleostei: cheilodactylidae) in New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 6, 602-618.

Vooren, Carolus M: Postlarvae and juveniles of the tarakihi (teleostei: cheilodactylidae) in New..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A list of the fishes of Pennsylvania. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32, 49-74.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A list of the fishes of Pennsylvania. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc..

9,00 €
Kosswig, Curt; Sözer, Füruzan: Nouveaux Cyprinodontidés de I'Anatolie centrale. Sonderdruck aus: Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de I'Université d'Istanbul. Ser B. 10, 77-83.

Kosswig, Curt; Sözer, Füruzan: Nouveaux Cyprinodontidés de I'Anatolie centrale. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Kendall, William Converse: Notes on Percopsis guttatus Agassiz and Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 24, 45-52.

Kendall, William Converse: Notes on Percopsis guttatus Agassiz and Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum..

9,00 €
Schindler, Otto: Cyprinodontiden aus Costarica. Sonderdruck aus: Zool Anz 109, 161-172.

Schindler, Otto: Cyprinodontiden aus Costarica. Sonderdruck aus: Zool Anz 109, 161-172.

9,00 €
Nichols, John T: Interesting Citizens of the Gulf Stream. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic Magazine 39, 69-84.

Nichols, John T: Interesting Citizens of the Gulf Stream. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: Young Caranx in the Western North Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection 7, 1-9.

Nichols, John Treadwell: Young Caranx in the Western North Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of..

9,00 €
Nichols, John T; Francesca Raimonde La Monte: More new fishes from the Kasai District of the Belgian Congo. American Museum novitates 723.

Nichols, John T; Francesca Raimonde La Monte: More new fishes from the Kasai District of the..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: New Chinese Fishes. Sonderdruck aus:  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 31, 15-20.

Nichols, John Treadwell: New Chinese Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 33, 59-64.

Nichols, John Treadwell: A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: A small collection of Alaska fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 21, 171-174.

Nichols, John Treadwell: A small collection of Alaska fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: New Gulf Races of a Pacific Scorpaena and Prionotus, with Notes on Other Gulf of Mexico Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 37, 21-24.

Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: New Gulf Races of a Pacific Scorpaena and Prionotus..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: Otophidium Welshi, a New Cusk Eel, with Notes on Two Others from the Gulf of Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 35, 13-16.

Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: Otophidium Welshi, a New Cusk Eel, with Notes on Two..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; F. E. Firth: Rare fishes off the Atlantic Coast including a new grammicolepid. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 52,85-88.

Nichols, John Treadwell; F. E. Firth: Rare fishes off the Atlantic Coast including a new..

9,00 €
Woods, C S: An improved fish measuring board. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 2, 678-683.

Woods, C S: An improved fish measuring board. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Observations on fishes from the Caroline islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1899, 482-496.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Observations on fishes from the Caroline islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad..

9,00 €
Poll, Max: Description de deux Poissons percomorphes nouveaux des eaux côtières africaines de l’Atlantique Sud (1948 1949). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences..

Poll, Max: Description de deux Poissons percomorphes nouveaux des eaux côtières africaines de..

9,00 €
Vooren, Carolus M; D Tracey: Parasites in tarakihi (pisces - cheilodactylidae) from three areas around New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: N.Z. journal of marine and freshwater research 10, 499-509.

Vooren, Carolus M; D Tracey: Parasites in tarakihi (pisces cheilodactylidae) from three areas..

9,00 €
Taverne, Louis; J. Géry: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae du Gabon: Ivindomyrus opdenboschi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Pisces ostéoglossomorphes). Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Zool. Afr. 89, 555-563.

Taverne, Louis; J. Géry: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae du Gabon: Ivindomyrus opdenboschi gen..

9,00 €
Taverne, Louis Paul; Géry, J: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae (Poissons Ostéoglossomorphes) :Boulengeromyrus knoepffleri gen. sp. nov. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 78, 98-106.

Taverne, Louis Paul; Géry, J: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae (Poissons Ostéoglossomorphes)..

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference to Intergradation and Introgression along the Pacific Coast of North America: A Commentary on a Recent Contribution. Sonderdruck aus: Copeis 1969/1, 52-69.

Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference..

9,00 €