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10.436 Artikel im Shop Wissenschaftsantiquariat gefunden


Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue Zoologique Africaine 12, 278-282.

Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue..

9,00 €
Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family Cheilodipteridæ, from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 41,1868, 431-466.

Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family Cheilodipteridæ, from the..

20,00 €
Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XVIII -On Two Small Collections of Fishes from Burma. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Indian Museum 33, 1-2.

Hora, Sunder Lal: Notes on Fishes in the Indian Museum XVIII On Two Small Collections of Fishes..

8,00 €
Beebe, William ; Tee-Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty-three species Hitherto unrecorded from Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologica 13,5, 109 - 120.

Beebe, William ; Tee Van, John: New Bermuda fish : including six new species and forty three..

9,00 €
Porter, Carlos E: Ictiolojia - Adiciones y observaciones al Catálogo de los peces de Chile del Dr.Delfin. Sonderdruck aus: Anales de la Univrsidad de Chile 125, 5-15.

Porter, Carlos E: Ictiolojia Adiciones y observaciones al Catálogo de los peces de Chile del..

16,00 €
Penrith, M J; Mary-Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae). Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 60, 105-108.

Penrith, M J; Mary Louise Penrith: Redescription of Pandaka silvana (Barnard) (Pisces: Gobiidae)..

9,00 €
Cervigon, Fernando: Los peces marinos de Venezuela - Complemento 2. Contribuciones científicas 1.

Cervigon, Fernando: Los peces marinos de Venezuela - Complemento 2. Contribuciones científicas 1.

19,00 €
Bailey, Reeve M. ; Cross, Frank B: River Sturgeons of the American Genus Scaphirhynchus: Characters, Distribution, and Synonymy. Sonderdruck aus: Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 39, 169-208.

Bailey, Reeve M. ; Cross, Frank B: River Sturgeons of the American Genus Scaphirhynchus:..

14,00 €
Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck aus: Nieuwe West-Indische gids, 37, 5-17.

Zaneveld, Jacques S: Enige algemeen voorkomende zeevissen in de Nederlandse Antillen. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Devincenzi, Garibaldi J.; Raeil Vaz-Ferreira: Nota preliminar sobre un pygidido Hematofago del Rio Uruguay. Sonderdruck aus: Archivos de la Sociedad de Biologia de Montevideo 9, 1-16.

Devincenzi, Garibaldi J.; Raeil Vaz Ferreira: Nota preliminar sobre un pygidido Hematofago del Rio..

14,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North America, a species distinct from Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus) of Europe. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15, 47-77.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North..

15,00 €
Pozzi, Aurelio J. ; Siccardi, Elvira M: Descripción del alotipo de 'Syngnathus Folletti' Herald, 1942 (pisces, syngnath). Sonderdruck aus: Communicaciones del Museo argentino de ciencias naturales 'Bernardino Rivadavia'. Serie ciencias zool. 8.

Pozzi, Aurelio J. ; Siccardi, Elvira M: Descripción del alotipo de 'Syngnathus Folletti' Herald..

14,00 €
Postel, E.; Fourmanoir, P: Données numériques sur une petite collection de poissons des environs de Nouméa (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Sonderdruck aus: Cahiers du Pacifique 7, 131-140.

Postel, E.; Fourmanoir, P: Données numériques sur une petite collection de poissons des environs..

8,00 €
Mees, Gerlof Fokko: Further revisional notes on the Belonidae. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische Mededelingen 39, 311-326.

Mees, Gerlof Fokko: Further revisional notes on the Belonidae. Sonderdruck aus: Zoologische..

9,00 €
Barbour, Thomas: Notes on Rhinomuraena. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21, 39-42.

Barbour, Thomas: Notes on Rhinomuraena. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 21, 39-42.

8,00 €
Pietschmann, Viktor: Bandfische und "Grosse Seeschlange". Veröffentlichungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum 5.

Pietschmann, Viktor: Bandfische und "Grosse Seeschlange". Veröffentlichungen aus dem..

14,00 €
Dahl, George: Nematognathous fishes collected during the Macarena Expedition 1959. Dedicated to the memory of the Colombian ichthyologist, Dr. Ricardo Lozano. Decd May 23rd, 1959. Part II: Pimelodidae, Callophysidae. Sonderdruck aus: Novedades Colombianas

Dahl, George: Nematognathous fishes collected during the Macarena Expedition 1959. Dedicated to the..

11,00 €
Dahl, George: La metamorphosis desde leptocephalus hasta estado postlarval en el sábalo: Tarpon atlanticus (Cuv. et Va.).

Dahl, George: La metamorphosis desde leptocephalus hasta estado postlarval en el sábalo: Tarpon..

24,00 €
Springer, Victor Gruschka; J A F Garrick: A survey of vertebral numbers in sharks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 116, 73-96.

Springer, Victor Gruschka; J A F Garrick: A survey of vertebral numbers in sharks. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Staeck, Wolfgang: Chromidotilapia linkei n. sp. aus dem Mungo River, Kamerun (Pisces: Cichlidae). Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana biologica 60, 153-157.

Staeck, Wolfgang: Chromidotilapia linkei n. sp. aus dem Mungo River, Kamerun (Pisces: Cichlidae)..

9,00 €
Briggs, John C ; Nobuo Egami: The Medaka (Oryzias latipes). A Commentary and a Bibliography. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 16, 363-380.

Briggs, John C ; Nobuo Egami: The Medaka (Oryzias latipes). A Commentary and a Bibliography..

11,00 €
Day, J.H: The origin and distribution of estuarine animals in South Africa. Sonderdruck aus: D.H.S. Davis (ed.): Ecological studies in southern Africa, S. 159-173.

Day, J.H: The origin and distribution of estuarine animals in South Africa. Sonderdruck aus: D.H.S..

8,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Sur Achiropsis nattereri, Stdr., et Apionichthys dumerili, Kaup [Pisces Heterosomata, soleiformes]. Sonderdruck aus: Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1927. (9). 20. 528-530.

Chabanaud, Paul: Sur Achiropsis nattereri, Stdr., et Apionichthys dumerili, Kaup [Pisces..

9,00 €
Benl, Gerhard ; Terofal, Fritz: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Belontiinae (Pisces, Perciformes, Anabantoidei, Belontiidae) Teil 1 + 2. Sonderdruck aus: Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München 17, 139-165 + 18, 229 - 250.

Benl, Gerhard ; Terofal, Fritz: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Belontiinae (Pisces, Perciformes..

19,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and Lycichthys latifrons (Steenstrup and Hallgrimsson), from the Nova Scotian banks. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 13-1

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Two rare fishes, Notacanthus phasganorus Goode and..

9,00 €
Tchung-Lin Tchang; Chin-Ya Shih: Notes on some Chinese carfishes [catfishes]. Sonderdruck aus: The Science Quarterly 4, 333-353.

Tchung Lin Tchang; Chin Ya Shih: Notes on some Chinese carfishes [catfishes]. Sonderdruck aus: The..

11,00 €
Tchang, T. L: Notes on some Chinese Pampanos. Sonderdruck aus: The Science Quarterly 5, 359-370.

Tchang, T. L: Notes on some Chinese Pampanos. Sonderdruck aus: The Science Quarterly 5, 359-370.

11,00 €
Nijssen, H.; Isbrücker, I. J. H: Review of the genus Corydoras from Peru and Ecuador (Pisces, Siluriformes, Callichthyidae). Sonderdruck aus: Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 21, 1-68.

Nijssen, H.; Isbrücker, I. J. H: Review of the genus Corydoras from Peru and Ecuador (Pisces..

19,00 €
Nichols, J.T: Chinese Fresh-water Fishes in the American Museum of Natural History's Collection. Sonderdruck aus: American Museum of Natural History 58, 1-62.

Nichols, J.T: Chinese Fresh water Fishes in the American Museum of Natural History's Collection..

20,00 €
Dollfus, Robert.Ph.; Petit, Georges: Les Syngnathidae de la mer Rouge. Liste des espèces avec la description d'une sous-espèce nouvelle. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle 10, 496--506.

Dollfus, Robert.Ph.; Petit, Georges: Les Syngnathidae de la mer Rouge. Liste des espèces avec la..

11,00 €
Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 41, 417-438.

Bigelow, Henry Bryant; Schroeder, William C: Sharks of the Genus Mustelus in the Western Atlantic..

11,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; Robert Cushman Murphy: Long Island fauna : IV. The sharks. Sonderdruck aus: Brooklyn Museum. Science bulletin 3.

Nichols, John Treadwell; Robert Cushman Murphy: Long Island fauna : IV. The sharks. Sonderdruck..

29,00 €
Suwardji: Notes on the genus Callionymus (Pisces, Callionymidae) mostly from Indonesian waters with the description of three new species and a new subspecies. Sonderdruck aus:..

Suwardji: Notes on the genus Callionymus (Pisces, Callionymidae) mostly from Indonesian waters with..

12,00 €
Fang, P W; L T Chong: Study on the fishes referring to "Siniperca" of China.  Sonderdruck aus: Sinensia 2, 137-200.

Fang, P W; L T Chong: Study on the fishes referring to "Siniperca" of China. Sonderdruck aus:..

30,00 €
Dymond, J. R: Some fresh-water fishes of British Columbia. Sonderdruck aus: Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries of British Columbia for the year 1935, 60-73.

Dymond, J. R: Some fresh water fishes of British Columbia. Sonderdruck aus: Report of the..

10,00 €
Welsh, W. W: Seven new species of fish of the order Malacopterygii. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 62,2449, 1-11.

Welsh, W. W: Seven new species of fish of the order Malacopterygii. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of..

14,00 €
Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus: American Antiquity 23, 68-71.

Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

9,00 €
Walters, Vladimir; Fitch, John E: The families and genera of the lampridiform (Allotriognath) suborder Trachipteroidei. Sonderdruck aus:  California Fish and Game 46, 441-451.

Walters, Vladimir; Fitch, John E: The families and genera of the lampridiform (Allotriognath)..

9,00 €
Woods, C S: Variation and taxonomic changes in the family retropinnidae (salmonoidea). Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 2, 398-425.

Woods, C S: Variation and taxonomic changes in the family retropinnidae (salmonoidea). Sonderdruck..

14,00 €
Collignon, Jean: La systématique des sciaenidés de l'Atlantique oriental. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de l'Institut oce?anographique 1155.

Collignon, Jean: La systématique des sciaenidés de l'Atlantique oriental. Sonderdruck aus:..

19,00 €
Williams, F: Preliminary survey of the pelagic fishes of East Africa. Fishery publications 8.

Williams, F: Preliminary survey of the pelagic fishes of East Africa. Fishery publications 8.

35,00 €
Mees, G F: The uranoscopidae of Western Australia (pisces, perciformes). Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 43, 46-58.

Mees, G F: The uranoscopidae of Western Australia (pisces, perciformes). Sonderdruck aus: Journal..

14,00 €
Mees, G. F: Description of a new fish of the family Galaxiidae from Western Australia. Sonderdruck aus:  Journal of the Royal society of Western Australia 44, 33-38.

Mees, G. F: Description of a new fish of the family Galaxiidae from Western Australia. Sonderdruck..

11,00 €
Munro, Ian S R: Revision of Australian silver breams : Mylio and Rhabdosargus. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 12, 182-223.

Munro, Ian S R: Revision of Australian silver breams : Mylio and Rhabdosargus. Sonderdruck aus:..

24,00 €
Munro, Ian S R: Postlarval stages of Australian fishes. No. 1. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 12, 136-153.

Munro, Ian S R: Postlarval stages of Australian fishes. No. 1. Sonderdruck aus: Memoirs of the..

19,00 €
Tchang-tchung Lin: A review of the fishes of Nanking. Sonderdruck aus: Contributions from the Biological Laboratory of the Science Society of China, v. 4, no. 4.

Tchang tchung Lin: A review of the fishes of Nanking. Sonderdruck aus: Contributions from the..

20,00 €
Cohen, Daniel M: A revision of the fihses of the subfamily Argentininae. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Florida State Museum 3.1958,3, S. 94 - 172.

Cohen, Daniel M: A revision of the fihses of the subfamily Argentininae. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin..

16,00 €