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172 Artikel gefunden


McCullough, Ashley Melvin: A critical analysis of the fuel management program for schools selected New Jersey cities compared with nations-wide pracice. Dissertation.

McCullough, Ashley Melvin: A critical analysis of the fuel management program for schools selected..

25,00 €
Lyon, Ralph Muse: The basis for constructing curricular materials in adult education for Carolina cotton mill workers. Dissertation.

Lyon, Ralph Muse: The basis for constructing curricular materials in adult education for Carolina..

25,00 €
Odell, William R: Gifts to the public schools. Dissertation.

Odell, William R: Gifts to the public schools. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Beach, Fred Francis: The custody of school funds : an appraisal of systems of school fund custody with particular reference to New York State. Dissertation.

Beach, Fred Francis: The custody of school funds : an appraisal of systems of school fund custody..

20,00 €
Dienst, Charles Franklin: The Administration of endowments : with special reference to the public schools and institutional trusts of Idaho. Dissertation.

Dienst, Charles Franklin: The Administration of endowments : with special reference to the public..

30,00 €
Spencer, Paul Richards: A state minimum teachers' salary schedule : a part of Florida's state minimum educational program. Dissertation.

Spencer, Paul Richards: A state minimum teachers' salary schedule : a part of Florida's state..

19,00 €
French, Patterson H: The automobile compensation plan : a solution for some problems of court congestion and accident litigation in New York. Dissertation.

French, Patterson H: The automobile compensation plan : a solution for some problems of court..

25,00 €
Essex, Don L: Bonding versus pay-as-you-go in the financing of school buildings. Dissertation.

Essex, Don L: Bonding versus pay-as-you-go in the financing of school buildings. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Jones, Thatcher C: Clearings and collections, foreign and domestic. Dissertation.

Jones, Thatcher C: Clearings and collections, foreign and domestic. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Brunstetter, Max Russell: Business management in school systems of different sizes : a study of certain aspects of business management in nine New Jersey cities. Dissertation.

Brunstetter, Max Russell: Business management in school systems of different sizes : a study of..

20,00 €
Ford, Robert S: The allocation of corporate income for the purpose of state taxation. Dissertation. State of New York, Special Report of the State Tax Commission 6.

Ford, Robert S: The allocation of corporate income for the purpose of state taxation. Dissertation..

30,00 €
Van Oot, Benjamin Henry: The optimum qualifications for apprenticeship in certain allied trades, Dissertation.

Van Oot, Benjamin Henry: The optimum qualifications for apprenticeship in certain allied trades..

20,00 €
Myers, Aaron Howard: The administration of municipal sinking funds in New York State. Dissertation.

Myers, Aaron Howard: The administration of municipal sinking funds in New York State. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Bloch, Louis: Labor agreements in coal mines : a case study of the administration of agreements between miners' and operators' organizations in the bituminous coal mines of Illinois. Dissertation.

Bloch, Louis: Labor agreements in coal mines : a case study of the administration of agreements..

20,00 €
Magee, Herman J: Unit costs of salaries in teachers colleges and normal schools. Dissertation.

Magee, Herman J: Unit costs of salaries in teachers colleges and normal schools. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Wilkins, Eugene Grant: Public school tax management in Texas. Dissertation.

Wilkins, Eugene Grant: Public school tax management in Texas. Dissertation.

14,00 €
Proctor, Arthur Marcus: Safeguarding the school board's purchase of architects' working drawings. Dissertation.

Proctor, Arthur Marcus: Safeguarding the school board's purchase of architects' working drawings..

20,00 €
Norcross, Carl: Lump-sum settlements in workmen's compensation. Dissertation.

Norcross, Carl: Lump-sum settlements in workmen's compensation. Dissertation.

40,00 €
Matsuoka, Asa: Labor conditions of women and children in Japan. Dissertation. Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. no. 558.

Matsuoka, Asa: Labor conditions of women and children in Japan. Dissertation. Bulletin of the..

35,00 €
Gambs, John S: The Decline of the I. W. W. Dissertation.

Gambs, John S: The Decline of the I. W. W. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Lopata, Edwin Lee: Local aid to railroads in Missouri. Dissertation.

Lopata, Edwin Lee: Local aid to railroads in Missouri. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Cummings, John: Poor-laws of Massachusetts and New York with appendices containing the United States immigration and contract-labor laws. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: Publications of the American Economic Associations 10.

Cummings, John: Poor laws of Massachusetts and New York with appendices containing the United..

25,00 €
Cleland, William W: The population problem in Egypt : a study of population trends and conditions in modern Egypt. Dissertation.

Cleland, William W: The population problem in Egypt : a study of population trends and conditions..

24,00 €
Wueller, Paul Hahn: The integration of the German tax system. Dissertation.

Wueller, Paul Hahn: The integration of the German tax system. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Bennett, Henry Arnold: The Constitution in school and college. Dissertation.

Bennett, Henry Arnold: The Constitution in school and college. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Shoup, Carl S: The sales tax in France. Dissertation.

Shoup, Carl S: The sales tax in France. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Cahill, Marion Cotter: Shorter Hours : a study of the movement since the civil war. Dissertation.

Cahill, Marion Cotter: Shorter Hours : a study of the movement since the civil war. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Spengler, Edwin Harold: Land values in New York in relation to transit facilities. Dissertation.

Spengler, Edwin Harold: Land values in New York in relation to transit facilities. Dissertation.

24,00 €
Campbell, Raymond Guy: State supervision and regulation of budgetary procedure in public school systems : an evaluation of state provisions for budget-making in local school systems. Dissertation.

Campbell, Raymond Guy: State supervision and regulation of budgetary procedure in public school..

10,00 €
Briscoe, Alonzo Otis: The size of the local unit for administration and supervision of public schools. Dissertation.

Briscoe, Alonzo Otis: The size of the local unit for administration and supervision of public..

25,00 €
Holy, Russell Arthur: The relationship of city planning to school plant planning. Dissertation.

Holy, Russell Arthur: The relationship of city planning to school plant planning. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Mansfield, Harvey C: The lake cargo coal rate controversy : a study in governmental adjustment of a sectional dispute. Dissertation.

Mansfield, Harvey C: The lake cargo coal rate controversy : a study in governmental adjustment of a..

25,00 €
Bussing, Irvin: Public utility regulation and the so-called sliding scale : a study of the sliding scale as a means of encouraging and rewarding efficiency in the management of regulated monopolies. Dissertation.

Bussing, Irvin: Public utility regulation and the so called sliding scale : a study of the sliding..

35,00 €
Hutchinson, Ruth Gillette: State-administered locally-shared taxes : development in the state and local tax systems of the United States. Dissertation.

Hutchinson, Ruth Gillette: State administered locally shared taxes : development in the state and..

30,00 €
Chism, Leslie L: The economic ability of the states to finance public schools. Dissertation.

Chism, Leslie L: The economic ability of the states to finance public schools. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Misner, Frank Marion: Extra costs and incidental costs in the erection of school buildings. Dissertation.

Misner, Frank Marion: Extra costs and incidental costs in the erection of school buildings..

19,00 €
Wellck, Arthur Albert: The annuity agreements of colleges and universities. Dissertation.

Wellck, Arthur Albert: The annuity agreements of colleges and universities. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Smith, James H: Legal limitations on bonds and taxation for public school buildings. Dissertation.

Smith, James H: Legal limitations on bonds and taxation for public school buildings. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Smith, Harvey A: Economy in public school fire insurance. Dissertation.

Smith, Harvey A: Economy in public school fire insurance. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Salas Silva, Irma: The socio-economic composition of the secondary school population of Chile. Dissertation.

Salas Silva, Irma: The socio economic composition of the secondary school population of Chile..

35,00 €
Agunod, Nemesio L: The Bureau of Research and Reference im American School Systems. Dissertation.

Agunod, Nemesio L: The Bureau of Research and Reference im American School Systems. Dissertation.

20,00 €
Pitkin, Royce Stanley: Public school support in the United States during periods of economic depression. Dissertation.

Pitkin, Royce Stanley: Public school support in the United States during periods of economic..

45,00 €
Gambrell, Mary Latimer: Ministerial training in eighteenth-century New England. Dissertation.

Gambrell, Mary Latimer: Ministerial training in eighteenth-century New England. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Ulrey, Albert B: The South American Characinidae collected by Charles Frederick Hartt. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 8, 257-300.

Ulrey, Albert B: The South American Characinidae collected by Charles Frederick Hartt. Sonderdruck..

16,00 €
Borodin, N. A: Pimelodus platicirris, new species, and other notes on Brazilian catfishes. American Museum novitates 271.

Borodin, N. A: Pimelodus platicirris, new species, and other notes on Brazilian catfishes. American..

8,00 €
Borodin, N. A: A new blind catfish from Brazil. American Museum novitates 263.

Borodin, N. A: A new blind catfish from Brazil. American Museum novitates 263.

8,00 €
Borodin, N. A: Some new catfishes from Brazil. American Museum novitates 266.

Borodin, N. A: Some new catfishes from Brazil. American Museum novitates 266.

8,00 €
Collette, Bruce B: Belonion, a new genus of fresh-water needlefishes from South America. Sonderdruck aus: American Museum novitates 2274.

Collette, Bruce B: Belonion, a new genus of fresh water needlefishes from South America..

16,00 €
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