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183 Artikel gefunden


Oertzen, F. W. v. (Friedrich Wilhelm von): Die Menschheit in Ketten, 2 x 3 Teile in 4 Bänden; Kräfte und Mächte im Dunkel; Reihe: Die Menschheit in Ketten.

Oertzen, F. W. v. (Friedrich Wilhelm von): Die Menschheit in Ketten, 2 x 3 Teile in 4 Bänden;..

150,00 €
Oertzen, F. W. v. (Friedrich Wilhelm von): Das Gold, Der Handel mit Menschen, Die Baumwolle; Reihe: Die Menschheit in Ketten, Band 2, Kräfte und Mächte im Dunkeln.

Oertzen, F. W. v. (Friedrich Wilhelm von): Das Gold, Der Handel mit Menschen, Die Baumwolle; Reihe:..

50,00 €
Muchow, Reinhold: Sind die Nationalsozialisten sozialreaktionär?; Reihe: Schriftenreihe der Nationalsozialistischen Betriebszellen-Organisation, Heft 6; Herausgeber: Reinhold Muchow.

Muchow, Reinhold: Sind die Nationalsozialisten sozialreaktionär?; Reihe: Schriftenreihe der..

220,00 €
Merkel, Hans (Dr.): Nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftsgestaltung; Einführung in ihre wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen.

Merkel, Hans (Dr.): Nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftsgestaltung; Einführung in ihre..

290,00 €
Krüger, U. (Dr.) + Zimmermann, S. (Dr.): Kohle + Energie; Ein Bildband über die Kohle- und Energiewirtschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik; Herausgeber: Misterium für Kohle und Energie der DDR, Berlin.

Krüger, U. (Dr.) + Zimmermann, S. (Dr.): Kohle + Energie; Ein Bildband über die Kohle und..

19,00 €
Döring, Franz (Dr.): Gold oder Papier?; Reihe: Das Neue Reich; Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Akademie.

Döring, Franz (Dr.): Gold oder Papier?; Reihe: Das Neue Reich; Herausgegeben von der Deutschen..

28,00 €
Der neue Teisman; Die rechte Hand des Kaufmanns.

Der neue Teisman; Die rechte Hand des Kaufmanns.

27,50 €
Behm, Max Richard (Dr., Dozent an der Universität Leipzig): Die Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften im Dienste deutscher Wirtschaftsgestaltung; Reihe: Schriften der Deutschen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, Abteilung Genossenschaftswesen, Band 1;..

Behm, Max Richard (Dr., Dozent an der Universität Leipzig): Die Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften im..

40,00 €
Laurent, W: Les transports par colis postaux. Dissertation.

Laurent, W: Les transports par colis postaux. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Schamp, Eike W: Industrialisierung in Äquatorialafrika : zur raumwirksamen Steuerung des Industrialisierungsprozesses in den Küstenstaaten Kamerun, Gabun und Kongo. Dissertation. Afrika-Studien 100.

Schamp, Eike W: Industrialisierung in Äquatorialafrika : zur raumwirksamen Steuerung des..

9,00 €
Rapaport, Mordché Wolf: Chr. W. Dohm, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Nationalökonomie. Dissertation.

Rapaport, Mordché Wolf: Chr. W. Dohm, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Nationalökonomie..

40,00 €
Gallati, W. (Red.): Kabelwerke Brugg AG : 1908-1958.

Gallati, W. (Red.): Kabelwerke Brugg AG : 1908-1958.

75,00 €
Scott, W. B: Fluctuations in abundance of the Lake Erie Cisco (Leucichthys artedi) population. Contributions of the Royal Ontario Museum of Zoology and Palaeontology 32.

Scott, W. B: Fluctuations in abundance of the Lake Erie Cisco (Leucichthys artedi) population..

24,00 €
Follett, W I: The fresh-water fishes, their origins and affinities. Sonderdruck aus: Systematic Zoology 9, 212-232.

Follett, W I: The fresh water fishes, their origins and affinities. Sonderdruck aus: Systematic..

11,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey (Petromyzonidae) from western North America. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 22, 139-158.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey..

15,00 €
Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature Has Ruled Since the Publication (In 1958) of the Several Official Lists and Indexes. Sonderdruck aus: Cop

Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Ichthyological and Herpetological Names and Works on Which the..

9,00 €
Bulletin New York zoological Society 38/4.

Bulletin New York zoological Society 38/4.

25,00 €
Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Hydrography and the Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus Albacares, in the Gulf of Guinea. University of California, Irvine, California, Ghana Journal of Science 6/3 & 4. 115-137.

Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Hydrography and the Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus Albacares, in the Gulf of Guinea..

10,00 €
Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue Zoologique Africaine 12, 278-282.

Derscheid, J. M: Note sur certains Clupeidae de la côte W. de l’Afrique. Sonderdruck aus: Revue..

9,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North America, a species distinct from Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus) of Europe. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 15, 47-77.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: Redescription of Lampetra ayresii (Günther) of western North..

15,00 €
Fang, P W; L T Chong: Study on the fishes referring to "Siniperca" of China.  Sonderdruck aus: Sinensia 2, 137-200.

Fang, P W; L T Chong: Study on the fishes referring to "Siniperca" of China. Sonderdruck aus:..

30,00 €
Welsh, W. W: Seven new species of fish of the order Malacopterygii. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 62,2449, 1-11.

Welsh, W. W: Seven new species of fish of the order Malacopterygii. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of..

14,00 €
Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus: American Antiquity 23, 68-71.

Follett, W. I: Fish remains from a shellmound in Marin County, California, Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

Walker, Boyd W: A guide to the grunion. Sonderdruck aus: Calif Fish Game 38,:409-420.

9,00 €
Berry, Frederick H.; Anderson, William W: Stargazer Fishes from the Western North Atlantic (Family Uranoscopidae). Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 3448, Volume 112, 563-586.

Berry, Frederick H.; Anderson, William W: Stargazer Fishes from the Western North Atlantic (Family..

16,00 €
Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and Use in a Key to the Holarctic Genera. Sonderdruck aus: Journal Fish. Res. Bd. Canada ; 24, 1067-1075.

Vladykov, Vadim D. ; Follett, W. I: The Teeth of Lampreys (Petromyzonidae) : Their Terminilogy and..

9,00 €
Bardach, John E; Howard E Winn; David W Menzel: The Role of the Senses in the Feeding of the Nocturnal Reef Predators Gymnothorax moringa and G. vicinus. Sonderdruck aus: Copeia 1959, 133-139.

Bardach, John E; Howard E Winn; David W Menzel: The Role of the Senses in the Feeding of the..

9,00 €
Follett, W. I.; Cohen, Daniel M: Request for a ruling as to the species to be accepted as the type species of the nominal genus Bathylagus Gunther (A.C.L.G.), 1878 (Class Pisces). Sonderdruck aus: Bull. Zool. Nomencl. 16, 73-78.

Follett, W. I.; Cohen, Daniel M: Request for a ruling as to the species to be accepted as the type..

9,00 €
Herre, Albert W. C. T: Notes on Philippine Sharks, II - The great white shark, the whale shark, and the cat sharks and their allies in the Philippines. Sonderdruck aus: Philippine Journal of Science 26, 113-129.

Herre, Albert W. C. T: Notes on Philippine Sharks, II The great white shark, the whale shark, and..

12,00 €
Imhof, Othmar: F. B. W. von Hermann und seine Preistheorie. Dissertation.

Imhof, Othmar: F. B. W. von Hermann und seine Preistheorie. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Gambs, John S: The Decline of the I. W. W. Dissertation.

Gambs, John S: The Decline of the I. W. W. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Cleland, William W: The population problem in Egypt : a study of population trends and conditions in modern Egypt. Dissertation.

Cleland, William W: The population problem in Egypt : a study of population trends and conditions..

24,00 €
Bane, Gilbert W: Parasites of the yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces: Scombridae). Sonderdruck aus: The wasmann journal of biology 27, 163-175.

Bane, Gilbert W: Parasites of the yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Atlantic Ocean (Pisces:..

8,00 €
Bane, Gilbert W: Food of the yellowfin tuna in the gulf of Guinea (Pisces: Scombridae). Sonderdruck aus: The wasmann journal of biology 28, 207-218.

Bane, Gilbert W: Food of the yellowfin tuna in the gulf of Guinea (Pisces: Scombridae). Sonderdruck..

8,00 €
Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Exploratory fishing for tunas in the Mona passage. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean fisheres institute 17, 55-61.

Bane Jr., Gilbert W: Exploratory fishing for tunas in the Mona passage. Sonderdruck aus:..

8,00 €
Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Partial Melanalbinism in a Scorpaenid Fish, Sebastodes melanostomus Eigenmann and Eigenmann, from Monterey Bay, California, with Selected references to Melanism and Albinism in Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: he Wasmann Journal

Follett, W I ; Lillian J Dempster: Partial Melanalbinism in a Scorpaenid Fish, Sebastodes..

10,00 €
Follett, W I; Ralph B McCormick; E A Best: First Records of Sinistrality in Microstomus pacificus (Lockington) and Glyptocephalus zachirus Lockington, Pleuronectid Fishes of Western North America, with Meristic Data. Sonderdruck aus: Copeia 2, 112-119.

Follett, W I; Ralph B McCormick; E A Best: First Records of Sinistrality in Microstomus pacificus..

9,00 €
Follett, W. I: Benthic fishes cast ashore by giant waves near Point Joe, Monterey County, California Sonderdruck aus:  Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Fourth Series, vol. 37, 473-488.

Follett, W. I: Benthic fishes cast ashore by giant waves near Point Joe, Monterey County..

10,00 €
Follett, W. I: Annotated list of fishes obtained by the California Academy of Sciences during six cruises of the U. S. S. Mulberry conducted by the United States Navey off central California in 1949 and 1950. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the California

Follett, W. I: Annotated list of fishes obtained by the California Academy of Sciences during six..

14,00 €
Strasburg, Donald W: Notes on the Blennioid Fishes of Hawaii with Descriptions of Two New Species. Sonderdruck aus: Pacific Science 10, 241-267.

Strasburg, Donald W: Notes on the Blennioid Fishes of Hawaii with Descriptions of Two New Species..

9,00 €
Evermann, Barton W. ; Seale, Alvin: Fishes collected in the Philippine Islands by Maj. Edgar A. Mearns, Surgeon, U. S. Army. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 31,1491, 505 - 512.

Evermann, Barton W. ; Seale, Alvin: Fishes collected in the Philippine Islands by Maj. Edgar A..

12,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Descriptions of several fishes from Zanzibar Island, two of which are new. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 55. 161-176.

Fowler, Henry W: Descriptions of several fishes from Zanzibar Island, two of which are new..

14,00 €
Strasburg, Donald W: A New Hawaiian Engraulid Fish. Sonderdruck aus: Pacific Science 14, 395-399.

Strasburg, Donald W: A New Hawaiian Engraulid Fish. Sonderdruck aus: Pacific Science 14, 395-399.

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Description of a new blenny from New Jersey, with notes on other fishes from the Middle Atlantic States. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 66, 342-358.

Fowler, Henry W: Description of a new blenny from New Jersey, with notes on other fishes from the..

10,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Fishes collected by the Peary relief expedition of 1899. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 66, 359-366.

Fowler, Henry W: Fishes collected by the Peary relief expedition of 1899. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Scott, W B; Stanford H Smith: The Occurrence of the Longjaw Cisco, Leucichthys alpenae, in Lake Erie. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada 19, 1013-1023.

Scott, W B; Stanford H Smith: The Occurrence of the Longjaw Cisco, Leucichthys alpenae, in Lake..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Some Features of Ornamentation in the Killifishes or Toothed Minnows. Sonderdruck aus: The American Naturalist 50, 743-750.

Fowler, Henry W: Some Features of Ornamentation in the Killifishes or Toothed Minnows. Sonderdruck..

9,00 €
Castelnau. Francis de: On a new ganoid fish from Queensland. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 3.

Castelnau. Francis de: On a new ganoid fish from Queensland. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

30,00 €
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