Wirtschaft und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

11.982 Artikel gefunden


Miller, Robert Rush: Hyporhamphus Patris, a new species of Hemiramphid fish from Sinaloa, Mexico, with an analysis of the generic characters of Hyporhamphus and Hemiramphus. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 96,3195, 185 -

Miller, Robert Rush: Hyporhamphus Patris, a new species of Hemiramphid fish from Sinaloa, Mexico..

8,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of fishes for the eastern and southern United States. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 74, 1-27.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of fishes for the eastern and southern United States. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Some new and little-known Percoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 58, 510-528.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Some new and little known Percoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Further knowledge of some heterognathous fishes. Pts. 1 & 2. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 58, 293-351 + 58, 431-483.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Further knowledge of some heterognathous fishes. Pts. 1 & 2. Sonderdruck aus:..

24,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A small collection of fishes from Singapore. Sonderdruck aus: Proceed. Acad. Natural Sciences Philadelphia 83, 443-448.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A small collection of fishes from Singapore. Sonderdruck aus: Proceed. Acad..

8,00 €
Fowler, Henry W; J Gordon Carlson: Fishes from McKean, Potter and Cameron counties, Pennsylvania. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 40, 65-73.

Fowler, Henry W; J Gordon Carlson: Fishes from McKean, Potter and Cameron counties, Pennsylvania..

8,00 €
Chabanaud, Paul: Description sommaire de deux Soléiformes de la côte atlantique de l'Afrique. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique - Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, 28(69).

Chabanaud, Paul: Description sommaire de deux Soléiformes de la côte atlantique de l'Afrique..

9,00 €
Villwock, Wolfgang: Die Gattung Orestias (Pisces, Microcyprini) und die Frage der intralakustrischen Speziation in Titicaca-Seengebiet. Sonderdruck aus: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellchaft in Wien 1962, 611-623.

Villwock, Wolfgang: Die Gattung Orestias (Pisces, Microcyprini) und die Frage der..

9,00 €
Tyler, James C: A new species of Triacanthodid plectognath fish from the Caribbean, Hollardia meadi. Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae 382.

Tyler, James C: A new species of Triacanthodid plectognath fish from the Caribbean, Hollardia..

12,00 €
Tyler, James C: A new species of serranoid fish of the family Anthiidae from the Indian Ocean. Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae 389.

Tyler, James C: A new species of serranoid fish of the family Anthiidae from the Indian Ocean..

12,00 €
Tyler, James C: Mimicry between the plectognath fishes Canthigaster valentini (Canthigasteridae) and Paraluteres prionurus (Aluteridae). Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae 386.

Tyler, James C: Mimicry between the plectognath fishes Canthigaster valentini (Canthigasteridae)..

14,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush, Briggs, John C: Dactyloscopus amnis, a new sand stargazer from rivers of the Pacific slope of southern Mexico. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology 627.

Miller, Robert Rush, Briggs, John C: Dactyloscopus amnis, a new sand stargazer from rivers of the..

12,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush: Four new species of viviparous fishes, genus Poeciliopsis, from Northwestern Mexico. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 619.

Miller, Robert Rush: Four new species of viviparous fishes, genus Poeciliopsis, from Northwestern..

11,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush: An annotated list of the American cyprinodontid fishes of the genus Fundulus, with the description of Fundulus persimilis from Yucatan. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology 568.

Miller, Robert Rush: An annotated list of the American cyprinodontid fishes of the genus Fundulus..

16,00 €
Smith, Hugh M .; Seale, Alvin: Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Mindanao, Philippine Archipelago, with Descriptions of New Genera and Species. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 19, 73-82.

Smith, Hugh M .; Seale, Alvin: Notes on a Collection of Fishes from the Island of Mindanao..

9,00 €
Roberts, P. E: Albacore off the north-west coast of New Zealand, February 1972. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 8, 455-472.

Roberts, P. E: Albacore off the north west coast of New Zealand, February 1972. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Maskell, F G: On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis, Gray pt. 2. On the mid-gut diverticula, the bile-duct, and the problem of the pancreas in the ammocoetes stage. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 61, 478-497.

Maskell, F G: On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis, Gray pt. 2. On the mid gut..

8,00 €
Maskell, F G: On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis, Gray pt. 3. The loss of the mid-gut diverticula of the ammocoetes stage at metamorphosis. Sonderdruck aus: Transactions of the New Zealand Institute 62, 120-128.

Maskell, F G: On the New Zealand lamprey, Geotria australis, Gray pt. 3. The loss of the mid gut..

8,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on Louisiana fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 46, 7-64.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on Louisiana fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 46, 7..

9,00 €
Weiler, Wilhelm: Die Otolithen der bathypelagischen Familie Melamphaidae und ihre systematische Bedeutung. Sonderdruck aus: Senckenbergiana biologica 49,223-230.

Weiler, Wilhelm: Die Otolithen der bathypelagischen Familie Melamphaidae und ihre systematische..

8,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Fishes obtained at Fiji in 1929. Occasional papers / Bishop Museum 9,20.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Fishes obtained at Fiji in 1929. Occasional papers / Bishop Museum 9,20.

16,00 €
Vooren, Carolus M: Postlarvae and juveniles of the tarakihi (teleostei: cheilodactylidae) in New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 6, 602-618.

Vooren, Carolus M: Postlarvae and juveniles of the tarakihi (teleostei: cheilodactylidae) in New..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: A list of the fishes of Pennsylvania. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32, 49-74.

Fowler, Henry Weed: A list of the fishes of Pennsylvania. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc..

9,00 €
Kosswig, Curt; Sözer, Füruzan: Nouveaux Cyprinodontidés de I'Anatolie centrale. Sonderdruck aus: Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de I'Université d'Istanbul. Ser B. 10, 77-83.

Kosswig, Curt; Sözer, Füruzan: Nouveaux Cyprinodontidés de I'Anatolie centrale. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Kendall, William Converse: Notes on Percopsis guttatus Agassiz and Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 24, 45-52.

Kendall, William Converse: Notes on Percopsis guttatus Agassiz and Salmo omiscomaycus Walbaum..

9,00 €
Kenmuir, Dale: The diet of fingerling tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Cast., in Lake Kariba, Rhodesia. Sonderdruck aus: Arnoldia 7/9.

Kenmuir, Dale: The diet of fingerling tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Cast., in Lake Kariba..

10,00 €
Kimsey, J. B.; Fisk, L. O: Keys to the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. Sonderdruck aus: California Fish and Game 46, 453-479.

Kimsey, J. B.; Fisk, L. O: Keys to the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. Sonderdruck..

11,00 €
Schindler, Otto: Cyprinodontiden aus Costarica. Sonderdruck aus: Zool Anz 109, 161-172.

Schindler, Otto: Cyprinodontiden aus Costarica. Sonderdruck aus: Zool Anz 109, 161-172.

9,00 €
Schubart, Otto: Sobre algumas Loricariidae da Bacia do rio Mogi Guacu (Pisces, Nematognatha). Boletim do Museu Nacional Zoologia 251.

Schubart, Otto: Sobre algumas Loricariidae da Bacia do rio Mogi Guacu (Pisces, Nematognatha)..

14,00 €
Schubart, Otto: Duas novas especies de peixe da familia Pimelodidae do rio Mogi Guacu (Pisces, nematognathi). Boletim do Museu Nacional Zoologia 244.

Schubart, Otto: Duas novas especies de peixe da familia Pimelodidae do rio Mogi Guacu (Pisces..

19,00 €
Starks, Edwin Chapin: The osteology of some Berycoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 27,1366, 601 - 619.

Starks, Edwin Chapin: The osteology of some Berycoid fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

15,00 €
Weyenbergh, Hendrik: Ueber Fliegenschwärme. Sonderdruck aus: Verh.des Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 21, 1201 - 1216.

Weyenbergh, Hendrik: Ueber Fliegenschwärme. Sonderdruck aus: Verh.des Zoologisch Botanischen..

24,00 €
Woods, Loren P: A new squirrel fish, Adioryx poco of the family Holocentridae from Bahama Islands. Notulae naturae 377.

Woods, Loren P: A new squirrel fish, Adioryx poco of the family Holocentridae from Bahama Islands..

12,00 €
Nichols, John T: Interesting Citizens of the Gulf Stream. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic Magazine 39, 69-84.

Nichols, John T: Interesting Citizens of the Gulf Stream. Sonderdruck aus: National Geographic..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: Young Caranx in the Western North Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Bingham Oceanographic Collection 7, 1-9.

Nichols, John Treadwell: Young Caranx in the Western North Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of..

9,00 €
Smith, Hugh M: Status of the Asiatic fish genus Culter. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 28, 407-411.

Smith, Hugh M: Status of the Asiatic fish genus Culter. Sonderdruck aus: Journal of the Washington..

8,00 €
Nichols, John T; Francesca Raimonde La Monte: More new fishes from the Kasai District of the Belgian Congo. American Museum novitates 723.

Nichols, John T; Francesca Raimonde La Monte: More new fishes from the Kasai District of the..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: New Chinese Fishes. Sonderdruck aus:  Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 31, 15-20.

Nichols, John Treadwell: New Chinese Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 33, 59-64.

Nichols, John Treadwell: A Contribution to the Ichthyology of Bermuda. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell: A small collection of Alaska fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 21, 171-174.

Nichols, John Treadwell: A small collection of Alaska fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: New Gulf Races of a Pacific Scorpaena and Prionotus, with Notes on Other Gulf of Mexico Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 37, 21-24.

Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: New Gulf Races of a Pacific Scorpaena and Prionotus..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: Otophidium Welshi, a New Cusk Eel, with Notes on Two Others from the Gulf of Mexico. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 35, 13-16.

Nichols, John Treadwell; C. M. Breder, Jr: Otophidium Welshi, a New Cusk Eel, with Notes on Two..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; F. E. Firth: Rare fishes off the Atlantic Coast including a new grammicolepid. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 52,85-88.

Nichols, John Treadwell; F. E. Firth: Rare fishes off the Atlantic Coast including a new..

9,00 €
Nichols, John Treadwell; Raven, Henry Cushier: Two new fresh-water fishes (Percesoces) from New Guinea. American Museum novitates 755.

Nichols, John Treadwell; Raven, Henry Cushier: Two new fresh water fishes (Percesoces) from New..

8,00 €
Woods, C S: An improved fish measuring board. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research 2, 678-683.

Woods, C S: An improved fish measuring board. Sonderdruck aus: New Zealand journal of marine and..

9,00 €
Radcliffe, Lewis: New pediculate fishes from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 42,1896, 199 - 214.

Radcliffe, Lewis: New pediculate fishes from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters..

24,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Observations on fishes from the Caroline islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1899, 482-496.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Observations on fishes from the Caroline islands. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad..

9,00 €
Varikul, V; Boonsom, C: Illustrations of the gross egg and larval development of pla swai pangasius sutchi fowler. Occasional paper (Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council), 69/14.

Varikul, V; Boonsom, C: Illustrations of the gross egg and larval development of pla swai pangasius..

12,00 €
Tortonese, Enrico; Mangold Wirz, Katharina: Rapport sur les travaux recents (1966 1968) concernant les vertebres marins et les cephalodes de la Mediterranee et de ses..

Tortonese, Enrico; Mangold Wirz, Katharina: Rapport sur les travaux recents (1966 1968) concernant..

8,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Some cold-blooded vertebrates of the Florida keys. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 58, 77-113.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Some cold blooded vertebrates of the Florida keys. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings..

16,00 €
Poll, Max: Description de deux Poissons percomorphes nouveaux des eaux côtières africaines de l’Atlantique Sud (1948 1949). Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences..

Poll, Max: Description de deux Poissons percomorphes nouveaux des eaux côtières africaines de..

9,00 €
Vooren, Carolus M; D Tracey: Parasites in tarakihi (pisces - cheilodactylidae) from three areas around New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: N.Z. journal of marine and freshwater research 10, 499-509.

Vooren, Carolus M; D Tracey: Parasites in tarakihi (pisces cheilodactylidae) from three areas..

9,00 €
Taverne, Louis; J. Géry: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae du Gabon: Ivindomyrus opdenboschi gen. nov., sp. nov. (Pisces ostéoglossomorphes). Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Zool. Afr. 89, 555-563.

Taverne, Louis; J. Géry: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae du Gabon: Ivindomyrus opdenboschi gen..

9,00 €
Taverne, Louis Paul; Géry, J: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae (Poissons Ostéoglossomorphes) :Boulengeromyrus knoepffleri gen. sp. nov. Sonderdruck aus: Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 78, 98-106.

Taverne, Louis Paul; Géry, J: Un nouveau genre de Mormyridae (Poissons Ostéoglossomorphes)..

9,00 €
Thys van den Audenaerde, Dirk F. E: Description of a new genus and species of Clupeoid fish from Sierra Leone. Sonderdruck aus: Rec. Zool. Bot. Afr. 80, 385-390.

Thys van den Audenaerde, Dirk F. E: Description of a new genus and species of Clupeoid fish from..

8,00 €
Oosten, John Van: The true pikes. Fishery leaflet (Washington, D.C.) 496.

Oosten, John Van: The true pikes. Fishery leaflet (Washington, D.C.) 496.

10,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference to Intergradation and Introgression along the Pacific Coast of North America: A Commentary on a Recent Contribution. Sonderdruck aus: Copeis 1969/1, 52-69.

Miller, Robert Rush; Carl L Hubbs: Systematics of Gasterosteus aculeatus, with Particular Reference..

9,00 €
Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of a new family, two new genera, and twenty-nine new species of Anacanthine fishes from the Philippine Islands and contiguous waters. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 43,1924, 105 - 140.

Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of a new family, two new genera, and twenty nine new species of..

19,00 €
Robins, C. Richard: Studies on fishes of the family Ophidiidae III: A new species of Lepophidium from Barbados. Sonderdruck aus: Breviora ; 1959,104.

Robins, C. Richard: Studies on fishes of the family Ophidiidae III: A new species of Lepophidium..

9,00 €
Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of seven new genera and thirty-one new species of fishes of the families Brotulidae and Carapidae from the Philippine Islands and the Dutch East Indies. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the United States National Museum 44.19

Radcliffe, Lewis: Descriptions of seven new genera and thirty one new species of fishes of the..

19,00 €
Robins, C. Richard: Garmannia saucra, a new gobiid fish from Jamaica. Sonderdruck aus: Proveedings of the biological Society of Washington 73, 281-286.

Robins, C. Richard: Garmannia saucra, a new gobiid fish from Jamaica. Sonderdruck aus: Proveedings..

8,00 €
Robins, C. Richard: Studies on Fishes of the Family Ophidiidae.- V. Lepophidium Pheromystax, a New Atlantic Species Allied to Lepophidium Jeannae Fowler. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 10, 83-95.

Robins, C. Richard: Studies on Fishes of the Family Ophidiidae. V. Lepophidium Pheromystax, a New..

9,00 €
Fowler, Henry W: Fishes from Eastern Canada. Sonderdruck aus:  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67, 515-548.

Fowler, Henry W: Fishes from Eastern Canada. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Academy of..

19,00 €
Weber, Max; L F De Beaufort: On the freshwater fishes of Timor and Babber. Sonderdruck aus: Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te. Jan 1912; 235-240.

Weber, Max; L F De Beaufort: On the freshwater fishes of Timor and Babber. Sonderdruck aus:..

9,00 €
Rofen, Robert R: Diagnoses of new genera and species of alepisauroid fishes of the family Paralepididae. Sonderdruck aus: Aquatica 2, 1-7.

Rofen, Robert R: Diagnoses of new genera and species of alepisauroid fishes of the family..

9,00 €
Robins, C. Richard; de Sylva, Donald P: Description and Relationships of the Longbill Spearfish, Tetrapturus Belone, Based on Western North Atlantic Specimens. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 10, 383-413.

Robins, C. Richard; de Sylva, Donald P: Description and Relationships of the Longbill Spearfish..

11,00 €
Robins, C Richard; James E Böhlke: Studies on fishes of the family Ophidiidae. IV, Two new dwarf cusk-eels (genus Ophidion) from the tropical Western Atlantic. Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 325.

Robins, C Richard; James E Böhlke: Studies on fishes of the family Ophidiidae. IV, Two new dwarf..

9,00 €
Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh-water fishes, Nos. 6-8. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore 27, 56-64.

Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh water fishes, Nos. 6 8. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the..

9,00 €
Tyler, James C: A new genus and species ot triacanthodid fish (Plectognath) from the Indian Ocean. Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae 385.

Tyler, James C: A new genus and species ot triacanthodid fish (Plectognath) from the Indian Ocean..

12,00 €
Tyler, James C: Bathyphylax omen, a new species of triacanthodid plectognath fish from the Indian Ocean, Pristotis judithae. Sonderdruck aus: Notulae naturae 395.

Tyler, James C: Bathyphylax omen, a new species of triacanthodid plectognath fish from the Indian..

12,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Note on Ameiurus prosthistius. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. 1900, 352-355.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Note on Ameiurus prosthistius. Sonderdruck aus: Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil..

9,00 €
Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh-water fishes, 3. The Anabantoid fishes. 4. Some new and interesting records, 5. Malay names.. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore 24, 63-95.

Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh water fishes, 3. The Anabantoid fishes. 4. Some new and..

9,00 €
Trewavas, E.; G. Fryer: Species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania, East Africa. Sonderdruck aus:  J. Zool. 147, 108-118.

Trewavas, E.; G. Fryer: Species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania, East..

9,00 €
Tomiyama, Itiro: On Some Rare Fishes from Japan and the Ryukyus. Sonderdruck aus: Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 25, 298-303.

Tomiyama, Itiro: On Some Rare Fishes from Japan and the Ryukyus. Sonderdruck aus: Annotationes..

9,00 €
Thomas, J. D: On the biology of the catfish Clarias senegalensis in a man-made lake in the Ghanaian savanne with particular reference to its feeding habits. Sonderdruck aus: J. Zool. 148, 476-514.

Thomas, J. D: On the biology of the catfish Clarias senegalensis in a man made lake in the Ghanaian..

12,00 €
Schindler, Otto: Bemerkungen zu Hypopomus brevirostris (Steind.). Sonderdruck aus: Zoologischer Anzeiger 119, 19-25.

Schindler, Otto: Bemerkungen zu Hypopomus brevirostris (Steind.). Sonderdruck aus: Zoologischer..

9,00 €
Tortonese, Enrico: Fishes from the Gulf of Aden. Sonderdruck aus: Monitore Zoologico Italiano suppl. 6, 167-188.

Tortonese, Enrico: Fishes from the Gulf of Aden. Sonderdruck aus: Monitore Zoologico Italiano..

9,00 €
Tortonese Enrico: I cefalopodi dei mari italiani. Sonderdruck aus: Natura e Montagna 6, 7-14.

Tortonese Enrico: I cefalopodi dei mari italiani. Sonderdruck aus: Natura e Montagna 6, 7-14.

9,00 €
Miller, Robert Rush; W L Minckley: Xiphophorus gordoni, A New Species of Platyfish from Coahuila, México. Sonderdruck aus: Copeia 1963/3, 538-546.

Miller, Robert Rush; W L Minckley: Xiphophorus gordoni, A New Species of Platyfish from Coahuila..

9,00 €
Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh-water fishes, No. 9. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Raffles Museum, Singapore 26, 178-182.

Tweedie, M. W. F: Notes on Malayan fresh water fishes, No. 9. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the..

9,00 €
Stephenson, A.B: Further new records of fish in New Zealand waters. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 8, 235-241.

Stephenson, A.B: Further new records of fish in New Zealand waters. Sonderdruck aus: Records of the..

9,00 €
Stinton, Fred C: Teleostean Otoliths from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: Trans R Soc New Zealand 84, 513-517.

Stinton, Fred C: Teleostean Otoliths from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Sonderdruck aus: Trans R Soc..

8,00 €
Schmidt, P.; Lindberg, G: A list of fishes, collected in Tsuruga (Japan) by W. Roszkowski. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin l’Académie des Sciences de L’URSS, Classe des Sciences Physico. Math. 1930, 1135-1150.

Schmidt, P.; Lindberg, G: A list of fishes, collected in Tsuruga (Japan) by W. Roszkowski..

14,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Description of a new cyprinoid fish (notropis stonei) : with notes on other fishes obtained in the United States. Sonderdruck aus:  Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 72, 385-402.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Description of a new cyprinoid fish (notropis stonei) : with notes on other..

9,00 €
Bruel, Louis: Bastiat et le libre échange. Dissertation.

Bruel, Louis: Bastiat et le libre échange. Dissertation.

35,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History 35, 109-138.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Notes on New England fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Proceedings of the Boston Society..

16,00 €
Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of Pennsylvania fishes. Sonderdruck aus: The American naturalist 41, 5-21.

Fowler, Henry Weed: Records of Pennsylvania fishes. Sonderdruck aus: The American naturalist 41, 5..

12,00 €
Trewavas, Ethelwynn: A new cichlid fish in the Limpopo basin. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 46, 53-56.

Trewavas, Ethelwynn: A new cichlid fish in the Limpopo basin. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South..

10,00 €
Thompson , Harald: Fish Welfare. Sonderdruck aus: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1947, 1-19.

Thompson , Harald: Fish Welfare. Sonderdruck aus: Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of..

9,00 €
Suzuki, Kiyoshi: Results of Amami-Expedition. 2. Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Reports of Faculty of Fisheries, Prefectural University of Mie 5, 153-188.

Suzuki, Kiyoshi: Results of Amami Expedition. 2. Fishes. Sonderdruck aus: Reports of Faculty of..

14,00 €
Stokell, G: Freshwater Fishes from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Cape Expedition series bulletin 9.

Stokell, G: Freshwater Fishes from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Cape Expedition series..

10,00 €
Kensley, Brian Frederick; Penrith, Mary-Louise: The status of Gregariella simplicifilis Barnard, with records of Mytilidae from Southern Angola. Sonderdruck aus: Annals of the South African Museum 57, 123-130.

Kensley, Brian Frederick; Penrith, Mary Louise: The status of Gregariella simplicifilis Barnard..

9,00 €
Dollo, Louis: Racovitzia glacialis : poisson abyssal nouveau, recueilli par l'Expedition antarctique belge; communication préliminaire. Acad. roy. de Belgique.

Dollo, Louis: Racovitzia glacialis : poisson abyssal nouveau, recueilli par l'Expedition..

19,00 €
Evermann, Barton Warren; Millard C Marsh: Descriptions of new genera nad species of fishes from Puerto Rico. Sonderdruck aus: U.S. Fish & Fisheries Com. Report for 1899, 351-362.

Evermann, Barton Warren; Millard C Marsh: Descriptions of new genera nad species of fishes from..

19,00 €
Teague, Gerard Warden; Myers, George S: A new gurnard (Prionotus alipionis) from the coast of Brazil. Boletim do Museu Nacional, Nova série, Zoologia No. 31.

Teague, Gerard Warden; Myers, George S: A new gurnard (Prionotus alipionis) from the coast of..

14,00 €
Kamohara, Toshiji: Some little known shore fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan 16-19, 310-314.

Kamohara, Toshiji: Some little known shore fishes from Prov. Tosa, Japan. Sonderdruck aus: Bulletin..

9,00 €