
Im Antiquariat auf oldthing finden Sie zahlreiche gebrauchte Bücher.

7.315 Artikel im Shop fluckbook gefunden


Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 - 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February - 11 March 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February 11 March..

15,00 €
Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

12,00 €
Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

12,00 €
South African Artists. 28 September - 16 October 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

South African Artists. 28 September - 16 October 1965 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

15,00 €
20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. [Ausstellungskartalog] Part I: 2 July - 27 July ; Part II: 28 August - 21 September 1968
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1968.

20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. [Ausstellungskartalog] Part I: 2 July 27 July ; Part II: 28..

15,00 €
Gunter, Archibald Clavering: Miß Niemand. Roman in zwei Bänden. Autorisierte Uebersetzung aus dem Englischen von F. Mangold. Erster Band. [= Engelhorn's Allgemeine Romanbibliothek. Eine Auswahl..

Gunter, Archibald Clavering: Miß Niemand. Roman in zwei Bänden. Autorisierte Uebersetzung aus dem..

4,00 €
Kerbs, Diethart;; Reulecke, Jürgen; Schwarte, Norbert (Hg.): [1] Anstöße. Diethart Kerbs als Kunstpädagoge, Fotohistoriker und Denkmalschützer. Zusammenstellung aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages. [2] Lebenslinien. Deutsche..

Kerbs, Diethart;; Reulecke, Jürgen; Schwarte, Norbert (Hg.): [1] Anstöße. Diethart Kerbs als..

28,00 €
Einbruch und Diebstahl verhütet BKS Schloss. [Liste A]
 Velbert (Rheinl.), BKS, Juni 1935.

Einbruch und Diebstahl verhütet BKS Schloss. [Liste A] Velbert (Rheinl.), BKS, Juni 1935.

34,00 €
Köttering, Martin (Hg.): Martin Assig. Honiggänsewiese. [Katalog zu den Ausstellungen] Städtische Galerie Nordhorn 16. September - 5. November 2000. Städtische Galerie Iserlohn 10. November - 10. Dezember 2000
 München, Schirmer/Mosel, 2000.

Köttering, Martin (Hg.): Martin Assig. Honiggänsewiese. [Katalog zu den Ausstellungen]..

11,00 €
Nitsch, Hermann; Berardi, Franco: Jakob de Chirico und Angelika Thomas (Aktion). Photographie: Roswitha Pross, Roland Fischer. Übersetzung: Alex Langer
 Ohne Ort, ohne Verlag, ohne Jahr [1988].

Nitsch, Hermann; Berardi, Franco: Jakob de Chirico und Angelika Thomas (Aktion). Photographie:..

24,00 €
Cusumano, Andrea: Installazione die morti: Rumore o suono del silenzio
 Palermo, Chiesa di S. Nicolò del Gurgo, Maggio 1996.

Cusumano, Andrea: Installazione die morti: Rumore o suono del silenzio Palermo, Chiesa di S..

27,00 €
Baare, Heike: Thomas Virnich. Die Welt am Kleiderhaken. 31. 01. 2014 - 25. 08. 2014. Museum DKM. 1. Auflage
 Duisburg, Museum DKM, 2014.

Baare, Heike: Thomas Virnich. Die Welt am Kleiderhaken. 31. 01. 2014 25. 08. 2014. Museum DKM. 1..

17,00 €
Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. Committee on Harardous Substances in the Laboratory. Assembly of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. National Research Council
 Washington, National Academy Press, 1981.

Prudent Practices for Handling Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories. Committee on Harardous..

10,00 €
Anderson, Jay Martin: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry
 New York - Amsterdam, W. A. Benjamin, 1969.

Anderson, Jay Martin: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry New York Amsterdam, W. A. Benjamin..

17,00 €
Molecular Modelling. Biotechnologie. Rechnergestütztes Modellieren von Molekülen. Workshop Juni 1987
 Darmstadt, Technische Hochschule Institut für Physikalische Chemie, April 1988.

Molecular Modelling. Biotechnologie. Rechnergestütztes Modellieren von Molekülen. Workshop Juni..

10,00 €
Gottschalk, G: Statistik in der quantitativen chemischen Analyse. Bewertung von Verfahren. Beurteilung von Ergebnissen. [= Die chemische Analyse Band 49]
 Stuttgart, Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1962.

Gottschalk, G: Statistik in der quantitativen chemischen Analyse. Bewertung von Verfahren..

10,00 €
Keren, David F: High-Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation. [1st printing]
 Boston - London - Durban - Singapore - Sydney - Toronto - Wellington, Butterworths, 1987.

Keren, David F: High Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation..

37,00 €
Feldman, Jamie L: Plague Doctors. Repsonding to the AIDS Epidemic in France and America
 Westport - London, Bergin & Garvey, 1995.

Feldman, Jamie L: Plague Doctors. Repsonding to the AIDS Epidemic in France and America Westport..

37,00 €
Swinbourne, E. S: Analysis of Kinetic Data
 Nairobi - Melbourne - Don Mills - Apapa - Johannesburg, Nelson, (1971).

Swinbourne, E. S: Analysis of Kinetic Data Nairobi Melbourne Don Mills Apapa Johannesburg..

10,00 €
Frauenfelder, H.; Deisenhofer, J.; Wolynes, P. G: Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic Acids
 Berlin, Dahlem University Press, (1999).

Frauenfelder, H.; Deisenhofer, J.; Wolynes, P. G: Simplicity and Complexity in Proteins and Nucleic..

11,00 €
Absage - Ansage. [= Schriftenreihe DDR-Kultur 2]
 Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Institut, ohne Jahr [1982].

Absage - Ansage. [= Schriftenreihe DDR-Kultur 2] Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Institut, ohne Jahr [1982].

10,00 €
Loftus, Barbara: Die Bürokratie des Terrors. Eine Exhumierung. [Katalog zur Ausstellung] vom 5. September 2013 bis zum 19. Januar 2014
 [Brighton], Scrutineer Publishing, 2013.

Loftus, Barbara: Die Bürokratie des Terrors. Eine Exhumierung. [Katalog zur Ausstellung] vom 5..

18,00 €
Nüsslin, F.; Wendhausen, H. (Hg.): NMR in der Medizin. Physik, Technik, Biologie
 München - Wien, Baltimore, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1986.

Nüsslin, F.; Wendhausen, H. (Hg.): NMR in der Medizin. Physik, Technik, Biologie München Wien..

17,00 €
Perbellini, Julien-Gabriel: INIS. [par André Guerraz, préface du Prince Victor Emmanuel de Savoie]
 Genève, (29. Juni) 2004.

Perbellini, Julien Gabriel: INIS. [par André Guerraz, préface du Prince Victor Emmanuel de..

54,00 €
Harmon, Robert E: Asymmetry of Carbohydrates
 New York - Basel, Marcel Dekker, (1979).

Harmon, Robert E: Asymmetry of Carbohydrates New York - Basel, Marcel Dekker, (1979).

10,00 €
Ritchie, Calvin D: Physical Organic Chemistry. The Fundamental Concepts. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
 New York - Basel, Marcel Dekker, 1990.

Ritchie, Calvin D: Physical Organic Chemistry. The Fundamental Concepts. Second Edition, Revised..

10,00 €
Seyden-Penne, J: Reductions by the Alumino- and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis. Foreword by H. C. Brown
 New York - Weinheim - Cambridge - Paris, VCH Publishers - Lavoisier - Tec & Doc, 1991.

Seyden Penne, J: Reductions by the Alumino and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis. Foreword by H..

17,00 €
Markl, Hubert. (Hg.): Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1980, February 18   22. [=..

Markl, Hubert. (Hg.): Evolution of Social Behavior: Hypotheses and Empirical Tests. Report of the..

10,00 €
Miller, Audrey: Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry. [1st printing]
 San Diego u. a., Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1992.

Miller, Audrey: Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry. [1st printing] San Diego u. a..

14,00 €
Jardetzky, Oleg; Roberts, G. C. K: NMR in Molecula Biology
 New York u. a., Academic Press, 1981.

Jardetzky, Oleg; Roberts, G. C. K: NMR in Molecula Biology New York u. a., Academic Press, 1981.

10,00 €
Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1985, June 16..

Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the..

17,00 €
Bernhard, M.; Brinckman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in Environmental Processes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berln 1993..

Bernhard, M.; Brinckman, F. E.; Sadler, P. J. (Hg.): The Importance of Chemical "Speciation" in..

24,00 €
Tenhunen, J. D.; Kabat, P. (Hg.): Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … January 18..

Tenhunen, J. D.; Kabat, P. (Hg.): Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in..

44,00 €
Tissue Engineering of Cartilage and Bone. (= Novartis Foundation Symposium 249)
 Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, (2003).

Tissue Engineering of Cartilage and Bone. (= Novartis Foundation Symposium 249) Chichester, John..

54,00 €
Greenspan, R. J.; Kyriacou, C. P. (Hg.): Flexibility and Constraint in Behavioral Systems. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berln 1993, May 9..

Greenspan, R. J.; Kyriacou, C. P. (Hg.): Flexibility and Constraint in Behavioral Systems. Report..

37,00 €
Krumbein, W. E.; Brimblecombe, P.; Cosgrove, D. E.; Staniforth, S. (Hg.): Durability and Change. The Science, Responsibility, and Cost of Sustaining Cultural Heritage. Report of..

Krumbein, W. E.; Brimblecombe, P.; Cosgrove, D. E.; Staniforth, S. (Hg.): Durability and Change..

22,00 €
Charlson, R. J.; Heintzenberg, J. (Hg.): Aerosol Forcing of Climate. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1994, April 24   29. [= Dahlem..

Charlson, R. J.; Heintzenberg, J. (Hg.): Aerosol Forcing of Climate. Report of the Dahlem Workshop..

64,00 €
Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 194)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

Genetics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 194) Chichester New..

34,00 €
Roy, A. B.; Trudinger, P. A: The Biochemistry of Inorganic Compounds of Sulphur
 Cambridge, at the University Press, 1970.

Roy, A. B.; Trudinger, P. A: The Biochemistry of Inorganic Compounds of Sulphur Cambridge, at the..

10,00 €
Campbell, J. A: Chemical Systems. Energetics - Dynamics - Structure
 San Francisco, W. H. Freeman and Company, (1970).

Campbell, J. A: Chemical Systems. Energetics Dynamics Structure San Francisco, W. H. Freeman..

15,00 €
Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Organic Chemistry. Concepts and Applicationsd
 Lexington - Toronto, D. C. Heath and Company, (1979).

Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Organic Chemistry. Concepts and Applicationsd Lexington Toronto..

64,00 €
Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry
 Lexington - Toronto, D. C. Heath and Company, (1982).

Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry Lexington Toronto, D. C..

20,00 €
Mucus Hypersecretion in Respiratory Disease. (= Novartis Foundation Symposium 248)
 Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Mucus Hypersecretion in Respiratory Disease. (= Novartis Foundation Symposium 248) Chichester..

17,00 €
Steinberg, C. E. W.; Wright, R. F. (Hg.): Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems. Implications for the Future. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin, September 27..

Steinberg, C. E. W.; Wright, R. F. (Hg.): Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems. Implications for..

24,00 €
Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness. A Wiley-Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 174)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness. A Wiley Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba..

27,00 €
Functional Anatomy of the Neuroendocrine Hypothalamus. A Wiley-Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 168)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

Functional Anatomy of the Neuroendocrine Hypothalamus. A Wiley Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba..

17,00 €
Polyfunctional Cytokines: IL-6 and LIF. A Wiley-Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 167)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

Polyfunctional Cytokines: IL 6 and LIF. A Wiley Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation..

10,00 €
Post-Implantation Development in the Mouse. A Wiley-Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation Symposium 165)
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.

Post Implantation Development in the Mouse. A Wiley Interscience Publiation. (= Ciba Foundation..

27,00 €


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