
Im Antiquariat auf oldthing finden Sie zahlreiche gebrauchte Bücher.

1.826 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatDoesiBooks gefunden


Fowles, John: Mantissa.

Fowles, John: Mantissa.

4,00 €
Price, Richard: Lush Life.

Price, Richard: Lush Life.

4,50 €
Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections.

Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections.

3,30 €
Roald Dahl: Danny, the Champion of the World.

Roald Dahl: Danny, the Champion of the World.

4,00 €
Graham Greene: The Quiet American.

Graham Greene: The Quiet American.

5,00 €
Ibuse, Masuji: BLACK RAIN.  A Novel.

Ibuse, Masuji: BLACK RAIN. A Novel.

25,00 €
Archibald Joseph Cronin: The Spanish Gardener.

Archibald Joseph Cronin: The Spanish Gardener.

13,00 €
Muller, Marcia: The Broken Promise Land.

Muller, Marcia: The Broken Promise Land.

4,00 €
Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day.

Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day.

29,00 €
Pope, Dudley: Ramage's Devil.

Pope, Dudley: Ramage's Devil.

13,00 €
Tyler, Anne: The Accidental Tourist.

Tyler, Anne: The Accidental Tourist.

3,50 €
Sullivan, Tricia: Lethe.

Sullivan, Tricia: Lethe.

5,30 €
Trollope, Anthony: The Warden.

Trollope, Anthony: The Warden.

3,50 €
Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt.

Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt.

7,00 €
Torga, Miguel: Grape Harvest.

Torga, Miguel: Grape Harvest.

22,00 €
White, Patrick: Voss.

White, Patrick: Voss.

6,00 €
Coetzee, J.M: Waiting for the Barbarians.

Coetzee, J.M: Waiting for the Barbarians.

9,00 €
Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

15,00 €
Paul Gallico: Scruffy.

Paul Gallico: Scruffy.

7,00 €
Fielding, Joseph: Joseph Andrews and Shamela.

Fielding, Joseph: Joseph Andrews and Shamela.

6,00 €
White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

8,00 €
Forester, C.S: The African Queen.

Forester, C.S: The African Queen.

4,00 €
O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

19,00 €
Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

16,00 €
Vikram Seth: Suitable Boy; Volume 2.

Vikram Seth: Suitable Boy; Volume 2.

5,00 €
Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101  Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101 Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi..

80,00 €
Nye, Russel B: A History of the United States :2 - The Growth of the U.S.A.

Nye, Russel B: A History of the United States :2 - The Growth of the U.S.A.

4,50 €
Ben Shephard: After Daybreak. The Liberation of Belsen, 1945.

Ben Shephard: After Daybreak. The Liberation of Belsen, 1945.

8,00 €
Cochran, Judith: Educational Roots of Political Crisis in Egypt.

Cochran, Judith: Educational Roots of Political Crisis in Egypt.

90,00 €
Peter F. Drucker: The End of Economic Man. A Study of the New Totalitarianism.

Peter F. Drucker: The End of Economic Man. A Study of the New Totalitarianism.

43,00 €
Marlow, Joyce: Captain Boycott & the Irish.

Marlow, Joyce: Captain Boycott & the Irish.

7,00 €
Batra, Ravi: The Great Depression of 1990.

Batra, Ravi: The Great Depression of 1990.

8,00 €
Langley, Mike: Anders Lassen, VC, MC, of the SAS: The Story of Anders Lassen and the Men Who Fought with Him.

Langley, Mike: Anders Lassen, VC, MC, of the SAS: The Story of Anders Lassen and the Men Who Fought..

28,00 €
Murray, Edmund: Churchill's Bodyguard.

Murray, Edmund: Churchill's Bodyguard.

9,00 €
Nikolic, Milos: The Tragedy of Yougoslavia. The rise, the reign and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic.

Nikolic, Milos: The Tragedy of Yougoslavia. The rise, the reign and the fall of Slobodan Milosevic.

100,00 €
Esther Selsdon: The Life and Times of Fidel Castro.

Esther Selsdon: The Life and Times of Fidel Castro.

6,00 €
Howarth, David: The Shetland Bus.

Howarth, David: The Shetland Bus.

3,50 €
Douglas Adams: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

Douglas Adams: The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.

4,50 €
Jacqueline Susann: Yargo. A Love Story.

Jacqueline Susann: Yargo. A Love Story.

29,00 €
Baudino, Gael: Shroud of Shadow.

Baudino, Gael: Shroud of Shadow.

6,50 €
Huff, Tanya: No Quarter.

Huff, Tanya: No Quarter.

6,00 €
Harris, Charlaine: Definitely dead.

Harris, Charlaine: Definitely dead.

3,00 €
Huff, Tanya: Blood Prise.

Huff, Tanya: Blood Prise.

6,00 €
Salvatore R. A: The Demon Spirit.

Salvatore R. A: The Demon Spirit.

4,80 €
Anthony, Piers: Dragon on a Pedestal.

Anthony, Piers: Dragon on a Pedestal.

13,00 €
Feist, Raymond E: Prince of the Blood.

Feist, Raymond E: Prince of the Blood.

3,50 €
Nevada Barr: Track of the Cat; An Anna Pigeon Mystery.

Nevada Barr: Track of the Cat; An Anna Pigeon Mystery.

6,00 €
William Trevor: Felicia's Journey.

William Trevor: Felicia's Journey.

5,00 €


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