
Im Antiquariat auf oldthing finden Sie zahlreiche gebrauchte Bücher.

14.125 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatDGorodin gefunden


King, Alexander: Mine Enemy Grows Older.

King, Alexander: Mine Enemy Grows Older.

10,00 €
Kingsolver, Barbara: The Poisonwood Bible. A Novel.

Kingsolver, Barbara: The Poisonwood Bible. A Novel.

3,00 €
Kowalski, Robert: Logic for Problem Solving.

Kowalski, Robert: Logic for Problem Solving.

4,00 €
Kreutzer, Wolfgang & McKenzie, Bruce: Programming for Artificial Intelligence.

Kreutzer, Wolfgang & McKenzie, Bruce: Programming for Artificial Intelligence.

9,50 €
Kakonis, Tom: Michigan Roll.

Kakonis, Tom: Michigan Roll.

9,00 €
Kluckhohn, Clyde & Leighton, Dorothea: The Navaho.

Kluckhohn, Clyde & Leighton, Dorothea: The Navaho.

5,50 €
John, J: The Game of Life.

John, J: The Game of Life.

20,00 €
Japrisot, Sebastien: The Passion of Women. A Novel.

Japrisot, Sebastien: The Passion of Women. A Novel.

12,00 €
Heseltine, Harry (Ed.): The Penguin Book of Australian Verse.

Heseltine, Harry (Ed.): The Penguin Book of Australian Verse.

10,00 €
Hay, John of Hayfield: Tartan Tapestry. An Anthology of Scotland Past, Present and Future.

Hay, John of Hayfield: Tartan Tapestry. An Anthology of Scotland Past, Present and Future.

12,00 €
Green Jr., Bert F: Digital Computers in Research.

Green Jr., Bert F: Digital Computers in Research.

10,00 €
Guild, Nicholas: The Berlin Warning.

Guild, Nicholas: The Berlin Warning.

8,00 €
Gibbs, Philip: The Street of Adventure.

Gibbs, Philip: The Street of Adventure.

4,00 €
Guillen, Michael: Bridges to Infinity. The Human Side of Mathematics.

Guillen, Michael: Bridges to Infinity. The Human Side of Mathematics.

10,00 €
Farmanfarmaian, Manucher & Roxane: Blood & Oil. Memoirs of a Persian Prince.

Farmanfarmaian, Manucher & Roxane: Blood & Oil. Memoirs of a Persian Prince.

28,00 €
Francis, Dick: Reflex.

Francis, Dick: Reflex.

6,00 €
Ferman, Ed & Malzberg, Barry: Arena : Sports SF.

Ferman, Ed & Malzberg, Barry: Arena : Sports SF.

10,50 €
Frazier, Charles: Gold Mountain. A Novel.

Frazier, Charles: Gold Mountain. A Novel.

12,00 €
Reichs, Kathy: Death du Jour.

Reichs, Kathy: Death du Jour.

4,00 €
Jeffares, A. Norman: W. B. Yeats. Man and Poet.

Jeffares, A. Norman: W. B. Yeats. Man and Poet.

14,00 €
Wilson, John Dover: Life in Shakespeare's England.

Wilson, John Dover: Life in Shakespeare's England.

5,00 €
Balasundaram, Franklyn J: Eatwot in Asia. Towards a relevant theology.

Balasundaram, Franklyn J: Eatwot in Asia. Towards a relevant theology.

44,00 €
Desplechin, Marie: Sans Moi.

Desplechin, Marie: Sans Moi.

4,00 €
Glaister, Lesley: Sheer Blue Bliss.

Glaister, Lesley: Sheer Blue Bliss.

2,50 €
Webb, Sarah: It had to be you.

Webb, Sarah: It had to be you.

3,50 €
Leno, Jay: Jay Leno's Headlines. Real but ridiculous headlines from America's newspapers. Books I, II, III.

Leno, Jay: Jay Leno's Headlines. Real but ridiculous headlines from America's newspapers. Books I..

6,00 €
Honour, Hugh: The Companion Guide to Venice.

Honour, Hugh: The Companion Guide to Venice.

10,00 €
Debnam, Betty: The Mini Page Book of States.

Debnam, Betty: The Mini Page Book of States.

7,50 €
Nix, Garth: The Seventh Tower. Book Four:  Above the Veil.

Nix, Garth: The Seventh Tower. Book Four: Above the Veil.

5,00 €
Crace, Jim: Being Dead.

Crace, Jim: Being Dead.

6,00 €
Ustinov, Peter: The Loser.

Ustinov, Peter: The Loser.

8,50 €
Healey, Trebor: Through It Came. Bright Colors. A Novel.

Healey, Trebor: Through It Came. Bright Colors. A Novel.

6,00 €
Allende, Isabel: Eva Luna.

Allende, Isabel: Eva Luna.

2,50 €
Schnöckelborg, Georg (Ed.): William Shakespeare: Hamlet. Notes.

Schnöckelborg, Georg (Ed.): William Shakespeare: Hamlet. Notes.

7,00 €
Shakespeare, William: Hamlet.

Shakespeare, William: Hamlet.

3,00 €
Saroyan, William: The Human Comedy.

Saroyan, William: The Human Comedy.

2,00 €
Drabble, Margaret & Stringer, Jenny: The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature.

Drabble, Margaret & Stringer, Jenny: The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature.

15,00 €
Ferrars, Elizabeth: The Small World of Murder.

Ferrars, Elizabeth: The Small World of Murder.

6,00 €
Ferrars, E. X: The Pretty Pink Shroud.

Ferrars, E. X: The Pretty Pink Shroud.

7,00 €
McBain, Ed: Like Love.

McBain, Ed: Like Love.

6,00 €
Lewis, Roy: A Certain Blindness. An Eric Ward Novel.

Lewis, Roy: A Certain Blindness. An Eric Ward Novel.

10,00 €
McMullen, Mary: Strange Hold.

McMullen, Mary: Strange Hold.

10,00 €
Thomas, Ross: The Porkchoppers.

Thomas, Ross: The Porkchoppers.

12,00 €
Gilbert, Michael: Smallbone Deceased.

Gilbert, Michael: Smallbone Deceased.

8,00 €
Gilbert, Michael: Flash Point.

Gilbert, Michael: Flash Point.

8,00 €
Mulock, Dinah Maria: A Noble Life by the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman".

Mulock, Dinah Maria: A Noble Life by the Author of "John Halifax, Gentleman".

10,00 €
Malmsten, Bodil: The Price of Water in Finistere.

Malmsten, Bodil: The Price of Water in Finistere.

7,00 €
Chopra, Deepak: Buddha. A Story of Enlightenment.

Chopra, Deepak: Buddha. A Story of Enlightenment.

12,00 €
Jerome, Jerome K: Three Men in a Boat.

Jerome, Jerome K: Three Men in a Boat.

3,00 €
Evans, Christine Brautigam: Breaking Free of the Shame Trap. How Women Get Into It, How Women Get Out of It.

Evans, Christine Brautigam: Breaking Free of the Shame Trap. How Women Get Into It, How Women Get..

7,00 €
Ashley, Mike (Ed.): The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits. Brand New Collection.

Ashley, Mike (Ed.): The Mammoth Book of Historical Whodunnits. Brand New Collection.

7,00 €
Ratushinskaya, Irina & McDuff, David (Transl.) & Brodsky, Joseph (Introd.): No, I'm Not Afraid.

Ratushinskaya, Irina & McDuff, David (Transl.) & Brodsky, Joseph (Introd.): No, I'm Not Afraid.

14,00 €
Brown, Geoff: Otis Redding. Try A Little Tenderness.

Brown, Geoff: Otis Redding. Try A Little Tenderness.

6,00 €
Bush, Catherine: Minus Time.

Bush, Catherine: Minus Time.

12,50 €
Peters, Ralph: Bravo Romeo.

Peters, Ralph: Bravo Romeo.

8,00 €
Cecil, Henry: Natural Causes.

Cecil, Henry: Natural Causes.

4,00 €
Clancy, Tom: The Cardinal of the Kremlin.

Clancy, Tom: The Cardinal of the Kremlin.

8,50 €
Hilsbery, Kief: War Boy. A Novel.

Hilsbery, Kief: War Boy. A Novel.

17,00 €
Binchy, Maeve: Whitethorn Woods.

Binchy, Maeve: Whitethorn Woods.

8,00 €
Perry, Anne: Dark Assassin. A William Monk Mystery.

Perry, Anne: Dark Assassin. A William Monk Mystery.

3,00 €
Edric, Robert: In the Days of the American Museum.

Edric, Robert: In the Days of the American Museum.

8,50 €
Dibdin, Michael: A Long Finish.

Dibdin, Michael: A Long Finish.

3,50 €
Davis, Gary A: Psychology of Problem Solving. Theory and Practice.

Davis, Gary A: Psychology of Problem Solving. Theory and Practice.

15,00 €
Dante Alighieri: The divine Comedy. The Carlyle-Wicksteed translation.

Dante Alighieri: The divine Comedy. The Carlyle-Wicksteed translation.

20,00 €
Cussler, Clive: Raise the Titanic !.

Cussler, Clive: Raise the Titanic !.

2,50 €
Cussler, Clive: Night Probe !.

Cussler, Clive: Night Probe !.

4,00 €
Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking- Glass.

Carroll, Lewis: Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking- Glass.

22,00 €
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly  & Isabella Selega: Optimal experience. Psychological Studies of Flow in Conciousness.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly & Isabella Selega: Optimal experience. Psychological Studies of Flow in..

25,00 €
Charniak, Eugene & McDermont, Drew: Artificial Intelligence.

Charniak, Eugene & McDermont, Drew: Artificial Intelligence.

8,00 €
Campbell, Jeremy: Improbable Machine.

Campbell, Jeremy: Improbable Machine.

15,00 €
Chaucer, Geoffrey ; Robinson, F. N. (Ed.): The Complete Works.

Chaucer, Geoffrey ; Robinson, F. N. (Ed.): The Complete Works.

17,00 €
Chaucer, Geoffrey ; Skeat, Walter (Ed.): The Complete Works.

Chaucer, Geoffrey ; Skeat, Walter (Ed.): The Complete Works.

12,00 €
Chatwin, Bruce: What I am Doing Here.

Chatwin, Bruce: What I am Doing Here.

7,00 €
Charyn, Jerome: The Single Voice. An Anthology of Contemporary Fiction.

Charyn, Jerome: The Single Voice. An Anthology of Contemporary Fiction.

16,00 €
Cerf, Bennett: Bumper Crop of Anecdotes and Stories, Mostly Humorous, About the Famous and Near Famous. Volume 2.

Cerf, Bennett: Bumper Crop of Anecdotes and Stories, Mostly Humorous, About the Famous and Near..

10,00 €
Cerf, Bennett: Bumper Crop of Anecdotes and Stories, Mostly Humorous, About the Famous and Near Famous. Volume 1.

Cerf, Bennett: Bumper Crop of Anecdotes and Stories, Mostly Humorous, About the Famous and Near..

10,00 €
Bede, Cutberth: The Adventures of Mr Verdant Green.

Bede, Cutberth: The Adventures of Mr Verdant Green.

16,00 €
Baase, Sara: Computer Algorithms. Introduction to Design and Analysis.

Baase, Sara: Computer Algorithms. Introduction to Design and Analysis.

20,00 €
Barber, Richard: The Devil's Crown. A History of Henry II and his sons.

Barber, Richard: The Devil's Crown. A History of Henry II and his sons.

7,00 €
Buchan, John: The Thirty-nine Steps.

Buchan, John: The Thirty-nine Steps.

2,50 €
Bellow, Saul: To Jerusalem and Back. A Personal Account.

Bellow, Saul: To Jerusalem and Back. A Personal Account.

7,00 €
Amis, Martin: Heavy water and other stories.

Amis, Martin: Heavy water and other stories.

12,00 €
Abrahams, William (Ed.): Prize Stories 1991. The O'Henry Awards.

Abrahams, William (Ed.): Prize Stories 1991. The O'Henry Awards.

15,00 €
Shakespeare, William: The Merchant of Venice.

Shakespeare, William: The Merchant of Venice.

2,50 €
Roberts, Nora: bLue dahLia.

Roberts, Nora: bLue dahLia.

2,50 €
Cross, Ernst L: Walks in the Cairngorms.

Cross, Ernst L: Walks in the Cairngorms.

10,00 €
Robb, Alexandra Maria: Aurora. Meditation on sculptures by Michelangelo in the Medici-Chapel in Florence.

Robb, Alexandra Maria: Aurora. Meditation on sculptures by Michelangelo in the Medici Chapel in..

40,00 €
Yates, Richard: Eleven Kinds of Loneliness.

Yates, Richard: Eleven Kinds of Loneliness.

8,50 €
Wilson, Elizabeth: War Damage.

Wilson, Elizabeth: War Damage.

8,50 €
Redfield, James & Adrienne, Carol: The Tenth Insight. Holding the Vision. An Experimental Guide.

Redfield, James & Adrienne, Carol: The Tenth Insight. Holding the Vision. An Experimental Guide.

4,00 €
Wilson, Jacqueline: Snap.

Wilson, Jacqueline: Snap.

7,00 €
Salinger, Pierre: For the Eyes of the President Only.

Salinger, Pierre: For the Eyes of the President Only.

7,00 €
Biddle, Cordelia Frances: The Conjurer. A Martha Beale Mystery.

Biddle, Cordelia Frances: The Conjurer. A Martha Beale Mystery.

14,00 €
James, Peter: Dead Man's Footsteps.

James, Peter: Dead Man's Footsteps.

7,00 €
Johnson, James H. & Kathy N: Mind Prober. A Personality Evaluator That Reveals People's Hidden Thoughts.

Johnson, James H. & Kathy N: Mind Prober. A Personality Evaluator That Reveals People's Hidden..

20,00 €
Moore, Brian: The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne.

Moore, Brian: The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne.

7,00 €
Craig, Patricia: Brian Moore. A Biography.

Craig, Patricia: Brian Moore. A Biography.

10,00 €
Booth, Martin: The American.

Booth, Martin: The American.

8,00 €
Hunter,  Stephen: I, Sniper.

Hunter, Stephen: I, Sniper.

7,50 €
Hunter,  Stephen: Violent Screen.

Hunter, Stephen: Violent Screen.

12,00 €


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