
Im Antiquariat auf oldthing finden Sie zahlreiche gebrauchte Bücher.

14.124 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatDGorodin gefunden

Kategorie: Antiquariat

Ciarrocchi, Arnoldo & Mori, Ermanno: Italian Votive Tablets.

Ciarrocchi, Arnoldo & Mori, Ermanno: Italian Votive Tablets.

98,00 €
Vinograd, Richard & Yuhas, Louise & Zycherman, Lyynda u.a: ARS Orientalis. Volume 13.

Vinograd, Richard & Yuhas, Louise & Zycherman, Lyynda u.a: ARS Orientalis. Volume 13.

34,00 €
Hall, Douglas John: Why Christian? For those on theedge of faith.

Hall, Douglas John: Why Christian? For those on theedge of faith.

20,00 €
Goodrich, Lloyd: Three Centuries of American Art.

Goodrich, Lloyd: Three Centuries of American Art.

8,00 €
Pybus, Victoria & White, Joshua: Live & Work in Spain & Portugal.

Pybus, Victoria & White, Joshua: Live & Work in Spain & Portugal.

16,00 €
Pybus, Victoria: Live & Work in France.

Pybus, Victoria: Live & Work in France.

16,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 2. Summer.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 2. Summer.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 1. Spring.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 1. Spring.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 3. Fall.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 3. Fall.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 4. Winter.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVII. Number 4. Winter.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLIX. Number 1. Spring.

Modern Drama. Volume XLIX. Number 1. Spring.

5,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 3. Fall.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 3. Fall.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 4. Winter.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 4. Winter.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 1. Spring.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 1. Spring.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 3. Fall.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 3. Fall.

4,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 2. Summer.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVIII. Number 2. Summer.

4,00 €
Leigh, Wendy: True Grace. The Life and Times of an American Princess.

Leigh, Wendy: True Grace. The Life and Times of an American Princess.

17,00 €
Chapman, Jane Roberts & Gates, Margaret (Ed.): The Victimization of Women.

Chapman, Jane Roberts & Gates, Margaret (Ed.): The Victimization of Women.

5,00 €
Varner, Nick: The World Champion on Winning Pool and Trick Shots.

Varner, Nick: The World Champion on Winning Pool and Trick Shots.

15,00 €
Angha, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah: Expansion & Contraction. Within Being (Dahm).

Angha, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah: Expansion & Contraction. Within Being (Dahm).

24,00 €
Angha, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah: Weights & Balances in Science of the Alchemy Volume 1.

Angha, Molana Salaheddin Ali Nader Shah: Weights & Balances in Science of the Alchemy Volume 1.

12,00 €
Ansari, Hamid: The Narrative of Awakening. A Look at Imam Khomeini's Ideal, Scientific and Political Biography (From Birth to Ascension).

Ansari, Hamid: The Narrative of Awakening. A Look at Imam Khomeini's Ideal, Scientific and..

24,00 €
Shepherd, Robbie; Johnstone, Jim (Music): Let's Have a Ceilidh.

Shepherd, Robbie; Johnstone, Jim (Music): Let's Have a Ceilidh.

14,00 €
Neil, J. Murray: The Scots Fiddle. Tunes, Tales & Traditions.

Neil, J. Murray: The Scots Fiddle. Tunes, Tales & Traditions.

44,00 €
Latino, Giorgio Lilli & Bianco, Anna Lo: Art in Italy.

Latino, Giorgio Lilli & Bianco, Anna Lo: Art in Italy.

7,00 €
Butler, Josephine: Recollections of George Butler by his Wife.

Butler, Josephine: Recollections of George Butler by his Wife.

80,00 €
Roizen, Michael F. & Oz, Mehmet C: YOU. The Owner's Manual. An Insider's Guide to the Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger.

Roizen, Michael F. & Oz, Mehmet C: YOU. The Owner's Manual. An Insider's Guide to the Body That..

14,00 €
Joynson, R. H: Electronics for technicians.

Joynson, R. H: Electronics for technicians.

10,00 €
Hemingway, Ernest: The Killers and other short stories.

Hemingway, Ernest: The Killers and other short stories.

3,00 €
Fry, Christopher; Scheffler, Walter (Ed.): Curtmantle. A Play.

Fry, Christopher; Scheffler, Walter (Ed.): Curtmantle. A Play.

3,00 €
Cornwell, Patricia: Cause of Death.

Cornwell, Patricia: Cause of Death.

3,00 €
Sessions, Larry: Constellations. Glimpses of infinity in fact, myth, and legend.

Sessions, Larry: Constellations. Glimpses of infinity in fact, myth, and legend.

8,00 €
Immel, Andrea: Perrault's Cinderella at the Cotsen Children's Library.

Immel, Andrea: Perrault's Cinderella at the Cotsen Children's Library.

8,00 €
Scott, Walter Sir: Ivanhoe, a Romance, with the authors last notes and additions. [Anonymously published].

Scott, Walter Sir: Ivanhoe, a Romance, with the authors last notes and additions. [Anonymously..

71,00 €
Meier, Peg: Bring Warm Clothes. Letters and Photos from Minnesota's Past.

Meier, Peg: Bring Warm Clothes. Letters and Photos from Minnesota's Past.

15,00 €
Kozodoy, Neal (Ed.): Commentary. Volume 115. NNr. 1-12.

Kozodoy, Neal (Ed.): Commentary. Volume 115. NNr. 1-12.

62,00 €
Howatt, Anthony: Put it in Writing. A Natural Approach to Writing English.  Teacher's Key.

Howatt, Anthony: Put it in Writing. A Natural Approach to Writing English. Teacher's Key.

3,00 €
Cole, Burt: The Quick. A Science Fiction Novel.

Cole, Burt: The Quick. A Science Fiction Novel.

12,00 €
Morrow, Bradford & LAfourcade, Bernard ; Kenner, Hugh (Introd.): A Bibliography of the Writings of Wyndham Lewis.

Morrow, Bradford & LAfourcade, Bernard ; Kenner, Hugh (Introd.): A Bibliography of the Writings of..

20,00 €
Griggs, Arthur K: My Paris. An Anthology of modern Paris from the Works of Contemporary French Writers.

Griggs, Arthur K: My Paris. An Anthology of modern Paris from the Works of Contemporary French..

12,00 €
Prieditis, Armand: Analogica.

Prieditis, Armand: Analogica.

8,00 €
Lingoes, James & Stones, Philip & Rainio, Kullervo & Schellhorn, J. P. u.a: Proceedings IBM Symposium: Uses of Computers in Psychological Research. November 1964.

Lingoes, James & Stones, Philip & Rainio, Kullervo & Schellhorn, J. P. u.a: Proceedings IBM..

40,00 €
Adelbartt, Thomas: Everyday Notions of Good Decision Making: Theoretical and Practical Implications.

Adelbartt, Thomas: Everyday Notions of Good Decision Making: Theoretical and Practical..

22,00 €
Voßmann, Frank: Decision Weights in Choice under Risk und Uncertainty: Measurement and Decomposition. Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Mannheim.

Voßmann, Frank: Decision Weights in Choice under Risk und Uncertainty: Measurement and..

22,00 €
Stone, C. J: The Last of the Hippies.

Stone, C. J: The Last of the Hippies.

5,00 €
Anger, Per; Wiesel, Elie (Preface): With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest.

Anger, Per; Wiesel, Elie (Preface): With Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest.

19,00 €
Ghose, Sudhin N: Tibetan Folk Tales and Fairy Stories.

Ghose, Sudhin N: Tibetan Folk Tales and Fairy Stories.

12,00 €
Toynbee, Arnold & Philip: Comparing Notes. A Dialogue Across A Generation.

Toynbee, Arnold & Philip: Comparing Notes. A Dialogue Across A Generation.

9,00 €
Haggar, Reginald G: Recent Ceramic Sculpture in Great Britain.

Haggar, Reginald G: Recent Ceramic Sculpture in Great Britain.

7,00 €
Levin, Bernard: I should say so.

Levin, Bernard: I should say so.

10,00 €
Mackenzie, Compton: The West Wind of Love.

Mackenzie, Compton: The West Wind of Love.

7,00 €
Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 28.2 Fall 1994.

Journal of Popular Culture. Volume 28.2 Fall 1994.

10,00 €
Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 2. Summer.

Modern Drama. Volume XLVI. Number 2. Summer.

4,00 €
Kozodoy, Neal (Ed.): Commentary. Volume 114. NNr. 1-12.

Kozodoy, Neal (Ed.): Commentary. Volume 114. NNr. 1-12.

62,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 28 Nr. 1: Gender and Cultural Memory.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 28..

10,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27 Nr. 2.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27..

9,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27 Nr. 1.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27..

10,00 €
Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 25 Nr. 3.

Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 25 Nr. 3.

10,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27 Nr. 4.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27..

9,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26 Nr. 2.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26..

10,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26 Nr. 3.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26..

10,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 28 Nr. 4.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 28..

10,00 €
Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26 Nr. 1.

Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 26 Nr. 1.

10,00 €
Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 25 Nr. 4: Feminisms at a Millennium.

Allen, Carolyn & Howard, Judith A: Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 25 Nr. 4:..

10,00 €
Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27 Nr. 3.

Harding, Sandra & Norberg, Kathryn (Ed,): Signs. Journal of Women Culture and Society. Volume 27..

10,00 €
Clack, George & Malamud, Paul (Ed.): Electronic Commerce. A Conversation with Ira Magaziner.

Clack, George & Malamud, Paul (Ed.): Electronic Commerce. A Conversation with Ira Magaziner.

10,00 €
Bodenstein, J. H. (Ed.): American Indians Today.

Bodenstein, J. H. (Ed.): American Indians Today.

10,00 €
Clack, George & Malamud, Paul (Ed.): Livable Communities. Improving Life in the World's Megacities.

Clack, George & Malamud, Paul (Ed.): Livable Communities. Improving Life in the World's Megacities.

10,00 €
Godden, Rumer: A Breath of Air. A Novel.

Godden, Rumer: A Breath of Air. A Novel.

9,00 €
Jackson, P. W: Local Government.

Jackson, P. W: Local Government.

8,00 €
Rivers, Wilga M: Teaching-Language Skills.

Rivers, Wilga M: Teaching-Language Skills.

10,00 €
Busch, Niven: The San Franciscans. A Novel.

Busch, Niven: The San Franciscans. A Novel.

9,00 €
Dickson, Gordon R: Sleepwalker's World.

Dickson, Gordon R: Sleepwalker's World.

3,00 €
Burton, John: Man and his World. Population.

Burton, John: Man and his World. Population.

15,00 €
Diller, Karl Conrad: The Language Teaching Controversy.

Diller, Karl Conrad: The Language Teaching Controversy.

5,00 €
Burrell, Hedley (Red.): An Unletters Press.

Burrell, Hedley (Red.): An Unletters Press.

5,00 €
Kimbrough, Emily: And a Right Good Crew.

Kimbrough, Emily: And a Right Good Crew.

9,00 €
Mintz, Grafton K: Gateway to Speaking Korean. Practical Text for Foreigners.

Mintz, Grafton K: Gateway to Speaking Korean. Practical Text for Foreigners.

14,00 €
Finletter, Gretchen: The Dinner Party. (From the Journal of a Lady of Today).

Finletter, Gretchen: The Dinner Party. (From the Journal of a Lady of Today).

8,00 €
Larsen, Egon: An American in Europe. The Life of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford.

Larsen, Egon: An American in Europe. The Life of Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford.

10,00 €
Finletter, Gretchen: From the Top of the Stairs.

Finletter, Gretchen: From the Top of the Stairs.

8,00 €
Leslie, Warren: Dallas Public and Private. Aspects of an American City.

Leslie, Warren: Dallas Public and Private. Aspects of an American City.

10,00 €
Leasor, James: The Uninvited Envoy. [The mysterious flight of Rudolf Hess ].

Leasor, James: The Uninvited Envoy. [The mysterious flight of Rudolf Hess ].

14,00 €
Grzimek, Bernhard; Stevens, R. H. (Transl.): No Room for Wild Animals.

Grzimek, Bernhard; Stevens, R. H. (Transl.): No Room for Wild Animals.

8,00 €
Bagby, George: Corpse Candle.

Bagby, George: Corpse Candle.

9,00 €
Kagan, Jerome: Unstable Ideas. Temperament, Cognition, and Self.

Kagan, Jerome: Unstable Ideas. Temperament, Cognition, and Self.

16,00 €
Coxe, George Harmon: The Reluctant Heiress.

Coxe, George Harmon: The Reluctant Heiress.

17,00 €
Mackay, Ronald & Mountford, Alan (Ed.): English for Specific Purposes. A Case Study Approach.

Mackay, Ronald & Mountford, Alan (Ed.): English for Specific Purposes. A Case Study Approach.

12,00 €
Morley, John: Improving Aural Comprehension. Teacher's Book of Readings.

Morley, John: Improving Aural Comprehension. Teacher's Book of Readings.

12,00 €
Newth, A. M: Britain and the world 1789 - 1901.

Newth, A. M: Britain and the world 1789 - 1901.

10,00 €
Howatt, Anthony: Put it in Writing. A Natural Approach to Writing English.

Howatt, Anthony: Put it in Writing. A Natural Approach to Writing English.

3,00 €
Robinett, Betty Wallace: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Substance and Technique.

Robinett, Betty Wallace: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Substance and Technique.

4,00 €
Michener, James A: Mexico. A Novel.

Michener, James A: Mexico. A Novel.

6,00 €
Kron, R: The Little Londoner.  A Concise Account of the Life and Ways of the English with Special Reference to London.

Kron, R: The Little Londoner. A Concise Account of the Life and Ways of the English with Special..

6,50 €
Ware, Willis H: Digital Computer : Technology and Design. Volume II: Circuits and Machine Design.

Ware, Willis H: Digital Computer : Technology and Design. Volume II: Circuits and Machine Design.

10,00 €
Schama, Simon: A History of Britain. At the Edge of The World? 3000 BC - AD 1603.

Schama, Simon: A History of Britain. At the Edge of The World? 3000 BC - AD 1603.

22,00 €
Swanberg, W. A: Dreiser.

Swanberg, W. A: Dreiser.

10,00 €
Lowe, Sue Davidson: Stieglitz : A Memoir / Biography.

Lowe, Sue Davidson: Stieglitz : A Memoir / Biography.

12,00 €
McCrone, Guy: Red Plush. The Story of the Mourhouse Family.

McCrone, Guy: Red Plush. The Story of the Mourhouse Family.

9,00 €
Hoeltje, Hubert H: Inward Sky. The Mind and Heart of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Hoeltje, Hubert H: Inward Sky. The Mind and Heart of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

9,00 €


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