
Im Antiquariat auf oldthing finden Sie zahlreiche gebrauchte Bücher.

14.125 Artikel im Shop AntiquariatDGorodin gefunden


Hoeltje, Hubert H: Inward Sky. The Mind and Heart of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Hoeltje, Hubert H: Inward Sky. The Mind and Heart of Nathaniel Hawthorne.

9,00 €
Cannon, Lou: President Reagan : The Role of a Lifetime.

Cannon, Lou: President Reagan : The Role of a Lifetime.

10,00 €
Walker, Robert H. (Ed.): American Studies. Topics and Sources.

Walker, Robert H. (Ed.): American Studies. Topics and Sources.

10,00 €
Gaisford, John (Ed.); Charles, the Prince of Wales (Preface): Atlas of Man.

Gaisford, John (Ed.); Charles, the Prince of Wales (Preface): Atlas of Man.

12,00 €
Bagger, Eugene: Francis Joseph. Emperor of Austria - King of Hungary.

Bagger, Eugene: Francis Joseph. Emperor of Austria - King of Hungary.

16,00 €
Beolchi, Luciano; Matos, Eduardo Pinto de; Facchinetti, Sara; Paindaveine, Yves; Perrone, Liliana (Ed.): European Telemedicine Glossary of Concepts, Standards, Technologies and Users.

Beolchi, Luciano; Matos, Eduardo Pinto de; Facchinetti, Sara; Paindaveine, Yves; Perrone, Liliana..

14,00 €
Cooper, William: Scenes from Life. A comic novel.

Cooper, William: Scenes from Life. A comic novel.

9,00 €
Ives, Elizabeth Stevenson; Dolson, Hildegarde: My Brother Adlai.

Ives, Elizabeth Stevenson; Dolson, Hildegarde: My Brother Adlai.

9,00 €
Buck, Pearl S: Kinfolk. A Novel of China.

Buck, Pearl S: Kinfolk. A Novel of China.

7,00 €
Biely, Andrey; Cournos, John (Transl.); Reavey, George (Foreword): St. Petersburg. A Novel.

Biely, Andrey; Cournos, John (Transl.); Reavey, George (Foreword): St. Petersburg. A Novel.

10,00 €
Shanor, Donald R: Soviet Europe.

Shanor, Donald R: Soviet Europe.

8,00 €
Monaghan, Frank: Heritage of Freedom. The History and Significance of the Basic Documents of American Liberty.

Monaghan, Frank: Heritage of Freedom. The History and Significance of the Basic Documents of..

8,00 €
Whitney, David C.; Jones, Thomas C. (Ed.): Founders of Freedom in America. Lives of the Men Who Signed The Constitution of the United States And So Helped to Establish The United States of America.

Whitney, David C.; Jones, Thomas C. (Ed.): Founders of Freedom in America. Lives of the Men Who..

9,00 €
Brazer, Marjorie Cahn: Cruising Guide to the Great Lakes And Their Connecting Waterways.

Brazer, Marjorie Cahn: Cruising Guide to the Great Lakes And Their Connecting Waterways.

9,00 €
Swinnerton, Frank: A Month in Gordon Square.

Swinnerton, Frank: A Month in Gordon Square.

9,00 €
Skinner, Cornelia Otis; Kimbrough, Emily: Our Hearts Were Yong and Gay.

Skinner, Cornelia Otis; Kimbrough, Emily: Our Hearts Were Yong and Gay.

10,00 €
Hecker, Melvin: Ethnic America 1970 - 1977 updating the ethnic chronology series with cumulative index.

Hecker, Melvin: Ethnic America 1970 1977 updating the ethnic chronology series with cumulative..

20,00 €
Brinkley, William: Don't go near the water.

Brinkley, William: Don't go near the water.

12,00 €
Beasant, John: Stalin's Silver.

Beasant, John: Stalin's Silver.

17,00 €
Brown, Robert L: Colorado Ghost Towns - Past and Present.

Brown, Robert L: Colorado Ghost Towns - Past and Present.

8,00 €
Wright, Louis B.; Ver Steeg, Clarence L.; Nye, Russel B.; Hamilton, Holman; Potter, David M.;  De Santis, Vincent P.; Harbaugh, William P.; Link, Arthur S.; Cochran, Thomas C.; Degler, Carl N: The Democratic Experience Revised. A Short American History.

Wright, Louis B.; Ver Steeg, Clarence L.; Nye, Russel B.; Hamilton, Holman; Potter, David M.; De..

8,00 €
MacGill-Eain, Somhairle [ Maclean, Sorley ]: Reothairt is Contraigh. Taghadh de Dhain 1932-72 [ Spring Time and Neap Tide. Selected Poems 1932-72 ].

MacGill Eain, Somhairle [ Maclean, Sorley ]: Reothairt is Contraigh. Taghadh de Dhain 1932 72 [..

9,00 €
Harrison, Harry: Stainless Steel Visions.

Harrison, Harry: Stainless Steel Visions.

9,00 €
Burlingame, Roger: Don't let them scare you. The Life & Times of Elmer Davis.

Burlingame, Roger: Don't let them scare you. The Life & Times of Elmer Davis.

28,00 €
Skinner, Cornelia Otis: Nuts in May.

Skinner, Cornelia Otis: Nuts in May.

8,00 €
Kimbrough, Emily: Pleasure by the Busload.

Kimbrough, Emily: Pleasure by the Busload.

15,00 €
Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: Disturbances in the Field. A Novel.

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon: Disturbances in the Field. A Novel.

14,00 €
Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria; Tarango, Yolanda: Hispanic Women. Prophetic Voice in the Church.

Isasi-Diaz, Ada Maria; Tarango, Yolanda: Hispanic Women. Prophetic Voice in the Church.

6,00 €
Briand, Jean; Deuel, Mildred (Transl.): The Judeo-Christian Church of Nazareth.

Briand, Jean; Deuel, Mildred (Transl.): The Judeo-Christian Church of Nazareth.

14,00 €
Aularian Directory 1938-39. St. Edmund Hall. Oxford.

Aularian Directory 1938-39. St. Edmund Hall. Oxford.

22,00 €
Swinnerton, Frank: The Summer Intrigue.

Swinnerton, Frank: The Summer Intrigue.

8,00 €
Fiedler, Herbert; Haft, Fritjof; Traunmüller, Roland (Editors): Expert Systems in Law - Impacts on Legal Theory and Computer Law.

Fiedler, Herbert; Haft, Fritjof; Traunmüller, Roland (Editors): Expert Systems in Law Impacts on..

20,00 €
Hug, Kathleen E. (Ed.): The Marshall Plan. Investment in Peace. 50th Anniversary.

Hug, Kathleen E. (Ed.): The Marshall Plan. Investment in Peace. 50th Anniversary.

5,00 €
Barmash, Isadore: More than they Bargained for the Rise and Fall of Korvettes.

Barmash, Isadore: More than they Bargained for the Rise and Fall of Korvettes.

80,00 €
Erickson, John: Panslavism.

Erickson, John: Panslavism.

6,00 €
Gaunt, William: The Aesthetic Adventure.

Gaunt, William: The Aesthetic Adventure.

7,00 €
Koontz, Dean R: Chase: A chilling tale of psychological suspense.

Koontz, Dean R: Chase: A chilling tale of psychological suspense.

2,50 €
Gombrowicz, Witold; Nadeau, MAurice (Introd.); de Roux, Dominique (Ed.); Hamilton, Alastair (Transl.): A Kind of Testament.

Gombrowicz, Witold; Nadeau, MAurice (Introd.); de Roux, Dominique (Ed.); Hamilton, Alastair..

18,00 €
Gillett, Charlie: Connexions. All in the game. The function and meaning of sport.

Gillett, Charlie: Connexions. All in the game. The function and meaning of sport.

18,00 €
Oller, John W. jr.; Perkins, Kyle: Research in Language Testing.

Oller, John W. jr.; Perkins, Kyle: Research in Language Testing.

40,00 €
Longmate, Norman: The Real Dad's Army. The Story of the Home Guard.

Longmate, Norman: The Real Dad's Army. The Story of the Home Guard.

6,00 €
Groves, Reg: Sharpen the Sickle ! The History of the Fram Worker's Union.

Groves, Reg: Sharpen the Sickle ! The History of the Fram Worker's Union.

10,00 €
Jones, Davis: Speaking of America.

Jones, Davis: Speaking of America.

4,00 €
Quirk, Randolph; Gimson, A. C. & Warburg, Jeremy (Supplements): The Use of English.

Quirk, Randolph; Gimson, A. C. & Warburg, Jeremy (Supplements): The Use of English.

7,00 €
Johnston, Brian: It's been a Lot of Fun. An Autobiography.

Johnston, Brian: It's been a Lot of Fun. An Autobiography.

4,00 €
Matchek, Diane: The Sacrifice.

Matchek, Diane: The Sacrifice.

5,00 €
Kanon, Joseph: Los Alamos. A Novel.

Kanon, Joseph: Los Alamos. A Novel.

4,00 €
Johnson, Pete: The Protectors.

Johnson, Pete: The Protectors.

2,50 €
This Is America.

This Is America.

7,00 €
Clack, George; Hug, Kathleen E. (Editors): Outline of the U.S. Economy.

Clack, George; Hug, Kathleen E. (Editors): Outline of the U.S. Economy.

15,00 €
Kosinski, Jerzy: Cockpit.

Kosinski, Jerzy: Cockpit.

4,00 €
Polner, Tikhon; Wreden, Nicholas (Transl.): Tolstoy and His Wife.

Polner, Tikhon; Wreden, Nicholas (Transl.): Tolstoy and His Wife.

8,50 €
Gregory, Philippa: Perfectly Correct.  A Novel of Personal Politics, Passion and Pigs.

Gregory, Philippa: Perfectly Correct. A Novel of Personal Politics, Passion and Pigs.

3,00 €
Llywelyn, Morgan: Lion of Ireland.

Llywelyn, Morgan: Lion of Ireland.

5,50 €
Hyatt, Alfred (Ed.): A Book of Gardens. Illustrated in Colour with Decorations.

Hyatt, Alfred (Ed.): A Book of Gardens. Illustrated in Colour with Decorations.

22,00 €
Fosdick, Harry Emerson: The Man From Nazareth As His Contemporaries Saw Him.

Fosdick, Harry Emerson: The Man From Nazareth As His Contemporaries Saw Him.

4,00 €
Drohan, Leonard: Come with me to Macedonia.

Drohan, Leonard: Come with me to Macedonia.

26,00 €
Queen, Ellery [Lee, Manfred B. & Dannay, Frederic]: The Fourth Side of the Triangle.

Queen, Ellery [Lee, Manfred B. & Dannay, Frederic]: The Fourth Side of the Triangle.

14,00 €
Lynes, Russell: The Domesticated Americans.

Lynes, Russell: The Domesticated Americans.

9,00 €
Mizener, Arthur: The Far Side of Paradise. A Biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Mizener, Arthur: The Far Side of Paradise. A Biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald.

8,00 €
Roudybush, Alexandra: Before the Ball Was Over.

Roudybush, Alexandra: Before the Ball Was Over.

9,00 €
Cort, David: Is There an American in the House?.

Cort, David: Is There an American in the House?.

9,00 €
Dickson, Gordon R: The R-Master.

Dickson, Gordon R: The R-Master.

9,00 €
Scortia, Thomas N: Artery of Fire.

Scortia, Thomas N: Artery of Fire.

9,00 €
Greenberg, Martin Harry & Olander, Joseph & Silverberg, Robert (Editors): Dawn of Time. Prehistory through Science Fiction.

Greenberg, Martin Harry & Olander, Joseph & Silverberg, Robert (Editors): Dawn of Time. Prehistory..

9,00 €
Block, Tomas H: Orbit. A Novel.

Block, Tomas H: Orbit. A Novel.

9,00 €
Lardner, James: Crusader. The Hell-Raising Police Career of Detective David Durk.

Lardner, James: Crusader. The Hell-Raising Police Career of Detective David Durk.

10,00 €
Grechenig, Thomas & Tscheligi, Manfred (Ed.): Human Computer Interaction. Vienna Conference, VCHCI ' 93, Fin de Siècle Vienna, Austria, September 20-22, 1993 Proceedings.

Grechenig, Thomas & Tscheligi, Manfred (Ed.): Human Computer Interaction. Vienna Conference, VCHCI..

14,00 €
Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Triumph. A Novel of Modern Diplomacy.

Galbraith, John Kenneth: The Triumph. A Novel of Modern Diplomacy.

10,00 €
Yi Munyol; O'Rouke, Kevin (Transl.): Our Twisted Hero.

Yi Munyol; O'Rouke, Kevin (Transl.): Our Twisted Hero.

15,00 €
McCoy, Horace: No Pockets in a Shroud.

McCoy, Horace: No Pockets in a Shroud.

7,00 €
Henderson, Mary C.; Pergl, Gary (Ed.): American Theatre.

Henderson, Mary C.; Pergl, Gary (Ed.): American Theatre.

8,00 €
Boyd, Martin: Bridget Malwyn.

Boyd, Martin: Bridget Malwyn.

9,00 €
Sharp, Margery: Martha, Eric and George. A Novel.

Sharp, Margery: Martha, Eric and George. A Novel.

22,00 €
Chute, B. J: Greenwillow.

Chute, B. J: Greenwillow.

12,00 €
King, Louise W: The Rochemer Hag.

King, Louise W: The Rochemer Hag.

10,00 €
Wylie, Philip: Finley Wren, His Notions and Opinions together with A Haphazard History of His Career and Amours in these Moody Years as Well as Sundry Rhymes, Fables, Diatribes and Literary Misdemeanors.

Wylie, Philip: Finley Wren, His Notions and Opinions together with A Haphazard History of His..

49,00 €
Marric, J. J: Gideon's River.

Marric, J. J: Gideon's River.

10,00 €
Beal, John Robinson; Dewey, Thomas E. (Foreword): John Foster Dulles 1888 - 1959.

Beal, John Robinson; Dewey, Thomas E. (Foreword): John Foster Dulles 1888 - 1959.

9,00 €
Woodward, Helen: The Lady Persuaders.

Woodward, Helen: The Lady Persuaders.

9,00 €
Kostelanetz, Richard (Ed.): American Writing Today.

Kostelanetz, Richard (Ed.): American Writing Today.

9,00 €
Blakeslee, Merrit R. & Garcia, Carlos A.; Hug, Kathleen E., Targonski, Rosalie (Ed.): The Language of Trade. A Glossary of International Trade Terms.

Blakeslee, Merrit R. & Garcia, Carlos A.; Hug, Kathleen E., Targonski, Rosalie (Ed.): The Language..

12,00 €
VanSpanckeren, Kathryn: Outline of the U.S. Legal System.

VanSpanckeren, Kathryn: Outline of the U.S. Legal System.

10,00 €
Schroeder, Richard C.; Glick, Nathan: An Outline of American Government.

Schroeder, Richard C.; Glick, Nathan: An Outline of American Government.

10,00 €
Mittleman, Earl N: An Outline of American Geography.

Mittleman, Earl N: An Outline of American Geography.

6,00 €
MacShane, Frank: The Life of John O'Hara.

MacShane, Frank: The Life of John O'Hara.

8,00 €
Gould, Jean: Robert Frost. The Aim was Song.

Gould, Jean: Robert Frost. The Aim was Song.

9,00 €
Van Doren, Mark: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Van Doren, Mark: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

7,00 €
Lopez, Enrique Hank: Conversations with Katherine Anne Porter. Refugee from Indian Creek.

Lopez, Enrique Hank: Conversations with Katherine Anne Porter. Refugee from Indian Creek.

10,00 €
Cantwell, Robert: Nathaniel Hawthorne : The American Years.

Cantwell, Robert: Nathaniel Hawthorne : The American Years.

8,00 €
White, Theodore H: The View from the Fortieth Floor. A Novel.

White, Theodore H: The View from the Fortieth Floor. A Novel.

12,00 €
O'Hara, John: Elizabeth Appleton. A Novel.

O'Hara, John: Elizabeth Appleton. A Novel.

12,00 €
Martin, Terence: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Martin, Terence: Nathaniel Hawthorne.

9,00 €
Richman, Sidney: Bernard Malamud.

Richman, Sidney: Bernard Malamud.

9,00 €
Hendrick, George: Katherine Anne Porter.

Hendrick, George: Katherine Anne Porter.

9,00 €
Crowder, Richard: Carl Sandburg.

Crowder, Richard: Carl Sandburg.

9,00 €
Current-Garcia, Eugene: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter).

Current-Garcia, Eugene: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter).

9,00 €
Allen, Jerry: The Adventures of Mark Twain.

Allen, Jerry: The Adventures of Mark Twain.

8,00 €
Saroyan, William: Here Comes There Goes You Know How: An Autobiography.

Saroyan, William: Here Comes There Goes You Know How: An Autobiography.

9,00 €
Johnston, Johanna: Runaway to Heaven. The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

Johnston, Johanna: Runaway to Heaven. The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

12,00 €


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