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119 Artikel gefunden

Kategorie: Antiquariat

Beckmann, Max - Matthew Drutt, Barbara Stehlé-Akhtar, Reinhard Spieler u.a: Max Beckmann in exile.

Beckmann, Max - Matthew Drutt, Barbara Stehlé-Akhtar, Reinhard Spieler u.a: Max Beckmann in exile.

30,00 €
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig - Katharina Beisiegel (Ed.): Imaginary Travels.

Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig - Katharina Beisiegel (Ed.): Imaginary Travels.

27,00 €
Buch: The Famous Seemann Collection of Master Reproductions in Colour. 1934

Buch: The Famous Seemann Collection of Master Reproductions in Colour. 1934

25,24 €
The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. DARWIN, Cha

The various contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. DARWIN, Cha

810,79 €
Krody, Colors of the oasis - 2010 TEXTILDESIGN TEXTILIEN DESIGN STOFFE

Krody, Colors of the oasis - 2010 TEXTILDESIGN TEXTILIEN DESIGN STOFFE

140,00 €
Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

Buch: Echtzeitmusik Berlin, Beins, Burkhard, 2011, Wolke Verlag

124,87 €
France, Anatole. Le Lys rouge - 1925 VORZUGSAUSGABE NUMMERIERT 1/153 EROTICA

France, Anatole. Le Lys rouge - 1925 VORZUGSAUSGABE NUMMERIERT 1/153 EROTICA

250,00 €
Warhol, Andy. Index (book). Random House 1967 POP-UP-ART

Warhol, Andy. Index (book). Random House 1967 POP-UP-ART

650,00 €
Koetzle, Michael Friedel. Photographs 1950 – 1990 SIGNIERT

Koetzle, Michael Friedel. Photographs 1950 – 1990 SIGNIERT

84,00 €
Buch: Industrial Japan, Kurahashi, Tojiro, u.a. 1929, Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha

Buch: Industrial Japan, Kurahashi, Tojiro, u.a. 1929, Kokusai Shuppan Insatsusha

27,44 €
Wolff, My experiences in color photography 1952 - FARBFOTOGRAFIE

Wolff, My experiences in color photography 1952 - FARBFOTOGRAFIE

54,00 €
Yarrell, William: On the growth of the salmon in fresh water.

Yarrell, William: On the growth of the salmon in fresh water.

850,00 €
Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

Tilloch, The philosophical magazine. Vol 1. June- September 1798 HUMBOLDT

400,00 €
Darwin, Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich 1862-1863

Darwin, Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich 1862-1863

2.400,00 €
International Socialist Review.- A.M. Simons (Ed.). - Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P. Curran / J. Katayama / and others: Vol. 2, No. 3, September 1, 1901  : The International Socialist Review - A Monthly Journal of International Thoughts. Cont

International Socialist Review. A.M. Simons (Ed.). Ch. Verecque / M. Jones / C. Pemberton / P..

47,00 €
Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

18,64 €
Various designs collected by le Baron d’Offenberg 1919 EINES VON 312 NUM. EX

Various designs collected by le Baron d’Offenberg 1919 EINES VON 312 NUM. EX

240,00 €
Barron, Stephanie - Sabine Eckmann: exiles + emigrés. The Flight of European Artists from Hitler. / (Titel der deutschen Ausstellung: Exil - Flucht und Emigration Europäischer Künstler 1933 - 1945).

Barron, Stephanie Sabine Eckmann: exiles + emigrés. The Flight of European Artists from Hitler..

25,00 €
Kongressbeiträge.- I.D. Rojanski, A.V. Akhoutine, Boniface Kedrov u.a: Beiträge zum XIII. Internationalen Kongress für Geschichte der Wissenschaft.  (Beiträge Sektionen III, IV). Moskau 18. - 24. August 1971.

Kongressbeiträge. I.D. Rojanski, A.V. Akhoutine, Boniface Kedrov u.a: Beiträge zum XIII..

27,00 €
Augsburg Synode. - Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano. - mit Vorrede des Augsburger Bischofs Alexander Sigismund: Decreta Synodalia Dioces. August. praesidente [...] Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano [...] MDCX Mense Octob. promulgata.

Augsburg Synode. Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano. mit Vorrede des Augsburger Bischofs Alexander..

127,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 117 - 2022 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

25,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 115 - 2020 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Liddel (Co-Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO. 114 - 2019 *.

Liddel (Co Editor), Peter and John Bennett: THE ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS. VOLUME NO..

24,00 €
Davis, Joseph Barnard: Thesaurus craniorum : Catalogue of the skulls of the various races of man, beigebunden: ders. Supplement to Thesaurus craniorum: catalogue of the skulls of the various races of man.

Davis, Joseph Barnard: Thesaurus craniorum : Catalogue of the skulls of the various races of man..

700,00 €
Chambers, Robert: History of the rebellion in Scotland in 1745, 1746 in 2 vol. Constable's miscellany of original and selected publications in the various departments of literature, science, & the arts 15, 16.

Chambers, Robert: History of the rebellion in Scotland in 1745, 1746 in 2 vol. Constable's..

70,00 €
Versch. Autoren: THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS N° 2307.- VOL. LXXXIII SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1883 to N° 2332.- VOL. LXXXIII SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1883 (Halb-Jahrgang / Semi-vintage newspapers 1883) in 1 BAND / 1 VOLUME *.


98,00 €
Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den Schulgebrauch ausgewählt und bearbeitet. (Dyks Neusprachliche Schulkausgaben, 21. Band).

Kreuser, Ernst (Bearb.): A concise account of the Waterloo Campaign from various authors. Für den..

37,00 €
Stieglitz, Alfred - Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists - Matisse to O´Keeffe. The Alfred Stieglitz Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Stieglitz, Alfred Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists Matisse to O´Keeffe..

37,00 €
Berndt, A. J. und Obstltn. Wedel (Hrg.): Deutschland im Kampf. -- Lieferungen 1 bis 116.

Berndt, A. J. und Obstltn. Wedel (Hrg.): Deutschland im Kampf. -- Lieferungen 1 bis 116.

415,00 €
CD-Box: Das große Hörbuch der Liebe. 2006, 4 CDs, gebraucht, gut

CD-Box: Das große Hörbuch der Liebe. 2006, 4 CDs, gebraucht, gut

9,84 €
Wilde, Oscar - Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone Critical Traditions Series - Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Ed. Elinor Shaffer).

Wilde, Oscar Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone..

47,00 €
Wilde, Oscar   Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The Importance of Reinventing Oscar : Versions of Wilde during..

Wilde, Oscar Uwe Böker, Richard Corballis, Julie A. Hibbard / Alberto Martino (Hrsg.): The..

62,00 €
Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year`s residence in Potosi TEMPLE,

Travels in various parts of Peru, including a year`s residence in Potosi TEMPLE,

610,79 €
Loris et Parry – Fargue, Banalite - 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/300 Ex. SURREALISMUS

Loris et Parry – Fargue, Banalite - 1930 NUMMERIERT 1/300 Ex. SURREALISMUS

3.000,00 €
Venning, Mary Anne: A geographical present : being descriptions of the principal countries of the world : with representations of the various inhabitants in their respective costumes.

Venning, Mary Anne: A geographical present : being descriptions of the principal countries of the..

80,00 €
Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich von: Voyages and travels in various parts of the world : during the years 1803, 1804, 1805, 1806, and 1807, NUR Bd. 1.

Langsdorff, Georg Heinrich von: Voyages and travels in various parts of the world : during the..

900,00 €
Wyatt, Notices of sculpture in ivory 1856 KUNSTGESCHICHTE MITTELALTER SKULPTUREN

Wyatt, Notices of sculpture in ivory 1856 KUNSTGESCHICHTE MITTELALTER SKULPTUREN

450,00 €
Jackson, James G: An account of the Empire of Marocco and the District of Suse : comp. from miscellaneous observations made during a long residence in, and various journies through, these countries ; to which is added an accurate and interesting account o

Jackson, James G: An account of the Empire of Marocco and the District of Suse : comp. from..

250,00 €
Henriksen, Carol - Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development of Linguistics in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Papers from the conference on the history of linguistics in the nordic countries, Oslo, Novem

Henriksen, Carol Even Hovdhaugen, Fred Karlsson, Bengt Sigurd (Ed.): Studies in the Development..

87,00 €
Olympia. - Deutsche Arbeitsfront - N.S. -Gemeinschaft 'Kraft durch Freude', Gau Berlin (Hrsg.): Programm  Olympia-Stadion - 10. 8. 1936.

Olympia. Deutsche Arbeitsfront N.S. Gemeinschaft 'Kraft durch Freude', Gau Berlin (Hrsg.):..

67,00 €
Journal of Paleontology.- Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The Paleontological Society / Raymond L. Ethington et al. (Ed.): Journal of Paleontology. Volume 45, Number 2 March 1971.

Journal of Paleontology. Society of Economic Paleontology and Mineralogists AND The..

37,00 €
Christie, Manson & Woods Limited  (Hrsg.): English and Continental Glass Auktion: Christie, Manson & Woods : 9.6.1981. The Property of Mrs. M. A. Stevens and from various sources.

Christie, Manson & Woods Limited (Hrsg.): English and Continental Glass Auktion: Christie, Manson..

8,00 €
Christie, Manson & Woods Limited  (Hrsg.): Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Studio Ceramics. Auktion: Christie, Manson & Woods : 15.12.1981. The Property of Mrs. B.M. Howell and from various sources.

Christie, Manson & Woods Limited (Hrsg.): Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Studio Ceramics. Auktion:..

10,00 €
Christie, Manson & Woods Limited  (Hrsg.): Important Continental Porcelain. Auktion: Christie, Manson & Woods : 5.10.1981. The Properties of Lady Beale, Mrs. M. A. Stevens, The Trustees of The Stoneleigh Settlement and from various sources.

Christie, Manson & Woods Limited (Hrsg.): Important Continental Porcelain. Auktion: Christie..

14,00 €
Wolf, Hugo: Lieder nach verschiedenen Dichtern für eine Singstimme und Klavier. Poems by Various Poets for Solo Voice and Piano. Originalausgabe / Original Edition. [1]..

Wolf, Hugo: Lieder nach verschiedenen Dichtern für eine Singstimme und Klavier. Poems by Various..

15,00 €
Sotheby`s: SOTHEBY`S - CATALOGUE OF GOOD ANTIQUE ARMS AND ARMOUR. The Property of The Hon. Michael Pearson and Various Owners *.

Sotheby`s: SOTHEBY`S CATALOGUE OF GOOD ANTIQUE ARMS AND ARMOUR. The Property of The Hon. Michael..

12,00 €
Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

Sumner, Jan: Military flags. Bibliography.

57,00 €
Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko-Heraldicka Spolocnost pri Matici Slovenskej 1997. ( Biblioteca Heraldica Slovaka).

Sismis, Milan (Ed.): Heraldika na Slovensku. Slovenska Genealogicko Heraldicka Spolocnost pri..

37,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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