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7.156 Artikel gefunden


Grube, G. M. A: The Drama of Euripides.

Grube, G. M. A: The Drama of Euripides.

25,00 €
Taylor, Jesse: The Pleasure Principle (= The Traveller´s Companion Series).

Taylor, Jesse: The Pleasure Principle (= The Traveller´s Companion Series).

23,00 €
Grimm, Benjamin: Nightland Spell (= The Traveller´s Companion Series).

Grimm, Benjamin: Nightland Spell (= The Traveller´s Companion Series).

27,00 €
Berlitz Reiseführer, New York, 1992

Berlitz Reiseführer, New York, 1992

3,50 €


70,00 €
Clarke, John M. - Rudolf Ruedemann / University of the State of New York: Guelph Fauna in the State of New York (= New York State Museum, Memoir 5).

Clarke, John M. Rudolf Ruedemann / University of the State of New York: Guelph Fauna in the State..

47,00 €
Clarke, John M. - Rudolf Ruedemann / New York State Education Department: The Eurypterida of New York - Volume II : Plates (= New York State Museum, Memoir 14).

Clarke, John M. Rudolf Ruedemann / New York State Education Department: The Eurypterida of New..

67,00 €
Keith, Arthur: Ancient types of man ( = Harper' s Library of living thought ). -  dedicated Prof. (Georg) Schweinfurth from (Thomas) Lauder Brunton, 1913. --- from the contents: an ancient english type from Essex / The Tilbury man / The Dartford type / Th

Keith, Arthur: Ancient types of man ( = Harper' s Library of living thought ). dedicated Prof..

107,00 €
Bergmann, Martin S. and Milton E. Jucovy: Generations of the Holocaust.

Bergmann, Martin S. and Milton E. Jucovy: Generations of the Holocaust.

35,00 €
Men and Whales. ELLIS, Richard.

Men and Whales. ELLIS, Richard.

50,79 €
Matisse.- Dorthe  Aagesen and Rebecca Rabinow (Ed.): Mitisse - in search of true Painting.

Matisse.- Dorthe Aagesen and Rebecca Rabinow (Ed.): Mitisse - in search of true Painting.

35,00 €
Daumier, Honore. - Delteil, Loys: Honoré Daumier: Complete Lithographs = Oeuvre Lithographié De Honoré Daumier, 1830-1880. Complete set. 11 in 10 vols. (Le Peintre-graveur illustré, vols. XX-XXIX).

Daumier, Honore. Delteil, Loys: Honoré Daumier: Complete Lithographs = Oeuvre Lithographié De..

657,00 €
Weiskopf, F. C. [Franz Carl]: Die Unbesiegbaren. Berichte, Anekdoten, Legenden 1933-1945. (1. Aufl.).

Weiskopf, F. C. [Franz Carl]: Die Unbesiegbaren. Berichte, Anekdoten, Legenden 1933 1945. (1..

35,00 €
Flattau, John: Bridges. Designed by Arne Lewis.

Flattau, John: Bridges. Designed by Arne Lewis.

15,00 €
Seiler, Paula: The new handbook of modern birth control. A brand-new and completely comprehenssive guide to all aspects of modern birth control.

Seiler, Paula: The new handbook of modern birth control. A brand new and completely comprehenssive..

12,00 €
Creative Black Book 1988 - Print - Photography - Illustration - TV

Creative Black Book 1988 - Print - Photography - Illustration - TV

45,00 €
Leger, Fernand. - Red.: Ciuha, Delia: Fernand Leger( Paris  - New York ).

Leger, Fernand. - Red.: Ciuha, Delia: Fernand Leger( Paris - New York ).

47,00 €
Aberbach, Joachim Jean and Arik Brauer *: BRAUER *. NEW YORK 1975.

Aberbach, Joachim Jean and Arik Brauer *: BRAUER *. NEW YORK 1975.

10,00 €
Malamud, Bernard; Rembrandts Hut, Kurzgeschichten, Spektrum, 1980

Malamud, Bernard; Rembrandts Hut, Kurzgeschichten, Spektrum, 1980

4,50 €
Miller, Henry, Mademoiselle Claude, Kurzprosa, Spektrum, 1978

Miller, Henry, Mademoiselle Claude, Kurzprosa, Spektrum, 1978

4,50 €
Buch: Gerard David und seine Schule, Bodenhausen, Eberhard Freiherr. Ca. 1985

Buch: Gerard David und seine Schule, Bodenhausen, Eberhard Freiherr. Ca. 1985

29,03 €
Ingenlath, Markus: Mentale Aufrüstung : Militarisierungstendenzen in Frankreich und Deutschland vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg.

Ingenlath, Markus: Mentale Aufrüstung : Militarisierungstendenzen in Frankreich und Deutschland..

95,00 €
Thompson, Jerry L: Walker Evans at work. 745c photographs together with documents. Selected from letters, memoranda, interviews, notes. With an essay by Jerry L. Thompson.

Thompson, Jerry L: Walker Evans at work. 745c photographs together with documents. Selected from..

35,00 €
William Blake. BURDETT, Osbert.

William Blake. BURDETT, Osbert.

48,79 €
FALK, Eins zwei drei lustig ist die Rechnerei. 1924

FALK, Eins zwei drei lustig ist die Rechnerei. 1924

69,79 €
Curch of St. Stephen, Vienna, Austria 267.

Curch of St. Stephen, Vienna, Austria 267.

104,79 €
New York Graphic Society (Hg.): Spanien. Romanische Malereien. Vorwort: Walter W. S. Cook.

New York Graphic Society (Hg.): Spanien. Romanische Malereien. Vorwort: Walter W. S. Cook.

35,00 €
Kleidermacher für alle Zeiten Anna Schlehuber und Henriette Fink 1879

Kleidermacher für alle Zeiten Anna Schlehuber und Henriette Fink 1879

118,80 €
Perry, Ted and Skluth, Barbara (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume one, 1974 Articles by: Robert M. Henderson; Louis A. Rachow: PA Research Collection in NYC; Anne G. Schlosser: Film / Broadcaszing Resources in the LA Area; Alan Woods: A survey of

Perry, Ted and Skluth, Barbara (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume one, 1974 Articles by:..

27,00 €
Bateson, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H., W. and Gregor Mendel *: MENDEL`S PRINCIPLES OF HEREDITY *. (Cambridge: at the Univerity Press / New York: G.P. Putnam`s Sons 1909).

Bateson, M.A., F.R.S., V.M.H., W. and Gregor Mendel *: MENDEL`S PRINCIPLES OF HEREDITY *..

30,00 €
Hemingway, Ernest. - foreword by Patrick Hemngway. - edited with an introduction by Sean Hemngway: A farewell to arms. The Hemingway Library edition.

Hemingway, Ernest. foreword by Patrick Hemngway. edited with an introduction by Sean Hemngway:..

47,00 €
Koppetsch, Cornelia: Die Wiederkehr der Konformität. Streifzüge durch die gefährdete Mitte.

Koppetsch, Cornelia: Die Wiederkehr der Konformität. Streifzüge durch die gefährdete Mitte.

27,00 €
Warhol, Andy: Blue Movie. A film. (The complete dialogue with over 100 photos).

Warhol, Andy: Blue Movie. A film. (The complete dialogue with over 100 photos).

110,00 €
WIDMUNG - Meyerowitz - George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker - Erstausgabe 1993

WIDMUNG - Meyerowitz - George Balanchine’s the Nutcracker - Erstausgabe 1993

160,00 €
Buch: Creative Perspective, Gill, Robert W. 1988, Thames and Hudson

Buch: Creative Perspective, Gill, Robert W. 1988, Thames and Hudson

12,53 €
Buch: SOM. Ca. 1995, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, gebraucht, gut

Buch: SOM. Ca. 1995, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, gebraucht, gut

10,60 €
Semff (Hrsg.), Michael, Terry Winters * und Harry Cooper: Terry Winters * Zeichnungen/Drawings - Staatliche Graphische Sammlung München Pinakothek der Moderne (Ausstellung/Exhibition 28. Mai - 17. August 2003).

Semff (Hrsg.), Michael, Terry Winters * und Harry Cooper: Terry Winters * Zeichnungen/Drawings..

40,00 €
Buch: The Concise Illustrated Book of Birds of House and Garden, Andrew, John

Buch: The Concise Illustrated Book of Birds of House and Garden, Andrew, John

9,76 €
Buch: Complete Book of Hunting, Ormond, Clyde. Outdoor Life, 1966

Buch: Complete Book of Hunting, Ormond, Clyde. Outdoor Life, 1966

12,58 €
Buch: Utopia, More, Thomas. Dover Thrift Editions, 1997, Dover Publications

Buch: Utopia, More, Thomas. Dover Thrift Editions, 1997, Dover Publications

8,66 €
Teerikorpi, Pekka - Mauri Valtonen, Kirsi Lehto u.a: The Evolving Universe and the Origin of Life. The search for Our Cosmic Roots.

Teerikorpi, Pekka Mauri Valtonen, Kirsi Lehto u.a: The Evolving Universe and the Origin of Life..

27,00 €
Wheeler, William Morton: Social life among the insects.

Wheeler, William Morton: Social life among the insects.

45,00 €
Hansen, Al: A primer of happenings & time/space art.

Hansen, Al: A primer of happenings & time/space art.

45,00 €
Bryant, L’Amérique du Nord pittoresque 1880 FOLIO CANADA NORDAMERIKA USA AMERIKA

Bryant, L’Amérique du Nord pittoresque 1880 FOLIO CANADA NORDAMERIKA USA AMERIKA

300,00 €
Buch: Qellqay, Scharlau, Birgit / Münzel, Mark. 1986, Campus Verlag

Buch: Qellqay, Scharlau, Birgit / Münzel, Mark. 1986, Campus Verlag

9,76 €
Stieglitz, Alfred - Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists - Matisse to O´Keeffe. The Alfred Stieglitz Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Stieglitz, Alfred Lisa Mintz Messinger (Ed.): Stieglitz and his Artists Matisse to O´Keeffe..

37,00 €
Sexton, R.W. - B.F. Betts: American Theatres of Today. Illustrated with plans, sections and photographs of exterior and interior details of modern motion picture an legitimate theatres throughout the United States.

Sexton, R.W. B.F. Betts: American Theatres of Today. Illustrated with plans, sections and..

47,00 €
Varnedoe, Kirk - Adam Gopnik: High & Low - Modern Art - Popular Culture.

Varnedoe, Kirk - Adam Gopnik: High & Low - Modern Art - Popular Culture.

67,00 €


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