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250 Artikel gefunden


Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work // Bailey, L. H. // Moore, Veranus A. // Roberts, I. P. // Miller, Wilhelm // Law, James // Wing, H. H. // Wing, Henry H. and Anderson, Leroy: Duggar, B. M

Duggar, B. M. and Bailey, L. H. // Bailey, L. H. and Miller, Wilhelm // Agricultural Extension Work..

47,00 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried und Emil Maximilian Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. Band LXXXVII. Heft 2, Zweites Januar Heft 1843. (= 24. Jahrgang, 2. Heft)..

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried und Emil Maximilian Dingler: Polytechnisches..

41,00 €
Overholser, Wayne D: Befehl des Gesetzes (OT: Law Man) - Roman.

Overholser, Wayne D: Befehl des Gesetzes (OT: Law Man) - Roman.

23,00 €
Trieschmann, Günther: The Merchant-Shipping Law and the Law as applied to Dock Workers.

Trieschmann, Günther: The Merchant-Shipping Law and the Law as applied to Dock Workers.

15,00 €
Sutro, Emil: The basic law of vocal utterance.

Sutro, Emil: The basic law of vocal utterance.

18,00 €
Stryk, Johann Samuel: Commentatio de iure sabbathi quam cum eiusdem programmate de incommodis festorum observationibus auxit J. G. W. Volkhart.

Stryk, Johann Samuel: Commentatio de iure sabbathi quam cum eiusdem programmate de incommodis..

150,00 €
Lutz, Dieter S: Basic Law - Security and Peace - Armament and Disarmament.

Lutz, Dieter S: Basic Law - Security and Peace - Armament and Disarmament.

15,00 €
Klein, Alfons: Co-determination and the Law Governing Works Councils and Staff Representation in the Public Services.

Klein, Alfons: Co determination and the Law Governing Works Councils and Staff Representation in..

15,00 €
Kalifornien: California Corporation Laws including Partnerships-Non Profit Corporations- Business Associations with Appendix of approves forms, articles, by-laws, minutes. Edited by Publisher's Editorial Staff.

Kalifornien: California Corporation Laws including Partnerships Non Profit Corporations Business..

17,00 €
Joint Economic Committee Congress: Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States. Eighty-eighth Congress, first session: Pursuant to Sec.5(a) of Public Law 304 (79th Congress). 4 Teile.

Joint Economic Committee Congress: Hearings before the Joint Economic Committee Congress of the..

20,00 €
Tucholsky, Kurt: Das Lächeln der Mona Lisa. [©1928 by Rowohlt, Berlin; "Copyright vested in the Alien Property Custodian, 1945, pursuant to law.".

Tucholsky, Kurt: Das Lächeln der Mona Lisa. [©1928 by Rowohlt, Berlin; "Copyright vested in the..

17,00 €
Pohl, Frederik und Cyril M. Kornbluth

Pohl, Frederik und Cyril M. Kornbluth

5,95 €
The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

The Making of Judge Dredd - In the Future, One Man ist the Law

8,50 €
Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

Respecting Human Rights in Romania: roma citizens of the state of law. Annual Report 2003

8,00 €
Hay, Peter: Law of the United States - an overview.

Hay, Peter: Law of the United States - an overview.

12,00 €
Schumann, Hans: Männer gegen Gold.

Schumann, Hans: Männer gegen Gold.

81,00 €
International law and The Grotian Heritage.

International law and The Grotian Heritage.

64,00 €
Abdeselam Abdel Iah, Zara.   Herausgeber: Peter Ries / Jan Eickelberg: Gemeinnützige Kapitalgesellschaften und soziales Unternehmertum im deutschen Recht   die Rechtsformen gGmbH..

Abdeselam Abdel Iah, Zara. Herausgeber: Peter Ries / Jan Eickelberg: Gemeinnützige..

27,00 €
Lisska, Anthony J: Aquinas's Theory of Natural Law, An Analytic Reconstruction.

Lisska, Anthony J: Aquinas's Theory of Natural Law, An Analytic Reconstruction.

39,00 €
Goodhart, Arthur L: Essays in jurisprudence and the common law.

Goodhart, Arthur L: Essays in jurisprudence and the common law.

46,00 €
Grégoire, Nicolas: Evidentiary privileges in international arbitration : a comparative analysis under English, American, Swiss and French law. Dissertation. Thèse de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Genève 900.

Grégoire, Nicolas: Evidentiary privileges in international arbitration : a comparative analysis..

70,00 €
Thorens, Justin: Les traits caractéristiques de la property law anglo-americaine : le cas des Etats-Unis; droits, réels, successions, trust. Abhandlungen zum schweizerischen Recht N.F. 500.

Thorens, Justin: Les traits caractéristiques de la property law anglo americaine : le cas des..

19,00 €
Williams, Ivy: The sources of law in the Swiss civil code.

Williams, Ivy: The sources of law in the Swiss civil code.

75,00 €
Bar, Christian von: The common European law of torts, vol. 1: The core areas of tort law, its approximation in Europe, and its accommodation in the legal system.

Bar, Christian von: The common European law of torts, vol. 1: The core areas of tort law, its..

120,00 €
Wang, Chenguang; Zhang, Xianchu (eds.): Introduction to Chinese law.

Wang, Chenguang; Zhang, Xianchu (eds.): Introduction to Chinese law.

45,00 €
Vogt, Nedim Peter (ed.): Reflections on the international practice of law : liber amicorum for the 35th anniversary of Bär & Karrer.

Vogt, Nedim Peter (ed.): Reflections on the international practice of law : liber amicorum for the..

40,00 €
Atiyah, P. S.; Summers, Robert S: Form and substance in Anglo-American law : a comparative study of legal reasoning, legal theory, and legal institutions.

Atiyah, P. S.; Summers, Robert S: Form and substance in Anglo American law : a comparative study of..

20,00 €
Rapports suisses présentés au XVIème Congrès International de Droit Comparé = Swiss reports presented at the XVIth International Congress of Comparative Law, partie / Part 1 (p. 1-324). Publications de l'Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé 44,1.

Rapports suisses présentés au XVIème Congrès International de Droit Comparé = Swiss reports..

45,00 €
Mann, Frederick Alexander: Studies in international law.

Mann, Frederick Alexander: Studies in international law.

85,00 €
Wurzburger, Walter S: The oral law and the conservative dilemma.

Wurzburger, Walter S: The oral law and the conservative dilemma.

6,00 €
Williams, Glanville: Learning the Law.

Williams, Glanville: Learning the Law.

4,00 €
Dessemontet, François; Ansay, T. (eds.): Introduction to Swiss Law. 3. ed.

Dessemontet, François; Ansay, T. (eds.): Introduction to Swiss Law. 3. ed.

85,00 €
Monti, A.; Trezzini, F.; Wicki, F: Three essays on international commercial arbitration   The challenge of arbitral awards for breach of public policy according..

Monti, A.; Trezzini, F.; Wicki, F: Three essays on international commercial arbitration The..

45,00 €
Jolowicz, Herbert F: Roman foundations of modern law.

Jolowicz, Herbert F: Roman foundations of modern law.

65,00 €
Austin, John: Lectures on jurisprudence or the philosophy of positive law, vol. 1+2 (complete).

Austin, John: Lectures on jurisprudence or the philosophy of positive law, vol. 1+2 (complete).

50,00 €
Monti, Mario et al. (eds.): Economic law and justice in times of globalisation = Wirtschaftsrecht und Justiz in Zeiten der Globalisierung.

Monti, Mario et al. (eds.): Economic law and justice in times of globalisation = Wirtschaftsrecht..

65,00 €
Finnis, John: Natural law and natural rights.

Finnis, John: Natural law and natural rights.

24,00 €
Denning, Alfred Thompson: What next in the law.

Denning, Alfred Thompson: What next in the law.

16,00 €
Büchler, Andrea; Müller-Chen, Markus (Hrsg.): Private Law : national - global - comparative ; Festschrift für Ingeborg Schwenzer zum 60. Geburtstag, Bd 1+ 2 (komplett).

Büchler, Andrea; Müller Chen, Markus (Hrsg.): Private Law : national global comparative ;..

200,00 €
Frick, Joachim G: Arbitration and complex international contracts : with special emphasis on the determination of the applicable substantive law and on the adaptation of contracts to changed circumstances. International arbitration law library 6.

Frick, Joachim G: Arbitration and complex international contracts : with special emphasis on the..

70,00 €
Law in east and west = Recht in Ost und West.

Law in east and west = Recht in Ost und West.

80,00 €
Lohri, Gino: Wählbarkeit nichtstaatlicher Regelwerke nach Art. 116 Abs. 1 IPRG : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der "Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts", der "Principles of..

Lohri, Gino: Wählbarkeit nichtstaatlicher Regelwerke nach Art. 116 Abs. 1 IPRG : unter besonderer..

50,00 €
Borrás, Alegría et al. (eds.): E pluribus unum : liber amicorum Georges A. L. Droz ; on the progressive unification of private international law = Sur l' unification progressive du droit International Privè.

Borrás, Alegría et al. (eds.): E pluribus unum : liber amicorum Georges A. L. Droz ; on the..

65,00 €
Briggs, Adrian; Rees, Peter: Civil jurisdiction and judgments. Lloyd's commercial law library. 5. ed.

Briggs, Adrian; Rees, Peter: Civil jurisdiction and judgments. Lloyd's commercial law library. 5..

75,00 €
Coleman, Jules L: Hart's postscript : essays on the postscript to the concept of law.

Coleman, Jules L: Hart's postscript : essays on the postscript to the concept of law.

20,00 €
Grubbs, Judith Evans: Law and family in late antiquity : the Emperor Constantine's marriage legislation.

Grubbs, Judith Evans: Law and family in late antiquity : the Emperor Constantine's marriage..

35,00 €
Berti, Stephen (ed.): International arbitration in Switzerland : an introduction to and a commentary on Articles 176 - 194 of the Swiss Private International Law Statute.

Berti, Stephen (ed.): International arbitration in Switzerland : an introduction to and a..

95,00 €
Basedow, Jürgen et al. (eds.): Private law in the international arena : from national conflict rules towards harmonization and unification ; liber amicorum Kurt Siehr.

Basedow, Jürgen et al. (eds.): Private law in the international arena : from national conflict..

50,00 €
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