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410 Artikel gefunden


Jones, Alister Vallance: Aurora. Geophysics and astrophysics monographs 9.

Jones, Alister Vallance: Aurora. Geophysics and astrophysics monographs 9.

50,00 €
Jones, David: Adler.

Jones, David: Adler.

20,00 €
Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones; Die Geschichte eines Findlings.

Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones; Die Geschichte eines Findlings.

22,00 €
Jones, J. Know Jr.; Anderson, Sydney: Readings in mammalogy. Monograph of the Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas 2.

Jones, J. Know Jr.; Anderson, Sydney: Readings in mammalogy. Monograph of the Museum of Natural..

30,00 €
Tom Jones - Die Geschichte eines Findlings

Tom Jones - Die Geschichte eines Findlings

6,00 €
Green Lantern - The Third Law - Prologue / NOV 92

Green Lantern - The Third Law - Prologue / NOV 92

8,00 €
Gute Nacktgeschichten - von Fay Weldon, Ali Smith, Joanne Harris u. a

Gute Nacktgeschichten - von Fay Weldon, Ali Smith, Joanne Harris u. a

5,00 €
Jim Morrison - Poet und Rockrebell

Jim Morrison - Poet und Rockrebell

5,00 €
Jones, Henry Stuart: Damon e peri mousikes. Gaisford prize. Greek prose 1890.

Jones, Henry Stuart: Damon e peri mousikes. Gaisford prize. Greek prose 1890.

35,00 €
Weber, Hans: Richard Jones : ein früher englischer Abtrünniger der klassischen Schule der Nationalökonomie. Dissertation.

Weber, Hans: Richard Jones : ein früher englischer Abtrünniger der klassischen Schule der..

12,00 €
Jones, Florence Nightingale: Beaumarchais and Plautus : the sources of the Barbier de Séville. Dissertation.

Jones, Florence Nightingale: Beaumarchais and Plautus : the sources of the Barbier de Séville..

20,00 €
Jones, J. Knox; Anderson, S.; Hoffmann, Robert S: Selected readings in mammalogy : selected from the original literature and introduced with comments. Museum of Natural History, the University of Kansas 5.

Jones, J. Knox; Anderson, S.; Hoffmann, Robert S: Selected readings in mammalogy : selected from..

25,00 €
Morris-Jones, D. R.; J. J. Cook (Co-Chairman): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. Third Thematic Conference : "Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology". 16-19 April 1984. vol I + II (complete).

Morris Jones, D. R.; J. J. Cook (Co Chairman): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote..

90,00 €
Jones, Edward Safford: The influence of age and experience on correlations concerned with mental tests. Dissertation.

Jones, Edward Safford: The influence of age and experience on correlations concerned with mental..

30,00 €
Jones, George Tallman: Dormancy and leafing in white elm (Ulmus Americana). Dissertation.

Jones, George Tallman: Dormancy and leafing in white elm (Ulmus Americana). Dissertation.

15,00 €
Chao, Nai-Tuan: Richard Jones: an early English institutionalist. Dissertation.

Chao, Nai-Tuan: Richard Jones: an early English institutionalist. Dissertation.

45,00 €
Allen, Edward Jones: The second united order among the Mormons. Dissertation.

Allen, Edward Jones: The second united order among the Mormons. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Jones, Jessie Louise: The phonology of the Elis saga. Dissertation.

Jones, Jessie Louise: The phonology of the Elis saga. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Jones, William Ralph: The development of the vascular structure of Dianthera americana L. Dissertation. Sonderdruck aus: The Botanical Gazette 54.

Jones, William Ralph: The development of the vascular structure of Dianthera americana L..

15,00 €
Jones, Thatcher C: Clearings and collections, foreign and domestic. Dissertation.

Jones, Thatcher C: Clearings and collections, foreign and domestic. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Jones, Galen: Extra-curricular Activities in relation to the curriculum. Dissertation.

Jones, Galen: Extra-curricular Activities in relation to the curriculum. Dissertation.

30,00 €
Jones, Lloyd Meredith: A factorial analysis of ability in fundamental motor skills. Dissertation.

Jones, Lloyd Meredith: A factorial analysis of ability in fundamental motor skills. Dissertation.

25,00 €
Jones, Thomas Madison: Case Constructions of similis and its compounds. Dissertation.

Jones, Thomas Madison: Case Constructions of similis and its compounds. Dissertation.

15,00 €
Jones, Hiram Arthur: The administration of health and physical education in New York state. Dissertation.

Jones, Hiram Arthur: The administration of health and physical education in New York state..

15,00 €
The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume LXI.

The Journal of Roman Studies, Volume LXI.

19,00 €
Jones, P.J.; J.H. Shergold; E.C. Druce: Late Cambrian and early Ordovician stages in Western Queensland. Sonderdruck aus: Journal Geol. Soc. Australia 18, 1-32.

Jones, P.J.; J.H. Shergold; E.C. Druce: Late Cambrian and early Ordovician stages in Western..

9,00 €
Graveurs anglais contemporains. Musée d`art et d`histoire cabinet des estampes Genève.

Graveurs anglais contemporains. Musée d`art et d`histoire cabinet des estampes Genève.

35,00 €
Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood by William Morris. [ One of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant

Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne Jones..

1.200,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Nineteenth-Century Italy.. Guest Editor Maria Antonella Pelizzari.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Nineteenth Century Italy.. Guest Editor Maria Antonella..

25,00 €
Wynn Jones, Michael: George Cruikshank. His Life and London.

Wynn Jones, Michael: George Cruikshank. His Life and London.

45,00 €
Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original designs. In which are interspersed some designs of Inigo Jones, never before published.

Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original..

3.800,00 €
Summerson, John: Inigo Jones. Lecture on a Master Mind. British Academy 1964.

Summerson, John: Inigo Jones. Lecture on a Master Mind. British Academy 1964.

25,00 €
Jones, Frederic Wood: The Mammals of South Australia, part I-III.

Jones, Frederic Wood: The Mammals of South Australia, part I-III.

45,00 €
Jones, LL Wynn: An Introduction to Theory and Practice of Psychology.

Jones, LL Wynn: An Introduction to Theory and Practice of Psychology.

16,00 €
Leimbach, Burkhard ; Löschen, Karl-Heinz: Fieldings "Tom Jones" : Bürger und Aristokrat ; Sozialethik als Indikator sozialgeschichtlicher Widersprüche. Abhandlungen zur Kunst-, Musik- und Literaturwissenschaft Bd. 154.

Leimbach, Burkhard ; Löschen, Karl Heinz: Fieldings "Tom Jones" : Bürger und Aristokrat ;..

14,00 €
Agmon, Shmuel: Lectures on elliptic boundary value problems. Prepared for publication by B.Frank Jones, Jr. with the assistance of George W.Batten, Jr. (Van Nostrand Mathematical Studies, No. 2).

Agmon, Shmuel: Lectures on elliptic boundary value problems. Prepared for publication by B.Frank..

22,00 €
Jones, Emrys E: John Bale's Drama 'God's Promises'. Dissertation.

Jones, Emrys E: John Bale's Drama 'God's Promises'. Dissertation.

17,00 €
Waldschmidt, Carl: Die Dramatisierungen von Fielding's Tom Jones. Dissertation.

Waldschmidt, Carl: Die Dramatisierungen von Fielding's Tom Jones. Dissertation.

19,00 €
Jones, Samuel Mansfield: Derivate des Fluorons. Einige Versuche über die Peri-Derivate des Naphtalines. Dissertation.

Jones, Samuel Mansfield: Derivate des Fluorons. Einige Versuche über die Peri Derivate des..

14,00 €
Jones, James: Kraftproben.

Jones, James: Kraftproben.

4,00 €
HEAP, P. F., Jones, C. W., Morris, J., F., Pickering, B. T-: Movement of neurosecretory product through the anatomical compartments of the neural lobe of the pituitary gland. An electron microscopic autoradiographic study.

HEAP, P. F., Jones, C. W., Morris, J., F., Pickering, B. T : Movement of neurosecretory product..

4,00 €
HIRAI, T., Jones, E. G: Distribution of tachykinin- and enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the human thalamus.

HIRAI, T., Jones, E. G: Distribution of tachykinin and enkephalin immunoreactive fibers in the..

4,00 €
Jones, Edgar R. (Ed.): Selected speeches on British foreign policy. 1738-1914.

Jones, Edgar R. (Ed.): Selected speeches on British foreign policy. 1738-1914.

26,00 €
MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory thalamocortical pathways defined in monkeys by calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity.

MOLINARI, M., Dell'Anna, M. E., Rausell, E., Leggio, M. G., Hashikawa, T., Jones, E. G: Auditory..

4,00 €
Fielding, Henry: Die Geschichte des Tom Jones, eines Findlings. Neu aus dem Englischen übertragen von A. Diezmann. Theil 6. (= Classische Bibliothek der älteren Romandichter Englands. Band 30).

Fielding, Henry: Die Geschichte des Tom Jones, eines Findlings. Neu aus dem Englischen übertragen..

13,00 €
Pryce-Jones, David: Der Untergang des sowjetischen Reichs.

Pryce-Jones, David: Der Untergang des sowjetischen Reichs.

13,40 €
Roberts-Jones, Philippe: Friedlaender. Tableaux - Bilder - Paintings
 Stuttgart, manus presse, 1976.

Roberts Jones, Philippe: Friedlaender. Tableaux Bilder Paintings Stuttgart, manus presse..

99,00 €
Schröder, Johannes Lothar: Blende und Traumzeit.

Schröder, Johannes Lothar: Blende und Traumzeit.

6,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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